QSerialPort stops responding while QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory is active - c++

My application stops receiving data with QSerialPort while using QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory. It resumes receiving data after the closure of the dialog. Is there a way to prevent that?

You're calling a blocking method. While that method executes, the event loop can't run, because it's somewhere at the bottom of the call stack, waiting for your slot to return back to it. This is the synchronous way of coding that doesn't reflect what's really happening, as the world is asynchronous. So don't code that way.
Instead, you should set up the file dialog while it's invisible, then show() it, and have the desired code execute in a slot connected to the QDialog::accepted() signal.
You could factor the setup out and have a nice asynchronous helper, used similarly to getExistingDirectory:
template <typename F> void withExistingDirectoryDo(F && fun, QObject * context = 0,
QWidget * parent = 0, const QString & caption = QString(),
const QString & dir = QString(), Options options = QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly) {
auto * dialog = new QFileDialog(parent);
auto helper = [fun, dialog]{ fun(dialog->directory()); };
if (context)
connect(dialog, &QDialog::accepted, context, helper);
connect(dialog, &QDialog::accepted, helper);
Here's the code transformation:
void before() {
auto dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(); // bad synchronous code
void after() {
withExistingDirectoryDo([this](const QDir & dir) {
}, this);


Updating QChart from QLineSeries in a running while loop

I want to make my QChart dynamically update whenever a point is added to the QLineSeries object attached to it, but it seems that this update only occurs after the while loop I am running has finished. I am using said while loop in interface.cpp that calls a function updatePlot() which adds the data point to the line series, but this only updates the chart after the while loop has completely finished. Pseudo code of what is happening here:
// Constructor that initializes the series which will be passed into the interface
AlgoWindow::AlgoWindow( ..., TradingInterface* interface, ... ) {
QLineSeries* series = new QLineSeries();
QLineSeries* benchmark = new QLineSeries();
QChart* chart = new QChart();
// Also creates custom axes which are attached to each series
// Slot connected to a button signal
void AlgoWindow::buttonClicked() {
// Runs the backtest
interface->runbacktest(..., series, benchmark, ...);
void TradingInterface::runbacktest(..., QtCharts::QLineSeries* algoplot, QtCharts::QLineSeries* benchplot) {
// Runs a huge while loop that continuously checks for events
while (continue_backtest) {
if (!eventsqueue.isEmpty()) {
// Handle each event for the bar
} else {
// All events have been handled for the day, so plot
updatePlot(algoplot, benchplot);
void TradingInterface::updatePlot(QtCharts::QLineSeries *algoseries,
QtCharts::QLineSeries *benchseries) {
// Get the date and the information to put in each point
long date = portfolio.bars->latestDates.back();
double equitycurve = portfolio.all_holdings.rbegin().operator*().second["equitycurve"];
double benchcurve = benchmarkportfolio.all_holdings.rbegin().operator*.second["equitycurve"];
// Append the new points to their respective QLineSeries
algoseries->append(date * 1000, equitycurve*100);
benchseries->append(date * 1000, benchcurve*100);
This gives me no errors and the while loop completes, but the lines are only plotted after runbacktest() exits. It then plots all the data correctly, but all at once.
What I need to happen is for the QChart to update every time the lines are added, which my guess was to use some form of custom signal-slot listener but I have no clue how to go about that. If the graph will not update until after the function completes, is it even possible within the QChart framework?
Also, I have already tried QChart::update() and QChartView::repaint(). Both produced the same results as without.
EDIT: I tried setting up a new thread that emits a signal back to the main thread whenever the data is completed but it seems to have changed nothing. The QChart still does not update until after all the data has been inputted. I added a couple lines to help debug and it seems like the function which emits the signal runs consistently just fine, but the slot function which receives the signal only runs after the thread has finished. Not only that, but slowing the signals down with a sleep does not make it plot slowly (like I thought), as the QChart still refuses to update until after the final update to addData().
Either remove your while loop and perform the work one step at a time with a timer.
Or run your runbacktest function in another thread and send a signal to update the QChart in the UI's thread when the data is ready.
Either way you need to give control back to the event loop so that the chart can be repainted.
The Qt idiom for running an operation “continuously” is to use a zero-duration “timer”. It’s not a timer really, but Qt calls it one.
You can do the operation in chunks that take approximately a millisecond. For this, invert the control flow. Qt doesn't provide too much syntactic sugar for it, but it's easy to remedy.
Convert this code, which maintains a loop:
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
into this lambda, which is invoked by the event loop:
m_tasks.addTask([this](i = 0) mutable {
return i < 1000;
class Controller : public QObject {
Tasks m_tasks;
where the Tasks class maintains a list of tasks to be executed by the event loop:
class Tasks : public QObject {
QBasicTimer timer;
std::list<std::function<bool()>> tasks;
void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *ev) override {
if (ev->timerId() != timer.timerId())
for (auto it = tasks.begin(); it != tasks.end(); ) {
bool keep = (*it)();
if (!keep)
it = tasks.erase(it);
if (tasks.empty())
using QObject :: QObject;
template <typename F> void addTask(F &&fun) {
if (!timer.isActive())
timer.start(0, this);

how to recognize which signal emitted in slot?

I connect two signals to same slot. like this:
check = new QCheckBox();
connect(check, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(MySlot()));
connect(check, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),this,SLOT(MySlot()));
I don't want to define an other slot. In MySlot is it possible to recognize which signal callbacks the slot?
How can I do this?
You might be able to use the QMetaObject/QMetaMethod data associated with the sender to get what you want (untested)...
void MyClass::MySlot ()
auto index = senderSignalIndex();
if (index == sender()->indexOfSignal("clicked()")) {
* Got here as the result of a clicked() signal.
} else if (index == sender()->indexOfSignal("toggled(bool)")) {
* Got here as the result of a toggled(bool) signal.
Rather than that, however, if you're using Qt5 I would suggest making use of the new signal/slot syntax along with lambdas...
check = new QCheckBox();
connect(check, &QCheckBox::clicked,
connect(check, &QCheckBox::toggled,
[this](bool toggled)
MySlot(true, toggled);
Along with a change to the signature of MySlot...
* #param from_toggled_signal If true this call was triggered by a
* QCheckBox::toggled signal, otherwise it's
* the result of a QCheckBox::clicked signal.
* #param toggle_value If from_toggled_signal is true then this was the
* value passed to QCheckBox::toggled, otherwise unused.
void MyClass::MySlot (bool from_toggled_signal, bool toggle_value = false)
New slots can be defined on the fly using lambdas :)
class MyClass : public QWidget {
QSomeLayout m_layout{this};
QCheckBox m_check;
enum Signal { Clicked, Toggled };
Q_SLOT void mySlot(Signal);
MyClass( ... ) : ... {
connect(&m_check, &QCheckBox::clicked, this, [this]{ mySlot(Clicked); });
connect(&m_check, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, [this]{ mySlot(Toggled); });
You can also add your own context to the signal if that helps. For instance I had a service that downloaded user avatars for multiple windows. I needed the window to only load the user it was interested in something so I would pass in the user's id as the context. Something like:
void UserService::downloadAvatar(const QString& url, const int context = 0) {
...// Make the http request, on finished:
emit onAvatarDownloaded(context, responseBody);

Windows Form Show vs ShowDialog

I have a small application that I am trying to create for windows. I am running into an issue with mixing a background thread designed to process some data. This background engine someone needs to both update the application gui (A windows Form) and get information from it.
Here is the basic application main.
int main() {
Engine engine;
Gui g;
engine.run(); // creates a new thread for engine logic
bool running = false;
// Update gui with information from the engine
// transition to running
if(g.isRunning() && !running)
running = true;
// transition to stopped
else if(!g.isRunning() && running)
running = false;
My main problem comes from the fact that Gui class is managed. See Class declaration below.
public ref class Gui : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
I am not really able to mix these two things, at first I had wanted to just throw the Engine into the Gui but that doesn't work since it is unmanaged.
You will note that the problem here is calling ShowDialog() as this makes the dialog modal and no code afterwards is executed. However, if I use Show() ... the Gui simply doesn't update or process any inputs.
I created a background worker in the Gui class so the engine is contained within the Gui but is ran on another thread.
void InitializeBackgoundWorker()
this->backgroundWorker1 = gcnew System::ComponentModel::BackgroundWorker;
backgroundWorker1->DoWork += gcnew DoWorkEventHandler( this, &Gui::backgroundWorker1_DoWork );
backgroundWorker1->RunWorkerAsync( );
delegate void UpdateCallback(int hp, int maxhp);
void UpdateGui(int hp, int maxhp)
this->playerHealthBar->Value = ((float)(hp)/(float)(maxhp) * 100.0f);
void backgroundWorker1_DoWork( Object^ sender, DoWorkEventArgs^ e )
aBotEngine engine;
array<Object^>^args = gcnew array<Object^>(2);
args[0] = engine.getPlayerHp();
args[1] = engine.getPlayerMaxHp();
this->playerHealthBar->Invoke(gcnew UpdateCallback(this, &Gui::UpdateGui), args);
As far as I can tell this is the proper way to have background thread that updates your windows form. I'm sure its not the only way.
void InitializeBackgoundWorker()
this->backgroundWorker1 = gcnew System::ComponentModel::BackgroundWorker;
backgroundWorker1->DoWork += gcnew DoWorkEventHandler( this, &Gui::backgroundWorker1_DoWork );
backgroundWorker1->RunWorkerAsync( );
delegate void UpdateCallback(int hp, int maxhp);
void UpdateGui(int hp, int maxhp)
this->playerHealthBar->Value = ((float)(hp)/(float)(maxhp) * 100.0f);
void backgroundWorker1_DoWork( Object^ sender, DoWorkEventArgs^ e )
aBotEngine engine;
array<Object^>^args = gcnew array<Object^>(2);
args[0] = engine.getPlayerHp();
args[1] = engine.getPlayerMaxHp();
this->playerHealthBar->Invoke(gcnew UpdateCallback(this, &Gui::UpdateGui), args);

Problem with QSignalMapper and QAction never triger the Slot

Hi i try to bind slot with argument to QAction triggered SIGNAL
i have this code ,the context menu working great . BUT the OpenPublishWin never triggered .
void MyApp::ShowContextMenu(const QPoint& pos) // this is a slot
QString groupID;
QPoint globalPos = ui.treeView_mainwindow->mapToGlobal(pos);
QModelIndex modelIndx = ui.treeView_mainwindow->indexAt(pos);
groupID = modelIndx.model()->index(modelIndx.row(),0,modelIndx.parent()).data(Qt::UserRole).toString();
QMenu myMenu;
OpenPublishAction = new QAction(tr("Send"), this);
connect(OpenPublishAction, SIGNAL(triggered()),m_SignalMapper, SLOT(map()) );
connect(m_SignalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(QString)), this, SLOT(OpenPublishWin(QString)));
QAction* selectedItem = myMenu.exec(globalPos);
void MyApp::OpenPublishWin(QString gid)
A quick look at the Qt docs for QSignalMapper (assuming that is what you're using based on the question title) states that the parameter for the mapped signal is const QString&. I can't recall if the parameter needs to be exact in this case for the connection but it may be a factor.
Additionally, double check that your connects are being made by wrapping them in an assert or some form of verify. Qt will also print out to the console if a connection cannot be made.

Multithreading in wxWidgets GUI apps?

I'm having problem (basically, I'm confused.) while trying to create a worker thread for my wxWidgets GUI application that WILL MODIFY one of the GUI property itself. (In this case, wxTextCtrl::AppendText).
So far, I have 2 source files and 2 header files for the wx program itself (excluding my own libs, MySQL lib, etc), say MainDlg.cpp which contains a derived class of wxFrame called 'MainDlg' and MainForm.cpp which contains a derived class of wxApp called 'MainForm'.
#include "MainHeader.h" // contains multiple header files
bool MainForm::OnInit()
MainDlg *Server = new MainDlg(wxT("App Server 1.0"), wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE - wxRESIZE_BORDER - wxMAXIMIZE_BOX);
return true;
#include "MainHeader.h"
EVT_BUTTON(6, MainDlg::StartServer)
EVT_BUTTON(7, MainDlg::StopServer)
CNETServerConnection *cnServCon;
std::string ServerIP, DBHost, DBUser, DBName, DBPass;
int UserCapacity, DBPort, ServerPort;
MYSQL *sqlhnd;
MainDlg::MainDlg(const wxString &title, long style) : wxFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, title, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(301, 230), style)
cnServCon = new CNETServerConnection(100);
void MainDlg::InitializeComponent()
this->SetTitle(wxT("App Server 1.0"));
this->SetSize(396, 260);
statBox = new wxTextCtrl(this, 4, wxT("Welcome to AppServer 1.0\n\n"), wxPoint(10, 10), wxSize(371, 141), wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY);
void MainDlg::StartServer(wxCommandEvent &event)
this->AppendStatus(wxT("\nLoading server configuration... "));
this->AppendStatus(wxT("OK\n\nServer ready!\n\n"));
// When the server is ready, I need to run a thread
// that will update the statBox (through AppendStatus func or wxTextCtrl::AppendText directly)
// regularly without interrupting the GUI itself.
// Because the thread will contain a while-loop
// to make the program keep receiving message from clients.
void MainDlg::StopServer(wxCommandEvent &event)
void MainDlg::AppendStatus(const wxString &message)
// Well, here is the function I'd like to run in a new thread
void MainDlg::ListenForMessages()
int MsgSender = 0;
if(MsgSender = cnServCon->GetJoiningUser())
this->AppendStatus(wxT("Someone connected to the server."));
I also found an usage example of wxThread from Simple example of threading in C++:
class MessageThread : public wxThread
MessageThread(const MessageThread &copy);
MessageThread() : wxThread(wxTHREAD_JOINABLE)
void *Entry(void)
// My works goes here
wxThread *CreateThread()
wxThread *_hThread = new MessageThread();
return _hThread;
But I don't know how to associate it with my program and make it able to modify my GUI property (statBox).
Any kind of help would be appreciated! :)
The easiest is to create an event type id, and use a wxCommandEvent using the type id, set its string member ("evt.SetText"), and send the event to one of your windows (using AddPendingEvent). In the handler of that event, you can then call AppendText on your control using the text you sent (evt.GetText), because you are in the GUI thread by then.
// in header
// in cpp file
// the event macro used in the event table. id is the window id you set when creating
// the `wxCommandEvent`. Either use -1 or the id of some control, for example.
EVT_COMMAND(window-id, event-id, handler-function)
Here is an overview how it works: Custom Events.