How does hardware affect the performance of malloc\new on Windows - c++

I am working on the performance of a c++ application on Windows 7, which is doing a lot of computation and a lot of of small allocations. Basically I observed a bottleneck using visual studio sampling profiler and it come down to the parsing of a file and creation of a huge tree structure of the type
class TreeStruct : std::map<key, TreeStructPtr>
SomeMetadata p;
int* buff;
int buffsize;
There are ten of thousand of these structure created during the parsing
The buffer is not that big, 1 byte to few hundred bytes
The profiler report that the most costly functions is
free (13 000 exclusive samples, 38% Exclusive Samples)
operator new (13 000 exclusive samples, 38% Exclusive Samples)
realloc (4000 exclusive samples, 13% Exclusive Samples)
I managed to optimize and to reduce allocations to
operator new (2200 exclusive samples, 48% Exclusive Samples)
free (1770 exclusive samples, 38% Exclusive Samples)
some function (73 exclusive samples, 1.5% Exclusive Samples)
When I measure the client waiting time (ie a client wait for the action to process with a stopwatch) The installed version on my machine went from 85s of processing time to 16s of processing time, which is great. I proceed to test on the most powerful machine we have and was stunned that the non optimized version took only 3.5s while to optimized around 2s. Same executable, same operating system...
Question: How is such a disparity possible on two modern machines?
Here are the specs :
85s to 16s machine
3.5s to 2s machine
The processing is mono-threaded.

As others have commented, frequent small allocations are a waste of time and memory.
For every allocation, there is overhead:
Function call preparation
Function call (break in execution path; possible reload of execution
Algorithm to find a memory block (searching perhaps).
Allocating the memory (marking the block as unavailable).
Placing the address into a register
Returning from the function (another break in sequential execution).
Regardless of your machine's speed, the above process is a lot of execution to allocate a small block of memory.
Modern processors love to keep their data close (as in a data cache). Their performance increases when they can fetch data from the cache and not fetch outside the processor (access times slow down the further away the values are, such as memory on chip, outside core; memory off chip on the same board; memory on other boards; memory on devices (such as Flash and hard drive). Reallocating memory defeats the effectiveness of the data cache.
The Operating System may get involved and slow down your program. In the allocation or delete functions, the O.S. may check for paging. Paging, in a simple form, is the swapping of memory areas with areas on the hard drive. This may occur when other higher priority tasks are running and demand more memory.
An algorithm for speeding up data access:
Load data from memory into local variables (registers if possible).
Process the data in the local variables (registers).
Store the finished data.
If you can, place data into structures. Load all the structure members at once. Structures allow for data to be placed into contiguous memory (which reduces the need to reload the cache).
Lastly, reduce branching or changes in execution. Research "loop unrolling". Your compiler may perform this optimization at higher optimization settings.


How to eager commit allocated memory in C++?

The General Situation
An application that is extremely intensive on both bandwidth, CPU usage, and GPU usage needs to transfer about 10-15GB per second from one GPU to another. It's using the DX11 API to access the GPU, so upload to the GPU can only happen with buffers that require mapping for each single upload. The upload happens in chunks of 25MB at a time, and 16 threads are writing buffers to mapped buffers concurrently. There's not much that can be done about any of this. The actual concurrency level of the writes should be lower, if it weren't for the following bug.
It's a beefy workstation with 3 Pascal GPUs, a high-end Haswell processor, and quad-channel RAM. Not much can be improved on the hardware. It's running a desktop edition of Windows 10.
The Actual Problem
Once I pass ~50% CPU load, something in MmPageFault() (inside the Windows kernel, called when accessing memory which has been mapped into your address space, but was not committed by the OS yet) breaks horribly, and the remaining 50% CPU load is being wasted on a spin-lock inside MmPageFault(). The CPU becomes 100% utilized, and the application performance completely degrades.
I must assume that this is due to the immense amount of memory which needs to be allocated to the process each second and which is also completely unmapped from the process every time the DX11 buffer is unmapped. Correspondingly, it's actually thousands of calls to MmPageFault() per second, happening sequentially as memcpy() is writing sequentially to the buffer. For each single uncommitted page encountered.
One the CPU load goes beyond 50%, the optimistic spin-lock in the Windows kernel protecting the page management completely degrades performance-wise.
The buffer is allocated by the DX11 driver. Nothing can be tweaked about the allocation strategy. Use of a different memory API and especially re-use is not possible.
Calls to the DX11 API (mapping/unmapping the buffers) all happens from a single thread. The actual copy operations potentially happen multi-threaded across more threads than there are virtual processors in the system.
Reducing the memory bandwidth requirements is not possible. It's a real-time application. In fact, the hard limit is currently the PCIe 3.0 16x bandwidth of the primary GPU. If I could, I would already need to push further.
Avoiding multi-threaded copies is not possible, as there are independent producer-consumer queues which can't be merged trivially.
The spin-lock performance degradation appears to be so rare (because the use case is pushing it that far) that on Google, you won't find a single result for the name of the spin-lock function.
Upgrading to an API which gives more control over the mappings (Vulkan) is in progress, but it's not suitable as a short-term fix. Switching to a better OS kernel is currently not an option for the same reason.
Reducing the CPU load doesn't work either; there is too much work which needs to be done other than the (usually trivial and inexpensive) buffer copy.
The Question
What can be done?
I need to reduce the number of individual pagefaults significantly. I know the address and size of the buffer which has been mapped into my process, and I also know that the memory has not been committed yet.
How can I ensure that the memory is committed with the least amount of transactions possible?
Exotic flags for DX11 which would prevent de-allocation of the buffers after unmapping, Windows APIs to force commit in a single transaction, pretty much anything is welcome.
The current state
// In the processing threads
DX11DeferredContext->Map(..., &buffer)
std::memcpy(buffer, source, size);
Current workaround, simplified pseudo code:
// During startup
SetProcessWorkingSetSize(GetCurrentProcess(), 2*1024*1024*1024, -1);
// In the DX11 render loop thread
DX11context->Map(..., &resource)
VirtualLock(resource.pData, resource.size);
// In the processing threads
std::memcpy(buffer, source, size);
VirtualLock() forces the kernel to back the specified address range with RAM immediately. The call to the complementing VirtualUnlock() function is optional, it happens implicitly (and at no extra cost) when the address range is unmapped from the process. (If called explicitly, it costs about 1/3rd of the locking cost.)
In order for VirtualLock() to work at all, SetProcessWorkingSetSize() needs to be called first, as the sum of all memory regions locked by VirtualLock() can not exceed the minimum working set size configured for the process. Setting the "minimum" working set size to something higher than the baseline memory footprint of your process has no side effects unless your system is actually potentially swapping, your process will still not consume more RAM than the actual working set size.
Just the use of VirtualLock(), albeit in individual threads and using deferred DX11 contexts for Map / Unmap calls, did instantly decrease the performance penalty from 40-50% to slightly more acceptable 15%.
Discarding the use of a deferred context, and exclusively triggering both all soft faults, as well as the corresponding de-allocation when unmapping on a single thread, gave the necessary performance boost. The total cost of that spin-lock is now down to <1% of the total CPU usage.
When you expect soft faults on Windows, try what you can to keep them all in the same thread. Performing a parallel memcpy itself is unproblematic, in some situations even necessary to fully utilize the memory bandwidth. However, that is only if the memory is already committed to RAM yet. VirtualLock() is the most efficient way to ensure that.
(Unless you are working with an API like DirectX which maps memory into your process, you are unlikely to encounter uncommitted memory frequently. If you are just working with standard C++ new or malloc your memory is pooled and recycled inside your process anyway, so soft faults are rare.)
Just make sure to avoid any form of concurrent page faults when working with Windows.

More TLB misses when process memory size larger?

I have my program which I have written in C++. On linux the process is allocated a certain amount of memory. Part is the Stack, part the Heap, part Text and part BSS.
Is the following true:
The larger the amount of memory allocated to the Heap component of my process- the chance of Translation Lookaside Buffer misses increases?
And generally speaking- the more memory my application process consumes, the greater the chance of TLB misses?
I think there is no direct relationship between the amount of memory allocated and the miss rate of TLB. As far as I know, as long as your program has good locality, the TLB misses will remain low.
There is several reasons that would lead to high TLB miss:
1.Not enough memory and to many running process;
2.Low locality of your program.
3.the inefficient way you visit array elements in cycles in your codes.
Programs are usually divided into phases that exhibit completely different memory and execution characteristics - your code may allocate a huge chunk of memory at some point, then be off doing some other unrelated computations. In that case, your TLBs (that are basically just caches for address translation) would age away the unused pages and eventually drop them. While you're not using these pages, you shouldn't care about that.
The real question is - when you get to some performance critical phase, are you going to work with more pages than your TLBs can sustain simultaneously? On one hand modern CPUs have large TLB, often with 2 levels of caching - the L2 TLB of a modern intel CPU should have (IIRC) 512 entries - that's 2M worth of data if you're using 4k pages (with large pages that would have been more, but TLBs usually don't like to work with them due to potential conflicts with smaller pages..).
It's quite possible for an application to work with more than 2M of data, but you should avoid doing this at the same time if possible - either by doing cache tiling or changing the algorithms. That's not always possible (for e.g. when streaming from memory or from IO), but then the TLB misses are probably not your main bottlenecks. When working with the same set of data and accessing the same elements multiple times - you should always attempt to keep them cached as close as possible.
It's also possible to use software prefetches to make the CPU perform the TLB misses (and following page walks) earlier in time, preventing them from blocking your progress. On some CPUs hardware prefetches are already doing this for you.

Cuda zero-copy performance

Does anyone have experience with analyzing the performance of CUDA applications utilizing the zero-copy (reference here: Default Pinned Memory Vs Zero-Copy Memory) memory model?
I have a kernel that uses the zero-copy feature and with NVVP I see the following:
Running the kernel on an average problem size I get instruction replay overhead of 0.7%, so nothing major. And all of this 0.7% is global memory replay overhead.
When I really jack up the problem size, I get an instruction replay overhead of 95.7%, all of which is due to global memory replay overhead.
However, the global load efficiency and global store efficiency for both the normal problem size kernel run and the very very large problem size kernel run are the same. I'm not really sure what to make of this combination of metrics.
The main thing I'm not sure of is which statistics in NVVP will help me see what is going on with the zero copy feature. Any ideas of what type of statistics I should be looking at?
Fermi and Kepler GPUs need to replay memory instructions for multiple reasons:
The memory operation was for a size specifier (vector type) that requires multiple transactions in order to perform the address divergence calculation and communicate data to/from the L1 cache.
The memory operation had thread address divergence requiring access to multiple cache lines.
The memory transaction missed the L1 cache. When the miss value is returned to L1 the L1 notifies the warp scheduler to replay the instruction.
The LSU unit resources are full and the instruction needs to be replayed when the resource are available.
The latency to
L2 is 200-400 cycles
device memory (dram) is 400-800 cycles
zero copy memory over PCIe is 1000s of cycles
The replay overhead is increasing due to the increase in misses and contention for LSU resources due to increased latency.
The global load efficiency is not increasing as it is the ratio of the ideal amount of data that would need to be transferred for the memory instructions that were executed to the actual amount of data transferred. Ideal means that the executed threads accessed sequential elements in memory starting at a cache line boundary (32-bit operation is 1 cache line, 64-bit operation is 2 cache lines, 128-bit operation is 4 cache lines). Accessing zero copy is slower and less efficient but it does not increase or change the amount of data transferred.
The profiler's exposes the following counters:
dram_{read, write}_throughput
In the zero copy case all of these metrics should be much lower.
The Nsight VSE CUDA Profiler memory experiments will show the amount of data accessed over PCIe (zero copy memory).

Using Nsight to determine bank conflicts and coalescing

How can i know the number of non Coalesced read/write and bank conflicts using parallel nsight?
Moreover what should i look at when i use nsight is a profiler? what are the important fields that may cause my program to slow down?
I don't use NSight, but typical fields that you'll look at with a profiler are basically:
memory consumption
time spent in functions
More specifically, with CUDA, you'll be careful to your GPU's occupancy.
Other interesting values are the way the compiler has set your local variables: in registers or in local memory.
Finally, you'll check the time spent to transfer data to and back from the GPU, and compare it with the computation time.
For bank conflicts, you need to watch warp serialization. See here.
And here is a discussion about monitoring memory coalescence <-- basically you just need to watch Global Memory Loads/Stores - Coalesced/Uncoalesced and flag the Uncoalesced.
M. Tibbits basically answered what you need to know for bank conflicts and non-coalesced memory transactions.
For the question on what are the important fields/ things to look at (when using the Nsight profiler) that may cause my program to slow down:
Use Application or System Trace to determine if you are CPU bound, memory bound, or kernel bound. This can be done by looking at the Timeline.
a. CPU bound – you will see large areas where no kernel or memory copy is occurring but your application threads (Thread State) is Green
b. Memory bound – kernels execution blocked on memory transfers to or from the device. You can see this by looking at the Memory Row. If you are spending a lot of time in Memory Copies then you should consider using CUDA streams to pipeline your application. This can allow you to overlap memory transfers and kernels. Before changing your code you should compare the duration of the transfers and kernels and make sure you will get a performance gain.
c. Kernel bound – If the majority of the application time is spent waiting on kernels to complete then you should switch to the "Profile" activity, re-run your application, and start collecting hardware counters to see how you can make your kernel's actual execution time faster.

Staying away from virtual memory in Windows\C++

I'm writing a performance critical application where its essential to store as much data as possible in the physical memory before dumping to disc.
I can use ::GlobalMemoryStatusEx(...) and ::GetProcessMemoryInfo(...) to find out what percentage of physical memory is reserved\free and how much memory my current process handles.
Using this data I can make sure to dump when ~90% of the physical memory is in use or ~90 of the maximum of 2GB per application limit is hit.
However, I would like a method for simply recieving how many bytes are actually left before the system will start using the virtual memory, especially as the application will be compiled for both 32bit and 64bit, whereas the 2 GB limit doesnt exist.
How about this function:
bytesLeftUntilVMUsed() {
return 0;
it should give the correct result in nearly all cases I think ;)
Imagine running Windows 7 in 256Mb of RAM (MS suggest 1GB minimum). That's effectively what you're asking the user to do by wanting to reseve 90% of available RAM.
The real question is: Why do you need so much RAM? What is the 'performance critical' criteria exactly?
Usually, this kind of question implies there's something horribly wrong with your design.
Using top of the range RAM (DDR3) would give you a theoretical transfer speed of 12GB/s which equates to reading one 32 bit value every clock cycle with some bandwidth to spare. I'm fairly sure that it is not possible to do anything useful with the data coming into the CPU at that speed - instruction processing stalls would interrupt this flow. The extra, unsued bandwidth can be used to page data to/from a hard disk. Using RAID this transfer rate can be quite high (about 1/16th of the RAM bandwidth). So it would be feasible to transfer data to/from the disk and process it without having any degradation of performance - 16 cycles between reads is all it would take (OK, my maths might be a bit wrong here).
But if you throw Windows into the mix, it all goes to pot. Your memory can go away at any moment, your application can be paused arbitrarily and so on. Locking memory to RAM would have adverse affects on the whole system, thus defeating the purpose of locing the memory.
If you explain what you're trying to acheive and the performance critria, there are many people here that will help develop a suitable solution, because if you have to ask about system limits, you really are doing something wrong.
Even if you're able to stop your application from having memory paged out to disk, you'll still run into the problem that the VMM might be paging out other programs to disk and that might potentially affect your performance as well. Not to mention that another application might start up and consume memory that you're currently occupying and thus resulting in some of your applications memory being paged out. How are you planning to deal with that?
There is a way to use non-pageable memory via the non-paged pool but (a) this pool is comparatively small and (b) it's used by device drivers and might only be usable from inside the kernel. It's also not really recommended to use large chunks of it unless you want to make sure your system isn't that stable.
You might want to revisit the design of your application and try to work around the possibility of having memory paged to disk before you either try to write your own VMM or turn a Windows machine into essentially a DOS box with more memory.
The standard solution is to not worry about "virtual" and worry about "dynamic".
The "virtual" part of virtual memory has to be looked at as a hardware function that you can only defeat by writing your own OS.
The dynamic allocation of objects, however, is simply your application program's design.
Statically allocate simple arrays of the objects you'll need. Use those arrays of objects. Increase and decrease the size of those statically allocated arrays until you have performance problems.
Ouch. Non-paged pool (the amount of RAM which cannot be swapped or allocated to processes) is typically 256 MB. That's 12.5% of RAM on a 2GB machine. If another 90% of physical RAM would be allocated to a process, that leaves either -2,5% for all other applications, services, the kernel and drivers. Even if you'd allocate only 85% for your app, that would still leave only 2,5% = 51 MB.