The following code doesn't quite work.
#include <type_traits>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
template<std::size_t Len, class... Types>
using dataType = typename std::aligned_union<Len,Types...>::type;
int main()
dataType<1,int,float,std::string,char,bool> x;
dataType<1,int,float,std::string,char,bool> y;
new (&x) std::string("chicken");
new (&y) std::string("boiled");
std::cout << *reinterpret_cast<std::string*>(&x) << " " << *reinterpret_cast<std::string*>(&y) << std::endl;
for example, it prints chicke boiled without the n. It also hasn't swapped x and y, else it would print boiled chicken.
This can't possibly work. The correct behavior of the swap would require knowing which type the union contains. This is not a discriminated union, so any operation that relies on knowing which type the union contains will fail unless specifically provided that information.
I'd love to hear how you imagine this could work, even conceivably. What magic do you think std::swap could possibly do?
Is there a simple way to understand which union member is active?
An example:
union Read_Value{
char ch;
float number;
string str;
Suppose a void function reads from an input file stream and initialise Read_Value on the base of the type of the variable read. Assuming I don't know how the function works, how can I understand which of the three member is active?
A bare union cannot tell you which is the active element. You have to keep track of that yourself.
Since C++17 std::variant is the "modern union". It has a index() method that tells you which is the active index. Example from cppreference:
#include <variant>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::variant<int, std::string> v = "abc";
std::cout << "v.index = " << v.index() << '\n';
v = {};
std::cout << "v.index = " << v.index() << '\n';
Possible output:
v.index = 1
v.index = 0
Is there a simple way to understand which union member is active?
In general, using a tagged (or discriminated) union. This means storing some metadata (tracking which member is active) alongside the raw union.
The modern solution is indeed std::variant, which does all this for you.
If you don't have C++17 support, don't have it in your standard library's experimental or tr extensions, and for some reason can't use the Boost.variant precursor ... you can still write an old-style tagged union yourself.
I wouldn't call it simple though, at least not to do well.
I'm wondering on how to properly loop over the members of a plain old data type, in order to get some type information on them. That is :
struct my_pod
int a;
double b;
template<typename POD>
void loopOverPOD()
for_each(POD, member) // The magic part
// member::type should be for my_pod int, then double
typename member::type i;
// member::size_of should be equal to sizeof(int) then sizeof(double)
// Trivial if we can have member::type information.
int size = member::size_of;
// member::offset_of should be equal to 0, then sizeof(int)
// Trivial if we can have member::size_of information.
int offset = member::offset_of;
As far as I know in C++, we can't do easy type introspection without doing some tricky plays with templates. But here, I can't find a concrete solution with templates, even with the use of macro in fact. And the problem is more about me rather than about the existence of a solution. :-)
I'm not necessarily asking for a solution that would not be intrusive.
Thanks in advance.
You could use boost.fusions ADAPT_STRUCT to turn your POD into a sequence and then use fusions for_each to apply a function object to each member. This is non-intrusive, your POD type will remain POD.
The good thing is that you could even put the ADAPT_STRUCT macros in a (header-) file separate from your struct definitions and only use them in code where you need to iterate.
The flip side is that this macro requires the redundancy of mentioning both the type and the name of the members again. I imagine that at some point fusion will use C++11 features to get rid of that redundancy (mentioning the type again). In the mean time, it is possible to create a macro that will declare the struct and the ADAP_STRUCT part.
If you use C++14 and newer, you can use Boost.Precise and Flat Reflection ( for looping over your POD and boost::typeindex::type_id_runtime(field) to print type:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/pfr/precise.hpp>
#include <boost/pfr/flat.hpp>
#include <boost/type_index.hpp>
struct my_pod
int a;
double b;
struct my_struct
char c;
my_pod pod;
int main() {
my_pod val{1, 2.5};
my_struct var{'a', 1, 2.5};
std::cout << "Flat:\n";
boost::pfr::flat_for_each_field(var, [](const auto& field, std::size_t idx) {
std::cout << idx << ": " << boost::typeindex::type_id_runtime(field) << "; value: " << field << '\n';
std::cout << "\nNot Flat:\n";
boost::pfr::for_each_field(var, [](const auto& field, std::size_t idx) {
using namespace boost::pfr::ops;
std::cout << idx << ": " << boost::typeindex::type_id_runtime(field) << "; value: " << field << '\n';
Output for this example:
0: char; value: a
1: int; value: 1
2: double; value: 2.5
Not Flat:
0: char; value: a
1: my_pod; value: {1, 2.5}
Though I'm not sure how to get offset in this case...
C++ has no construct to iterate through members of a structure.
There exists however a standard type std::tuple for which you can use templates to recursively iterate through its elements at compile time.
Could someone explain to me why the offsetof function does not work on std::vectors as shown below:
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct FooStruct {
double x;
double y[10];
std::vector<double> z;
int main() {
cout << offsetof(FooStruct, x) << endl;
cout << offsetof(FooStruct, y[2]) << endl;
cout << offsetof(FooStruct, z[2]) << endl;
Calling offsetof(FooStruct, z[2]) produces the following compiling error:
cannot apply 'offsetof' when 'operator[]' is overloaded
offsetof(FooStruct, z[2]) makes no sense. The elements of z are not contained within a FooStruct, they're accessed via the std::vector, which has at its core a pointer to some other allocation on the heap within which z[2] can be found.
In any case, the error (which seems confusing I understand) is probably popping up because std::vector overloads operator[], not because your class FooStruct overloads operator[] (which, assuming we see the whole definition, it doesn't).
If you want to find the offset of z[2] in relation to z[0], you could just compute the difference between &z[0] and &z[2] like this: std::cout << (&z[2] - &z[0]) << '\n';
Because offsetof isn't a function but a macro, and only works on POD types, or standard layout class in C++11. It's only there for backward compatibility with C.
The reason the compiler refuses to allow you to use the subscription operator, all issues aside, is because the macro is evaluated at compile time, but the overloaded operator might do some work at runtime to calculate the result.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string x;
ofstream o("f:/demo.txt");
o.write( (char*)&x , sizeof(x) );
I get the unexpected output.I don't get what i write in a string function.
Why is this ?
Please explain .
Like when i write steve pro i get the output as 8/ steve pro ÌÌÌÌÌÌ ÌÌÌÌ in the file
I expect that the output be steve pro
You are treating an std::string like something that it is not. It's a complex object that, somewhere in its internals, stores characters for you.
There is no reason to assume that a character array is at the start of the object (&x), and the sizeof the object has no relation to how many characters it may indirectly hold/represent.
You're probably looking for:
o.write(x.c_str(), x.length());
Or just use the built-in formatted I/O mechanism:
o << x;
You seem to have an incorrect model of sizeof, so let me try to get it right.
For any given object x of type T, the expression sizeof(x) is a compile-time constant. C++ will never actually inspect the object x at runtime. The compiler knows that x is of type T, so you can imagine it silently transforming sizeof(x) to sizeof(T), if you will.
#include <string>
int main()
std::string a = "hello";
std::string b = "Stack Overflow is for professional and enthusiast programmers, people who write code because they love it.";
std::cout << sizeof(a) << std::endl; // this prints 4 on my system
std::cout << sizeof(b) << std::endl; // this also prints 4 on my system
All C++ objects of the same type take up the exact amount of memory. Of course, since strings have vastly different lengths, they will internally store a pointer to a heap-allocated block of memory. But this does not concern sizeof. It couldn't, because as I said, sizeof operates at compile-time.
You get exactly what you write: the binary raw value of a pointer to char...
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
string x;
ofstream o("tester.txt");
o << x;
If you insist on writing a buffer directly, you can use
o.write(x.c_str(), x.size());
PS A little attention to code formatting unclouds the mind
You're passing the object's address to write into the file, whereas the original content lies somewhere else, pointed to by one of its internal pointers.
Try this:
string x;
ofstream o("D:/tester.txt");
o << x;
// or
// o.write( x.c_str() , x.length());
I've been reading about strict aliasing quite a lot lately. The C/C++ standards say that the following code is invalid (undefined behavior to be correct), since the compiler might have the value of a cached somewhere and would not recognize that it needs to update the value when I update b;
float *a;
int *b = reinterpret_cast<int*>(a);
*b = 1;
The standard also says that char* can alias anything, so (correct me if I'm wrong) compiler would reload all cached values whenever a write access to a char* variable is made. Thus the following code would be correct:
float *a;
char *b = reinterpret_cast<char*>(a);
*b = 1;
But what about the cases when pointers are not involved at all? For example, I have the following code, and GCC throws warnings about strict aliasing at me.
float a = 2.4;
int32_t b = reinterpret_cast<int&>(a);
What I want to do is just to copy raw value of a, so strict aliasing shouldn't apply. Is there a possible problem here, or just GCC is overly cautious about that?
I know there's a solution using memcpy, but it results in code that is much less readable, so I would like not to use that solution.
int32_t b = *reinterpret_cast<int*>(&a); also does not work.
This seems to be a bug in GCC.
If you want to copy some memory, you could just tell the compiler to do that:
Edit: added a function for more readable code:
#include <iostream>
using std::cout; using std::endl;
#include <string.h>
template <class T, class U>
T memcpy(const U& source)
T temp;
memcpy(&temp, &source, sizeof(temp));
return temp;
int main()
float f = 4.2;
cout << "f: " << f << endl;
int i = memcpy<int>(f);
cout << "i: " << i << endl;
[Updated Code]
Edit: As user/GMan correctly pointed out in the comments, a full-featured implementation could check that T and U are PODs. However, given that the name of the function is still memcpy, it might be OK to rely on your developers treating it as having the same constraints as the original memcpy. That's up to your organization. Also, use the size of the destination, not the source. (Thanks, Oli.)
Basically the strict aliasing rules is "it is undefined to access memory with another type than its declared one, excepted as array of characters". So, gcc isn't overcautious.
If this is something you need to do often, you can also just use a union, which IMHO is more readable than casting or memcpy for this specific purpose:
union floatIntUnion {
float a;
int32_t b;
int main() {
floatIntUnion fiu;
fiu.a = 2.4;
int32_t &x = fiu.b;
cout << x << endl;
I realize that this doesn't really answer your question about strict-aliasing, but I think this method makes the code look cleaner and shows your intent better.
And also realize that even doing the copies correctly, there is no guarantee that the int you get out will correspond to the same float on other platforms, so count any network/file I/O of these floats/ints out if you plan to create a cross-platform project.