OpenCV training output - c++

So I am creating my own classifiers using the OpenCV Machine Learning module for age estimation. I can train my classifiers but the training takes a long time so I would like to see some output (status classifier, iterations done etc.). Is this possible? I'm using ml::Boost, ml::LogisticalRegression and ml::RTrees all inheriting cv::StatModel. Just to be clear i'm not using the given application for recognizing objects in images (opencv_createsamples and opencv_traincascade). The documentation is very limited so it's very hard to find something in it.

Looks like there's an open feature request for a "progress bar" to provide some rudimentary feedback... See Personally, I gave up on using the OpenCV ML a while back. There are several high-quality tools available to build machine learning models. I've personally used Google's Tensorflow, but I've heard good things about Theano and Caffe as well.


Is it possible to train ONNX models developed in tensorflow and pytorch with C++?

I wonder if its possible to use tensorflow and pytorch models converted to onnx models to train them with the C++ Api like it is done in e.g. with a tensorflow model. I just found examples for inference with onnx. The idea is to be able to prototype with tensorflow and pytorch in python, convert to onnx models and to have a unified API in C++ to do inference and training. It would help quite a lot to get some (links to get) informaton.
ONNX's GitHub page suggests that it can be used for inference, but it doesn't seem reasonable to be able to train all models with it (from the development perspective).
Currently we focus on the capabilities needed for inferencing (scoring).
Although there are some difficulties, such as always writing backpropagation is more difficult than feedforwarding, and supporting it would double the framework size, which is not what ONNX is aiming for since there are already so many frameworks for this. To train you will need all the parameters, the derivatives of functions in the GPU and CPU(if its performance is lower than other frameworks, it will be a big problem since nobody will use it). And there are many other things that make a unified framework difficult(Supporting training on multiple GPUs over a network, for example).(So In our perspective, it's great, but in theirs it's so difficult)
But we can see that some functionality for training has been added to the framework, in this case it can train transformer models
Also, to training transformers in PyTorch you could see this link
ONNX Runtime does support training but not in C++. You can train an ONNX model using ORT and Pytorch. Please see here

Is there possible to train own module using TensorFlow and then use it in OpenCV for detection?

I want to ask, can we train our own module (images) of some specific objects (maybe 2~3 objects), and then by using OpenCV DNN module detect those objects?
I have already tried a pre-trained simple with ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_11_06_2017 in OpenCV, which works and is able to detect objects.
But now I want to train my own module with specific objects images, and as above using OpenCV detect those objects. I have searched a lot, but there is no a good tutorial to show how we can use TensorFlow train own module.
Thanks in advance!
Yes! Of course you can train your own, and in fact if you look at the source for the sample you were using they provide a guide on how to train your own:
In this section, we discuss some of the abstractions that we use for defining detection models. If you would like to define a new model architecture for detection and use it in the Tensorflow Detection API, then this section should also serve as a high level guide to the files that you will need to edit to get your new model working.

machine learning for any cancer diagnosis on image dataset with python

i am working on this project asssigned by university as final project. But the issue is i am not getting any help from the internet so i thought may be asking here can solve issue. i had read many articles but they had no code or guidance and i am confused what to do. Basically it is an image processing work with machine learning. Data set can be found easily but issue is python python learning algorithm and code
I presume if it's your final project you have to create the program yourself rather than ripping it straight from the internet. If you want a good starting point which you can customise Tensor Flow from Google is very good. You'll want to understand how it works (i.e. how machine learning works) but as a first step there's a good example of image processing on the website in the form of number recognition (which is also the "Hello World" of machine learning).
This also provides a good intro to machine learning with neural nets:
One note on Tensor Flow, you'll probably have to use Python 3.5+ as in my experience it can be difficult getting it on 2.7.
First of all I need to know what type of data are you using because depending on your data, if it is a MRI or PET scan or CT, there could be different suggestion for using machine learning in python for detection.
However, I suppose your main dataset consist of MR images, I am attaching an article which I found it a great overview of different methods>
This project compares four different machine learning algorithms: Decision Tree, Majority, Nearest Neighbors, and Best Z-Score (an algorithm of my own design that is a slight variant of the Na¨ıve Bayes algorithm)
Here, breast cancer and colorectal cancer have been considered and the algorithms that performed best (Best Z-Score and Nearest Neighbors) used all features in classifying a sample. Decision Tree used only 13 features for classifying a sample and gave mediocre results. Majority did not look at any features and did worst. All algorithms except Decision Tree were fast to train and test. Decision Tree was slow, because it had to look at each feature in turn, calculating the information gain of every possible choice of cutpoint.
My Solution:-
Lung Image Database Consortium provides open access dataset for Lung Cancer Images.
Download it then apply any machine learning algorithm to classify images having tumor cells or not.
I attached a link for reference paper. They applied neural network to classify the images.
For coding part, use python "OpenCV" for image pre-processing and segmentation.
When it comes for classification part, use any machine learning libraries (tensorflow, keras, torch, scikit-learn... much more) as you are compatible to work with and perform classification using any better outperforming algorithms as you wish.
That's it..
Link for Reference Journal

Trying to create a HOG implementation for detecting people

I would like to create results similar to the video found at this link. I tried the Object Detection and Localization toolkit made for the work done by Dalal and Triggs found here, and I tried trainHOG(, a program that uses OpenCV that can be trained to detect people.
For the ODL toolkit, I had problems compiling because its requirements are now dated. The Ubuntu packages that provide the requirements for ODL (ImLib, Boost, and Blitz) are not compatible with the versions of the packages required by ODL. I actually went through a lot of effort building older versions of the required packages but hit a dead end of an error saying:
error: no matching function for call to ‘boost::program_options::validation_error::validation_error(std::basic_string)’ + argument.desc.find(*ai, false).format_name());
For trainHOG I was able to detect people but only if they were very small in the image. I also got a lot of false positives. I trained it with 1133 positive images and ~8500 negative image, all of which were 64x128 in size.
OpenCV has a API for HOG Descriptor which you can use easily.
However, HOG is very very simple to implement and it should take whole deal of time for you to implement. You can refer to this tutorial which I found to be very helpful when for understanding HOG.
If you still find problem than let me know so I can help you code it.

Using Blender for physics simulations

I've been looking at different ways of creating a certain physics simulation. What I am trying to do is to 3D model the motion of a body under the effects of various forces over time. I was originally looking at coding something in c++ using a physics engine (Bullet) and a 3d engine (Irrlicht). However, I noticed that Blender already allows one to do physical simulations since Bullet is integrated with it (correct me if I'm wrong). This seems like it would make it much easier to design the simulation exactly how I want it (with Blender's extensive GUI).
My issue is that I would like to use the results from the simulation (basically x,y,z,pitch,roll,yaw of the body at each timestep) for input into c/c++ code (or another language if its much easier for this). Can this be done with Blender? Is there a better software package for this that I am overlooking? Thanks, any advice is appreciated.
I would use a Python script for that task, as Blender has a nice interface getting/setting the objects and their properties programmatically through .py files.
So after you are done with your animation you can call a script to walk through the frames and save the required data into a file.
A getting started doc can be found here: or here:
There is a huge list of scripts worth browsing for similar routines you need.
As mentioned before, it would be very easy to use python for this. For more specific use if using Blender, perhaps you should consult the main Blender forum
Blenderartists python support:
Blender 2.5 code snippets (Introduction to scripting for Blender 2.5):