Multi-label feature selection using sklearn - python-2.7

I'm looking to perform feature selection with a multi-label dataset using sklearn. I want to get the final set of features across labels, which I will then use in another machine learning package. I was planning to use the method I saw here, which selects relevant features for each label separately.
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from sklearn.feature_selection import chi2, SelectKBest
from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier
clf = Pipeline([('chi2', SelectKBest(chi2, k=1000)),
('svm', LinearSVC())])
multi_clf = OneVsRestClassifier(clf)
I then plan to extract the indices of the included features, per label, using this:
selected_features = []
for i in multi_clf.estimators_:
selected_features += list(i.named_steps["chi2"].get_support(indices=True))
Now, my question is, how do I choose which selected features to include in my final model? I could use every unique feature (which would include features that were only relevant for one label), or I could do something to select features that were relevant for more labels.
My initial idea is to create a histogram of the number of labels a given feature was selected for, and to identify a threshold based on visual inspection. My concern is that this method is subjective. Is there a more principled way of performing feature selection for multilabel datasets using sklearn?

According to the conclusions in this paper:
[...] rank features according to the average or the maximum
Chi-squared score across all labels, led to most of the best
classifiers while using less features.
Then, in order to select a good subset of features you just need to do (something like) this:
from sklearn.feature_selection import chi2, SelectKBest
selected_features = []
for label in labels:
selector = SelectKBest(chi2, k='all'), Y[label])
// MeanCS
selected_features = np.mean(selected_features, axis=0) > threshold
// MaxCS
selected_features = np.max(selected_features, axis=0) > threshold
Note: in the code above I'm assuming that X is the output of some text vectorizer (the vectorized version of the texts) and Y is a pandas dataframe with one column per label (so I can select the column Y[label]). Also, there is a threshold variable that should be fixed beforehand.
There is a multitude of options, but SelectKBest and Recursive feature elimination are two reasonably popular ones.
RFE works by leaving uniformative features out of the model, and retraining, and comparing the results, so that the features left at the end are the ones which enable the best prediction accuracy.
What is best is highly dependant on your data and use case.
Aside from what can loosely be described as cross validation approaches to feature selection, you can look at Bayesian model selection, which is a more theoretical approach and tends to favor more simple models over complex ones.


How to mix Additive/Multiplicative feature with the regular features

I am able to build the model for all the additive or multiplicative variables as follows,
import statsmodels.formula.api as sm
result_ad = sm.ols('Y_variable~x1+x2*x3).fit()
These x1,x2 and x3 are subset of the overall set of features, my dataset has x1,x2,x3,x4,x5.... I would like to build a common model using all these features (features which are additive/multiplicate and non-additives.multiplicatives).
But ols will not allow us to mix these variables. May be I am missing the systax or how to call ols using both the set of variables/features.

Overfitting with random forest though very successful cross validation results

I have moderate experience with data science. I have a data set with 9500 observations and more than 4500 features most of which are highly correlated. Here is briefly what I have tried: I have dropped columns where there are less than 6000 non-NAs and have imputed NAs with their corresponding columns' median values when there are at least 6000 non-NAs. As for correlation, I have kept only features having at most 0.7 correlation with others. By doing so, I have reduced the number of features to about 750. Then I have used those features in my binary classification task in random forest.
My data set is highly unbalanced where ratio of (0:1) is (10:1). So when I apply RF with 10-fold cv, I observe too good results in each cv (AUC of 99%) which is to good to be true and in my test set I got way worse results such as 0.7. Here is my code:
import h2o
from h2o.estimators import H2ORandomForestEstimator
h2o.init(port=23, nthreads=4)
train = fs_rf[fs_rf['Year'] <= '201705']
test = fs_rf[fs_rf['Year'] > '201705']
train = train.drop('Year',axis=1)
test = test.drop('Year',axis=1)
train = h2o.H2OFrame(train)
train['BestWorst2'] = train['BestWorst2'].asfactor()
test = h2o.H2OFrame(test)
test['BestWorst2'] = test['BestWorst2'].asfactor()
training_columns = train.drop('BestWorst2',axis=1).col_names
response_column = 'BestWorst2'
model = H2ORandomForestEstimator(ntrees=100, max_depth=20, nfolds=10, balance_classes=True)
model.train(x=training_columns, y=response_column, training_frame=train)
performance = model.model_performance(test_data=test)
How could I avoid this over-fitting? I have tried many different parameters in grid search but none of them improved the results.
This is not what I would call "overfitting". The reason you are seeing really good cross-validation metrics compared to your test metrics is that you have time-series data and so you can't use k-fold cross-validation to give you an accurate estimate of performance.
Performing k-fold cross-validation on a time-series dataset will give you overly-optimistic performance metrics because you are not respecting the time-series component in your data. Regular k-fold cross-validation will randomly sample from your whole dataset to create a train & validation set. Essentially, your validation strategy is "cheating" because you have "future" data included in your CV training sets (if that makes any sense).
I can see by your code that you understand that you need to train with "past" data and predict on "future" data, but if you want to read more about this topic, I'd recommend this article or this article.
One solution is to simply look at test set performance as way to evaluate your model. Another option is to use what's called "rolling" or "time-series" cross-validation, but H2O does not currently support that (though it seems like it might be added soon). Here's a ticket for this if you want to keep track of the progress.

bokeh - plotting shapefile map using datashader

Initially, I created an interactive map of the UK Postcode area where an individual area is color represented based on its value (e.g. population in that post code area) as following.
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.palettes import Viridis256 as palette
from bokeh.models import LinearColorMapper
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource
import geopandas as gpd
shp = 'file_path_to_the_downloaded_shapefile'
#read shape file into dataframe using geopandas
df = gpd.read_file(shp)
def expandMultiPolygons(row, geometry):
if row[geometry].type = 'MultiPolygon':
row[geometry] = [p for p in row[geometry]]
return row
#Some rows were in MultiPolygons instead of Polygons.
#Expand MultiPolygons to multi rows of Polygons
df = df.apply(expandMultiPolygons, geometry='geometry', axis=1)
df = df.set_index('Area')['geometry'].apply(pd.Series).stack().reset_index()
#Visualize the polygons. To visualize different colors for different post areas, I added another column called 'value' which has some random integer value.
p = figure()
color_mapper = LinearColorMapper(palette=palette)
source = ColumnDataSource(df)
p.patches('x', 'y', source=source,\
fill_color={'field': 'value', 'transform': color_mapper},\
fill_alpha=1.0, line_color="black", line_width=0.05)
where df is a dataframe of four columns : post code area, x-coordinate, y-coordinate, value (i.e. population).
The above code creates an interactive map on a web browser which is great but I noticed the interactivity is not very smooth in speed. If I zoom in or move the map, it renders slowly. The size of the dataframe is only 1106 rows, so I'm quite confused why it is so slow.
As one of the possible solutions, I came across with datashader ( but I find the example script is quite complicated and most of them are with holoview package on Jupyter notebook but I want to create a dashboard using bokeh.
Does anyone advise me in incorporating datashader into the above bokeh script? Do I need a different function within datashader to create the shape map instead of using bokeh's patches function?
Any suggestion would be highly appreciated!!!
Without the data file involved, I can't answer your question directly, but can offer some observations:
Datashader is unlikely to be of value for this purpose, because datashader does not currently have any support for rendering polygons. As a rule of thumb, Datashader is designed to aggregate your data, and if it's already aggregated, Datashader won't normally be of help. Here your data is aggregated by postcode, which datashader can't process, but if you had the original data per person it would be happy to render it.
If you prefer working with Bokeh directly rather than via the higher-level HoloViews/GeoViews interface, I'd recommend folllwing Matt Rocklin's work on accelerating geopandas; his approach should be very fast for your purpose.
All that said, HoloViews, and GeoViews should be a convenient way to work with Bokeh in general, whether or not you want to create a dashboard. E.g. the 2017 JupyterCon tutorial shows how to make a simple Bokeh dashboard using both libraries. It doesn't cover shape files, but those are covered in other GeoViews examples.
As mentioned in my comment, I believe that the complexity of your polygons might cause your problem. The file you linked to contains several shapefile of different sizes and complexities. You can simplify those, i.e. reduce the number of points for each polygon. This can change how they look. It can range from almost no difference over a bit more "edginess" to an angular appearance. This depends on the level of simplification you chose. Depending on your needs you can chose different levels of simplicity.
I know of three easy options to get this done:
GUI: Try QGis. It is a great opensource tool for geospatial data processing. Load your Shapefile as a new layer. Then use the "Simplify Geometries" tool under the Vector menu.
Command-Line: GDAL is an open-source library. It comes with an useful command-line tool. You can use it like this: ogr2ogr outfile.shp infile.shp -simplify 0.000001
Online: Visit mapshader. Import your file. Select simplify and chose your level. Then, export the result. What I really like here is that your file is rendered instantly. Hence, you can immediately see the result of your simplification.
Other than that, you should also update your bokeh version. It gets updated regularly and there have been some performance improvements since.
Using HoloViews or GeoViews will not positively affect your performance. Thus, it is not related to your issues. I guess #James A. Bednar was just giving some side advice there.
I found a way to speed up the interactive visualization of the UK map as I move the slider.
I created individual image (in 2D) for a different value of slider first and updated the map using the 2D images instead of using bokeh's patches function.
Since the images are in array format, it is much faster to update the image while changing the values in the slider. one downside in this method is that I can no longer use hover function on the UK map.
I referred to the following url to convert polygon information into arrays:

Recursive Feature Elimination CV in Sklearn changes when I remove features

I'm using the RFECV module in sklearn to find the optimal number of features to yield the highest Cross validation on 2 folds. I am using a ridge regressor as my estimator.
rfecv = RFECV(estimator=ridge,step=1, cv=KFold(n_splits=2)), y)
I have 5 features in my dataset that I have standardized using the standardscaler.
I'll run the RFECV on my data, and it'll say that 2 features is optimal. But when I remove one of the features with the lowest regression coefficient and rerun the RFECV, it now says that 3 features is optimal.
When I progress through all features one at a time (as the recursive should do) I find that 3 is in fact the optimal.
I've tested this with other datasets, and have found that the optimal number of features changes as I remove features one at a time and rerun RFECV.
I might be missing something, but isn't that what RFECV is supposed to solve?
Any additional insights on RFECV is appreciated.
This makes sense actually. RFECV is recommending a certain number of features based on the available data. When you remove the feature you change the scoring range.
from the docs:
# Determine the number of subsets of features by fitting across
# the train folds and choosing the "features_to_select" parameter
# that gives the least averaged error across all folds.
n_features_to_select = max(
n_features - (np.argmax(scores) * step),
n_features_to_select is used to determine how many features should be used in RFE for any particular iteration (within/under-the-hood of RFECV).
rfe = RFE(estimator=self.estimator,
step=self.step, verbose=self.verbose)
And so this is directly connected to the number of features you include in your initial step.
Also, removing the feature with the lowest regression coefficient is not the best way to trim features. The coefficient is a reflection of its impact on the dependent variable not necessarily the model's accuracy.

Random Forest with more features than data points

I am trying to predict whether a particular service ticket raised by client needs a code change.
I have training data.
I have around 17k data points with problem description and tag (Y for code change required and N for no code change)
I did TF-IDF and it gave me 27k features. So I tried to fit RandomForestClassifier (sklearn python) with this 17k x 27k matrix.
I am getting very low scores on test set while training accuracy is very high.
Precision on train set: 89%
Precision on test set: 21%
Can someone suggest any workarounds?
I am using this model now:
Please help!
I have 11k training data with 900 positives (skewed). I tried LinearSVC sparsify but didn't work as well as Truncated SVD (Latent Semantic Indexing). maxFeatures=None performs better on the test set than without it.
I have also tried SVM, logistic (l2 and l1), ExtraTrees. RandonForest still is working best.
Right now, going at 92% precision on positives but recall is 3% only
Any other suggestions would be appreciated!
Feature engineering helped a lot. I pulled features out of the air (len of chars, len of words, their, difference, ratio, day of week the problem was of reported, day of month, etc) and now I am at 19-20% recall with >95% accuracy.
Food for your thoughts on using word2vec average vectors as deep features for the free text instead of tf-idf or bag of words ???
Random forest handles more features than data points quite fine. RF is e.g. used for micro-array studies with e.g. a 100:5000 data point/feature ratio or in single-nucleotide_polymorphism(SNP) studies with e.g 5000:500,000 ratio.
I do disagree with the diagnose provided by #ncfirth, but the suggested treatment of variable selection may help anyway.
Your default random forest is not badly overfitted. It is just not meaningful to pay any attention to a non-cross validated training set prediction performance for a RF model, because any sample will end in the terminal nodes/leafs it has itself defined. But the overall ensemble model is still robust.
[edit] If you would change the max_depth or min_samples_split, the training precision would probably drop, but that is not the point. The non-cross validated training error/precision of a random forest model or many other ensemble models simply does not estimate anything useful.
[I did before edit confuse max_features with n_estimators, sry I mostly use R]
Setting max_features="none" is not random forest, but rather 'bagged trees'. You may benefit from a somewhat lower max_features which improve regularization and speed, maybe not. I would try lowering max_features to somewhere between 27000/3 and sqrt(27000), the typical optimal range.
You may achieve better test set prediction performance by feature selection. You can run one RF model, keep the top ~5-50% most important features and then re-run the model with fewer features. "L1 lasso" variable selection as ncfirth suggests may also be a viable solution.
Your metric of prediction performance, precision, may not be optimal in case unbalanced data or if the cost of false-negative and false-positive is quite different.
If your test set is still predicted much worse than the out-of-bag cross-validated training set, you may have problems with your I.I.D. assumptions that any supervised ML model rely on or you may need to wrap the entire data processing in an outer cross-validation loop, to avoid over optimistic estimation of prediction performance due to e.g. the variable selection step.
Seems like you've overfit on your training set. Basically the model has learnt noise on the data rather than the signal. There are a few ways to combat this, but it seems fairly obvious that you're model has overfit because of the incredibly large number of features you're feeding it.
It seems I was perhaps too quick to jump to the conclusion of overfitting, however this may still be the case (left as an exercise to the reader!). However feature selection may still improve the generalisability and reliability of your model.
A good place to start for removing features in scikit-learn would be here. Using sparsity is a fairly common way to perform feature selection:
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectFromModel
import numpy as np
# Create some data
X = np.random.random((1800, 2700))
# Boolean labels as the y vector
y = np.random.random(1800)
y = y > 0.5
y = y.astype(bool)
lsvc = LinearSVC(C=0.05, penalty="l1", dual=False).fit(X, y)
model = SelectFromModel(lsvc, prefit=True)
X_new = model.transform(X)
print X_new.shape
Which returns a new matrix of shape (1800, 640). You can tune the number of features selected by altering the C parameter (called the penalty parameter in scikit-learn but sometimes called the sparsity parameter).