Email address is not verified (AWS SES) - amazon-web-services

I want to use Amazon's Simple Email Service to send emails.
I verified my domain as well as the email address I want to send from.
For both it says verified.
Now when I use the Send Test Email from the AWS Console to send a test email to, I only get the error message:
Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the
check in region EU-WEST-1: (Request ID:
Now it strikes me because it says was not verified but I tried to send from admin#mydomain.example. The Send Test Email Dialog even forces you to use an email which already is registered.
How can this issue be resolved? Did I miss anything?

When your SES account is in "sandbox" mode, you can:
Only send from verified domains and email addressed, and
Only send to verified domains and email addresses
In order to send to anyone else, you must move your account out of sandbox mode by contacting AWS support and requesting it:

In my case I needed to verify the email again in the region where it failed. You can try to change your region in the top right then you have click again "Verify a New Email Address"

If the email is already verified and you're out of the SES Sandbox, check that you've the correct AWS region for the SMTP server. I was trying to connect to when my SMTP credential was for the server.

#Matt Houser has already answered the questions but I am adding a screenshot from June, 2020 that explains what he said.

Make sure
You add your email to ses and get verified.
You enable the Production mode for your account.

Make sure
-You have submitted your case request to support customer and explain in what purposes confirm it for to 24 maybe they will ask you about some additional information about your application

I had this issue. I verified domain and email, even the DKIM settings was verified.
But still getting this message :
Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the check in region {aws_region}: {email}
I added SourceArn as parameter for sendEmail than get this message :
User `arn:aws:iam::{account_id}:user/{username}' is not authorized to perform `ses:SendEmail' on resource `arn:aws:ses:{aws_region:{account_id}:identity/{email}'
After 2 days I found out the I was using wrong IAM user !

Be aware the Verified Identities are actually case sensitive. I was wondering why I got such error, even though my email was verified and out of SandBox.

Confusion comes from the fact that your e-mail address shows as "Verified" in AWS SES -> Verified identities and still not working.
In fact, there are two verification:
DKIM one (which makes the field tick green and verified)
E-mail address verification
That means you must use the e-mail address which you have access to (mailbox) in order to click in the verification link.
Without clicking the link in the e-mail, your identity may be verified but you'll still see the error everywhere.
Simple solution using AWS WorkMail
I am using AWS WorkMail but I've created a new Group instead of another WorkMail account, then added my personal account to it, received a verification e-mail and managed to get: "noreply#..." working.

In my case, I wanted to email to the same verify email.
So, I verified my email by DKIM as #Greg Wozniak mentioned. I saw the field tick green and verified:
But I was still seeing:
Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the check in region...
The solution in my case was to add this function in the code:
def verify_email_identity():
ses_client = boto3.client("ses", region_name="us-east-1")
response = ses_client.verify_email_identity(
# Email address that will receive the email
# In my case the same email address
# that was verified on Amazon SES
Taken from this webside
So, I received a new email to verify the recipient email address. After verify the recipient email address by clicking in the link sent by Amazon SES. I was able to send the email with this code:
client = boto3.client('ses',region_name="us-east-1")
# Try to send the email.
#Provide the contents of the email.
response = client.send_email(
'ToAddresses': [,
'Body': {
'Html': {
'Charset': "UTF-8",
'Data': "Test",
'Subject': {
'Charset': "UTF-8",
'Data': "Test",
# Display an error if something goes wrong.
except ClientError as e:
print("Email sent! Message ID:"),

I had verified an email address, and then a few days later my domain. When the domain was fully verified (inc DKIM) I was still getting the 'Email address is not verified' error when trying to send emails to email addresses within my domain, that weren't my specific verified address.
I deleted my verified email address, and re-verified it, and it worked immediately. I could then send domain wide emails, whereas before - I could only send to and from the email I had previously verified.

I was having the same issue a couple minutes ago, although this time I'm working with the SDK in PHP.
I had to double check the SesClient instantiation code.
$SesClient = new SesClient([
'profile' => 'default',
'version' => '2010-12-01',
'region' => 'us-west-2',
I discovered that the region in the instantiation code is us-west-2.
I went back to my console and discovered that SES account was sandboxed in us-east-2 (Ohio).
I implemented the change in the instantiation code like so
$SesClient = new SesClient([
'profile' => 'default',
'version' => '2010-12-01',
'region' => 'us-east-2',
It's working now.

I had this issue and none of the above worked for me. My issue related specifically to sending via python using boro3. I eventually figured out that the system I was working on had a different set of aws credentials stored in the windows system than it did on the Linux subsystem on the same windows machine. The solution was to set both sets of aws credentials to match the appropriate aws account. I add this here just in case anyone has the same issue and, like me, couldn't find an answer.

For me the issue was that I was mismatching cases.
The verified email and the email sent have to match exactly. vs


AWS SES Not Delivering

I am currently using AWS SES to send emails to my users. However, it appears that my users who use outlook / Microsoft's Business Email System are not receiving my emails. SES also tells me that I have no bounces too.
The user's email has {name} on it.
How can I go about resolving this?
EDIT: Found out that the key phrase "password" is a root cause for the email being blocked and not showing up at all. Not sure how to combat this as I am sending a password reset email.

discourse can't send email

i installed a discourse on AWS bitnami I did the following things but still can't send the login verification email.
config the discourse by this instruction
in AWS, request email sending limits
in AWS, verify my email identity,
in AWS, send test email (it is correct)
create my credential
checked spam boxes (no email)
Thank you!
The problem is solved. I guess problem is that I set the username and password wrongly.
smtp_address = ''
smtp_port = 587
smtp_domain = ''
smtp_user_name = ''
smtp_password = ''
smtp_enable_start_tls = true
smtp_authentication = login
If you have problem in setting smtp for the discourse installed on AWS EC2 bitnami. You can do the following checks.
1) check whether your VM instance can connect the smtp server (test if smtp_address and smtp_port are correct)
I found 25 is not responding and 465 sometimes broke too, 587 works well.
2) check whether your username and password set correctly.
AWS provides this instruction
How I find the problem
I really can't figure out why the smtp setting is 'correct' but i just can't receive the email. So I changed to gmail, the setting is a bit easier than AWS SES. After change, I received the email immediately but it says the login method is not secure so Google blocked it. This proves the smtp setting is working. And according to previous test, my VM instance can connect to the smtp server. So there should have something wrong in the smtp setting.
I go to AWS SES, intending to check the my credential. But I can only create a new one. So I did, then I found I misunderstood the username and password. After change, the email is working. Great!
The following instruction is very helpful!

AWS SES verified emails

Trying to understand something thats not clear from AWS SES emails.
I have a simple emailer on my website that I have setup using nodemailer.
It has 3 fields
Name: name of user filling out form
email: email address of user filling out email.
Description: description filled out by user.
I'm seeing in AWS docs that I need to verify on their console the users email.
You can only send mail from verified email addresses and domains.
Note: This restriction applies even when your account isn't in the
This could be any number of different user email address how would I be able to verify them all I wouldn't know them.
What am I not getting here. I have verified the To: email which will always be the same as its coming to my domain email.
You'll want to send from an email address under your control (SES enforces this on a technical level, but spam filters tend to de facto enforce this everywhere due to things like SPF records) with a Reply-To header of the email address submitting the form.

Failed to send direct email message via aws Pinpoint

I am trying to send email message to a specific email address via the aws pinpoint. My from email address is verified. However, whenever I try to send the email it gives me an error "Failed to submit email message to ". I don't understand where am I going wrong with this.
#Krishna gave the right clue, however to be precise, all of the following must be true:
Your From email address is verified in Amazon Pinpoint/SES.
Either your To email address(es) is verified, OR you have requested Sending Limit Increase specifically for Amazon Pinpoint, not just SES.
In my case it was problem no. 2, I have increased my sending limit for SES but not Pinpoint yet. Amazon treats them somewhat differently, however the error message it gave me was totally undecipherable:
Message not sent: We weren't able to send your email message to Request Id 982 : Failed to send message.
Specifically, check the Pinpoint project's right sidebar here:
By default Pinpoint provides an sandbox environment.
In order to send emails you need to white-list your from email address as well. ( i.e. got to SES and verify the from email id as well)
You should them be able to send emails via Pinpoint.
The receiver should acknowledge to terms and condition that AWS can send automated emails.

AWS SES Verified mail but still getting an error 554

I am having issues with sending email from a verified email.
(asking it here, as for some reason I can't ask in AWS forum)
The email is verified.
domain is verified (in domain list).
I am testing through 'Send email Test' in AWS.
The sender (from) is the verified email.
When I send to, it's fine (email is sent).
When I send to a different email (, I get an error message, containing:
Email address is not verified. (Request ID:
Should I also verify the TO emails I want to send?
It doesn't seem scalable, as I don't want to verify each TO separately.
Any ideas?
It seems you are still in the sandbox , you need to log in request with AWS to move you to Production.