Handle to window for PropertySheet - c++

The below code, creating a Property Sheet, works without problem in an Application File.
CProp_Sheet Pr_Sheet(_T("PS"));
CPr_Page_1 Pr_Page_1;
CPr_Page_2 Pr_Page_2;
m_pMainWnd = &Pr_Sheet;
int nResponse = Pr_Sheet.DoModal();
However, when I put the same code in a DLL, and call it from a menu item in another Application, m_pMainWnd cannot be used (the menu in the Application is to remain visible behind the Property Sheet).
I have tried to create a handle
CWnd* m_pWnd = &Pr_Sheet;
and use m_pWnd in the CProp_Sheet constructor, but although compiling correctly at run time failure always occurs at
Thanks in advance for any comments.


How to get CDocument for derived CMFCShellTreeCtl on an Outlook Style MFC program?

I am new to MFC and have built an "outlook" style MFC app using the wizard. I've extended the CMFCShellTreetCtrl using CMyShellTreeCtrl and had data member variables and all was working fine. Now I want to move the data over to the CDocument class. Since there is several accesses to the data as each item is clicked or enumerated, I thought I would create a member variable m_pDoc to access the public variables in the CDocument. The problem I'm having, I can't find where to get the CDocument as it appears it's not setup when the trees OnCreate is called. That is in OnCreate
CWnd* pWndMain = AfxGetMainWnd();
ASSERT(pWndMain->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CFrameWnd)) && !pWndMain->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMDIFrameWnd))); // Not an SDI app.
m_pDoc = (CMyDoc*) ((CFrameWnd*)pWndMain)->GetActiveDocument();
returns NULL in m_pDoc and if I tried in an AfterCreate() (which is called after CreateOutlookBar) it's too late as m_pDoc is already being used and get a crash.
// Create and setup "Outlook" navigation bar:
if (!CreateOutlookBar(m_wndNavigationBar, ID_VIEW_NAVIGATION, m_wndTree, m_wndCalendar, 250))
TRACE0("Failed to create navigation pane\n");
return -1; // fail to create
Any Ideas?
I came up with the following but I'm not sure if this is the proper way. Again, I'm new to MFC (I always have used Win32 directly). This works so it's AN answer, but is it THE correct answer?
POSITION docpos = AfxGetApp()->GetFirstDocTemplatePosition();
CDocTemplate *doctemplate = AfxGetApp()->GetNextDocTemplate(docpos);
m_pDoc = (CMyDoc*)doctemplate->GetNextDoc(docpos);

Where to initialize a rich edit control on another dialog?

I have an MFC dialog based application that has 2 Dialogs: Main Dialog CMyDlgand Second dialog CMyDlg2.
On the main Dialog I add a Button "Go dialog 2". So I added a handler for the button so that when clicked it pops up the second dialog. Everything works fine But on the second Dialog I have added a Rich Edit Control from toolbox. I Added for it a variable. I also added a class for the second dialog.
Now If I run the Application I get the dialog one and if I pressed "Go to dialog 2" I got what I want. But I need at some point to change the font of the rich edit control but my program crashes.
So I overrided OnInitDialog and inside it do some changes to the control but program crashes. After debugging I found that the handle of rich edit is null?!
So how and where can I change the color or do some initializations to the control?
(I called AfxInitRichEdit2() in OnInitInstance())
BOOL CMyDlg2::OnInitDialog() {
m_richEdit.SetWindowText("Hello there!"); // program crashes because the handle m_richEdit is null.
return TRUE;
And this is the handler of button that creates the Dialog2 and that contains the rich edit control:
void CMyDlg::OnBnClickedButton1(){
CMyDlg2 theDlg;
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
If I create the rich edit control programmatically then everything works fine because I create it at OnInitDialog and then it works fine but I need the one that is I added using the wizard toolbox.
*** The thing is that if I write:
m_richEdit.SetWindowText(""); // program crashes but if I wirte:
GetDlgItem(IDC_RICHEDIT221).SetWindowText(""); it works fine?
You probably have the following code inserted by wizard:
void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RICHEDIT22, m_richEdit);
This tells the dialog to associate m_richEdit with the dialog control IDC_RICHEDIT22. But this association is not performed until the base class method CDialog::OnInitDialog(); is called.
BOOL CMyDlg2::OnInitDialog()
//this line should work:
//this line won't work:
//m_richEdit.SetWindowText("Hello there!"); <- richedit's handle is NULL
//this line will subclass m_richEdit
//plus run other initialization
//m_richEdit is ready
m_richEdit.SetWindowText("Hello there!");
return TRUE;
It's recommended to put CDialog::OnInitDialog() int the first line, to make sure the initialization is done.
GetDlgItem works because the control IDC_RICHEDIT22 exists in the dialog template and you have a valid dialog handle. You are basically making a simple call based on WinAPI's GetDlgItem:
HWND hedit = ::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_RICHEDIT22);
::SetWindowText(hedit, "Hello world");
There is no additional initialization needed.
But m_richEdit is just a C++ object, declared as CRichEditCtrl m_richEdit; The constructor for this C++ class doesn't do much besides setting m_hWnd to NULL.
Once it's associated with a valid window handle, we can begin using its windows methods such as CRichEdit::SetWindowText

c++: owlnext + vcl: New Window missing its Parent

I have a Application mostly written with the owl-libary.
There I want open new vcl-windows out of the main owl-window.
This works great, though if a dialog-window is opened (even with ShowModal) and I focus another application, then the main-window get's into foreground but is blocked by the window behind it.
I guess the Problem is the missing parent-setting.
However, I can't convert owl's TWindow to vcl's TWinControl.
Is there a trick to set a vcl's parent setting to a owl's TWindow-Object?
Or could this be caused by something entirely different?
I'm using...
void(TWindow* parent){
Form=new TForm((HWND)parent->Handle);
Form->BorderIcons >> biMinimize >> biMaximize << biSystemMenu; //No minimize, no maximize, but close
Form->BorderStyle = bsSingle;
Form->Position = poMainFormCenter;
However, the new window is locked up and can not be clicked/closed/switched to.
Is there something I missed in using ParentWindow?
I think it might be a Problem that the parent is a TDecoratedMDIFrame, which is a MDI-Container, so my dialog is treated like a mdi-child instead of a normal dialog...
TWinControl has a ParentWindow property for specifying a non-VCL parent window.
Also, in modern VCL versions, you can specify a ParentWnd when displaying a VCL dialog.

CMyPrintDialog::OnInitDialog() is not called in IE10

I have a class named CMyPrintDialog derived from CPrintDialog of MFC. It's used as an ActiveX in IE, and the project is linked to MFC statically. It works well in IE8 for many years.
But the same binary of the project doesn't work well on IE10. The print dialog could pop up, but unfortunately its OnInitDialog is never called and causes problems.
The strange thing is that if I attach the VS debugger to IE, OnInitDialog will be called correctly and the customized print dialog works well.
Seems Microsoft has change something and causes the problem.
I found a similar link but it doesn't work.
Thanks a million for any ideas.
The issue is caused by IE's new feature after IE9 - "Hang Resistance". We can avoid the issue by disabling the new feature: Set below value as 0, and close all IE windows. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\ Type: REG_DWORD Name: HangRecovery Value: 0
I am not getting your point exactly you want to say, Consider CPrintDialog crash your application with IE10.What is you need to do is,
Set up the message hook function, _AfxCommDlgProc(), in the constructor of your
CPrintDialog-derived class as shown below:
// CMyPrintDialog is a CPrintDialog-derived class.
CMyPrintDialog::CMyPrintDialog(DWORD dwFlags)
: CPrintDialog(FALSE,dwFlags)
// MFCBUG: MFC 6.0 doesn't set the message hook!
// _AfxCommDlgProc is exported from static MFC libraries
m_pd.lpfnPrintHook = _AfxCommDlgProc;
m_pd.lpfnSetupHook = _AfxCommDlgProc;

Getting ActiveX window handle

I have followed this link to get the window handle of a ActiveX control
Sample Code from microsoft's site
// The following code should return the actual parent window of the ActiveX control.
HWND CMyOleControl::GetActualParent()
HWND hwndParent = 0;
// Get the window associated with the in-place site object,
// which is connected to this ActiveX control.
if (m_pInPlaceSite != NULL)
return hwndParent; // Return the in-place site window handle.
But in my case I keep finding that "m_pInPlaceSite" is always NULL. I'm trying to run this code in my controls FinalConstruct. Is there something else I need to implement for the m_pInPlaceSite to be given a value? Or do I need to Query to get the value.
FinalConstruct is way too early. In FinalConstruct your class is just being created and is not yet initialized. There is no "in place" site, there is no yet site at all.
Your control will be called by its owner, it will be given its site, then activated - only then you will possibly have m_pInPlaceSite available.