It seems that auto was a fairly significant feature to be added in C++11 that seems to follow a lot of the newer languages. As with a language like Python, I have not seen any explicit variable declaration (I am not sure if it is possible using Python standards).
Is there a drawback to using auto to declare variables instead of explicitly declaring them?
The question is about drawbacks of auto, so this answer highlights some of those. A drawback of using a programming language feature (in this case, a facility associated with a language keyword) does not mean that feature is unacceptable, nor does it mean that feature should be avoided entirely. It means there are disadvantages along with advantages, so a decision to use auto type deduction over alternatives must consider engineering trade-offs.
When used well, auto has several advantages as well - which is not the subject of the question. The drawbacks result from ease of abuse, and from increased potential for code to behave in unintended or unexpected ways.
The main drawback is that, by using auto, you don't necessarily know the type of object being created. There are also occasions where the programmer might expect the compiler to deduce one type, but the compiler adamantly deduces another.
Given a declaration like
auto result = CallSomeFunction(x,y,z);
you don't necessarily have knowledge of what type result is. It might be an int. It might be a pointer. It might be something else. All of those support different operations. You can also dramatically change the code by a minor change like
auto result = CallSomeFunction(a,y,z);
because, depending on what overloads exist for CallSomeFunction() the type of result might be completely different - and subsequent code may therefore behave completely differently than intended. You might suddenly trigger error messages in later code(e.g. subsequently trying to dereference an int, trying to change something which is now const). The more sinister change is where your change sails past the compiler, but subsequent code behaves in different and unknown - possibly buggy - ways. For example (as noted by sashoalm in comments) if the deduced type of a variable changes an integral type to a floating point type - and subsequent code is unexpectedly and silently affected by loss of precision.
Not having explicit knowledge of the type of some variables therefore makes it harder to rigorously justify a claim that the code works as intended. This means more effort to justify claims of "fit for purpose" in high-criticality (e.g. safety-critical or mission-critical) domains.
The other, more common drawback, is the temptation for a programmer to use auto as a blunt instrument to force code to compile, rather than thinking about what the code is doing, and working to get it right.
This isn't a drawback of auto in a principled way exactly, but in practical terms it seems to be an issue for some. Basically, some people either: a) treat auto as a savior for types and shut their brain off when using it, or b) forget that auto always deduces to value types. This causes people to do things like this:
auto x = my_obj.method_that_returns_reference();
Oops, we just deep copied some object. It's often either a bug or a performance fail. Then, you can swing the other way too:
const auto& stuff = *func_that_returns_unique_ptr();
Now you get a dangling reference. These problems aren't caused by auto at all, so I don't consider them legitimate arguments against it. But it does seem like auto makes these issue more common (from my personal experience), for the reasons I listed at the beginning.
I think given time people will adjust, and understand the division of labor: auto deduces the underlying type, but you still want to think about reference-ness and const-ness. But it's taking a bit of time.
Other answers are mentioning drawbacks like "you don't really know what the type of a variable is." I'd say that this is largely related to sloppy naming convention in code. If your interfaces are clearly-named, you shouldn't need to care what the exact type is. Sure, auto result = callSomeFunction(a, b); doesn't tell you much. But auto valid = isValid(xmlFile, schema); tells you enough to use valid without having to care what its exact type is. After all, with just if (callSomeFunction(a, b)), you wouldn't know the type either. The same with any other subexpression temporary objects. So I don't consider this a real drawback of auto.
I'd say its primary drawback is that sometimes, the exact return type is not what you want to work with. In effect, sometimes the actual return type differs from the "logical" return type as an implementation/optimisation detail. Expression templates are a prime example. Let's say we have this:
SomeType operator* (const Matrix &lhs, const Vector &rhs);
Logically, we would expect SomeType to be Vector, and we definitely want to treat it as such in our code. However, it is possible that for optimisation purposes, the algebra library we're using implements expression templates, and the actual return type is this:
MultExpression<Matrix, Vector> operator* (const Matrix &lhs, const Vector &rhs);
Now, the problem is that MultExpression<Matrix, Vector> will in all likelihood store a const Matrix& and const Vector& internally; it expects that it will convert to a Vector before the end of its full-expression. If we have this code, all is well:
extern Matrix a, b, c;
extern Vector v;
void compute()
Vector res = a * (b * (c * v));
// do something with res
However, if we had used auto here, we could get in trouble:
void compute()
auto res = a * (b * (c * v));
// Oops! Now `res` is referring to temporaries (such as (c * v)) which no longer exist
It makes your code a little harder, or tedious, to read.
Imagine something like that:
auto output = doSomethingWithData(variables);
Now, to figure out the type of output, you'd have to track down signature of doSomethingWithData function.
One of the drawbacks is that sometimes you can't declare const_iterator with auto. You will get ordinary (non const) iterator in this example of code taken from this question:
map<string,int> usa;
//...init usa
auto city_it = usa.find("New York");
Like this developer, I hate auto. Or rather, I hate how people misuse auto.
I'm of the (strong) opinion that auto is for helping you write generic code, not for reducing typing.
C++ is a language whose goal is to let you write robust code, not to minimize development time.
This is fairly obvious from many features of C++, but unfortunately a few of the newer ones like auto that reduce typing mislead people into thinking they should start being lazy with typing.
In pre-auto days, people used typedefs, which was great because typedef allowed the designer of the library to help you figure out what the return type should be, so that their library works as expected. When you use auto, you take away that control from the class's designer and instead ask the compiler to figure out what the type should be, which removes one of the most powerful C++ tools from the toolbox and risks breaking their code.
Generally, if you use auto, it should be because your code works for any reasonable type, not because you're just too lazy to write down the type that it should work with.
If you use auto as a tool to help laziness, then what happens is that you eventually start introducing subtle bugs in your program, usually caused by implicit conversions that did not happen because you used auto.
Unfortunately, these bugs are difficult to illustrate in a short example here because their brevity makes them less convincing than the actual examples that come up in a user project -- however, they occur easily in template-heavy code that expect certain implicit conversions to take place.
If you want an example, there is one here. A little note, though: before being tempted to jump and criticize the code: keep in mind that many well-known and mature libraries have been developed around such implicit conversions, and they are there because they solve problems that can be difficult if not impossible to solve otherwise. Try to figure out a better solution before criticizing them.
auto does not have drawbacks per se, and I advocate to (hand-wavily) use it everywhere in new code. It allows your code to consistently type-check, and consistently avoid silent slicing. (If B derives from A and a function returning A suddenly returns B, then auto behaves as expected to store its return value)
Although, pre-C++11 legacy code may rely on implicit conversions induced by the use of explicitly-typed variables. Changing an explicitly-typed variable to auto might change code behaviour, so you'd better be cautious.
Keyword auto simply deduce the type from the return value. Therefore, it is not equivalent with a Python object, e.g.
# Python
a = 10 # OK
a = "10" # OK
a = ClassA() # OK
// C++
auto a; // Unable to deduce variable a
auto a = 10; // OK
a = "10"; // Value of const char* can't be assigned to int
a = ClassA{} // Value of ClassA can't be assigned to int
a = 10.0; // OK, implicit casting warning
Since auto is deduced during compilation, it won't have any drawback at runtime whatsoever.
What no one mentioned here so far, but for itself is worth an answer if you asked me.
Since (even if everyone should be aware that C != C++) code written in C can easily be designed to provide a base for C++ code and therefore be designed without too much effort to be C++ compatible, this could be a requirement for design.
I know about some rules where some well defined constructs from C are invalid for C++ and vice versa. But this would simply result in broken executables and the known UB-clause applies which most times is noticed by strange loopings resulting in crashes or whatever (or even may stay undetected, but that doesn't matter here).
But auto is the first time1 this changes!
Imagine you used auto as storage-class specifier before and transfer the code. It would not even necessarily (depending on the way it was used) "break"; it actually could silently change the behaviour of the program.
That's something one should keep in mind.
1At least the first time I'm aware of.
As I described in this answer auto can sometimes result in funky situations you didn't intend.
You have to explictly say auto& to have a reference type while doing just auto can create a pointer type. This can result in confusion by omitting the specifier all together, resulting in a copy of the reference instead of an actual reference.
One reason that I can think of is that you lose the opportunity to coerce the class that is returned. If your function or method returned a long 64 bit, and you only wanted a 32 unsigned int, then you lose the opportunity to control that.
I think auto is good when used in a localized context, where the reader easily & obviously can deduct its type, or well documented with a comment of its type or a name that infer the actual type. Those who don't understand how it works might take it in the wrong ways, like using it instead of template or similar. Here are some good and bad use cases in my opinion.
void test (const int & a)
// b is not const
// b is not a reference
auto b = a;
// b type is decided by the compiler based on value of a
// a is int
Good Uses
std::vector<boost::tuple<ClassWithLongName1,std::vector<ClassWithLongName2>,int> v();
std::vector<boost::tuple<ClassWithLongName1,std::vector<ClassWithLongName2>,int>::iterator it = v.begin();
// VS
auto vi = v.begin();
Function Pointers
int test (ClassWithLongName1 a, ClassWithLongName2 b, int c)
int (*fp)(ClassWithLongName1, ClassWithLongName2, int) = test;
// VS
auto *f = test;
Bad Uses
Data Flow
auto input = "";
auto output = test(input);
Function Signature
auto test (auto a, auto b, auto c)
Trivial Cases
for(auto i = 0; i < 100; i++)
Another irritating example:
for (auto i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i)
generates a warning (comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]), because i is a signed int. To avoid this you need to write e.g.
for (auto i = 0U; i < s.size(); ++i)
or perhaps better:
for (auto i = 0ULL; i < s.size(); ++i)
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this, but suppose you are calculating the factorial of something:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
auto n = 40;
auto factorial = 1;
for(int i = 1; i <=n; ++i)
factorial *= i;
cout << "Factorial of " << n << " = " << factorial <<endl;
cout << "Size of factorial: " << sizeof(factorial) << endl;
return 0;
This code will output this:
Factorial of 40 = 0
Size of factorial: 4
That was definetly not the expected result. That happened because auto deduced the type of the variable factorial as int because it was assigned to 1.
I've been using the new auto keyword available in the C++11 standard for complicated templated types which is what I believe it was designed for. But I'm also using it for things like:
auto foo = std::make_shared<Foo>();
And more skeptically for:
auto foo = bla(); // where bla() return a shared_ptr<Foo>
I haven't seen much discussion on this topic. It seems that auto could be overused since a type is often a form of documentation and sanity checks. Where do you draw the line in using auto and what are the recommended use cases for this new feature?
To clarify: I'm not asking for a philosophical opinion; I'm asking for the intended use of this keyword by the standard committee, possibly with comments on how that intended use is realized in practice.
I think that one should use the auto keyword whenever it's hard to say how to write the type at first sight, but the type of the right hand side of an expression is obvious. For example, using:
to get the composite key type in boost::multi_index, even though you know that it is int. You can't just write int because it could be changed in the future. I would write auto in this case.
So if the auto keyword improves readability in a particular case then use it. You can write auto when it is obvious to the reader what type auto represents.
Here are some examples:
auto foo = std::make_shared<Foo>(); // obvious
auto foo = bla(); // unclear. don't know which type `foo` has
const size_t max_size = 100;
for ( auto x = max_size; x > 0; --x ) // unclear. could lead to the errors
// since max_size is unsigned
std::vector<some_class> v;
for ( auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it )
// ok, since I know that `it` has an iterator type
// (don't really care which one in this context)
Use auto everywhere you can—particularly const auto so that side effects are less of a concern. You won’t have to worry about types except in the obvious cases, but they’ll still be statically verified for you, and you can avoid some repetition. Where auto isn't feasible, you can use decltype to express types semantically as contracts based on expressions. Your code will look different, but it will be a positive change.
Easy. Use it when you don't care what the type is. For example
for (const auto & i : some_container) {
All I care about here is that i is whatever's in the container.
It's a bit like typedefs.
typedef float Height;
typedef double Weight;
Height h;
Weight w;
Here, I don't care whether h and w are floats or doubles, only that they are whatever type is suitable to express heights and weights.
Or consider
for (auto i = some_container .begin (); ...
Here all I care about is that it's a suitable iterator, supporting operator++(), it's kind of like duck typing in this respect.
Also the type of lambdas can't be spelled, so auto f = []... is good style. The alternative is casting to std::function but that comes with overhead.
I can't really conceive of an "abuse" of auto. The closest I can imagine is depriving yourself of an explicit conversion to some significant type -- but you wouldn't use auto for that, you'd construct an object of the desired type.
If you can remove some redundancy in your code without introducing side effects, then it must be good to do so.
Counterexamples (borrowed from someone else's answers):
auto i = SomeClass();
for (auto x = make_unsigned (y); ...)
Here we DO care what the type is, so we should write Someclass i; and for(unsigned x = y;...
At C++ and Beyond 2012 in the Ask Us Anything panel, there was a fantastic exchange between Andrei Alexandrescu, Scott Meyers and Herb Sutter talking about when to use and not use auto. Skip to minute 25:03 for a 4 minute discussion. All three speakers give excellent points that should be kept in mind for when to not use auto.
I highly encourage people to come to their own conclusion, but my take away was to use auto everywhere unless:
It hurts readability
There is concern about automatic type conversion (e.g. from constructors, assignment, template intermediate types, implicit conversion between integer widths)
Liberal use of explicit helps reduce concern for the latter, which helps minimize the amount of time the former is an issue.
Rephrasing what Herb said, "if you're not doing X, Y, and Z, use auto. Learn what X, Y, and Z are and go forth and use auto everywhere else."
Go for it. Use auto anywhere it makes writing code easier.
Every new feature in any language is going to get overused by at least some types of programmers. It is only through moderate overuse by some experienced programmers (not noobs) that the rest of the experienced programmers learn the boundaries of proper use. Extreme overuse is usually bad, but could be good because such overuse may lead to improvements in the feature or a better feature to replace it.
But if I were working on code with more than a few lines like
auto foo = bla();
where the type is indicated zero times, I might want to change those lines to include types. The first example is great since the type is stated once, and auto saves us from having to write messy templated types twice. Hooray for C++++. But explicitly showing the type zero times, if it's not easily visible in a nearby line, makes me nervous, at least in C++ and its immediate successors. For other languages designed to work at a higher level with more abstraction, polymorphism and genericity, it's fine.
Yes, it can be overused to the detriment of readability. I suggest using it in the contexts where exact types are long, or unutterable, or not important for readability, and variables are short-lived. For example, iterator type usually is long and isn't important, so auto would work:
for(auto i = container.begin(); i != container.end(); ++i);
auto here doesn't hurt readability.
Another example is parser rule type, which can be long and convoluted. Compare:
auto spaces = space & space & space;
r_and_t<r_and_t<r_char_t<char>&, r_char_t<char>&>, r_char_t<char>&> spaces =
space & space & space;
On the other hand, when type is known and is simple, it's much better if it stated explicitly:
int i = foo();
rather than
auto i = foo();
auto can be very dangerous in combination with expression templates which are used a lot by linear algebra libraries such as Eigen or OpenCV.
auto A = Matrix(...);
auto B = Matrix(...);
auto C = A * B; // C is not a matrix. It is a matrix EXPRESSION.
cout << C; // The expression is evaluated and gives the expected result.
... // <code modifying A or B>
cout << C; // The expression is evaluated AGAIN and gives a DIFFERENT result.
Bugs caused by this type of mistakes are a major pain to debug. One possible remedy is to explicitly cast the result to the expected type if you are hellbent on using auto for the left-to-right declaration style.
auto C = Matrix(A * B); // The expression is now evaluated immediately.
I use auto wihout restriction and didn't face any problem. I even sometimes end up using it for simple types like int. This makes c++ a higher level language for me, and allows to declare variable in c++ like in python. After writing python code, I even sometimes write e.g.
auto i = MyClass();
instead of
MyClass i;
This is one case where I would say it is an abuse of the auto keyword.
Often I don't mind what is the exact type of the object, I'm more interested in its fonctionality, and as function names generally say something about the objects they return, auto does not hurt: in e.g. auto s = mycollection.size(), I can guess that s will be a kind of integer, and in the rare case where I care about the exact type, let's check the function prototype then (I mean, I prefer to have to check when I need the info, rather than a priori when code is written, just in case it would be usefull someday, as in int_type s = mycollection.size()).
Concerning this example from the accepted answer:
for ( auto x = max_size; x > 0; --x )
In my code I still use auto in this case, and if I want x to be unsigned, then I use an utility function, named say make_unsigned, which expresses clearly my concerns:
for ( auto x = make_unsigned(max_size); x > 0; --x )
disclaimer: I just describe my use, I'm not competent to give advices!
One of the major problem with C++ program is it allows you to use the uninitialized variable. This leads us to nasty non deterministic program behavior. It should be noted that modern compiler now throw appropriate/message warning messages if program tires to use it.
Just to illustrate this, consider below c++ program:
int main() {
int x;
int y = 0;
y += x;
If I compile this program using modern compiler(GCC), it gives the warning. Such warning may not be
very obvious if we are working with the real complex production code.
main.cpp: In function 'int main()':
main.cpp:4:8: warning: 'x' is used uninitialized in this function
y += x;
Now if we change our program which uses auto, then compile we get the following:
int main() {
auto x;
auto y = 0;
y += x;
main.cpp: In function 'int main()':
main.cpp:2:10: error: declaration of 'auto x' has no initializer
auto x;
With auto, it is not possible to use the uninitialized variable. This is major advantage which we may get(for free), if we start using auto.
This concept and other great great modern C++ concept is explained by C++ expert Herb Shutter in his CppCon14 talk:
Back to the Basics! Essentials of Modern C++ Style
One danger I have noted is in terms of references.
MyBigObject& ref_to_big_object= big_object;
auto another_ref = ref_to_big_object; // ?
The problem is another_ref is not actually a reference in this case it is MyBigObject instead of MyBigObject&. You end up copying a big object without realising it.
If you are getting a reference directly from a method you might not think about what it actually is.
auto another_ref = function_returning_ref_to_big_object();
you would need "auto&" or "const auto&"
MyBigObject& ref_to_big_object= big_object;
auto& another_ref = ref_to_big_object;
const auto& yet_another_ref = function_returning_ref_to_big_object();
Use auto where it makes sense for a type to be inferred. If you have something that you know is an integer, or you know it's a string, just use int / std::string, etc. I wouldn't worry about "overusing" a language feature unless it gets to the point of ridiculousness, or obfuscates code.
That's my opinion anyway.
TL;DR: See rule-of-thumb at the bottom.
The accepted answer suggests the following rule of thumb:
Use auto whenever it's hard to say how to write the type at first sight, but the type of the right hand side of an expression is obvious.
But I would say that's too restrictive. Sometime I don't care about the types, since the statement is informative enough without me bothering to take the time to figure the type out. What do I mean by that? Consider the example which has popped up in some of the answers:
auto x = f();
What makes this an example of misuse of auto? Is it my ignorance of f()'s return type? Well, it may indeed help if I did know it, but - that's not my main concern. What is much more of a problem is that x and f() are pretty meaningless. If we had:
auto nugget = mine_gold();
instead, then I usually don't care whether the return type of the function is obvious or not. Reading the statement, I know what I'm doing and I know enough about what the return value's semantics to not feel I need to also know its type.
So my answer is: Use auto whenever the compiler allows it, unless:
You feel the variable name together with the initialization / assignment expression do not provide enough information about what the statement is doing.
You feel the variable name together with the initialization / assignment expression provides "misleading" information about what the type should be - i.e., if you had to guess what comes instead of the auto you would be able to make a guess - and it would be wrong, and this false assumption has repercussions later in the code.
You want to force a different type (e.g. a reference).
And also:
Prefer giving a meaningful name (which does not contain the type name of course) before replacing auto with the concrete type.
auto keyword can only be used for local variable, not to arguments or class/struct members. So, it is safe and viable to use them anywhere you like. I do use them a lot. The type is deduced at compile time, the debugger shows the type while debugging, the sizeof reports it correctly, the decltype would give correct type - there is no harm. I don't count auto as overused, ever!
What auto does?
It tells compiler to infer(determine) the variable's data type based on its initialized value. It uses type deduction.
Where should auto be used?
When you are not interested in knowing the type of variable and just
want to use it.
When you want to avoid incredibly long and ugly typenames.
When you are not sure of the type himself.
When you do not want to see uninitialized variables in your code i.e.
auto forces you to initialize a variable hence you can’t forget doing
When it should not be used or Cons of auto
Referring to its functionality, auto may deduce type incorrectly, One
such case is
std::vector<bool> vec(10, 0);
auto x = vec[2];
bool y = vec[2];
std::cout << typeid(x).name() << "\n";
std::cout << typeid(y).name() << "\n";
The output on G++ 10.2 is surprising:
It should not be used if you want to make your code readable &
Understandable for other people. It hides the data type visibility
from the reader.
One of my bitter experience with auto is using it with lambda expressions:
auto i = []() { return 0; };
cout<<"i = "<<i<<endl; // output: 1 !!!
Actually, here i is resolved to function pointer of int(*)(). This is just a simple cout, but just imagine what kind of bad compilation / runtime errors it can cause when used with template.
You should avoid auto with such expressions and put a proper return type (or controlled decltype())
Correct usage for above example would be,
auto i = []() { return 0; }(); // and now i contains the result of calling the lambda
I've been using the new auto keyword available in the C++11 standard for complicated templated types which is what I believe it was designed for. But I'm also using it for things like:
auto foo = std::make_shared<Foo>();
And more skeptically for:
auto foo = bla(); // where bla() return a shared_ptr<Foo>
I haven't seen much discussion on this topic. It seems that auto could be overused since a type is often a form of documentation and sanity checks. Where do you draw the line in using auto and what are the recommended use cases for this new feature?
To clarify: I'm not asking for a philosophical opinion; I'm asking for the intended use of this keyword by the standard committee, possibly with comments on how that intended use is realized in practice.
I think that one should use the auto keyword whenever it's hard to say how to write the type at first sight, but the type of the right hand side of an expression is obvious. For example, using:
to get the composite key type in boost::multi_index, even though you know that it is int. You can't just write int because it could be changed in the future. I would write auto in this case.
So if the auto keyword improves readability in a particular case then use it. You can write auto when it is obvious to the reader what type auto represents.
Here are some examples:
auto foo = std::make_shared<Foo>(); // obvious
auto foo = bla(); // unclear. don't know which type `foo` has
const size_t max_size = 100;
for ( auto x = max_size; x > 0; --x ) // unclear. could lead to the errors
// since max_size is unsigned
std::vector<some_class> v;
for ( auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it )
// ok, since I know that `it` has an iterator type
// (don't really care which one in this context)
Use auto everywhere you can—particularly const auto so that side effects are less of a concern. You won’t have to worry about types except in the obvious cases, but they’ll still be statically verified for you, and you can avoid some repetition. Where auto isn't feasible, you can use decltype to express types semantically as contracts based on expressions. Your code will look different, but it will be a positive change.
Easy. Use it when you don't care what the type is. For example
for (const auto & i : some_container) {
All I care about here is that i is whatever's in the container.
It's a bit like typedefs.
typedef float Height;
typedef double Weight;
Height h;
Weight w;
Here, I don't care whether h and w are floats or doubles, only that they are whatever type is suitable to express heights and weights.
Or consider
for (auto i = some_container .begin (); ...
Here all I care about is that it's a suitable iterator, supporting operator++(), it's kind of like duck typing in this respect.
Also the type of lambdas can't be spelled, so auto f = []... is good style. The alternative is casting to std::function but that comes with overhead.
I can't really conceive of an "abuse" of auto. The closest I can imagine is depriving yourself of an explicit conversion to some significant type -- but you wouldn't use auto for that, you'd construct an object of the desired type.
If you can remove some redundancy in your code without introducing side effects, then it must be good to do so.
Counterexamples (borrowed from someone else's answers):
auto i = SomeClass();
for (auto x = make_unsigned (y); ...)
Here we DO care what the type is, so we should write Someclass i; and for(unsigned x = y;...
At C++ and Beyond 2012 in the Ask Us Anything panel, there was a fantastic exchange between Andrei Alexandrescu, Scott Meyers and Herb Sutter talking about when to use and not use auto. Skip to minute 25:03 for a 4 minute discussion. All three speakers give excellent points that should be kept in mind for when to not use auto.
I highly encourage people to come to their own conclusion, but my take away was to use auto everywhere unless:
It hurts readability
There is concern about automatic type conversion (e.g. from constructors, assignment, template intermediate types, implicit conversion between integer widths)
Liberal use of explicit helps reduce concern for the latter, which helps minimize the amount of time the former is an issue.
Rephrasing what Herb said, "if you're not doing X, Y, and Z, use auto. Learn what X, Y, and Z are and go forth and use auto everywhere else."
Go for it. Use auto anywhere it makes writing code easier.
Every new feature in any language is going to get overused by at least some types of programmers. It is only through moderate overuse by some experienced programmers (not noobs) that the rest of the experienced programmers learn the boundaries of proper use. Extreme overuse is usually bad, but could be good because such overuse may lead to improvements in the feature or a better feature to replace it.
But if I were working on code with more than a few lines like
auto foo = bla();
where the type is indicated zero times, I might want to change those lines to include types. The first example is great since the type is stated once, and auto saves us from having to write messy templated types twice. Hooray for C++++. But explicitly showing the type zero times, if it's not easily visible in a nearby line, makes me nervous, at least in C++ and its immediate successors. For other languages designed to work at a higher level with more abstraction, polymorphism and genericity, it's fine.
Yes, it can be overused to the detriment of readability. I suggest using it in the contexts where exact types are long, or unutterable, or not important for readability, and variables are short-lived. For example, iterator type usually is long and isn't important, so auto would work:
for(auto i = container.begin(); i != container.end(); ++i);
auto here doesn't hurt readability.
Another example is parser rule type, which can be long and convoluted. Compare:
auto spaces = space & space & space;
r_and_t<r_and_t<r_char_t<char>&, r_char_t<char>&>, r_char_t<char>&> spaces =
space & space & space;
On the other hand, when type is known and is simple, it's much better if it stated explicitly:
int i = foo();
rather than
auto i = foo();
auto can be very dangerous in combination with expression templates which are used a lot by linear algebra libraries such as Eigen or OpenCV.
auto A = Matrix(...);
auto B = Matrix(...);
auto C = A * B; // C is not a matrix. It is a matrix EXPRESSION.
cout << C; // The expression is evaluated and gives the expected result.
... // <code modifying A or B>
cout << C; // The expression is evaluated AGAIN and gives a DIFFERENT result.
Bugs caused by this type of mistakes are a major pain to debug. One possible remedy is to explicitly cast the result to the expected type if you are hellbent on using auto for the left-to-right declaration style.
auto C = Matrix(A * B); // The expression is now evaluated immediately.
I use auto wihout restriction and didn't face any problem. I even sometimes end up using it for simple types like int. This makes c++ a higher level language for me, and allows to declare variable in c++ like in python. After writing python code, I even sometimes write e.g.
auto i = MyClass();
instead of
MyClass i;
This is one case where I would say it is an abuse of the auto keyword.
Often I don't mind what is the exact type of the object, I'm more interested in its fonctionality, and as function names generally say something about the objects they return, auto does not hurt: in e.g. auto s = mycollection.size(), I can guess that s will be a kind of integer, and in the rare case where I care about the exact type, let's check the function prototype then (I mean, I prefer to have to check when I need the info, rather than a priori when code is written, just in case it would be usefull someday, as in int_type s = mycollection.size()).
Concerning this example from the accepted answer:
for ( auto x = max_size; x > 0; --x )
In my code I still use auto in this case, and if I want x to be unsigned, then I use an utility function, named say make_unsigned, which expresses clearly my concerns:
for ( auto x = make_unsigned(max_size); x > 0; --x )
disclaimer: I just describe my use, I'm not competent to give advices!
One of the major problem with C++ program is it allows you to use the uninitialized variable. This leads us to nasty non deterministic program behavior. It should be noted that modern compiler now throw appropriate/message warning messages if program tires to use it.
Just to illustrate this, consider below c++ program:
int main() {
int x;
int y = 0;
y += x;
If I compile this program using modern compiler(GCC), it gives the warning. Such warning may not be
very obvious if we are working with the real complex production code.
main.cpp: In function 'int main()':
main.cpp:4:8: warning: 'x' is used uninitialized in this function
y += x;
Now if we change our program which uses auto, then compile we get the following:
int main() {
auto x;
auto y = 0;
y += x;
main.cpp: In function 'int main()':
main.cpp:2:10: error: declaration of 'auto x' has no initializer
auto x;
With auto, it is not possible to use the uninitialized variable. This is major advantage which we may get(for free), if we start using auto.
This concept and other great great modern C++ concept is explained by C++ expert Herb Shutter in his CppCon14 talk:
Back to the Basics! Essentials of Modern C++ Style
One danger I have noted is in terms of references.
MyBigObject& ref_to_big_object= big_object;
auto another_ref = ref_to_big_object; // ?
The problem is another_ref is not actually a reference in this case it is MyBigObject instead of MyBigObject&. You end up copying a big object without realising it.
If you are getting a reference directly from a method you might not think about what it actually is.
auto another_ref = function_returning_ref_to_big_object();
you would need "auto&" or "const auto&"
MyBigObject& ref_to_big_object= big_object;
auto& another_ref = ref_to_big_object;
const auto& yet_another_ref = function_returning_ref_to_big_object();
Use auto where it makes sense for a type to be inferred. If you have something that you know is an integer, or you know it's a string, just use int / std::string, etc. I wouldn't worry about "overusing" a language feature unless it gets to the point of ridiculousness, or obfuscates code.
That's my opinion anyway.
TL;DR: See rule-of-thumb at the bottom.
The accepted answer suggests the following rule of thumb:
Use auto whenever it's hard to say how to write the type at first sight, but the type of the right hand side of an expression is obvious.
But I would say that's too restrictive. Sometime I don't care about the types, since the statement is informative enough without me bothering to take the time to figure the type out. What do I mean by that? Consider the example which has popped up in some of the answers:
auto x = f();
What makes this an example of misuse of auto? Is it my ignorance of f()'s return type? Well, it may indeed help if I did know it, but - that's not my main concern. What is much more of a problem is that x and f() are pretty meaningless. If we had:
auto nugget = mine_gold();
instead, then I usually don't care whether the return type of the function is obvious or not. Reading the statement, I know what I'm doing and I know enough about what the return value's semantics to not feel I need to also know its type.
So my answer is: Use auto whenever the compiler allows it, unless:
You feel the variable name together with the initialization / assignment expression do not provide enough information about what the statement is doing.
You feel the variable name together with the initialization / assignment expression provides "misleading" information about what the type should be - i.e., if you had to guess what comes instead of the auto you would be able to make a guess - and it would be wrong, and this false assumption has repercussions later in the code.
You want to force a different type (e.g. a reference).
And also:
Prefer giving a meaningful name (which does not contain the type name of course) before replacing auto with the concrete type.
auto keyword can only be used for local variable, not to arguments or class/struct members. So, it is safe and viable to use them anywhere you like. I do use them a lot. The type is deduced at compile time, the debugger shows the type while debugging, the sizeof reports it correctly, the decltype would give correct type - there is no harm. I don't count auto as overused, ever!
What auto does?
It tells compiler to infer(determine) the variable's data type based on its initialized value. It uses type deduction.
Where should auto be used?
When you are not interested in knowing the type of variable and just
want to use it.
When you want to avoid incredibly long and ugly typenames.
When you are not sure of the type himself.
When you do not want to see uninitialized variables in your code i.e.
auto forces you to initialize a variable hence you can’t forget doing
When it should not be used or Cons of auto
Referring to its functionality, auto may deduce type incorrectly, One
such case is
std::vector<bool> vec(10, 0);
auto x = vec[2];
bool y = vec[2];
std::cout << typeid(x).name() << "\n";
std::cout << typeid(y).name() << "\n";
The output on G++ 10.2 is surprising:
It should not be used if you want to make your code readable &
Understandable for other people. It hides the data type visibility
from the reader.
One of my bitter experience with auto is using it with lambda expressions:
auto i = []() { return 0; };
cout<<"i = "<<i<<endl; // output: 1 !!!
Actually, here i is resolved to function pointer of int(*)(). This is just a simple cout, but just imagine what kind of bad compilation / runtime errors it can cause when used with template.
You should avoid auto with such expressions and put a proper return type (or controlled decltype())
Correct usage for above example would be,
auto i = []() { return 0; }(); // and now i contains the result of calling the lambda
I've been using the new auto keyword available in the C++11 standard for complicated templated types which is what I believe it was designed for. But I'm also using it for things like:
auto foo = std::make_shared<Foo>();
And more skeptically for:
auto foo = bla(); // where bla() return a shared_ptr<Foo>
I haven't seen much discussion on this topic. It seems that auto could be overused since a type is often a form of documentation and sanity checks. Where do you draw the line in using auto and what are the recommended use cases for this new feature?
To clarify: I'm not asking for a philosophical opinion; I'm asking for the intended use of this keyword by the standard committee, possibly with comments on how that intended use is realized in practice.
I think that one should use the auto keyword whenever it's hard to say how to write the type at first sight, but the type of the right hand side of an expression is obvious. For example, using:
to get the composite key type in boost::multi_index, even though you know that it is int. You can't just write int because it could be changed in the future. I would write auto in this case.
So if the auto keyword improves readability in a particular case then use it. You can write auto when it is obvious to the reader what type auto represents.
Here are some examples:
auto foo = std::make_shared<Foo>(); // obvious
auto foo = bla(); // unclear. don't know which type `foo` has
const size_t max_size = 100;
for ( auto x = max_size; x > 0; --x ) // unclear. could lead to the errors
// since max_size is unsigned
std::vector<some_class> v;
for ( auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it )
// ok, since I know that `it` has an iterator type
// (don't really care which one in this context)
Use auto everywhere you can—particularly const auto so that side effects are less of a concern. You won’t have to worry about types except in the obvious cases, but they’ll still be statically verified for you, and you can avoid some repetition. Where auto isn't feasible, you can use decltype to express types semantically as contracts based on expressions. Your code will look different, but it will be a positive change.
Easy. Use it when you don't care what the type is. For example
for (const auto & i : some_container) {
All I care about here is that i is whatever's in the container.
It's a bit like typedefs.
typedef float Height;
typedef double Weight;
Height h;
Weight w;
Here, I don't care whether h and w are floats or doubles, only that they are whatever type is suitable to express heights and weights.
Or consider
for (auto i = some_container .begin (); ...
Here all I care about is that it's a suitable iterator, supporting operator++(), it's kind of like duck typing in this respect.
Also the type of lambdas can't be spelled, so auto f = []... is good style. The alternative is casting to std::function but that comes with overhead.
I can't really conceive of an "abuse" of auto. The closest I can imagine is depriving yourself of an explicit conversion to some significant type -- but you wouldn't use auto for that, you'd construct an object of the desired type.
If you can remove some redundancy in your code without introducing side effects, then it must be good to do so.
Counterexamples (borrowed from someone else's answers):
auto i = SomeClass();
for (auto x = make_unsigned (y); ...)
Here we DO care what the type is, so we should write Someclass i; and for(unsigned x = y;...
At C++ and Beyond 2012 in the Ask Us Anything panel, there was a fantastic exchange between Andrei Alexandrescu, Scott Meyers and Herb Sutter talking about when to use and not use auto. Skip to minute 25:03 for a 4 minute discussion. All three speakers give excellent points that should be kept in mind for when to not use auto.
I highly encourage people to come to their own conclusion, but my take away was to use auto everywhere unless:
It hurts readability
There is concern about automatic type conversion (e.g. from constructors, assignment, template intermediate types, implicit conversion between integer widths)
Liberal use of explicit helps reduce concern for the latter, which helps minimize the amount of time the former is an issue.
Rephrasing what Herb said, "if you're not doing X, Y, and Z, use auto. Learn what X, Y, and Z are and go forth and use auto everywhere else."
Go for it. Use auto anywhere it makes writing code easier.
Every new feature in any language is going to get overused by at least some types of programmers. It is only through moderate overuse by some experienced programmers (not noobs) that the rest of the experienced programmers learn the boundaries of proper use. Extreme overuse is usually bad, but could be good because such overuse may lead to improvements in the feature or a better feature to replace it.
But if I were working on code with more than a few lines like
auto foo = bla();
where the type is indicated zero times, I might want to change those lines to include types. The first example is great since the type is stated once, and auto saves us from having to write messy templated types twice. Hooray for C++++. But explicitly showing the type zero times, if it's not easily visible in a nearby line, makes me nervous, at least in C++ and its immediate successors. For other languages designed to work at a higher level with more abstraction, polymorphism and genericity, it's fine.
Yes, it can be overused to the detriment of readability. I suggest using it in the contexts where exact types are long, or unutterable, or not important for readability, and variables are short-lived. For example, iterator type usually is long and isn't important, so auto would work:
for(auto i = container.begin(); i != container.end(); ++i);
auto here doesn't hurt readability.
Another example is parser rule type, which can be long and convoluted. Compare:
auto spaces = space & space & space;
r_and_t<r_and_t<r_char_t<char>&, r_char_t<char>&>, r_char_t<char>&> spaces =
space & space & space;
On the other hand, when type is known and is simple, it's much better if it stated explicitly:
int i = foo();
rather than
auto i = foo();
auto can be very dangerous in combination with expression templates which are used a lot by linear algebra libraries such as Eigen or OpenCV.
auto A = Matrix(...);
auto B = Matrix(...);
auto C = A * B; // C is not a matrix. It is a matrix EXPRESSION.
cout << C; // The expression is evaluated and gives the expected result.
... // <code modifying A or B>
cout << C; // The expression is evaluated AGAIN and gives a DIFFERENT result.
Bugs caused by this type of mistakes are a major pain to debug. One possible remedy is to explicitly cast the result to the expected type if you are hellbent on using auto for the left-to-right declaration style.
auto C = Matrix(A * B); // The expression is now evaluated immediately.
I use auto wihout restriction and didn't face any problem. I even sometimes end up using it for simple types like int. This makes c++ a higher level language for me, and allows to declare variable in c++ like in python. After writing python code, I even sometimes write e.g.
auto i = MyClass();
instead of
MyClass i;
This is one case where I would say it is an abuse of the auto keyword.
Often I don't mind what is the exact type of the object, I'm more interested in its fonctionality, and as function names generally say something about the objects they return, auto does not hurt: in e.g. auto s = mycollection.size(), I can guess that s will be a kind of integer, and in the rare case where I care about the exact type, let's check the function prototype then (I mean, I prefer to have to check when I need the info, rather than a priori when code is written, just in case it would be usefull someday, as in int_type s = mycollection.size()).
Concerning this example from the accepted answer:
for ( auto x = max_size; x > 0; --x )
In my code I still use auto in this case, and if I want x to be unsigned, then I use an utility function, named say make_unsigned, which expresses clearly my concerns:
for ( auto x = make_unsigned(max_size); x > 0; --x )
disclaimer: I just describe my use, I'm not competent to give advices!
One of the major problem with C++ program is it allows you to use the uninitialized variable. This leads us to nasty non deterministic program behavior. It should be noted that modern compiler now throw appropriate/message warning messages if program tires to use it.
Just to illustrate this, consider below c++ program:
int main() {
int x;
int y = 0;
y += x;
If I compile this program using modern compiler(GCC), it gives the warning. Such warning may not be
very obvious if we are working with the real complex production code.
main.cpp: In function 'int main()':
main.cpp:4:8: warning: 'x' is used uninitialized in this function
y += x;
Now if we change our program which uses auto, then compile we get the following:
int main() {
auto x;
auto y = 0;
y += x;
main.cpp: In function 'int main()':
main.cpp:2:10: error: declaration of 'auto x' has no initializer
auto x;
With auto, it is not possible to use the uninitialized variable. This is major advantage which we may get(for free), if we start using auto.
This concept and other great great modern C++ concept is explained by C++ expert Herb Shutter in his CppCon14 talk:
Back to the Basics! Essentials of Modern C++ Style
One danger I have noted is in terms of references.
MyBigObject& ref_to_big_object= big_object;
auto another_ref = ref_to_big_object; // ?
The problem is another_ref is not actually a reference in this case it is MyBigObject instead of MyBigObject&. You end up copying a big object without realising it.
If you are getting a reference directly from a method you might not think about what it actually is.
auto another_ref = function_returning_ref_to_big_object();
you would need "auto&" or "const auto&"
MyBigObject& ref_to_big_object= big_object;
auto& another_ref = ref_to_big_object;
const auto& yet_another_ref = function_returning_ref_to_big_object();
Use auto where it makes sense for a type to be inferred. If you have something that you know is an integer, or you know it's a string, just use int / std::string, etc. I wouldn't worry about "overusing" a language feature unless it gets to the point of ridiculousness, or obfuscates code.
That's my opinion anyway.
TL;DR: See rule-of-thumb at the bottom.
The accepted answer suggests the following rule of thumb:
Use auto whenever it's hard to say how to write the type at first sight, but the type of the right hand side of an expression is obvious.
But I would say that's too restrictive. Sometime I don't care about the types, since the statement is informative enough without me bothering to take the time to figure the type out. What do I mean by that? Consider the example which has popped up in some of the answers:
auto x = f();
What makes this an example of misuse of auto? Is it my ignorance of f()'s return type? Well, it may indeed help if I did know it, but - that's not my main concern. What is much more of a problem is that x and f() are pretty meaningless. If we had:
auto nugget = mine_gold();
instead, then I usually don't care whether the return type of the function is obvious or not. Reading the statement, I know what I'm doing and I know enough about what the return value's semantics to not feel I need to also know its type.
So my answer is: Use auto whenever the compiler allows it, unless:
You feel the variable name together with the initialization / assignment expression do not provide enough information about what the statement is doing.
You feel the variable name together with the initialization / assignment expression provides "misleading" information about what the type should be - i.e., if you had to guess what comes instead of the auto you would be able to make a guess - and it would be wrong, and this false assumption has repercussions later in the code.
You want to force a different type (e.g. a reference).
And also:
Prefer giving a meaningful name (which does not contain the type name of course) before replacing auto with the concrete type.
auto keyword can only be used for local variable, not to arguments or class/struct members. So, it is safe and viable to use them anywhere you like. I do use them a lot. The type is deduced at compile time, the debugger shows the type while debugging, the sizeof reports it correctly, the decltype would give correct type - there is no harm. I don't count auto as overused, ever!
What auto does?
It tells compiler to infer(determine) the variable's data type based on its initialized value. It uses type deduction.
Where should auto be used?
When you are not interested in knowing the type of variable and just
want to use it.
When you want to avoid incredibly long and ugly typenames.
When you are not sure of the type himself.
When you do not want to see uninitialized variables in your code i.e.
auto forces you to initialize a variable hence you can’t forget doing
When it should not be used or Cons of auto
Referring to its functionality, auto may deduce type incorrectly, One
such case is
std::vector<bool> vec(10, 0);
auto x = vec[2];
bool y = vec[2];
std::cout << typeid(x).name() << "\n";
std::cout << typeid(y).name() << "\n";
The output on G++ 10.2 is surprising:
It should not be used if you want to make your code readable &
Understandable for other people. It hides the data type visibility
from the reader.
One of my bitter experience with auto is using it with lambda expressions:
auto i = []() { return 0; };
cout<<"i = "<<i<<endl; // output: 1 !!!
Actually, here i is resolved to function pointer of int(*)(). This is just a simple cout, but just imagine what kind of bad compilation / runtime errors it can cause when used with template.
You should avoid auto with such expressions and put a proper return type (or controlled decltype())
Correct usage for above example would be,
auto i = []() { return 0; }(); // and now i contains the result of calling the lambda
I have read Effective C++ 3rd Edition written by Scott Meyers.
Item 3 of the book, "Use const whenever possible", says if we want to prevent rvalues from being assigned to function's return value accidentally, the return type should be const.
For example, the increment function for iterator:
const iterator iterator::operator++(int) {
Then, some accidents is prevented.
iterator it;
// error in the following, same as primitive pointer
// I wanted to compare iterators
if (it++ = iterator()) {
However, iterators such as std::vector::iterator in GCC don't return const values.
vector<int> v;
v.begin()++ = v.begin(); // pass compiler check
Are there some reasons for this?
I'm pretty sure that this is because it would play havoc with rvalue references and any sort of decltype. Even though these features were not in C++03, they have been known to be coming.
More importantly, I don't believe that any Standard function returns const rvalues, it's probably something that wasn't considered until after the Standard was published. In addition, const rvalues are generally not considered to be the Right Thing To Do™. Not all uses of non-const member functions are invalid, and returning const rvalues is blanketly preventing them.
For example,
auto it = ++vec.begin();
is perfectly valid, and indeed, valid semantics, if not exactly desirable. Consider my class that offers method chains.
class ILikeMethodChains {
int i;
ILikeMethodChains& SetSomeInt(int param) {
i = param;
return *this;
ILikeMethodChains func() { ... }
ILikeMethodChains var = func().SetSomeInt(1);
Should that be disallowed just because maybe, sometimes, we might call a function that doesn't make sense? No, of course not. Or how about "swaptimization"?
std::string func() { return "Hello World!"; }
std::string s;
This would be illegal if func() produced a const expression - but it's perfectly valid and indeed, assuming that std::string's implementation does not allocate any memory in the default constructor, both fast and legible/readable.
What you should realize is that the C++03 rvalue/lvalue rules frankly just don't make sense. They are, effectively, only part-baked, and the minimum required to disallow some blatant wrongs whilst allowing some possible rights. The C++0x rvalue rules are much saner and much more complete.
If it is non-const, I expect *(++it) to give me mutable access to the thing it represents.
However, dereferencing a const iterator yields only non-mutable access to the thing it represents. [edit: no, this is wrong too. I really give up now!]
This is the only reason I can think of.
As you rightly point out, the following is ill-formed because ++ on a primitive yields an rvalue (which can't be on the LHS):
int* p = 0;
So there does seem to be something of an inconsistency in the language here.
EDIT: This is not really answering the question as pointed in the comments. I'll just leave the post here in the case it's useful anyhow...
I think this is pretty much a matter of syntax unification towards a better usable interface. When providing such member functions without differentiating the name and letting only the overload resolution mechanism determine the correct version you prevent (or at least try to) the programmer from making const related worries.
I know this might seem contradictory, in particular given your example. But if you think on most of the use cases it makes sense. Take an STL algorithm like std::equal. No matter whether your container is constant or not, you can always code something like bool e = std::equal(c.begin(), c.end(), c2.begin()) without having to think on the right version of begin and end.
This is the general approach in the STL. Remember of operator[]... Having in the mind that the containers are to be used with the algorithms, this is plausible. Although it's also noticeable that in some cases you might still need to define an iterator with a matching version (iterator or const_iterator).
Well, this is just what comes up to my mind right now. I'm not sure how convincing it is...
Side note: The correct way to use constant iterators is through the const_iterator typedef.