template <class... T_values>
class Thing {
void something(T_values... values) {
tuple_ = std::tuple<T_values...>(values...);
void do_something_with_values() {
void yadda(T... values);
//The helper method.
template<std::size_t... Is>
void call_yadda_with_tuple(const std::tuple<T_values...>& tuple,
std::index_sequence<Is...>) {
std::tuple<T_values...> tuple_;
Above sourcecode comes from: https://www.murrayc.com/permalink/2015/12/05/modern-c-variadic-template-parameters-and-tuples/
I would like to ask some questions:
What does return std::index_sequence_for<T_value...>()) ?
Why in yadda(std::get<Is>(tuple)...); there is Is instead of Is...? Therefore, what does it mean Is? Is... in unpacked ( expanded ) types pack but what is Is.
Especially, which std::get fits from (1)-(8)
Why call_yadda_with_tuple gets std::index_sequence<Is...>.
After all, this argument is nameless so it is useless. I suppose that it is connected with deduction types but I cannot see how does it help?
What does return std::index_sequence_for()) ?
assuming T_value... is T, T, T (i.e. 3 types...)
std::index_sequence<0, 1, 2>
Why in yadda(std::get(tuple)...); there is Is instead of Is...? Therefore, what does it mean Is? Is... in unpacked ( expanded ) types pack but what is Is.
Is represents 'the current value of Is' while Is... is being unpacked. The trailing ... causes unpacking of the expression in which Is is used.
Especially, which std::get fits from (1)-(8) (http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/tuple/get)
In this case the tuple reference is a const std::tuple<T_values...>& so it'll be number 3.
Why call_yadda_with_tuple gets std::index_sequence. After all, this argument is nameless so it is useless. I suppose that it is connected with deduction types but I cannot see how does it help?
It's there simply to cause Is... to exist and therefore allow you to expand across all Is in the sequence.
Here's an example with comments that hopefully explain what's going on
#include <utility>
#include <tuple>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
// for any value I, write a comma and space to stdout
// (i.e. ignore the value I)
template<std::size_t I>
void emit_sep()
std::cout << ", ";
// specialise for when I is zero... no comma in this case
void emit_sep<0>()
// emit and value at some position I. Use emit_sep<I> to determine whether
// to print a separator
template<std::size_t I, class T>
void emit(const T& t)
std::cout << t;
// given a tuple type and a sequence of integers (Is...) emit the value
// at each index position of the tuple. Take care to emit a separator only
// before each element after the first one
template<class Tuple, size_t...Is>
void impl_show_it(const Tuple& tup, std::index_sequence<Is...>)
using expand = int[];
std::cout << "here are the indexes in the index_sequence: ";
// the following line will expand (in our example) to:
// void(int[] { 0,
// (emit<0>(0), 0),
// (emit<1>(1), 0),
// (emit<2>(2), 0),
// });
// and the optimiser will remove the operations which have no observable
// side-effects (namely, building an array of ints which is never used)
// so the code emitted will be equivalent to:
// emit<0>(0); emit<1>(1); emit<2>(2);
void(expand {
(emit<Is>(Is), 0)...
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "here are the values in the tuple: ";
void(expand {
(emit<Is>(std::get<Is>(tup)), 0)...
std::cout << std::endl;
// for some tuple type, compute the size of the tuple, build an index sequence
// representing each INDEX in the tuple and then use that sequence to call
// impl_show_it in order to actually perform the write
template<class Tuple>
void show_it(const Tuple& tup)
constexpr auto tuple_size = std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value;
auto sequence = std::make_index_sequence<tuple_size>();
impl_show_it(tup, sequence);
// make a tuple and then show it on stdout
int main()
auto t = std::make_tuple(6, std::string("hello"), 5.5);
expected results:
here are the indexes in the index_sequence: 0, 1, 2
here are the values in the tuple: 6, hello, 5.5
I am a little confused about how can I read each argument from the tuple by using variadic templates.
Consider this function:
template<class...A> int func(A...args){
int size = sizeof...(A);
.... }
I call it from the main file like:
Now, I don't know how I have to extend the body of func to be able to read each argument separately so that I can, for example, store the arguments in an array.
You have to provide overrides for the functions for consuming the first N (usually one) arguments.
void foo() {
// end condition argument pack is empty
template <class First, class... Rest>
void foo(First first, Rest... rest) {
// Do something with first
cout << first << endl;
foo(rest...); // Unpack the arguments for further treatment
When you unpack the variadic parameter it finds the next overload.
foo(42, true, 'a', "hello");
// Calls foo with First = int, and Rest = { bool, char, char* }
// foo(42, Rest = {true, 'a', "hello"}); // not the real syntax
Then next level down we expand the previous Rest and get:
foo(true, Rest = { 'a', "hello"}); // First = bool
And so on until Rest contains no members in which case unpacking it calls foo() (the overload with no arguments).
Storing the pack if different types
If you want to store the entire argument pack you can use an std::tuple
template <class... Pack>
void store_pack(Pack... p) {
std::tuple<Pack...> store( p... );
// do something with store
However this seems less useful.
Storing the pack if it's homogeneous
If all the values in the pack are the same type you can store them all like this:
vector<int> reverse(int i) {
vector<int> ret;
return ret;
template <class... R>
vector<int> reverse(int i, R... r) {
vector<int> ret = reverse(r...);
return ret;
int main() {
auto v = reverse(1, 2, 3, 4);
for_each(v.cbegin(), v.cend(),
[](int i ) {
std::cout << i << std::endl;
However this seems even less useful.
If the arguments are all of the same type, you could store the arguments in an array like this (using the type of the first argument for the array):
template <class T, class ...Args>
void foo(const T& first, const Args&... args)
T arr[sizeof...(args) + 1] = { first, args...};
int main()
foo(1, 10, 100, 1000);
If the types are different, I suppose you could use boost::any but then I don't see how you are going to find out outside of the given template, which item is of which type (how you are going to use the stored values).
If the arguments are all of the same type and you want to store them into a STL container, you could rather use the std::initializer_list<T>. For example, Motti's example of storing values in reverse:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
template <class Iter>
std::reverse_iterator<Iter> make_reverse_iterator(Iter it)
return std::reverse_iterator<Iter>(it);
template <class T>
std::vector<T> reverse(std::initializer_list<T> const & init)
return std::vector<T>(make_reverse_iterator(init.end()), make_reverse_iterator(init.begin()));
int main() {
auto v = reverse({1, 2, 3, 4});
for (auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) {
std::cout << *it << std::endl;
For sticking into an array if the arguments have different types, you can use also std::common_type<>
template<class ...A> void func(A ...args){
typedef typename std::common_type<A...>::type common;
std::array<common, sizeof...(A)> a = {{ args... }};
So for example, func(std::string("Hello"), "folks") creates an array of std::string.
If you need to store arguments in the array you could use array of boost::any as follows:
template<typename... A> int func(const A&... args)
boost::any arr[sizeof...(A)] = { args... };
return 0;
I have two functions row and col. row is a wrapper for col and should pack the return types to a tuple.
Something like this
#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
template<typename T>
T col(size_t i)
return T(i);
template<typename ...Ts>
auto row()
size_t i = 0;
return std::make_tuple(col<Ts>(i++)...); //<-- undefined behaviour
int main()
auto m_row = row<int,int,double>(); //should expand to std::make_tuple(col<int>(0),col<int>(1),col<double(2));
std::cout << "std::get<0>(m_row)-" << std::get<0>(m_row) << std::endl;
std::cout << "std::get<1>(m_row)-" << std::get<1>(m_row) << std::endl;
std::cout << "std::get<2>(m_row)-" << std::get<2>(m_row) << std::endl;
return 0;
My problem is the integer i which has to be incremented inside the expansion from 0 up to sizeof...(Ts). I have considered index of the current type but this is not working if the types are not unique. I lack of other ideas, any help would be appreciated.
Using std::index_sequence_for we can achieve a moderately simple (but not as simple as I had hoped) solution.
As #NathanOliver mentioned, it requires a level of indirection because we need to inform a helper function of the index sequence. The top level function now looks like this:
template <typename... Ts>
auto row() {
return make_row(std::tuple<Ts...>{},
So the helper function takes a default constructed tuple of the type requested, and the compile time sequence of integers.
All the helper needs to do now is to construct a Tuple using the index sequence (0, 1, ...).
template <typename Tuple, std::size_t... Is>
auto make_row(Tuple, std::index_sequence<Is...>) {
return Tuple{ Is... };
Finally, to verify this does what we wanted:
int main()
auto r = row<int,int,double>();
static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(r), std::tuple<int, int, double>>::value);
I come from a Swift background and, though I know some C as well, this is my first time writing C++ code.
In Swift it is possible to write a function that takes any number of arguments:
func foo(bar: String...) {
// ...
and bar can be of any type (String, Bool, Struct, Enum, etc).
I was wondering if the same can be done in C++. So, ideally I would write:
struct X {
string s;
// ...
void foo(string s, ...) {
// ...
foo("mystr", X(1), X(2), X(3));
and inside foo I would somehow be able to access the list of arguments, somewhat akin to a printf function.
Right now I'm using a vector<X> as argument, since all the arguments have type X. However, that makes calling foo somewhat ugly, in my opinion:
foo("mystr", { X(1), X(2), X(3) });
Any solution I'm not seeing due to my strong lack of knowledge towards C++?
This is what I want done specifically inside foo:
string ssub(string s, vector<X> v) {
int index, i = 0;
while (1) {
index = (int)s.find(SUB);
if (index == string::npos) { break; }
s.erase(index, string(SUB).size());
s.insert(index, v[i].tostr());
return s;
Basically, as long as I'm given a way to sequentially access the arguments, all is good.
Here's one of many ways.
You can copy/paste this entire program into your IDE/editor.
#include <utility>
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <string>
// define a template function which applies the unary function object func
// to each element in the parameter pack elems.
// #pre func(std::forward<Elements>(elems)) must be well formed for each elems
// #returns void
template<class Function, class...Elements>
auto do_for_all(Function&& func, Elements&&...elems)
using expand = int[];
void(expand { 0, (func(elems), 0)... });
// a test structure which auto-initialises all members
struct X
int i = 0;
std::string s = "hello";
double d = 4.4;
// The function foo
// introduces itself by writing intro to the console
// then performs the function object action on each of args
// #note all arguments are perfectly forwarded - no arguments are copied
auto foo(const std::string& intro, Args&&...args)
std::cout << "introducing : " << intro << std::endl;
auto action = [](auto&& arg)
std::cout << "performing action on: " << arg
<< " which is of type " << typeid(arg).name() << std::endl;
do_for_all(action, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
int main()
// make an X
auto x = X(); // make an X
// foo it with the intro "my X"
foo("my X", x.i, x.s, x.d);
example output:
introducing : my X
performing action on: 0 which is of type i
performing action on: hello which is of type NSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEE
performing action on: 4.4 which is of type d
You can use variadic templates (since C++11):
template <typename ... Type>
void foo(Type& ... args) {
// do whatever you want, but this may be tricky
foo(X(1), X(2), X(3));
Example of variadic templates: min function
This is the code I wrote to get rid of ugly calls to std::min when calculating minimum of many values.
#include <type_traits>
namespace my {
template <typename A, typename B>
auto min(const A& a, const B& b) -> typename std::common_type<A, B>::type {
return (a<b)?a:b;
template <typename A, typename B, typename ... T >
auto min(const A& a, const B& b, const T& ... c) -> typename std::common_type<A, B, T ...>::type {
const typename std::common_type<A, B, T ...>::type tmp = my::min(b, c ...);
return (a<tmp)?a:tmp;
// calculating minimum with my::min
my::min(3, 2, 3, 5, 23, 98);
// doing the same with std::min
std::min(3, std::min(2, std::min(3, std::min(5, std::min(23, 98))))); // ugh, this is ugly!
Here's the tricky part: you can't cycle through the parameter pack like you do with vectors. You'll have to do some recursion as shown in the example.
You could write a variadic template function, pass the arguments into some std::initializer_list and iterate over the list, for example:
#include <initializer_list>
template <typename ... Args>
void foo(Args && ... args) {
std::initializer_list<X> as{std::forward<Args>(args)...};
for (auto const & x : as)
// Use x here
int main() {
foo(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Note also, that you might want to change the argument list and type of the initializer list to meet your exact use-case. E.g. use Args * ... args and std::initializer_list<X *> or similar.
This may be a bizarre question, but I have a recursive template that expects an array of size d (where d is a template parameter), and I want to pass the d-1 template the same array as if it was one element shorter. This way I only work with one array, instead of creating a new one for each level.
I feel like the answer may be something very basic, but I can't come up with any search terms that result in anything close to what I'm looking for.
To put this into context, here's an example
template<int d>
void Function(int array[d])
array[d- 1]= d;
Function<d- 1>(?);
This answer is for static, C-style arrays, If your question is about std::Array, I apologize.
Off the top of my head, I came up with two ways to do the recursion, but many more techniques exist.
The first one uses a partially specialized class (with array count of zero) to terminate the recursion.
The second way uses a cast to a statically-chosen type which ends the recursion with an overloaded function. Here, I cast the array to void*, but for types that won't work with this, you could create a custom type which is constructible from the original type.
I resorted to using reinterpret_cast to change the array's type from a reference to array[count] to array[count-1]. Although I expect this to be safe as it is used here, keep in mind that you might run into problems in different situations.
#include <iostream>
// Ends recursion with a partial specialization
template <typename T, int count>
struct StaticArrayDump {
static void func(T(&a)[count]) {
using shorter_t = T(&)[count-1];
StaticArrayDump<T, count-1>::func(reinterpret_cast<shorter_t>(a));
std::cout << a[count-1] << ' ';
template <typename T>
struct StaticArrayDump<T,0> {
static void func(...) {}
template <typename T, int count>
static void static_array_dump_spec(T(&a)[count]) {
using shorter_t = T(&)[count-1];
// Ends recursion with void* cast and function overload
// Ultimately relies on type_select's specialization, however
template <bool, typename A, typename B> struct type_select /* true */ { using type = A; };
template <typename A, typename B> struct type_select<false,A,B> { using type = B; };
template <bool cond, typename A, typename B>
using type_select_t = typename type_select<cond, A, B>::type;
static void static_array_dump_ovld(...) {}
template <typename T, int count>
static void static_array_dump_ovld(T(&a)[count]) {
static const int next_count = count-1;
using shorter_t = T(&)[next_count];
type_select_t<next_count!=0, shorter_t, void*>
// output the last element
std::cout << a[count-1] << ' ';
// This is an overload-based version which is free of
// any reliance on template specialization.
// helper_trueol's (void*, void*) overload will only be
// selected for arguments (array_ref, count) when count
// is 0, because 0 is the only integer which can be
// converted to a pointer.
// This one's compiler compatibility is a bit shaky...
// MSVC 2013 OK
// IdeOne g++ needs int cast for next_count
static void helper_trueol(void*, void*) {}
template <typename T, int count>
static void helper_trueol(T(&a)[count], int) {
static const int next_count = count-1;
using shorter_t = T(&)[next_count];
helper_trueol(reinterpret_cast<shorter_t>(a), int(next_count));
std::cout << a[count-1] << ' ';
template <typename T, int count>
static void static_array_dump_trueol(T(&a)[count]) {
helper_trueol(a, count);
// Finally, this overload-based version relies
// on SFINAE to disqualify the template function
// as a candidate when count is 0 because the
// zero-length array type triggeres a substitution
// failure.
// So just using this template array argument type,
// the same one used in all of the previous examples,
// but without any extra mechanisms, is all you need
// to end this recursion!
// This is the obvious best way, of course.
static void static_array_dump_sfinae(...) {}
template <typename T, int count>
static void static_array_dump_sfinae(T(&a)[count]) {
static const int next_count = count-1;
using shorter_t = T(&)[next_count];
std::cout << a[count-1] << ' ';
int main() {
double dbl_array[] = { 0, 1.2, 3.4, 5.6789, 10 };
std::cout << '\n';
const char* cstr_array[] = { "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four" };
std::cout << '\n';
char charray[] = "Hello";
charray[sizeof(charray)-1] = '!'; // replace nul terminator
std::cout << '\n';
bool barray[] = {true, true, true, false, true, false, false, false};
std::cout << std::boolalpha;
std::cout << '\n';
Hopefully I am interpreting this correctly but, when you pass the array as a template, I assume you pass an argument for the size of the array. (otherwise how would you know how large the array is?) When you pass the array, you are passing a pointer to the first element of the array, so when you pass the sub array you could just pass a pointer to the next element and size d-1 or an iterator that points to the next element and size d-1.
template< typename T>
T foo(T * ptr, int size) {
if (size > 0)
return *ptr + foo(ptr + sizeof(T), size - 1);
return 0;
From the information that you provided i assume you want too know how too "stop" the recursion. This would look something like this:
// this is the function that will be called from the user, it would be bad design too have to pass an integral constant manually when we can easily do this
template <std::size_t I>
void Function(int (&_array)[I])
Function(_array, std::integral_constant<std::size_t, I>);
// function will recursively do something with an array for each of it's elements
template<std::size_t I>
void Function(int (&_array)[I], std::integral_constant<std::size_t, I>)
// do something...
// function as before with a few modifications
template<std::size_t I>
void Function(int (&_array)[I], std::integral_constant<std::size_t, 1>)
// do something...
// exit function...
I am a little confused about how can I read each argument from the tuple by using variadic templates.
Consider this function:
template<class...A> int func(A...args){
int size = sizeof...(A);
.... }
I call it from the main file like:
Now, I don't know how I have to extend the body of func to be able to read each argument separately so that I can, for example, store the arguments in an array.
You have to provide overrides for the functions for consuming the first N (usually one) arguments.
void foo() {
// end condition argument pack is empty
template <class First, class... Rest>
void foo(First first, Rest... rest) {
// Do something with first
cout << first << endl;
foo(rest...); // Unpack the arguments for further treatment
When you unpack the variadic parameter it finds the next overload.
foo(42, true, 'a', "hello");
// Calls foo with First = int, and Rest = { bool, char, char* }
// foo(42, Rest = {true, 'a', "hello"}); // not the real syntax
Then next level down we expand the previous Rest and get:
foo(true, Rest = { 'a', "hello"}); // First = bool
And so on until Rest contains no members in which case unpacking it calls foo() (the overload with no arguments).
Storing the pack if different types
If you want to store the entire argument pack you can use an std::tuple
template <class... Pack>
void store_pack(Pack... p) {
std::tuple<Pack...> store( p... );
// do something with store
However this seems less useful.
Storing the pack if it's homogeneous
If all the values in the pack are the same type you can store them all like this:
vector<int> reverse(int i) {
vector<int> ret;
return ret;
template <class... R>
vector<int> reverse(int i, R... r) {
vector<int> ret = reverse(r...);
return ret;
int main() {
auto v = reverse(1, 2, 3, 4);
for_each(v.cbegin(), v.cend(),
[](int i ) {
std::cout << i << std::endl;
However this seems even less useful.
If the arguments are all of the same type, you could store the arguments in an array like this (using the type of the first argument for the array):
template <class T, class ...Args>
void foo(const T& first, const Args&... args)
T arr[sizeof...(args) + 1] = { first, args...};
int main()
foo(1, 10, 100, 1000);
If the types are different, I suppose you could use boost::any but then I don't see how you are going to find out outside of the given template, which item is of which type (how you are going to use the stored values).
If the arguments are all of the same type and you want to store them into a STL container, you could rather use the std::initializer_list<T>. For example, Motti's example of storing values in reverse:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
template <class Iter>
std::reverse_iterator<Iter> make_reverse_iterator(Iter it)
return std::reverse_iterator<Iter>(it);
template <class T>
std::vector<T> reverse(std::initializer_list<T> const & init)
return std::vector<T>(make_reverse_iterator(init.end()), make_reverse_iterator(init.begin()));
int main() {
auto v = reverse({1, 2, 3, 4});
for (auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) {
std::cout << *it << std::endl;
For sticking into an array if the arguments have different types, you can use also std::common_type<>
template<class ...A> void func(A ...args){
typedef typename std::common_type<A...>::type common;
std::array<common, sizeof...(A)> a = {{ args... }};
So for example, func(std::string("Hello"), "folks") creates an array of std::string.
If you need to store arguments in the array you could use array of boost::any as follows:
template<typename... A> int func(const A&... args)
boost::any arr[sizeof...(A)] = { args... };
return 0;