ColdFusion2016 classpath issue - coldfusion

I've installed a clean instance of ColdFusion2016. I'm copying my old settings over from a CF11 instance. I'm having problems with the
ColdFusion Class Path in the Java and JVM settings of the ColdFusion administrator. A third-party jar that was fine on cf11 stops ColdFusion from starting. I know the path to the jar is correct. I've tried changing the jre to the latest version. Is there anything else I can do?

Did you restart the ColdFusion services after placing the new jar file ?
Also make sure you are not using a jar compiled on java 1.7 or 1.6.


Windows service not showing up

I have a windows service project that I inherited and need to migrate it to a new server. I have made changes to some code, and so I created a new setup project in VS 2017. I added the .exe of the service to the set up package, and rebuilt both the service and the setup projects. When I run the .msi it seems to complete installation but when I look in the Windows Services list it's not there. What am I missing?
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
The installer probably didn't run the installutil.exe program.
You can do this manually by dropping to a command prompt then navigating to the location that the installer put the .exe file. From there run this:
installutil.exe myservice.exe
where myservice is the exe file you generated.
For more information:
Also, you might need to add the installutil.exe path. It's part of the .net framework and will be found in that install directory.

Setting priority for loading slf4j jar from custom path apart from JRE

Am upgrading jetty 4.2.24 to jetty 9.2.25,i got a dependency with slf4j version for jetty.
jetty 9.2.25 requires slf4j 1.7.5 but am using 1.5.6 version for both jetty web server and JACORB.
the problem am facing here is jetty is taking the jar directly under JVM /ext path, i cant replace the slf4j 1.5.6 under JVM directly since JACORB is using it.
I have searched in web and tried to dynamically exclude the jar, but its only showing with Maven which am not using.
please let me know if there is any way to give some priority for jars under jetty configuration , so that it will not take jar under JVM(slf4j 1.5.6 )
and take new jar (slf4j 1.7.5) in some other path.

Server can't find packages after upgrade

Private nuget server can't find packages after upgrade
I had to update the nuget server to get it to accept packages that were failing to upload (apparently the package format changed in dotnet core or something). Now all the previously uploaded packages aren't showing up in nuget. I can see all of them on the server just sitting there in their directories. But they can't be found. New packages are ending up in the server's package directory rather than their own directories.
From prior experience I don't think just copying the packages into the packages directory is going to work.
Trying to actually upgrade the NuGet.Server package from v2.8.6 to v3.0.2 appears to work but in the end the package is still at v2.8.6.
Don't try to upgrade nuget.server projects. That way lies madness.
Carry out the instructions like making a new one.
1) Create a new empty Web Project; target framework is NET Framework 4.6
2) Add NuGet.Server version 3.0.2
3) Fix duplicate <compilation> tag in web.config
4) Apply your API key to web.config and any other nuget configurations you have.
5) Remove old project from installation directory; leaving behind only the Packages directory and optionally any static files you uploaded to the installation directory itself (I keep a copy of nuget.exe and local project icons there).
6) Copy build output of new project to web installation directory.
It starts working. I don't know what's up with upgrading but it ends up with a smashed web.config and who knows what else.

Can't install plugins on redmine war

I'm running tomcat 7.0.40 and have deployed redmine 2.3.1 and also 2.0.3.
I've made the WEB-INF/public/plugin_assets directory writable and then copied the plugin into this directory.
After that, i've restarted tomcat but i can't see anything under plugin's list in
What i'm missing?
Thank you very much

wso2 carbon: how to hack the source and deploy the changes to a carbon server

I have the carbon source tree set up in eclipse - and have made some code changes.
Can I build just one component (e.g. org.wso2.carbon.feature.mgt.ui-4.1.0.jar) using maven / eclipse, and then deploy that to an existing carbon server?
I have tried dropping the built jar in the repository\deployment directory and restarting the server, but the changes don't appear to have been picked up.
Am I doing something wrong?
Place the jars at <CARBON_HOME>/repository/components/plugins. Also delete the relevant existing jars from repository/components/plugins