SSH Connection disconnected - django

I'm a student from korea
first, i'm sorry about my low level english :)
I'm make a web service using AWS + nginx + django
I connect to AWS instance(ubuntu) using SSH protocol
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pyenv-virtualenv: no virtualenv has been activated.
and runserver --settings=abc.settings.production
So everyone can access my web service!
but.... after 30miniute
the SSL connection is broken itself....
export this message
packet_write_wait: Connection to Broken pipe
and nobody can't access my web service...
so... my web site can't access when my computer was power off, none SSL connection...
I want everyone can access my web service 24/7
please give me a method thank you :)

When you want to run a command that continues after your current shell terminates, you should use the nohup command to launch it.
That causes the process to be detached from its initial parent shell so it is not killed when the parent terminates.


AWS-EC2 Redis-server RDB snapshot write error

I have a web application running on Laravel5.2 framework, with session driver set to redis with following AWS setup.
Instance-1: Running web application, with Redis configurations in .env file as follow
Redis-host: aws-private-ip-of-instance-2
Redis-password: NULL
Redis-port: 6379
Instance-2: Redis-server running with following configuration
Bind aws-private-ip-of-instance-2 and
Working directory /var/lib/redis with 775 permission, and ower-group is redis.
RDB snapshot name dump.rdb with 660 permission, and ower-group is redis.
NOTE: In AWS inbound rule for port 6379 is configured for
Everything works fine, until redis tries to write the data on the RDB file. Following error shows on front-end.
MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but is currently
not able to persist on disk. Commands that may modify the data set are
disabled. Please check Redis logs for details about the error.
While in the logs of Redis server i got following data.
4873:M 23 Sep 10:08:15.028 * 1 changes in 900 seconds. Saving...
4873:M 23 Sep 10:08:15.028 * Background saving started by pid 7392
7392:C 23 Sep 10:08:15.028 # Failed opening .rdb for saving: Read-only file system
4873:M 23 Sep 10:08:15.128 # Background saving error
Things I have tried
Add vm.overcommit_memory = 1 to /etc/sysctl.conf, as suggested in Redis-administraition-blog
Change path to dump.rdb file to tmp folder and change permissions to 777.
This other Stack Exchange thread might help, since you are using a custom /tmp dir for data:
The simple way to do this is to run systemctl edit redis. This will create an override drop-in file /etc/systemd/system/redis.service.d/override.conf, in which you can place your changes (and the proper section):
You may also create that directory and place files ending in .conf in it manually. But do not leave the directory empty, as this will disable the service.
In either case, run systemctl daemon-reload and you are ready to restart your service.
Many threads also point to filesystem inconsistency as root cause. Since you are using EC2, check this AWS forums post:
To fix this, you will have to:
Stop the instance
Detach the root volume of your instance
Attach the volume as a data volume to any running Linux instance in the same availability zone
Perform a filesystem check (fsck) on the volume and fix the issues
Detach the volume and attach it back to your instance as it's root volume
Boot back instance and verify if the volume was able to mount successfully
As a last resort, terminate the instance if possible.
Hope it helps!
Well this is very embarrassing to post answer of own question, which was a really stupid mistake. But hope new folks here learns from my mistake too.
So first thing I have done is enable detail logs for redis-server in /etc/redis/redis.conf file by changing log_level option to debug.
Observe the logs and understand that my redis port 6379 was open for everyone on internet.
So from logs I observe that someone else's server is spoofing into my redis server and making it slave of it. And as my redis server is configure in a way that slave is read-only, when i try to access my redis-server it throw error of read-only.
After applying the fire-wall for redis server port, I have not encounter this issue anymore.

Access to PCF app from another machine

I'm new with the PCF and trying to deploy a simple web-app. I've installed the cf CLI, pcfdev and pushed my app to pcf:
cf push test-ui -b staticfile_buildpack
name: test-ui
requested state: started
instances: 1/1
usage: 256M x 1 instances
last uploaded: Thu 23 Aug 13:09:04 +03 2018
stack: cflinuxfs2
buildpack: staticfile_buildpack
start command: $HOME/
state since cpu memory disk details
#0 running 2018-08-23T10:09:17Z 0.0% 5.3M of 256M 25M of 512M
So, now, I can access my test app by link from the same machine where I've started my pcf instance. But I don't know how to access to this app from another device in the same network.
Could someone tell me what I should do to open my test app from another device in the same network as my local machine?
Since PCFDev was installed in your local machine. I believe you cannot access the cloud foundry apps outside of your machine unless some networking stuff should be done that provide access to other machines.
I've found a solution: using the reverse proxy to redirect request from my local port app's url:
(using nginx as example):
server {
listen 8090;
server_name pcf-rp;
location / {

H2O + HDFS (Cloudera)

We have a Cloudera cluster up and running with an h2o instance although it appears to be running off h2o.jar (which as I understand it--please correct me if incorrect) is the stand-alone h2o. I can connect, but it will not load any files from our HDFS. (all of this i can see via 'ps' on edge node.
So I started an instance with h2odriver.jar
java -jar /path/to/h2odriver.jar -nodes 2 -mapperXmx 5g -output /my/hdfs/dir
I get several output/callback addresses:
[Possible callback IP address:]
[Possible callback IP address:]
Using mapper->driver callback IP address and port:
So I fire up python and try and connect (same thing happens if I use
>>>h2o.connection(ip='', port='33728')
and get
'Connecting to H2O server at failed.
H2OConnectionError: COuld not estalich link to the H2O cloud after 5 retries
Failed to establish a new connection:[Errno 111] Connection refused',))`
Thing is on my screen with the H2O jar/java job I can see:
`MapperToDriverMessage: Read invalid type (G) from socket, ignoring...
MapperToDriverMessage: read: Unknown Type `
I cannot figure out how to launch h2o in cluster mode and have it access our hdfs system or even connect. I can connect to the h2o.jar version, but that sees no hdfs (it can see the filesystem of the edgenode). What is the proper way to launch H2O so that it can see the attached HDFS system (We are running Cloudera 5.7 in a enterprise environment, Python is 3.6, H2O is and I know we have a ton of firewalls/security-- i beleive we are setup through LDAP
You are correct that h2o.jar is meant to be the standalone version of H2O which is not meant for connecting to HDFS.
Using the appropriate h2odriver.jar for your particular hadoop distribution is the way to go.
The correct beginner instructions can be found here:
go to
choose H2O "Latest Stable Release"
choose tab "Install on Hadoop"
It says to run the following command:
hadoop jar h2odriver.jar -nodes 1 -mapperXmx 6g -output hdfsOutputDirName
[ Note this is "hadoop jar", not "java -jar" as written in the question. ]
You should see output like this:
Determining driver host interface for mapper->driver callback...
[Possible callback IP address:]
[Possible callback IP address:]
Waiting for H2O cluster to come up...
H2O node requested flatfile
Sending flatfiles to nodes...
[Sending flatfile to node]
H2O node reports H2O cluster size 1
H2O cluster (1 nodes) is up
(Note: Use the -disown option to exit the driver after cluster formation)
Open H2O Flow in your web browser:
(Press Ctrl-C to kill the cluster)
Blocking until the H2O cluster shuts down...
Then point your web browser to the place where it says to "Open H2O Flow in your web browser".
(The other addresses in the output are diagnostics, and not for end users.)
In this case, the python connection command would be:
h2o.connect(ip = '', port = 54321)
I recommend going to Flow in a web browser, start importing a file by typing in "hdfs://", and seeing if autocompletion works. If it does, your HDFS connection is working.

How can I start a server which just shutdown

I am a junior for web design&server. ten minutes ago, I want to fix some problem with mysql on CentOS server, but I use a wrong command and I'm not discover:
shutdown -h now
now, this server is already shutdown...
I usually use ssh to connect, it doesn't work now.
I just have a few informations with this server...
it's user centOS 6.6 and it might be amazon-web-services, and i have ip, port, root password
is there any way that I can use to restart this server?
with this informations...
Go to your vps dashboard from your vps provider website. You can start OS from there.

Installing and Viewing Neo4j on Existing AWS EC2 Instance

I'm trying to install the enterprise edition of neo4j on an existing EC2 (Amazon linux) instance. So far I've
wget "link to enterprise"
untar the file
renamed and moved the folder to NEO4J_HOME
then went into the config files for to make the following changes:
# Enable shell server so that remote clients can connect via Neo4j shell.
# The network interface IP the shell will listen on (use 0.0.0 for all interfaces)
# The port the shell will listen on, default is 1337
EDITED Christophe Willemsen pointed out that for my original error, I had forgotten to restart the server at that point but I was still unable to access the web server while it was running. So to make it more clear, I've edited the remaining post:
I went to and uncommented:
And start the server
NEO4J_HOME/bin/neo4j start
WARNING: Max 1024 open files allowed, minimum of 40 000 recommended. See the Neo4j manual.
Using additional JVM arguments: -server -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Djava.util.logging.config.file=conf/ -Dlog4j.configuration=file:conf/ -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow
Starting Neo4j Server...WARNING: not changing user
process [28557]... waiting for server to be ready..... OK.
http://localhost:7474/ is ready.
checking the status:
NEO4J_HOME/bin/neo4j status
Neo4j Server is running at pid 28557
I can run the shell but the when I go to localhost 7474 I still can not connect
Any help would be appreciative. The only tutorial or help I've found assumed I was starting from scratch with a new instance. If someone could provide some instructions for installing or fix my configuration that would be great.
You have to edit and uncomment the line with:
So that the db listens on an external interface not just localhost, and you have to open the port (7474) in your firewall rules.
Make sure to secure access to the db though: