Find and install ember-cli latest LTS version using npm - ember.js

The builds page of ember-cli lists
The latest LTS release is 2.4.5, made on April 11th, 2016
But when I try npm install -g ember-cli#2.4.5, I receive an error version not found: ember-cli#2.4.5.
Also, I was unable to find v2.4.5 on Github releases. The last 2.4.x version is 2.4.3.
Am I missing something?

Ember-cli and ember have different versions. Ember-cli 2.4.5 does not exist indeed, ember-cli does not even have a LTS version. However ember 2.4.5 does exist, see here.
Just use the latest ember-cli and change the ember version to LTS. The website you mentioned is talking about ember itself, not ember-cli. For ember-cli check
PS: you might also notice that there is no LTS version of ember-data.


New Ember App with Ember 1.12.2

i want to build a new Ember CLI App with the Command: Ember new demo-app.
The Problem is, that i need Ember 1.12.2 and not the newest one.
How can i create an App with Ember 1.12.2?
Thanks a lot
Install ember-cli 0.2.7 globally
ember new demo-app
Edit your bower.json so that ember is 1.12.2 and ember-data is 1.0.0-beta.19.2
bower install
Edit your package.json so that ember-data matches version in bower.json
npm install
ember s
(Optional, but it will improve performance): Upgrade your project's ember-cli version as much as you would like to attempt. (expert step, unfortunately) (Technically it is possible to get all the way to ember-cli 2.5)
I usually use the 1.13 version from Ember CLI and downgrade Ember version to 1.12.2 in bower. It works smoothly.

Ember-cli upgrade broke everything

I had a running Ember program built using Ember-Cli 1.13.12 using Node 4.2.4. I tried to upgrade to Ember-Cli 2.3.0 running on Node 4.2.6. I followed the procedure outlined in: After the upgrade, my program generated all sorts of errors. I spent an entire day trying to get the program to work but couldn't. So I decided to try reverting back to Ember-cli 1.13.12. I checked out the lastest working version of my program before the upgrade attempt using git. I did the following to revert back to Ember-cli 1.13.12:
npm uninstall -g ember-cli
npm cache clean
bower cache clean
npm install -g ember-cli#1.13.12
rm -rf node_modules bower_components dist tmp
npm install
bower install
But the system still doesn't work. 'Ember Server' works as expected. But when I go to localhost:4200 in my browser, I get two errors:
Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: Ember Views require jQuery between 1.7 and 2.1
Uncaught Error: Could not find module `ember` imported from `tw/app`
Can someone please help me figure out what's going on?
I think you're being hit by the problem in this post.
You can probably fix the issue by upgrading to ember-cli 1.13.14, if not check bellow.
For reference, the fix (if you're not updating ember-cli) is (from this answer by Lawree)
This is a bug due to a new version of jQuery. For now you can change
the following line in your bower.json file. Then run bower install and
it should work.
"jquery": "^1.11.3", to
"jquery": "1.11.3",

Installing Ember.js 2.2

I tried do install Ember.js v2.2 by following the official instructions:
installed Node.js and npm
installed Git
installed the Ember CLI via npm install -g ember-cli
Everything should be fine now.
But when I type ember -v to verify the Ember version, it says: 1.13.13
I did follow the 2.2 Instructions to the point, but I didn't get Ember.js 2.2 installed.
Any suggestions? I use Win 7.
For ember 2.2 + ember-data 2.3.1:
ember new <project> && cd <project>
Edit bower.json in your project root directory (you're there already if you followed the previous command):
Replace ember-cli-shims version number to 0.1.0
Replace ember version number to 2.2
Remove the ember-data dependency line
Add the following code just above the last }
"resolutions": {
"ember": "^2.2.0"
Edit package.json in your project root directory:
Replace ember-data version number to 2.3.1
Clean the caches, update the project dependencies and then restart ember:
npm cache clean && bower cache clean && npm install && bower install
ember serve
And you're done. Open your browser console and you should see debug messages with the 2.2 version of ember and 2.3.1 version of ember-data.
ember on the command line is actually invoking Ember-CLI, so ember -v will show you the version you have for Ember-CLI. When you do ember new <your project> to create a project then you can manually change the Ember and Ember Data dependency versions in bower.json and package.json. Make sure to update both files (for now at least) and rerun npm install and bower install in the project's root directory.
The Ember version set by default with ember-cli does not track the most recent version of Ember, but you can update to 2.x. See the changelog.
Ember itself you will interact with in the browser after running ember server and going to your localhost.

How do I update ember.js to version 2.0.1

I'm fairly new to ember.js
Before starting my project I wanted to upgrade my version to the latest 2.0.1 release.
I went through the steps in the guide.
sudo npm uninstall -g ember-cli
sudo npm cache clean
bower cache clean
sudo npm install -g ember-cli
typing: ember -v gives 1.13.8 just as it did before the 'update'
I can see that the ember-cli website says 1.13.8 is the latest version of ember-cli.
However since the site says the latest release is 2.0.1 and on the homepage the isntruction is to run npm install -g ember-cli I would expect the command
ember -v to return 2.0.1 if I was using the latest release.
I created a new ember project using ember new test and ran
grep -r 'version' * to see if there were any clues but found nothing of interest.
Looking at package.json reveals that ember-data 1.13.8 is one of the dependencies which is also not the latest version (2.0.0)
What (if any) is the difference between ember-cli and ember.js versions?
When I type ember -v the version of which program is being displayed?
If I'm not on the latest release, how can I get it installed?
I'm running ubuntu 14.04
The current version of Ember-cli installs Ember 1.13.8. You need to update your bower.json to use the 2.0.1 version of ember.
"dependencies": {
"ember": "2.0.1",
and then run bower install.

Latest version of ember-cli compatible with ember 2.0

I am following the ember 2.0 guides at :
I noticed it installs ember 1.13.0 even tough I am in the 2.0 section. What is going on? Should I copy new 2.0 version in the generated ember-cli folders?
How do you setup ember-cli with ember 2.0?
Just change the version in the bower.config and run bower install from you ember-cli folder.