Can we multiple test scenarios in single test case in testlink or any of the test management tool - testlink

So the issue is suppose am writing test cases for "Name field" in which i have positive scenarios like Uppercase, Lowercase, Uppercase+Lowercase, length, etc and negative scenarios like special characters, alphanumerics, etc .
So can i make
Single test case as "Positive Testcases" and include all Uppercase, Lowercase, Uppercase+Lowercase, length, etc scenarios in this.
And another single test case "Negative Testcases" and include all special characters, alphanumerics, etc in this.
Because, there will be n number of forms varying from country to country and language to language...
so it consumes lot of time in inputting each individual testcase, and the number of testcases will also increase.
If anyone have other solutions for the same, please provide.

Basically, you are looking for a data-driven testing supported test case management tool.Currently, Testlink does not support data-driven testing.
As a workaround maybe you can use custom fields to keep test data.
Some test case management systems do support data-driven testing. Ex. Microsoft Test Manager
So search for data driven testing supported test case management system, that will help you to achieve your requirement.


TDD + DDD: Model abstractions

I've recently had an interesting experience but didn't find a satisfying answer so far: I'm a big fan of DDD and try to define rich domain objects with behavior and good information hiding, even if the team officially doesn't practice DDD. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter, as you have a well-defined object, which represents something in the problem domain.
That said, I would also like to practice TDD more. Unfortunately, if I test a service, which uses such rich domain models, the models are usually not abstracted. Therefore, to test the behavior of the service, I need to set up the model as well. This model comes with its own invariants etc., therefore with every service test, I also test the model the service is using.
This seems like a big no-go, as I'm not only "not really unit-testing", but it's also troublesome to set up the tests, as the arrange-code gets large.
In my opinion, there seems to be no way around this but to start creating interfaces for models. But it seems like I am the only person thinking so. For example, here is a big article, why this is an anti-pattern:
I’m also not that too delighted to create interfaces for all models, as they should really represent something and adding another layer of abstraction just for testing seems like overkill. That said, what would be the best solution hereby? How are people on the field, which do combine DDD and TDD, handling this?
This seems like a big no-go, as I'm not only "not really unit-testing", but it's also troublesome to set up the tests, as the arrange-code gets large.
I think you can dismiss "not really unit-testing"; the important thing is to use tools that are fit for purpose, not the branding.
That said, troublesome to set up the tests is a legitimate concern, and all by itself sufficient excuse to look for a way to improve the design.
If your service were tightly coupled to some third party implementation, that offered no affordances for substitution, what would you do to decouple that from your tests? The usual answer would be to introduce a seam - a new design element between your code and the 3rd party code.
The two important characteristics of the seam:
it does afford substitution; which is to say, you have an interface.
the implementation of the interface that integrates with the third party code is "so simple there are obviously no deficiencies".
Then, in your tests, you introduce a substitute implementation.
The game with your "domain model" is exactly the same. Assuming that you are applying the usual lifecycle patterns, the seam includes a substitute for the repository and a substitute for the aggregate root entity.
Some good news - you only don't necessarily need to shadow the entire aggregate: only the parts of the interface that your service cares about. In effect, what you are doing is defining - for each service - the contract that describes the interactions between your service and the domain model. "Role interfaces" will be a useful search term here.
First I will make sure these two conditions are meet:
Domain models are POJOs
Domain layer isolation (other layers can access domain layer but not the way around)
Then Factory, Builder or TestHelpers can be used to bring models to desire state for tests.
Testing Scopes
Unit Testing
Integration Testing
Domain Models
These should be unit tests, which tests the Domain Models / Aggregate's methods.
These should be integration tests, which tests the integration of Service methods and the associated models.
My Broad Approach
When you're testing your domain models, there may be many variance, that you'll need to account for in your unit tests.
When these then translate over to a requirement to use within an integration test, I tend to go for some sort of CreationFactory (or ArrangementFactory) for your domain models.
You can then use these in both sets of tests.
So for example...
public class ArrangeUser {
public static User ArrangeStandardUser() {
return new User(...standard...);
public static User ArrangeAdminUser() {
return new User(...admin...);
Then in your Unit Test...
// Arrange
User standardUser = ArrangeUser.StandardUser();
// Act
bool canDoSomething = standardUser.CanDoSomething();
// Assert
Then in your Integration Test...
// Arrange
User standardUser = ArrangeUser.StandardUser();
ServiceToTest service = new ServiceToTest(standardUser); // replace with some sort of Repository Mock or whatever suits.
// Act
var bool canDo = service.CanDoService();
// Assert
This way you can test both the unit aspect, and the service aspect - by creation a common way to create the arrangements, without having to abstract out the entities and solves the problem of recreation the same thing over and over again.
NB. This is just a basic code demo than can be made more complex, based on the scenario, or your preferred test style.
I had a similar challenge and, together with my team, we created a tool that simplifies the test data arranging process by employing a random data generator: Especially take a look at:
How to organize tests with Test Arranger as it explicitly refers to the common DDD building blocks and explains how to arrange test data around them. In my case, following those recommendations resulted in a significant reduction in the amount and complexity of code for preparing the test data.
Custom Arrangers as it shows how to deal with the model invariants.
Besides the recommendations given on the test-arranger page, it is also handy to use Lombok's #Builder(toBuilder = true) (or an equivalent like Kotlin's copy method from data classes) on your domain classes. With the toBuilder method you can easily adjust randomly generated value objects and entities to the needs of a certain test case.

Where to test validation - in unit or functional test?

Where do you suggest to test validation?
This is a functional test from Yii demos:
// test login process, including validation
$this->assertTextPresent('Password cannot be blank.');
But validation testing against each wrong case (such as "password is too long" or "email is incorrect") would take vaste amount of time. So, why not to test the validation only in unit tests?
I normally provide one or two scenarios that show how the user sees the help for validation, but I usually phrase them at a higher level, for instance:
Given Fred forgets to fill in his phone and email
When he tries to register
Then he should be told what's missing.
Those steps can either be translated to a simple code DSL or added to a tool like Cucumber (see BDD). The validation scenarios (functional) are enough just to give an example of the capabilities of the system.
Examples of what is and isn't valid then go into unit tests, as you suggest.
If you think of functional scenarios as showcasing the capabilities of the system, and unit tests as showcasing the capabilities of the class or finer-grained element of code, it's easier to make the separation. Note that I've avoided the word "test" as a verb here, as even at a unit level it's still just examples.
Sure, It is your project and you can test what you want, where you want.
I usually test the entire validation in my model unit tests. After that, I also test it again (but less extensive) during my web tests (This is to test if the correct variables are being parsed by the controller, etc...)

Should I use real or sample data for unit tests?

I'm writing a parser for the output of a legacy application, and since there are no specs on the file syntax I've got as many samples of these files as I could.
Now I'm writing the unit tests before implementing the parser (because there is no other sane way to do this) but I'm not sure whether I should:
use the real files produced by the application, reading from them and comparing the output with the output that I would store in json format in another file.
or create a sample string with the tokens and possibilities I want to test and a dict (this is python) with the expected output.
I'm inclined to use the second alternative because I would test only what I need to, without all the "real-world" data included on the actual files, but I'm afraid I could forget to test for one possibility or another.
What do you think?
My suggestion is to do both. Write a set of integration tests that run through all the files you have with the expected outputs then unit test with your expected inputs to isolate the parsing logic.
I would recommend writing the integration tests first so you write your parser outside in, it might be disparaging to see a bunch of failing tests, but it'll help you isolate your edge cases earlier.
Btw, I think this is a great question. I recently came across something a similar problem which was transforming large xml feeds from an upstream system into a proprietary format. My solution was to write a set of integration black box tests for the full feeds testing things like record counts and other high level success metrics, then break down inputs into smaller and smaller chunks until I was able to test all the permutations of the data. It was only then that I had a good understanding of how to build the parser.
You should be careful using production data in testing scenarios. It could be a disaster if all your users got an email from a test environment, for example. Its also probably unethical in certain scenarios for developers to have access to prod data, even if there is no way for the users to know this. Think medical, bank, college grades types scenarios.
My answer is you should use data that is close to prod data. If you want to use the actual prod data, you need to scrub it for the above scenarios.
Production data can be a good starting point (assuming it's not sensitive info), since there's a good chance you can't think of all the possible permutations yourself. However, once you get a good working set of data, save it somewhere static, like a file. Then have the tests get it from there instead of dynamically from the production environment. That way you can run the tests with a known set of inputs every time.
The alternative, getting production data on the fly for test inputs, is fraught with problems. Changes in the data could cause a test to pass one time, but fail the next because the inputs changed.
Don't forget to structure the test such that you can add additional possibilities (i.e., regression tests) as they become known.
Using the second solution you offer will allow you to control what is expected and what is returned, which is ideal for unit testing. When creating automated tests, it is best to avoid manual interaction as often as possible - visually scanning the results is one of those practices you should avoid when possible (assuming that's what you meant by "compare").

What do you test with Unit tests?

I am new to unit testing. Suppose I am building a web application. How do I know what to test? All the examples that you see are some sort of basic sum function that really has no real value, or at least I've never written a function to add to inputs and then return!
So, my question...on a web application, what are the sort of things that need tested?
I know that this is a broad question but anything will be helpful. I would be interested in links or anything that gives real life examples as opposed to concept examples that don't have any real life usage.
Take a look at your code, especially the bits where you have complex logic with loops, conditionals, etc, and ask yourself: How do I know if this works?
If you need to change the complex logic to take into account other corner cases then how do you know that the changes you introduce don't break the existing cases? This is precisely what unit testing is intended to address.
So, to answer your question about how it applies to web applications: suppose you have some code that lays out the page differently depending on the browser. One of your customers refuses to upgrade from IE6 and insists that you support that. So you unit test your layout code by simulating the connection string from IE6 and checking that the layout is what you expect.
A customer tells you they've found a security hole where using a particular cookie will give you administrator access. How do you know that you've fixed the bug and it doesn't happen again? Create a unit test for it, and run the unit tests on a daily basis so that you get an early warning if it fails.
You discover a bug where users with accents in their names get corrupted in the database. Abstract out the webform input from the database layer and add unit tests to ensure that (eg) UTF8 encoded data is stored in the database correctly and can be retrieved.
You get the idea. Anywhere where part of the process has a well-defined input and output is ideal for unit testing. Anything that doesn't is ideal for refactoring until it is well defined. Take a look at projects such as WebUnit, HTMLUnit, XMLUnit, CSSUnit.
The first part of testing is to write testable applications. Separate out as much functionality as possible from the UI. Refactor into smaller methods. Learn about dependency injection, and try using that to create methods that can take simple, throw-away input that produces known (and therefor testable) results. Look at mocking tools.
Infrastructure and data layer code is easiest to test.
Look at behavior-driven testing as well as test-driven design. For my money, behavior testing is better than pure unit testing; you can follow use-cases, so that tests match against expected usage patterns.
Unit testing means testing any unit of work, the smallest units of work are methods and functions., The art of unit testing is to define tests for a function that cannot just be checked by inspection, what unit test aims at is to test every possible functional requirement of a method.
Consider for example you have a login function, then there could be following tests that you could write for failures:
1. Does the function fail on empty username and password
2. Does the function fail on the correct username but the wrong password
3. Does the function fail on the correct password but the wrong username
The you would also write tests that the function would pass:
1. Does the function pass on correct username and password
This is just a basic example but this is what unit testing attempts to achieve, testing out things that may have been overlooked during development.
Then there is a purist approach too where a developer is first supposed to write tests and then the code to pass those tests (aka test driven development).
If you're new to TDD, may I suggest a quick trip into the world of BDD? My experience is that the language really helps people pick up TDD more quickly. Particularly, I point you at this article, in which Dan North suggests "what to test":
Note for transparency: I may be heavily involved in the BDD movement.
Regarding the classes to unit test in a web-app, I'd consider starting with controllers, domain objects if they have complex behaviour, and anything called "service", "manager", "helper" or "util". Please also try renaming any classes like this so that they are less generic and actually say what they do. Classes called "calculator" or "converter" are also good candidates, and you'll probably find more in the same package / folder.
There are a couple of good books which could help you too:
Martin Fowler, "Refactoring"
Michael Feathers, "Working Effectively with Legacy Code"
Good luck!
If you start out saying, "How do I test my web app?" that is biting off a lot at once, and it's going to be hard to see unit testing as providing any kind of benefit. I got into unit testing by starting with small pieces that were isolated, then writing libraries test-first, and only then building whole applications that were testable.
Generally a web app has a domain model, it has data access objects that do queries on a database and return domain objects, it has services that call the data access objects, and it has controllers that accept http requests and call the services.
Tests for the controllers will check that they call the right service method with the right parameters. Service objects can be mocks injected during test setup.
Tests for the services will check that they call the right data access objects and perform whatever logic they need to be performing. Data access objects can be mocks injected during test setup.
Tests for the data access objects will check that they perform the right database operation (query or update or whatever) by checking the contents of the database before and after. For dao tests you'll need a database, and a tool like DBUnit to pre-populate it before the test. Also your domain objects' getters and setters will get exercised with this test so you won't need a separate test for them.
Tests for the domain model will check that whatever domain logic you have encoded in them works (Sometimes you may not have any). If you design your domain model so it is not coupled to the database then the more logic you put in the domain model the better because it's easy to test. You shouldn't need any mocks for these tests.
For a web app the kind of tests you need to do are slightly different. Unit tests are tests which test a particular component of your program. For a web app, you would need to test that forms accept/reject the right inputs, that all links point to the right place, that it can cope with unexpected inputs etc. I'd have a look at Selenium if I were you, I've used it extensively in testing a number of sites: Selenium HQ
I don't have experience of testing web apps, but speaking generally: you unit test the smallest 'chunks' of your program possible. That means you test each function on an individual basis. Anything on a larger scale becomes an integration test.
Of course, there are going to be methods so simple that its not worth your time to write a test for them, but on the whole aim to test as great a proportion of your code as possible.
A rule of thumb is that if it is not worth testing it is not worth writing.
However, some things are very difficult to test, so you have the do some cost benefit analysis on what you test. If you initially aim for 70% code coverage, you will be on the right track.

In need of a SaaS solution for semantic thesaurus matching

I'm currently building a web application. In one of it's key processes the application need to match short phrases to other similar ones available in the DB.
The application needs to be able to match the phrase:
Looking for a second hand car in good shape
To other phrases which basically have the same meaning but use different wording, such as:
2nd hand car in great condition needed
searching for a used car in optimal quality
The phrases are length limited (say 250 chars), user generated & unstructured.
I'm in need of a service / company / some solution which can help / do these connections for me.
Can anyone give any ideas?
Have you looked at SAS text miner? It may be suited to this kind of application. I have only seen a demo of it and it would be able to tokenize the data just fine. You may need some custom programming around the synonyms though.