python3 and 2.7.6 giving me syntax error at while^ True - python-2.7

So i am testing this piece of code, (and i am fairly new to python),
but I tried running it with python 2.7.6 and python3 and they both gave me this error
while True:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
(the arrow is pointing to the while)
and here is the code
import time
from scapy.all import *
iface = "mon0"
timeout = 1
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print (sys.argv[0] + " <bssid> [client]")
bssid = sys.argv[1]
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
dest = sys.argv[2]
dest = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"
pkt = radioTap() / \
addr1=dest, addr2=bssid, addr3=bssid / \
while True:
print ("Sending deauth to " + dest)
if someone can also explain what does there " / \" do in python, ill be thankful.

Try like this:
while (True):
print ("Sending deauth to " + dest)

A right bracket is missing
pkt = radioTap() / \
addr1=dest, addr2=bssid, addr3=bssid) / \
The symbol \ is used to break a long line into shorter ones, like
if a == True and \
b == False
The operator / has been overloaded in the scapy package,
The / operator has been used as a composition operator between two layers. When doing so, the lower layer can have one or more of its defaults fields overloaded according to the upper layer. (You still can give the value you want).
There is also a typing error: RadioTap() should start with a capital R!


Rearranging elements in Python

i am new to Python and i cant get this.I have a List and i want to take the input from there and write those in files .
p = ['Eth1/1', 'Eth1/5','Eth2/1', 'Eth2/4','Eth101/1/1', 'Eth101/1/2', 'Eth101/1/3','Eth102/1/1', 'Eth102/1/2', 'Eth102/1/3','Eth103/1/1', 'Eth103/1/2', 'Eth103/1/3','Eth103/1/4','Eth104/1/1', 'Eth104/1/2', 'Eth104/1/3','Eth104/1/4']
What i am trying :
with open("abc1.txt", "w+") as fw1, open("abc2.txt", "w+") as fw2:
for i in p:
if len(i.partition("/")[0]) == 4:
fw1.write('int ' + i + '\n mode\n')
i = 0
while i < len(p):
start = p[i].split('/')
if (start[0] == 'Eth101'):
i += 3
key = start[0]
i += 1
while i < len(p) and p[i].split('/')[0] == key:
i += 1
end = p[i-1].split('/')
fw2.write('confi ' + start[0] + '/' + start[1] + '-' + end[1] + '\n mode\n')
What i am looking for :
abc1.txt should have
int Eth1/1
int Eth1/5
int Eth2/1
int Eth 2/4
abc2.txt should have :
int Eth101/1/1-3
int Eth102/1/1-3
int Eth103/1/1-4
int Eth104/1/1-4
So any Eth having 1 digit before " / " ( e:g Eth1/1 or Eth2/2
)should be in one file that is abc1.txt .
Any Eth having 3 digit before " / " ( e:g Eth101/1/1 or Eth 102/1/1
) should be in another file that is abc2.txt and .As these are in
ranges , need to write it like Eth101/1/1-3, Eth102/1/1-3 etc
Any Idea ?
I don't think you need a regex here, at all. All your items begin with 'Eth' followed by one or more digits. So you can check the length of the items before first / occurs and then write it to a file.
p = ['Eth1/1', 'Eth1/5','Eth2/1', 'Eth2/4','Eth101/1/1', 'Eth101/1/2', 'Eth101/1/3','Eth102/1/1', 'Eth102/1/2', 'Eth102/1/3','Eth103/1/1', 'Eth103/1/2', 'Eth103/1/3','Eth103/1/4','Eth104/1/1', 'Eth104/1/2', 'Eth104/1/3','Eth104/1/4']
with open("abc1.txt", "w+") as fw1, open("abc2.txt", "w+") as fw2:
for i in p:
if len(i.partition("/")[0]) == 4:
fw1.write('int ' + i + '\n mode\n')
fw2.write('int ' + i + '\n mode\n')
I refactored your code a little to bring with-statement into play. This will handle correctly closing the file at the end. Also it is not necessary to iterate twice over the sequence, so it's all done in one iteration.
If the data is not as clean as provided, then you maybe want to use regexes. Independent of the regex itself, by writing if re.match(r'((Eth\d{1}\/\d{1,2})', "p" ) you proof if a match object can be created for given regex on the string "p", not the value of the variable p. This is because you used " around p.
So this should work for your example. If you really need a regex, this will turn your problem in finding a good regex to match your needs without any other issues.
As these are in ranges , need to write it like Eth101/1/1-3, Eth102/1/1-3 etc
This is something you can achieve by first computing the string and then write it in the file. But this is more like a separate question.
It's not that trivial to compute the right network ranges. Here I can present you one approach which doesn't change my code but adds some functionality. The trick here is to get groups of connected networks which aren't interrupted by their numbers. For that I've copied consecutive_groups. You can also do a pip install more-itertools of course to get that functionality. And also I transformed the list to a dict to prepare the magic and then retransformed dict to list again. There are definitely better ways of doing it, but this worked for your input data, at least.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter
p = ['Eth1/1', 'Eth1/5', 'Eth2/1', 'Eth2/4', 'Eth101/1/1', 'Eth101/1/2',
'Eth101/1/3', 'Eth102/1/1', 'Eth102/1/2', 'Eth102/1/3', 'Eth103/1/1',
'Eth103/1/2', 'Eth103/1/3', 'Eth103/1/4', 'Eth104/1/1', 'Eth104/1/2',
'Eth104/1/3', 'Eth104/1/4']
def get_network_ranges(networks):
network_ranges = {}
result = []
for network in networks:
parts = network.rpartition("/")
network_ranges.setdefault(parts[0], []).append(int(parts[2]))
for network, ranges in network_ranges.items():
for group in consecutive_groups(ranges):
group = list(group)
if len(group) == 1:
result.append(network + "/" + str(group[0]))
result.append(network + "/" + str(group[0]) + "-" +
result.sort() # to get ordered results
return result
def consecutive_groups(iterable, ordering=lambda x: x):
"""taken from more-itertools (latest)"""
for k, g in groupby(
enumerate(iterable), key=lambda x: x[0] - ordering(x[1])
yield map(itemgetter(1), g)
# only one line added to do the magic
with open("abc1.txt", "w+") as fw1, open("abc2.txt", "w+") as fw2:
p = get_network_ranges(p)
for i in p:
if len(i.partition("/")[0]) == 4:
fw1.write('int ' + i + '\n mode\n')
fw2.write('int ' + i + '\n mode\n')

Notepad++: Replace find query with words from list

I would like to replace all "var_"
with words from this list
so the end result is
Would appreciate help on achieving this!
This is sort of impossible / overly complicated with a regex. However, if you combine it with a programming language, you can get it done quickly. E.g. in python it would look like this:
import sys
import re
import fileinput
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
exit("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " <filename> <replacements>")
input_file = sys.argv[1]
replacements = sys.argv[2:]
num_of_replacements = len(replacements)
replacement_index = 0
searcher = re.compile("^var_\\b")
for line in fileinput.input(input_file, inplace=True, backup='.bak'):
match = searcher.match(line)
if match is None:
print(re.sub("^var_\\b", line.rstrip(), replacements[replacement_index]))
replacement_index = replacement_index + 1
Usage: ExampleInput.txt alpha beta gamma
It's possible to modify the program to accept the string you search for as the 1st param: "var_" ExampleInput.txt alpha beta gamma
The modified python script looks like this:
import sys
import re
import fileinput
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
exit("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " <pattern> <filename> <replacements>")
search = "\\b" + sys.argv[1] + "\\b"
input_file = sys.argv[2]
replacements = sys.argv[3:]
num_of_replacements = len(replacements)
replacement_index = 0
searcher = re.compile(search)
for line in fileinput.input(input_file, inplace=True, backup='.bak'):
match = searcher.match(line)
if match is None:
print(re.sub(search, line.rstrip(), replacements[replacement_index]))
replacement_index = replacement_index + 1
Note: this script still has a few limitations:
it expects that the string you search for occurs only once each line.
it replaces the searched string only if it's a distinct word
you can accidentally incorporate any python regex syntax into the search param

Using pylint to display Error and Warnings simultaneously

I am trying to use pylint to display warning and errors ,
i want all warnings and error to be displayed at the same time , i.e
when i do:
pylint -rn -d=R,C
it should siplay me all warning and errors ,
but instead what happens is when my program has some errors (indentation error)
it will only show the erros , warning are suppressed .
also if program has indenation errors at two places it will show only the first error .
Here is my sample file :
import string
def somefun():
shift = 3
choice = raw_input("would you like to encode or decode?")
word = (raw_input("Please enter text"))
count_un = 10
letters = string.ascii_letters + string.punctuation + string.digits
encoded = ''
if choice == "encode":
for letter in word:
if letter == ' ':
encoded = encoded + ' '
x = letters.index(letter) + shift
encoded=encoded + letters[x]
if choice == "decode":
for letter in word:
if letter == ' ':
encoded = encoded + ' '
x = letters.index(letter) - shift
encoded = encoded + letters[x]
print encoded
output :
When only warning is their :
No config file found, using default configuration
************* Module pylint_1
W: 6, 4: Unused variable 'count_un' (unused-variable)
When i do a indentation error:
No config file found, using default configu
************* Module pylint_1
E: 22, 0: unexpected indent (syntax-error)
Clearly ,it's visible warning is suppressed when error is there
I am new to pylint , please let me know if my effort is correct ,
i.e what i am trying is possible or not .
Is it possible to display all the warnings and errors in one go .??

regex for detecting subtitle errors

I'm having some issues with subtitles, I need a way to detect specific errors. I think regular expressions would help but need help figuring this one out. In this example of SRT formatted subtitle, line #13 ends at 00:01:10,130 and line #14 begins at 00:01:10:129.
00:01:05,549 --> 00:01:10,130
some text here.
00:01:10,129 --> 00:01:14,109
some other text here.
Problem is that next line can't begin before current one is over - embedding algorithm doesn't work when that happens. I need to check my SRT files and correct this manually, but looking for this manually in about 20 videos each an hour long just isn't an option. Specially since I need it 'yesterday' (:
Format for SRT subtitles is very specific:
[line number (digits)][new line character]
[start and end times in 00:00:00,000 format, separated by _space__minusSign__minusSign__greaterThenSign__space_][new line character]
[text - can be any character - letter, digit, punctuation sign.. pretty much anything][new line character]
[new line character]
I need to check if END time is greater then START time of the following subtitle. Help would be appreciated.
PS. I can work with Notepad++, Eclipse (Aptana), python or javascript...
Regular expressions can be used to achieve what you want, that being said, they can't do it on their own. Regular expressions are used for matching patterns and not numerical ranges.
If I where you, what I would do would be as following:
Parse the file and place the start-end time in one data structure (call it DS_A) and the text in another (call it DS_B).
Sort DS_A in ascending order. This should guarantee that you will not have overlapping ranges. (This previous SO post should point you in the right direction).
Iterate over and write the following in your file:j DS_A[i] --> DS_A[i + 1] <newline> DS_B[j] where i is a loop counter for DS_A and j is a loop counter for DS_B.
I ended up writing short script to fix this. here it is:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from datetime import datetime
import getopt, re, sys
count = 0
def fix_srt(inputfile):
global count
parsed_file, errors_file = '', ''
with open( inputfile , 'r') as f:
srt_file =
parsed_file, errors_file = parse_srt(srt_file)
outputfile1 = ''.join( inputfile.split('.')[:-1] ) + ''
outputfile2 = ''.join( inputfile.split('.')[:-1] ) + ''
with open( outputfile1 , 'w') as f:
with open( outputfile2 , 'w') as f:
print 'Detected %s errors in "%s". Fixed file saved as "%s"
(Errors only as "%s").' % ( count, inputfile, outputfile1, outputfile2 )
previous_end_time = datetime.strptime("00:00:00,000", "%H:%M:%S,%f")
def parse_times(times):
global previous_end_time
global count
_error = False
_times = []
for time_code in times:
t = datetime.strptime(time_code, "%H:%M:%S,%f")
if _times[0] < previous_end_time:
_times[0] = previous_end_time
count += 1
_error = True
previous_end_time = _times[1]
_times[0] = _times[0].strftime("%H:%M:%S,%f")[:12]
_times[1] = _times[1].strftime("%H:%M:%S,%f")[:12]
return _times, _error
def parse_srt(srt_file):
parsed_srt = []
parsed_err = []
for srt_group in re.sub('\r\n', '\n', srt_file).split('\n\n'):
lines = srt_group.split('\n')
if len(lines) >= 3:
times = lines[1].split(' --> ')
correct_times, error = parse_times(times)
if error:
clean_text = map( lambda x: x.strip(' '), lines[2:] )
srt_group = lines[0].strip(' ') + '\n' + ' --> '.join( correct_times ) + '\n' + '\n'.join( clean_text )
parsed_err.append( srt_group )
parsed_srt.append( srt_group )
return '\r\n'.join( parsed_srt ), '\r\n'.join( parsed_err )
def main(argv):
inputfile = None
options, arguments = getopt.getopt(argv, "hi:", ["input="])
print 'Usage: -i <input file>'
for o, a in options:
if o == '-h':
print 'Usage: -i <input file>'
elif o in ['-i', '--input']:
inputfile = a
if __name__ == '__main__':
main( sys.argv[1:] )
If someone needs it save the code as, for example, and use it from command line:
python -i "my srt"
I was lazy and used datetime module to process timecodes, so not sure script will work for subtitles longer then 24h (: I'm also not sure when miliseconds were added to Python's datetime module, I'm using version 2.7.5; it's possible script won't work on earlier versions because of this...

Python 2.7: Variable defined in previous function, receiving undefined error

So my variable is clearly defined in inputnfo(), why am I getting an undefined error? The try & except perhaps? I've added removed... swapped it all around and cannot seem to find the solution, and answers online seem very situation based... Thanks in advance :)
Super New & improved edit: now getting UnboundLocalError
import random
alpha = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z']
strgen = []
retry = 0
### Defining
def inputnfo():
global much
much = input('how long do you want your random word/lucky number to be: ')
global which
which = raw_input('would you like letters or numbers?(let,num, or mix?):').lower
def generate():
while much > 0:
if which == 'let':
much -= 1
print '.'
elif which == 'num':
much -= 1
print '.'
elif which == 'mix':
mixer = random.choice([0,1])
if mixer == 0:
much -= 1
print '.'
elif mixer == 1:
much -= 1
print '.'
def finish():
finito = ''.join(strgen)
print 'Generation Completed!\n'
if which == 'let':
print 'Your randomly generated string is:' + finito
elif which == 'num':
print 'Your randomly generated number is:' + finito
elif which == 'mix':
print 'Your randomly generated Alpha-Numerical string is:' + finito
### Running
while much != 0:
Its because the variable "much" in the function inputnfo() is local to that function alone. that is why you are getting an undefined error in the while loop. there is two solution
1. Make the variable "much" global by including the line
def inputnfo():
global much
and then removing the argument of generate function
2. Let the function inputnfo() return much and use this return value in the while loop and generate function
do the same for variable "which"
and put a line which = "" befor
which = ""
def inputnfo():
global much