Polymorphic Schemas in Clojure - clojure

I want to create polymorphic schemas/types, and I'm curious of best practices. The following 2 examples allow me to create a Frequency schema which can repeat an event monthly by day of month, or monthly by day of week (eg, every 15th, or every first monday, respectively).
The first one uses the experimental abstract map to accomplish this, and its syntax of it is awkward (IMO). Plus being in the experimental package concerns me a bit.
The second one uses s/conditional, and this suffers from not being able to easily coerce the value of type from a string to keyword, which is useful when dealing with a REST API, or JSON. (whereas s/eq is great for this).
In the general case, is one of these, or some third option, the best practice for conveying: Type A is one of Types #{B C D ...}?
Two options:
(s/defschema Frequency (field (abstract-map/abstract-map-schema
:type {})
(abstract-map/extend-schema MonthlyByDOM Frequency
{:days #{MonthDay}})
(abstract-map/extend-schema MonthlyByDOW Frequency
{:days #{WeekDay}
:weeks #{(s/enum 1 2 3 4 5)}})
(s/defschema MonthlyByDOM "monthly by day of month, eg every 13th and 21st day" {:type (s/eq :monthly-by-dom)
:days #{MonthDay}})
(s/defschema MonthlyByDOW "monthly by day of week, eg first, and third friday" {:type (s/eq :monthly-by-dow)
:days #{WeekDay}
:weeks #{(s/enum 1 2 3 4 5)}})
(s/defschema Frequency (field (s/conditional #(= (s/eq :monthly-by-dom) (do (prn %) (:type %))) MonthlyByDOM
#(= :monthly-by-dow (:type %)) MonthlyByDOW)
{:default {:type :monthly-by-dom
:days #{1 11 21}}}))
Similar questions that don't quite help:
Polymorphic schema validation in Clojure
Validating multiple polymorphic values using Prismatic Schema


How this code translates a number to English?

I'm new to Clojure and found there's a piece of code like following
user=> (def to-english (partial clojure.pprint/cl-format nil
"~#(~#[~R~]~^ ~A.~)"))
user=> (to-english 1234567890)
"One billion, two hundred thirty-four million, five hundred sixty-seven
thousand, eight hundred ninety"
at https://clojuredocs.org/clojure.core/partial#example-542692cdc026201cdc326ceb. I know what partial does and I checked clojure.pprint/cl-format doc but still don't understand how it translates an integer to English words. Guess secret is hidden behind "~#(~#[~R~]~^ ~A.~)" but I didn't find a clue to read it.
Any help will be appreciated!
The doc mentions it, but one good resource is A Few FORMAT Recipes from Seibel's Practical Common Lisp.
Also, check §22.3 Formatted Output from the HyperSpec.
In Common Lisp:
CL-USER> (format t "~R" 10)
~#(...~^...) is case conversion, where the # prefix means to capitalize (upcase only the first word). It contains an escape upward operation ~^, which in this context marks the end of what is case-converted. It also exits the current context when there are no more argument available.
~#[...] is conditional format: the inner format is applied on a value only if it is non nil.
The final ~A means that the function should be able to accept one more argument and print it.
In fact, your example looks like the one in §
If ~^ appears within a ~[ or ~( construct, then all the commands up to
the ~^ are properly selected or case-converted, the ~[ or ~(
processing is terminated, and the outward search continues for a ~{ or
~< construct to be terminated. For example:
(setq tellstr "~#(~#[~R~]~^ ~A!~)")
=> "~#(~#[~R~]~^ ~A!~)"
(format nil tellstr 23) => "Twenty-three!"
(format nil tellstr nil "losers") => " Losers!"
(format nil tellstr 23 "losers") => "Twenty-three losers!"

Different values for MD 5 hash depending on technique

I'm trying to find a good way to hash a string. This method is working fine, but the results are not consistent with this website:
(defn hash-string
"Use java interop to flexibly hash strings"
[string algo base]
(let [hashed
(doto (java.security.MessageDigest/getInstance algo)
(.update (.getBytes string)))]
(.toString (new java.math.BigInteger 1 (.digest hashed)) base))
(defn hash-md5
"Generate a md5 checksum for the given string"
(hash-string string "MD5" 16)
When I use this, I do indeed get hashes. The problem is I'm trying a programming exercise at advent of code and it has its own examples of string hashes which offer a 3rd result different from the above 2!
How can one do an md5 in the "standard" way that is always expected?
Your MD5 operations are correct; you're just not displaying them properly.
Since an MD5 is 32 hexadecimal characters long, you need to format the string to pad it out correctly.
In other words, simply change this expression:
(.toString (new java.math.BigInteger 1 (.digest hashed)) base))
to one that uses format:
(format "%032x" (new java.math.BigInteger 1 (.digest hashed)))))

clojure - best way to increase date by x days

I need to read in a date string in yyyyMMdd format and increase it by x amount of days - at the minute I am doing it by converting to millis and adding 1 day in mills then converting back to yyyyMMdd.
(DateTimeFormat/forPattern "yyyymmdd") (DateTimeZone/forID "EST"))
(+ 86400000 (.parseMillis
(.withZone (DateTimeFormat/forPattern "yyyymmdd")
(DateTimeZone/forID "EST")) "20150401")))
Is there a cleaner way to do this? clj-time library is not available to me, and I am using clojure 1.2
Since you cant't use clj-time, which is the best option in this case, I can't think of anything better than using org.joda.time as you did.
However, I would suggest rewriting your code a little bit:
there is no need for time zones here;
you could create DateTimeFormat object once and reuse it.
Here is how your function could look:
(defn add [date pattern days]
(let [fmt (DateTimeFormat/forPattern pattern)
add (* 86400000 days)]
(->> date
(.parseMillis fmt)
(+ add)
(.print fmt))))
(add "20150401" "yyyymmdd" 1) ; => "20150402"
If you don't want to work with milliseconds, you could use .parseDateTime instead of .parseMillis and .plusDays method do add days to the parsed date:
(defn add [date pattern days]
(let [fmt (DateTimeFormat/forPattern pattern)
dt (.parseDateTime fmt date)]
(.print fmt (.plusDays dt days))))

Google App Engine Query matches case [duplicate]

Using the google appengine datastore, is there a way to perform a gql query that specifies a WHERE clause on a StringProperty datatype that is case insensitive? I am not always sure what case the value will be in. The docs specify that the where is case sensitive for my values, is there a way to make this insensitive?
for instance the db Model would be this:
from google.appengine.ext import db
class Product(db.Model):
id = db.IntegerProperty()
category = db.StringProperty()
and the data looks like this:
id category
1 cat1
2 cat2
3 Cat1
4 CAT1
5 CAT3
6 Cat4
7 CaT1
8 CAT5
i would like to say
gqlstring = "WHERE category = '{0}'".format('cat1')
returnvalue = Product.gql(gqlstring)
and have returnvalue contain
id category
1 cat1
3 Cat1
4 CAT1
7 CaT1
I don't think there is an operator like that in the datastore.
Do you control the input of the category data? If so, you should choose a canonical form to store it in (all lowercase or all uppercase). If you need to store the original case for some reason, then you could just store two columns - one with the original, one with the standardized one. That way you can do a normal WHERE clause.
The datastore doesn't support case insensitive comparisons, because you can't index queries that use them (barring an index that transforms values). The solution is to store a normalized version of your string in addition to the standard one, as Peter suggests. The property classes in the AETycoon library may prove helpful, in particular, DerivedProperty.
This thread was helpful and makes me want to contribute with similar approach to make partial search match possible. I add one more field on datastore kind and save each word on normalized phrase as a set and then use IN filter to collide. This is an example with a Clojure. Normalize part should easy translate to java at least (thanks to #raek on #clojure), while database interaction should be convertable to any language:
(use '[clojure.contrib.string :only [split lower-case]])
(use '[appengine-magic.services.datastore :as ds])
; initialize datastore kind entity
(ds/defentity AnswerTextfield [value, nvalue, avalue])
; normalize and lowercase a string
(defn normalize [string-to-normalize]
(apply str
(remove #(= (Character/getType %) Character/NON_SPACING_MARK)
(java.text.Normalizer/normalize string-to-normalize java.text.Normalizer$Form/NFKD)))))
; save original value, normalized value and splitted normalized value
(defn textfield-save! [value]
(let [nvalue (normalize value)]
(ds/new* AnswerTextfield [value nvalue (split #" " nvalue)]))))
; normalized search
(defn search-normalized [value]
(ds/query :kind AnswerTextfield
:filter [(= :nvalue (normalize value))]))
; partial normalized word search
(defn search-partial [value]
(let [coll []]
(for [splitted-value (split #" " (normalize value))]
(merge coll
(ds/query :kind AnswerTextfield
:filter [(in :avalue [splitted-value])]))))))

How can I “unparse” a date in a specific time zone?

Using clj-time, I can parse a date and time by doing
(def timestamp (format/parse (formatters :date-time-no-ms)
;=> #<DateTime 2013-06-04T04:00:00.000Z>
I can convert this back into a string by doing
(unparse (formatters :year-month-day) timestamp)
;=> "2013-06-04"
This is the year, month, and day of that moment within the UTC time zone. How can I get an unparsed version of the DateTime relative to another time zone? For example, for the example above, I want to specify the UTC–5 time zone and get a string of “2013-06-03”. I have played around with from-time-zone and to-time-zone but can’t seem to find the right combination of functions and arguments.
You'll want to use clj-time.format/with-zone:
(require '(clj-time [core :as time] [format :as timef]))
(timef/unparse (timef/with-zone (:date-time-no-ms timef/formatters)
(time/time-zone-for-id "America/Chicago"))
;= "2013-06-02T15:20:03-05:00"