Python Django error related to urllib3 - django

ImportError: No module named packages.urllib3.poolmanager
I have set requests module in requirements.txt like this:
requests contains another version of urllib3. What could be going wrong?

Can you add your error traceback message?
from requests.packages.urllib3.poolmanager import PoolManager
See if the above solves it

This was caused by not using virtualenv. It was resorting to the system python which was causing this error.


Import error web "no module named web"

I did an web application using and after a while I realize that my python compiler was configure to use python2 instead of python3 (both are installed). With python2 my application was working but I got string in unicode so I try to execute my code using python3:
But I get different kind of error, the lib urlparse was not found (this problem was cause by a new name in python3 which is urllib) but I got a problem with:
import web
The return error is:
ImportError: No module named 'web'
I can't figure out where the problem come from. cannot work with python3, this is the linked to the gitub project.
Maybe you have installed web in your python2 lib but you have none in python3 lib... Check it out

No module named middleware for django-bouncer

I'm using django-bouncer to make a waiting list in a Django 1.6 app. Unfortunately, when I add 'bouncer.middleware.MembersOnlyMiddleware' to my MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES as required, I get: "ImportError: No module named middleware." I tried going into the Django shell and typing "from bouncer.middleware import MembersOnlyMiddleware," but that received the same error.
What can I do to resolve this problem?
django-bouncer and bouncer are not the same package.
Try to install django-bouncer:
pip install django-bouncer

Import error when running django server

I get the following error when I try to run python runserver_socketio
ImportError: cannot import name SocketIOServer
When I run python and help("modules") the socket module appears to be there. How can I determine what "SocketIOServer" needs to be changed to in from socket import SocketIOServer?
I am using Python 2.7.
ERROR : "ImportError: cannot import name SocketIOServer"
The error is in the command file
located in the folder
In the line 13 it says:
from socketio import SocketIOServer
Then I fixed it to:
from socketio.server import SocketIOServer
Hope it helps.
Try to install django-socketio (gevent gives a basic system, but for django written a separate add-on) or check access rights

Installing Celery with Django

I'm trying to install celery with django and I'm get the following error:
from celery.task import sets
ImportError: cannot import name sets
How can I fix that?
Installing a newer version of celery might work. Or your install might not be complete.
But sets should be a part of celery.task.
Atleast, the latest docs indicate that this should be the case:
looks like an issue that has been reported.
You might be interested in these 2 pages of the #celery irc log

Cannot import django.core

I am trying to setup django with fastcgi on apache. Django is installed and seems to be running correctly but I am having problems with setting up fastcgi.
I decided to test out my dispatch.fcgi script in the interactive python shell line by line and the following line:
from django.core.servers.fastcgi import runfastcgi
results in the following error:
ImportError: No module named core.servers.fastcgi
I can import django with no problem but import django.core gives yet another ImportError (No module named core).
How can I go about ensuring that I can import django.core. If I can import django then in must be on my path, and so why can I not import core?
You probably have a file/folder called django somewhere in your path, that isn't the actual path.
try this
import sys
And then check everything in that output to see if there is a file/folder called django(.py) somewhere.
If so, change the path (sys.path = ['/path/to/directory/below/django/install'] + sys.path) or move/rename the file.
Probably you have module in your working directory or in any other that is in python path.
For anyone having this problem and coming across this question like I did, it turns out that fastcgi support has been removed as of Django 1.9, thus you will get this import error if trying to import it. Refer Using Django with virtualenv, get error ImportError: No module named 'django.core.servers.fastcgi'