groovy: create a list of values with all strings - list

I am trying to iterate through a map and create a new map value. The below is the input
def map = [[name: 'hello', email: ['on', 'off'] ], [ name: 'bye', email: ['abc', 'xyz']]]
I want the resulting data to be like:
[hello: ['on', 'off'], bye: ['abc', 'xyz']]
The code I have right now -
result = [:]
map.each { key ->
result[random] = {random ->
return result
The above code returns
[hello: [on, off], bye: [abc, xyz]]
As you can see from above, the quotes from on, off and abc, xyz have disappeared, which is causing problems for me when i am trying to do checks on the list value [on, off]

It should not matter. If you see the result in Groovy console, they are still String.
Below should be sufficient:
map.collectEntries {
[, ]
If you still need the single quotes to create a GString instead of a String, then below tweak would be required:
map.collectEntries {
[, { "'$it'" } ]
I personally do not see any reasoning behind doing the later way. BTW, map is not a Map, it is a List, you can rename it to avoid unnecessary confusions.

You could convert it to a json object and then everything will have quotes

This does it. There should/may be a groovier way though.
def listOfMaps = [[name: 'hello', email: ['on', 'off'] ], [ name: 'bye', email: ['abc', 'xyz']]]
def result = [:]
listOfMaps.each { map ->
def list = map.collect { k, v ->
result[list[0]] = ["'${list[1][0]}'", "'${list[1][1]}'"]
println result


how to create a filter to search for a word with special characters while writing in the input without special characters

it's my first post.
I work to Quasar (Vue.js)
I have list of jobs, and in this list, i have words with special caractere.
Ex :
[ ...{ "libelle": "Agent hôtelier" },{"libelle": "Agent spécialisé / Agente spécialisée des écoles maternelles -ASEM-"},{ "libelle": "Agriculteur / Agricultrice" },{ "libelle": "Aide aux personnes âgées" },{ "libelle": "Aide de cuisine" },...]
And on "input" i would like to search "Agent spécialisé" but i want to write "agent specialise" (without special caractere) or the initial name, i want to write both and autocomplete my "input".
I just don't fin the solution for add to my filter code ...
My input :
hint="Votre métier"
style="width: 250px; padding-bottom: 32px"
My code :
export default {
props: ['data'],
data() {
return {
jobList: json,
model: '',
options: [],
stringOptions: []
methods: {
jsonJobsCall(e) {
this.stringOptions = []
json.forEach(res => {
filterFn(val, update) {
if (val === '') {
update(() => {
this.options = this.stringOptions
update(() => {
const regex = /é/i
const needle = val.toLowerCase()
this.options = this.stringOptions.filter(
v => v.replace(regex, 'e').toLowerCase().indexOf(needle) > -1
To sum up : i need filter for write with or witouth special caractere in my input for found in my list the job which can contain a special character.
I hope i was clear, ask your questions if i haven't been.
Thanks you very much.
I am not sure if its work for you but you can use regex to create valid filter for your need. For example, when there is "e" letter you want to check "e" or "é" (If I understand correctly)
//Lets say we want to match "Agent spécialisé" with the given search text
let searchText = "Agent spe";
// Lets create a character map for matching characters
let characterMap = {
e: ['e', 'é'],
a: ['a', '#']
// Replacing special characters with a regex part which contains all equivelant characters
// !Remember replaceAll depricated
Object.keys(characterMap).forEach((key) => {
let replaceReg = new RegExp(`${key}`, "g")
searchText = searchText.replace(replaceReg, `[${characterMap[key].join("|")}]`);
// Here we create a regex to match
let reg = new RegExp(searchText + ".*")
console.log("Agent spécialisé".match(reg) != null);
Another approach could be the reverse of this. You can normalize "Agent spécialisé". (I mean replace all é with normal e with a regex like above) and store in the object along with the original text. But search on this normalized string instead of original.

Search for Substring in several fields with MongoDB and Mongoose

I am so sorry, but after one day researching and trying all different combinations and npm packages, I am still not sure how to deal with the following task.
MongoDB 2.6
Node.JS with Mongoose 4
I have a schema like so:
var trackingSchema = mongoose.Schema({
tracking_number: String,
zip_code: String,
courier: String,
user_id: Number,
created: { type: Date, default: },
international_shipment: { type: Boolean, default: false },
delivery_info: {
recipient: String,
street: String,
city: String
Now user gives me a search string, a rather an array of strings, which will be substrings of what I want to search:
var search = ['15323', 'julian', 'administ'];
Now I want to find those documents, where any of the fields tracking_number, zip_code, or these fields in delivery_info contain my search elements.
How should I do that? I get that there are indexes, but I probably need a compound index, or maybe a text index? And for search, I then can use RegEx, or the $text $search syntax?
The problem is that I have several strings to look for (my search), and several fields to look in. And due to one of those aspects, every approach failed for me at some point.
Your use case is a good fit for text search.
Define a text index on your schema over the searchable fields:
tracking_number: 'text',
zip_code: 'text',
'delivery_info.recipient': 'text',
'delivery_info.street': 'text',
'': 'text'
}, {name: 'search'});
Join your search terms into a single string and execute the search using the $text query operator:
var search = ['15232', 'julian'];
Test.find({$text: {$search: search.join(' ')}}, function(err, docs) {...});
Even though this passes all your search values as a single string, this still performs a logical OR search of the values.
Why just dont try
var trackingSchema = mongoose.Schema({
tracking_number: String,
zip_code: String,
courier: String,
user_id: Number,
created: { type: Date, default: },
international_shipment: { type: Boolean, default: false },
delivery_info: {
recipient: String,
street: String,
city: String
var Tracking = mongoose.model('Tracking', trackingSchema );
var search = [ "word1", "word2", ...]
var results = []
for(var i=0; i<search.length; i++){
Tracking.find({$or : [
{ tracking_number : search[i]},
{zip_code: search[i]},
{courier: search[i]},
{delivery_info.recipient: search[i]},
{delivery_info.street: search[i]},
{ search[i]}]
//it will push every unique result to variable results
if(results.indexOf(tracking)<0) results.push(tracking);
Okay, I came up with this.
My schema now has an extra field search with an array of all my searchable fields:
var trackingSchema = mongoose.Schema({
search: [String]
With a pre-save hook, I populate this field:
trackingSchema.pre('save', function(next) { = [ this.tracking_number ];
var searchIfAvailable = [
for (var i = 0; i < searchIfAvailable.length; i++) {
if (!validator.isNull(searchIfAvailable[i])) {[i].toLowerCase());
In the hope of improving performance, I also index that field (also the user_id as I limit search results by that):
trackingSchema.index({ search: 1 });
trackingSchema.index({ user_id: 1 });
Now, when searching I first list all substrings I want to look for in an array:
var andArray = [];
var searchTerms = searchRequest.split(" ");
searchTerms.forEach(function(searchTerm) {
search: { $regex: searchTerm, $options: 'i'
I use this array in my find() and chain it with an $and:
find({ $and: andArray }).
skip(pageSize * page).
exec(function(err, docs) {
// hooray!
This works.

Extract string from a long string in scala

I want to extract the useful fields from a string object like the following one
It has 18 fields in total, and what I want to do is assign them to 18 different strings and extract useful info if it is Some(X), otherwise set the string to None.
For example in this case, the string array in the response should be
val results = Array("8454439", "16872692", "", "8281008", "ArrayBuffer(845434399)",
"129032", "3", "Profile", "en", "None", "None", "None", "None", "true", "None",
"Food", "None", "Fish")
If you can get the list of items somehow, you could do something like this with a Seq[Option[Any]]:
val items: Seq[Option[Any]] = ???"None").toString)
But if you only have the output of Request.toString, this will get you most of the way there:
val s = "Request(Some(8454439),Some(16872692),Some(,Some(8281008),Some(ArrayBuffer(845434399)),Some(129032),Some(3),Some(Profile),Some(en),None,None,None,None,Some(true),None,Some(Food),None,Some(Fish))"
val pat1 = """Some\([\w.()]+?\)|None""".r
val pat2 = """Some\((.*)\)""".r
pat1.findAllIn(s).map {
case pat2(some) => some
case x => x
// res0: List[String] = List(8454439, 16872692,, 8281008, ArrayBuffer(845434399, 129032, 3, Profile, en, None, None, None, None, true, None, Food, None, Fish)
My regex-fu isn't strong enough to keep the trailing parenthesis on the ArrayBuffer value, but otherwise this seems to work.
Have you tried something along the lines of
val items = {
case Some(value) => value
case None => "None"
To actually convert Some(ArrayBuffer(845434399)) to "ArrayBuffer(845434399)" though, you may need a nested match statement:
val items = {
case Some(value) => value match {
case strng: String => strng
case other => ???
case None => "None"
Off the top of my head, not sure what to call to do it, but maybe one of the functions of the Any type would be of help.

Lists AS value of a Map in Dart

I want to create a map of members, but every membres have 3 propreties : first name, last name, and username. How can I create like a list of liste, but with a map.
So I want to have something like :
var membres= {['lastname': 'Bonneau',
'firstname': 'Pierre',
'username': 'mariobross'],
['lastname': 'Hamel',
'firstname': 'Alex',
'username': 'Queenlatifa'],
As you know, this code doesn't work. But it explain pretty well what I am trying to do.
I think you are confusing the two constructs here.
Read this introduction to the language:
A list is a list of elements which can be denoted with the shorthand [...] syntax:
var list = [1, 2, "foo", 3, new, 4];
Whereas a map can be denoted with the curly brace shorthand syntax:
var gifts = { // A map literal
// Keys Values
'first' : 'partridge',
'second' : 'turtledoves',
'fifth' : 'golden rings'
So, let's modify your code to work:
var members = [
'lastname': 'Bonneau',
'firstname': 'Pierre',
'username': 'mariobross'
'lastname': 'Hamel',
'firstname': 'Alex',
'username': 'Queenlatifa'
You can, for example, print the information like this:
members.forEach((e) {
If I understand your intent correctly, you want to have a list of maps. What you have is correct except you confused [ and {. The following works:
var membres = [
{'lastname': 'Bonneau',
'firstname': 'Pierre',
'username': 'mariobross'},
{'lastname': 'Hamel',
'firstname': 'Alex',
'username': 'Queenlatifa'}
As an example, to get a list of all usernames:
print( => v['username']));
If you don't really need a Map, what about using a class to improve the structure of your code :
class Member {
String firstname;
String lastname;
String username;
Member(this.firstname, this.lastname, this.username);
main() {
final members = new List<Member>();
members.add(new Member('Pierre', 'Bonneau', 'mariobross'));
members.add(new Member('Alex', 'Hamel', 'Queenlatifa'));
// use members
You mean like this?
// FirstName => LastName => Value
var lookup = new Map<String, Map<String, String>>();
// get / set values like this
void setValue(String firstName, String lastName, String value) {
if (!lookUp.containsKey(firstName))
lookUp[firstName] = new Map<String, String>();
lookUp[firstName][lastName] = value;
String getValue(String firstName, String lastName) {
if (!lookUp.containsKey(firstName)) return "";
return lookUp[firstName][lastName];
First of all you need to create a map with value as list. Dont forget to initialize it
then if you want to fill it you first need to use built in function like putIfAbsent as in dart to add first object in list and then use update to add items in list. therefore you will need two arrays. First to put elements and then to add elements in list with same key. Also you can use try catch to identify if the key is present or not to do that in one loop
for (var item in days) {
var date_time = DateTime.parse(item["date"] + " 00:00:00");
_events[date_time] = _events.putIfAbsent(
() => [
"title": item["title"],
"date": item["date"],
"time": reUse.get_time_am_pm_format(item["time"]),
"feature": item["feature"],
for (var item in days) {
var date_time = DateTime.parse(item["date"] + " 00:00:00");
_events[date_time] = _events.update(date_time, (value) {
"title": item["title"],
"date": item["date"],
"time": reUse.get_time_am_pm_format(item["time"]),
"feature": item["feature"],
return value;

List as map value in grails

I need to populate a Map so that:
The Key is a String
The Value is a List of Strings
The process is to go through all the records in a table that has two text fields : "parameter" and "value". "Parameter" is not unique an has many duplicates. So what I intent to do is:
def all = MyTable.findAll()
def mymap = [:]
all.each {
// add to mymap the element "it.value" to the list that has "it.parameter" as key
Any clues ?
There is a IMHO little bit simpler way doing this by using 'withDefault' introduced in Groovy 1.7:
all = [
[parameter: 'foo', value: 'aaa'],
[parameter: 'foo', value: 'bbb'],
[parameter: 'bar', value: 'ccc'],
[parameter: 'baz', value: 'ddd']
def myMap = [:].withDefault { [] }
all.each {
myMap[it.parameter] << it.value
assert myMap.size() == 3
assert == ['aaa','bbb']
assert == ['ccc']
assert myMap.baz == ['ddd']
You can use the Map.groupBy method, which will split the collection into a map of groups based on the passed in closure. Here's a full example, which also calls collect to make each parameter point to just the values:
all = [
[parameter: 'foo', value: 'aaa'],
[parameter: 'foo', value: 'bbb'],
[parameter: 'bar', value: 'ccc'],
[parameter: 'baz', value: 'ddd']
tmpMap = all.groupBy{it.parameter}
myMap = [:].putAll(tmpMap.collect{k, v -> [k, v.value] as MapEntry})
assert myMap == [foo: ['aaa', 'bbb'], bar: ['ccc'], baz:['ddd']]