i want to display a multi-dimensional matrix B(1000,1000,3) in opencv to see the values of this matrix at each (i,j,k) index
here is my declaration and how i fill this matrix
Mat image1 = imread("C://images//PolarImage300915163358.bmp"); // image 800*600
int dim1[3] = {1000,1000,3};
Mat B(3,dim1, CV_64F, Scalar::all(-1));
for (int j1 = 0; j1 < 800; j1++)
for (int j2 = 0; j2 < 600; j2++)
jj1 = round( ((double)phi/stepphi)+701.0);
jj2 = round( ((double)theta/steptetha)+501.0);
B.at<double>(1199-jj1,jj2,0) = image1.at<double>(j1,j2);
B.at<double>(1199-jj1,jj2,1) = image1.at<double>(j1,j2);
B.at<double>(1199-jj1,jj2,2) = image1.at<double>(j1,j2);
I am wanting to move through an image and take a 5x5 grid centered around each pixel in the image. I then want to sum that grid and compare it to a threshold.
int main()
Mat element = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(7, 7));
Mat im = imread("blob.png", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
bool fromCenter = false;
namedWindow("Crop frame", WINDOW_NORMAL);
Rect2d r = selectROI("Crop frame", im, fromCenter);
im = im(r);
erode(im, im, element);
Mat clone = im;
int sectionSize = 4;
int width = im.cols - sectionSize/2;
int height = im.rows - sectionSize/2;
int sum = 0;
int counter = 0;
for (int i = sectionSize/2; i < width; i++) {
for (int j = sectionSize/2; j < height; j++) {
Rect rect = Rect(i, j, sectionSize, sectionSize);
rect -= Point(rect.width / 2, rect.height / 2);
Mat temp = im(rect);
for (int x = 0; x < temp.cols; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < temp.rows; y++) {
int pixelValue = (int)temp.at<uchar>(y, x);
sum += pixelValue;
cout << sum << endl;
if (sum > 3800) {
clone.at<uchar>(j, i) = 255;
else {
clone.at<uchar>(j, i) = 0;
namedWindow("erode", WINDOW_NORMAL);
imshow("erode", clone);
sum = 0;
I am getting fluctuations in the pixel sum based on where I select my ROI in the image even when both over white space Also, my pixel sum is changing when I change the value of the clone pixel in this section of the code which I do not understand at all:
if (sum > 3800) {
clone.at<uchar>(j, i) = 255;
else {
clone.at<uchar>(j, i) = 0;
I have two matrices:
cv::Mat bgr(rows, cols, CV_16UC3);
cv::Mat ir(rows, cols, CV_16UC1 );
and I want to subtract ir from each channel of bgr element-wise. I couldn't find an elegant solution yet.
One possible solution might be:
// subtract IR from BGR
Vec3u tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < ir.rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < ir.cols; j++) {
tmp = bgr.at<Vec3u>(i,j);
tmp[0] = tmp[0] - ir.at<ushort>(i,j);
tmp[1] = tmp[1] - ir.at<ushort>(i,j);
tmp[2] = tmp[2] - ir.at<ushort>(i,j);
bgr.at<Vec3u>(i, j) = tmp;
The question is that whether there is a faster solution.
If we're talking about an elegant way, it could be like this:
Mat mat = Mat::ones(2,2,CV_8UC1);
Mat mat1 = Mat::ones(2,2,CV_8UC2)*3;
Mat mats[2];
You shouldn't use at(), if you wanted your code to be more efficient. Use pointers and check Mats for continuity:
int rows = mat.rows;
int cols = mat.cols;
if(mat.isContinuous() && mat1.isContinuous())
rows = 1;
for(int j = 0;j<rows;j++) {
auto channe2limg = mat1.ptr<Vec2b>(j);
auto channelimg = mat.ptr<uchar>(j);
for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
I work on traffic sign detection, firstly I am applied a segmentation on RGB image to obtain red channel image as it is illustrated in image 1:
Secondely I try to find homogeneous region to eliminate not interested region (not a traffic sign) by calculating the variance of sliding window above the image
I use this code but I have always exception
int main(int argc, char** argv)
IplImage *image1;
if ((image1 = cvLoadImage("segmenter1/00051.jpg", 0)) == 0)
return NULL;
int rows = image1->width;
int cols = image1->height;
Mat image = Mat::zeros(cols, rows, CV_32FC1);
double x = 0;
double temp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++){
temp = cvGet2D(image1, j, i).val[0];
x = temp / 255;
image.at<float>(j, i) = x;
x = image.at<float>(j, i);
int k = 16;
double seuil = 0.0013;
CvScalar blanc;//pixel blanc
blanc.val[0] = 255;
cv::Scalar mean, stddev; //0:1st channel, 1:2nd channel and 2:3rd channel
for (int j = 0; j < rows - k; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < cols - k; i++)
double som = 0;
double var = 0;
double t = 0;
for (int jj = j; jj < k+j; jj++)
for (int ii = i; ii < k+i; ii++)
t = image.at<float>(jj, ii);
som = som + t;
t = t*t;
var =var+ t;
som = som / (k*k);
if (som>0.18){
var = (var / (k*k)) - (som*som);
if (var < seuil)
cvSet2D(image1, j, i, blanc);
char stsave[80];
cvSaveImage("variance/00051.jpg", image1);
return 0;
Without the specific exception, I can only guess it is out_of_range. According to opencv docs, cvGet2D and cvSet2D parameters are image, y, x which effectively translates to image, rows, cols. You have flipped the definition of rows, cols and have conflicting usage between the two loops. Maybe fix these and try again.
I want to assign value to a 3 dimensional array in opencv but don't know how to do it.
here is the code in matlab that I want to write in opencv
vv = zeros(800,600,2);
for j1=1:m1
for j2=1:m2
and this is what I did in opencv, but did not work
int dim2[3] = {800,600,2};
Mat vv(3,dim2,CV_32F,Scalar::all(0));
for(int j1 = 0; j1 < 800; j1++)
{ for(int j2 = 0; j2 < 600; j2++)
Mat w(3,dim2,CV_32F, Scalar(1,vv(j1,j2,1),vv(j1,j2,2)));
use the following syntax:
//initizlizes a matrix zeros, of size 800x600x2
cv::Mat vv = cv::Mat::zeros(cv::Size(600, 800), CV_32FC2);
//do some calculations on vv
//opencv version of the for loop
for (int y = 0; y < vv.rows; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < vv.cols; x++)
//access indices (y,x,1) and (y,x,2)
cv::Vec2f wVec = vv.at<cv::Vec2f>(cv::Point(x, y));
//calculates the norm
cv::Point3f w(3, wVec[0], wVec[1]);
double normW = cv::norm(w);
//divides w by it's norm. don't forget to verify that normW is not 0
w = w / normW;
//do something with the calculated w vector
I am trying to make a classifier using OpenCV 3.0.0's CvSVM and color histogram. I already tried to make my own using the following code to make the datasets:
int labels[510];
if (label.compare("raw")){
for (int i = 0; i < 509; i++){
labels[i] = 1;
else if (label.compare("ripe")){
for (int i = 0; i < 509; i++){
labels[i] = 2;
else if (label.compare("rotten")){
for (int i = 0; i < 509; i++){
labels[i] = 3;
float trainingData[510][2];
for (int i = 0; i < 254; i++){
trainingData[i][1] = r_hist.at<float>(i - 1);
trainingData[i][2] = i;
int j = 0;
for (int i = 255; i < 509; i++){
trainingData[i][1] = g_hist.at<float>(j - 1);
trainingData[i][2] = i;
And this code for the SVM:
int width = 512, height = 512;
Mat image = Mat::zeros(height, width, CV_8UC3);
Mat labelsMat(510, 1, CV_32SC1, labels);
Mat trainingDataMat(510, 2, CV_32FC1, trainingData);
Ptr < cv::ml::SVM > svm = SVM::create();
svm = cv::Algorithm::load<ml::SVM>("svm.xml");
svm->setTermCriteria((cvTermCriteria(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER, 100, 1e6)));
svm->train(trainingDataMat, ROW_SAMPLE, labelsMat);
The problem with the code above is that it won't save properly. Is there a better way to do it?