Angular 2 unit test - unit-testing

Got a couple of problems with my unit testing with Jasmine. First one:
I need to test this in a Component called CaseList:
gotoDetail(case: Case){
this._router.navigate(['CaseDetail', {"id":}]);
All my attempts at the tests give the error is this._router is undefined, well that's because I haven't defined it in my test, as I can't figure out how! I haven't even come up with any good attempts at the tests, as I have no idea how to proceed. So that's why I haven't posted any attempt here...
Edit: The part in the router-test which is related to to the problem above, but I test all the routing in a separate file! This test works!
it('Should navigate to Case Detail List', (done) => {
router.navigate(['CaseDetail', {id: 'test'}]).then(() => {
}).catch(e =>;
Second tests from a Detail Component (where user is navigated after choosing case) :
addStep(){ Step());
I also have a remove method I need to test:
removeStep(step: Step){;
Constructor for this component:
constructor(public _routeParams: RouteParams, public _service: Service) { = _service.getById(_routeParams.get('id'));
So the test I tried doing for the add-method:
it('passes new step to case-class', () => {
spyOn(case, 'addStep')
.and.returnValue(Observable.of({complete: true}))
So these methods call the methods that are in a separate class called "Case".
The error I'm getting when testing these are that case is null. I guess the routing and service messes it up, as in the same Component I have a other "identical" methods, and testing those works fine. But they belong to a different class.
Method in same component, referring to a "Step"-class:
addFeedback(step: Step){
step.addFeedback(new Feedback());
The testing works perfectly:
it('passes feedback value to Step class', () => {
spyOn(step, 'addFeedback')
.and.returnValue(Observable.of({complete: true}))
So obviously in testing the component I should have everything defined that is needed, since the testing of the feedback method works. I just need to define the "case" object somehow, so that it doesn't complain about it being null.
Well hopefully you get my problem at hand and hopefully you can help! :)

For your test cases to work, you will have to add router and case as a provider before the test.
Routing Example:
import {RootRouter} from 'angular2/src/router/router';
import {Location, RouteParams, Router, RouteRegistry, ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT} from 'angular2/router';
import {SpyLocation} from 'angular2/src/mock/location_mock';
import {provide} from 'angular2/core';
describe('Router', () => {
let location, router;
beforeEachProviders(() => [
provide(Location, {useClass: SpyLocation}),
provide(Router, {useClass: RootRouter}),
provide(ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT, {useValue: App}),
beforeEach(inject([Router, Location], (_router, _location) => {
router = _router;
location = _location;
it('Should be able to navigate to Home', done => {
router.navigate(['Index']).then(() => {
}).catch(e =>;
Case Provider:
import {Case} from '../case';
beforeEachProviders(() => [
provide(case, Case)


Mocking BsModalRef for Unit Testing

I am using the BsModalRef for showing modals and sending data using the content property. So we have some like this :
this.followerService.getFollowers(this.bsModalRef.content.channelId).subscribe((followers) => {
this.followerList = followers;
this.followerList.forEach((follower) => {
follower.avatarLink = this.setUserImage(follower.userId);
We are setting the channelId in content of bsModalRef (this.bsModalRef.content.channelId). It is working fine. Now i am writing a unit test for this. Problem is i am not able to mock it. I have tried overriding, spy etc but nothing seems to work. I am using the approach mentioned in this link. One alternative is to use TestBed but i am not much aware of its use. Can anyone please help me finding any approach by which this can be achieved ?
I recently had to do something similar and Mocking the method call worked. The tricky part is injecting the BsModalService in both the test suite and the component.
describe('MyFollowerService', () => {
configureTestSuite(() => {
imports: [...],
declarations: [...],
providers: [...]
// inject the service
beforeEach(() => {
bsModalService = getTestBed().get(BsModalService);
it('test', () => {
// Mock the method call = (): BsModalRef => {
return {hide: null, content: {channelId: 123}, setClass: null};
// Do the test that calls the modal
As long as you're calling bsModal as follows this approach will work
let bsModalRef =;
Finally, here are some links that have more indepth coverage about setting up the tests with TestBed.

How to test Angular2's router.navigate?

I've run into missing <router-outlet> messages in other unit tests, but just to have a nice isolated example, I created an AuthGuard that checks if a user is logged in for certain actions.
This is the code:
canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot) {
if (!this.authService.isLoggedIn()) {
return false;
return true;
Now I want to write a unit test for this.
This is how I start my test:
beforeEach(() => {
imports: [
path: 'login',
component: DummyComponent
declarations: [
providers: [
provide: AuthService,
useClass: MockAuthService
I created a DummyComponent that does nothing.
Now my test. Pretend that the service returns false and that it triggers this.router.navigate(['/login']):
it('should not let users pass when not logged in', (): void => {
expect(authGuardService.canActivate(<any>{}, <any>{})).toBe(false);
This will throw an exception with "Cannot find primary outlet to load".
Obviously I can use toThrow() instead of toBe(false), but that doesn't seem like a very sensible solution. Since I'm testing a service here, there is no template where I can put the <router-outlet> tag. I could mock the router and make my own navigate function, but then what's the point of RouterTestingModule? Perhaps you even want to check that navigation worked.
I could mock the router and make my own navigate function, but then what's the point of RouterTestingModule? Perhaps you even want to check that navigation worked.
There's no real point. If his is just a unit test for the auth guard, then just mock and spy on the mock to check that it's navigate method was called with the login argument
let router = {
navigate: jasmine.createSpy('navigate')
{ provide: Router, useValue: router }
expect(authGuardService.canActivate(<any>{}, <any>{})).toBe(false);
This is how unit tests should normally be written. To try to test any actual real navigation, that would probably fall under the umbrella of end-to-end testing.
If you want to test the router without mocking it you can just inject it into your test and then spy directly on the navigate method there. The .and.stub() will make it so the call doesn't do anything.
describe('something that navigates', () => {
it('should navigate', inject([Router], (router: Router) => {
spyOn(router, 'navigate').and.stub();
expect(authGuardService.canActivate(<any>{}, <any>{})).toBe(false);
this worked for me
describe('navigateExample', () => {
it('navigate Example', () => {
const routerstub: Router = TestBed.get(Router);
spyOn(routerstub, 'navigate');
it(`editTemplate() should navigate to template build module with query params`, inject(
(router: Router) => {
let id = 25;
spyOn(router, "navigate").and.stub();
router.navigate(["/template-builder"], {
queryParams: { templateId: id }
expect(router.navigate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(["/template-builder"], {
queryParams: { templateId: id }
I came up with something like that:
describe('TestComponent', () => {
let component: TestComponent;
let router: Router;
let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;
const routerSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('Router', ['navigate']); // create a router spy
beforeEach(async(() => {
imports: [
declarations: [TestComponent],
providers: [
{ provide: Router, useValue: routerSpy } // use routerSpy against Router
beforeEach(() => {
router = TestBed.inject(Router); // get instance of router
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);
component = fixture.componentInstance;
it(`should navigate to 'home' page`, () => {
component.navigateToHome(); // call router.navigate
const spy = router.navigate as jasmine.Spy; // create the navigate spy
const navArgs = spy.calls.first().args[0]; // get the spy values
Inspired with angular docs:
I am new to unit testing angular/javascript apps. I needed a way to mock (or spy) for my unit test. The following line is borrowed from Experimenter and helped me TREMENDOUSLY!
const routerSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('Router', ['navigate']); // create a router spy
I would like to say that I had no idea I could do that with Jasmine. Using that line above, allowed me to then create a spy on that object and verify it was called with the correct route value.
This is a great way to do unit testing without the need to have the testbed and all the ceremony around getting the testing module setup. Its also great because it still allows me to have a fake router object with out the need to stub in all of the parameters, methods, etc etc etc.

angular2 rc.4: How to inject mocked services (provide() is deprecated)

Since angular 2.0.0-rc.4 release (change log), both beforeEachProviders and provide are deprecated. My question is how can I inject my mocked service inside my component.
Here is my beforeEach function which creates a ComponentFixture with overrided providers:
beforeEach(async(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb)=> {
builder = tcb;
beforeEach(async(inject([], ()=> {
return builder
.overrideProviders(MenubarComponent,[provide(MenubarService, {useClass:MenubarServiceMock})])
.then((_fixture:ComponentFixture<any>)=> {
fixture = _fixture;
This approach works fine but as I said provide is deprecated.
What is the right way to do this without using provide()?
Based on Günter's answer I changed the line:
.overrideProviders(MenubarComponent,[provide(MenubarService, {useClass:MenubarServiceMock})])
.overrideProviders(MenubarComponent,[{provide:MenubarService, useClass:MenubarServiceMock}])
and it works!
From the changelog
import {addProviders, inject} from '#angular/core/testing';
describe('my code', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('does stuff', inject([MyService], (service) => {
// actual test
Instead of provide() use
{provide: MenubarService, useClass:MenubarServiceMock}

No provider for Token AppId

I have a unit test that is verifying the application's APP_ID is a fixed value. The problem is, I don't know how to set the APP_ID so that it's not randomly generated.
The documentation from the Angular2 team's website is helpful enough, but I'm not sure if I'm interpreting it correctly:
If you need to avoid randomly generated value to be used as an application id, you can provide a custom value via a DI provider configuring the root Injector using this token.
So does this mean I'd add it as a provider in my app's bootstrap?
bootstrap(App, [
provide(APP_ID, {name: 'MyApp'})
I doubt that's remotely close. Has anyone else figured out how to set the APP_ID or what it's even used for?
import {
} from 'angular2/testing';
import {APP_ID} from 'angular2/core';
describe('default test injector', () => {
it('should provide default id', inject([APP_ID], (id) => {
In test
describe('default test injector', () => {
beforeEachProviders(() => [provide(APP_ID, {useValue: 'MyApp'})]);
it('should provide default id', inject([APP_ID], (id) => {
for your real application you would write it this way
bootstrap(App, [
provide(APP_ID, {useValue: 'MyApp'})

Angular2 Testing Component with Provider dependency

I have a simple angular2 component as defined below. And I'm looking to create a unit testing with karma, jasmine to run through this component.
selector: 'property',
template: require('./property.component.html'),
directives: [Panel],
providers: [ConfigService]});
export class PropertyComponent {
constructor(config:ConfigService) {
this.config = config.getConfig();
This is my testing spec file.
describe('property component', () => {
it('should have property page title', injectAsync([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb) => {
return tcb.createAsync(PropertyComponent).then((fixture) => {
let propertyComp = fixture.componentInstance,
element = fixture.nativeElement;
expect(element.querySelector('h1').innerText).toBe('property page');
However I got a list of weird errors... I'm guessing this is due to the ConfigService Provider in the PropertyComponent, because when I removed the provider dependency, it went through.
Does anyone know how to deal with the dependency Providers?
You need to use beforeEachProviders in this case:
import {beforeEachProviders, describe, it, expect} from 'angular2/testing';
//...other imports...
describe('property component', () => {
beforeEachProviders(()=> [
ConfigService, //if you don't need to mock
provide(ConfigService, {useClass:MockConfigService}) // more typical
it('should have property page title', injectAsync([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb) => {
return tcb.createAsync(PropertyComponent).then((fixture) => {
Note that you need to import angular's patched describe, it, expect functions along with beforeEachProvidersfrom angular2/testing. I emphasize this because it's easy to forget to do that, and it results in failures with rather unintuitive messages.