How to Add processBar inside QTreeWidget cloum - c++

Is there any way in Qt to Add a processBar inside one of QTreeWidget items
Something like this will do the job for you
just call it for each row with whatever widget you need.
lets say your column 'status' has column index 5, then it would be something like this:
QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem(columnTextsStringList);
/*insert into tree here*/
QProgressBar* progBar = new QProgressBar;
treeWidget->setItemWidget(item, 5/*column of the status*/, progBar);
// no need to delete progBar, its now a child of treeWidget
// use progBar


qt treewidget widget item QCheckBox alignment

I have a QTreeWidget where I insert different widgets (QDoubleSpinBox,QSpinBox,QCheckBox...)
QTreeWidget *t = ui->treeWidget;
QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem();
int c = 0;
QDoubleSpinBox *dspb = new QDoubleSpinBox();
t->setItemWidget(item, c++, dspb);
QSpinBox *spb = new QSpinBox();
t->setItemWidget(item, c++, spb);
QCheckBox *cb = new QCheckBox();
t->setItemWidget(item, c++, cb);
However, the cb widget looks wired since the checkbox is aligned to the left. I would like to see it aligned in the center.
Q: How can I change the checkbox to appear in the middle of the TreeWidget cell?
I need to be able to access the cb item again later. Currently, I use the following code:
QTreeWidgetItem *itm = t->topLevelItem(0);
bool checked = qobject_cast<QCheckBox *>(t->itemWidget(itm,c++))->checkState() == Qt::Checked;
If I need to do some workaround to get the central alignment going, how can I access the cb object then?
Found it:
cb->setStyleSheet("margin-left:50%; margin-right:50%;");

How to get the status of hardcoded QCheckBoxes in QSqlQueryModel?

I have a QTableView that shows QSqlQueryModel. The model contains checkboxes that are created in each row in the first column (which contain the ref_no; the primary-key in my db) as follow:
void MainWindow::showM(model){
for( int i = 0; p<model->rowCount(); i++)
QCheckBox *checkBox = new QCheckBox();
... and it's working fine, displaying all the information I need plus the checkboxes.
Now, I need to get the ref_no where the adjacent checkbox is checked.
How to do that ?
Use QSignalMapper (or an ad hoc solution involving a mapper using sender(), or lambdas). For instance define a member for the mapping:
QHash<QCheckBox *, int> m_mapping;
Then in your code hook it up like this:
QCheckBox *checkBox = new QCheckBox();
m_mapping[checkBox] = i;
connect(checkBox, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &MainWindow::onCheckBoxToggled);
Then define a slot like this:
// for the love of kittens use proper names for methods
void MyWindow::onCheckBoxToggled(bool toggled) {
QCheckBox *box = static_cast<QCheckBox *>(sender());
const int id = m_mapping.value(box);
// do something
Or, if you fancy lambdas, you can do the above with a capture:
connect(checkBox, &QCheckBox::toggled,
[i](bool toggled){ /* use i, toggled */ });
All of that having being said, I would strongly recommend against the idea of creating QCheckBoxes and using setIndexWidget. Instead, employ a proxy model that enriches your column by returning the Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable flag and handles reads and writes for the Qt::CheckStateRole.

Copy a part of a QTableWidget in an other

I've got a QTableWidget , and I use the method selectedItems() to get all the line selected in my QTableWidget. And now I want to copy all these line in an other QTableWidget, is there a particular function able to do this, or do I need to use a loop ?
If I need to use a loop, can you explain to me how it works ?
Thank You.
With the help of #Kuba Ober, here is my solution :
//Model of my first QTableWidget
QItemSelectionModel *variableModel = ui->variableTableWidget->selectionModel();
//I take the cell selected in my QTableWidget ( I suppose only 1 cell is selected )
QModelIndex item;
QTableWidgetItem* itemCompleteTab = new QTableWidgetItem(); //You can't put a cell to another you have to use a new constructor
foreach (item, variableModel->selectedIndexes()) {
itemCompleteTab->setText(ui->variableTableWidget->item(item.row(),item.column())->text());//Creation of my new cell
ui->visualisationTableWidget->setItem(0,0,itemCompleteTab);//Add in the QTableWidget

How do I add a ComboBox to a TreeView column?

In Gtkmm, I want to have a Gtk TreeView with a ListStore, and have one of the columns in the list be a ComboBoxText. But I can't seem to figure out how to do it.
What I currently have looks like:
class PlayerListColumns : public Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord
{ add(name); add(team);}
TreeModelColumn<string> name;
TreeModelColumn<ComboBoxText*> team;
Then when setting the TreeView (the player_list_view object)
PlayerListColumns *columns = new PlayerListColumns();
Glib::RefPtr<ListStore> refListStore = ListStore::create(*columns);
ComboBoxText *box = manage(new ComboBoxText());
TreeModel::Row row = *(refListStore->append());
row[columns->name] = "My Name";
row[columns->team] = box;
The column "name" shows up just fine, but no ComboBox. I'm almost positive that simply having a pointer to a combo box as the column type is wrong, but i don't know how it's supposed to go. I do get GTK warning:
GLib-GObject-WARNING **: unable to set property text' of typegchararray' from value of type `GtkComboBoxText'
Which seems to indicate (from a small bit of Googling) that there isn't a default renderer for non-basic types. But I haven't been able to find any examples of how to set one up, if that were the problem. All the tutorials only show TreeViews with primitive data types.
Anyone know how to put a ComboBox into a TreeView?
Okay, I haven't gotten it working 100%, but this example class should get you on the right track:
Basically you need to add a Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> > to your columns class and a Gtk::TreeModelColumn<string> to hold the selected data.
Then, to make a column a combobox, you have to add:
//manually created column for the tree view
Gtk::TreeViewColumn* pCol = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::TreeViewColumn("Choose"));
//the combobox cell renderer
Gtk::CellRendererCombo* comboCell = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::CellRendererCombo);
//pack the cell renderer into the column
//append the column to the tree view
//this sets the properties of the combobox and cell
//my gtkmm seems to be set for Glibmm properties
pCol->add_attribute(comboCell->property_text(), columns->team);
//this is needed because you can't use the ComboBoxText shortcut
// you have to create a liststore and fill it with your strings separately
// from your main model
pCol->add_attribute(comboCell->property_model(), columns->teams);
comboCell->property_text_column() = 0;
comboCell->property_editable() = true;
pCol->add_attribute(*comboCell, "text", columns->team);
pCol->add_attribute(*comboCell, "model", columns->teams);
comboCell->set_property(text_column:, 0);
comboCell->set_property("editable", true);
//connect a signal so you can set the selected option back into the model
//you can just have a column that is not added to the view if you want
I think something along the lines of using a Gtk::CellRendererCombo* is the way to go in your PlayerListColumns
(I haven't made a working test yet, but I got the idea from:

Can’t make child in Qtreeview using QStandardItemModel

After reading some examples I am still missing here something.
I have Qtreeview for view and QStandardItemModel for the data interface, also using QSortFilterProxyModel subclass but I don't know if its relevant.
This is my logic:
First I create the model with the QWidget as the parent:
QStandardItemModel m_model = new QStandardItemModel(0,4,parent);
then setSourceModel(m_model) for the widget
Set the treeview with QSortFilterProxyModel. something like this:
GroupProxyModel = new GroupSortFilterProxyModel;
Then later I fill the first row like this:
QList<QStandardItem *> items;
items.insert(0,new QStandardItem("Test 0"));>setEditable(false);
Until now every thing working fine and I see the row with the data. But when I like to
add child to the row like this:
QModelIndex parentQModelIndex = m_model->item(0,0)->index();
QModelIndex indexB = m_model->index(0, 0, parentQModelIndex);
m_model->setData(indexB,"Child test",Qt::DisplayRole);
But I don't see the child, why?
That's not how QStandardItemModel works - to add a child, call appendRow(s)/insertRow(s) on the parent QStandardItem:
QStandardItem* child = new QStandardItem( tr("Child test") );
QStandardItem* parentItem = m_model->item( 0, 0 );
parentItem->appendRow( child );