Reset __COUNTER__ macro to zero - c++

is it possible to reset the __COUNTER__ macro at the start of a header file to make its evaluation within the header file consistent over several compile units?

How about an enum?
enum { COUNTER_BASE = __COUNTER__ };

You can set BASE to __COUNTER__ at the top of your header file, and then use __COUNTER__ - BASE later on.
However, do this after you've included all necessary headers, because else thee result would depend on the use of __COUNTER__ within the header guards of those nested include files.

No, there is no way to reset that value.
Take a look at the GCC source that increments the counter:
if (CPP_OPTION (pfile, directives_only) && pfile->state.in_directive)
cpp_error (pfile, CPP_DL_ERROR,
"__COUNTER__ expanded inside directive with -fdirectives-only");
number = pfile->counter++;
And if you look arount this library, nowhere is the counter modified again. It is default initialized to 0 and then incremented at every use.
Note that the pfile, where the counter variable resides, represents the the preprocessor input, that in this case is the current compilation unit, not the actual file.

thanks to #Michael, and by using enum you can have complete usage of __COUNTER__ as below:
"source: ESF compiler extension"
//! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Counter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
#pragma region Counter
/* Counter
* Ex:
* <code>
int foo(void)
* </code>
* */
#define CountOn(name) enum { name ## _BASE = __COUNTER__ }; const U8 name
#define CountIt(name) (U8)(__COUNTER__ - (name ## _BASE))
#define Counted(name) const U8 name = (U8)(__COUNTER__ - (name ## _BASE) -1);
/* alias of Counter
* Ex:
* <code>
int foo(void)
* </code>
* */
#define TakeSteps(name) CountOn(name)
/* this is invalid to read, want to get value ? use 'CountIt(name)' OR 'NextStep(name)' */
#define AddStep() do { __COUNTER__; } while (0);
#define TotalSteps(name) Counted(name)
/* better use of Counter (on format print 'step, total')
* 'step' starts at 1
* Ex:
* <code>
int foo(void)
printf(StepsPRT " Initializing system clock...", NextStep(InitSteps));
printf(StepsPRT " Loading configurations...", NextStep(InitSteps));
printf(StepsPRT " Applying...", NextStep(InitSteps));
* </code>
* */
#define NextStep(name) CountIt(name), name
#define StepsPRT "%d of %d"
#define NextStepP StepsPRT
#pragma endregion Counter
//! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< .Counter <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


How to prevent c++ compiler optimising variable

tl;dr: In the code below, why does the Serial.println(value); statement change the behaviour of the code, and how can I make the code work properly without it ?
I need to save some values on a microcontroller that doesn't have any eeprom (an Arduino 33 BLE sense)
I have found a way to do that by declaring a const variable to reserve a region in the flash memory, and write to it using the microcontroller's NVMC (Non Volatile Memory Controller). This solution works fine but there is some weirdness I'd like to get rid of:
To read the values, I use the following function:
float getFloat(float *ptr) {
float value = *ptr;
return value;
This works, but whenever I try to simplify this by
removing the Serial.println statement
not using the function at all and doing what it does inline: something.floatvalue = *ptr
...the code behaves as if the saved values were always 0 (A memory dump shows this is not the case)
I suspect the compiler is optimising stuff in a way I don't understand (I'm not too familiar with c++). How can I avoid that ?
Here ny current code:
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
// nFR52 NVMC registers
#define NVMC_BASE (0x4001E000U)
#define NVMC_READY (NVMC_BASE + 0x400U)
#define NVMC_CONFIG (NVMC_BASE + 0x504U)
#define NVMC_IHIT (NVMC_BASE + 0x548U)
#define NVMC_IMISS (NMVC_BASE + 0x54cU)
// nFR52 MVMC values
#define MVMC_READ_MODE 0x00
#define MVMC_WRITE_MODE 0x01
#define MVMC_ERASE_MODE 0x02
typedef struct flash_mem {
float val_1;
float val_2;
// We want to fill a whole page of memory.
// A page is 4096 bytes, each float takes 4 bytes.
char filler[4096 - (4+4) ];
} flash_mem_t;
// This will reserve a space in flash memory for the values we need to save.
const flash_mem_t _values __attribute__((section("FLASH"), aligned(0x1000))) = {};
// A regular, in-memory instance of our values for easy manipulations.
// we'll use the load() and save() functions to move data between values and _values
flash_mem_t values;
void setup() {
// Initialize serial
while (!Serial.ready()) { }
// Load and show saved values
// Update and save values
values.val_1 += 1;
values.val_2 += 0.642;
// Arduino expects this
void loop() {}
void load () {
// TODO: find a way to do this for all values in our struct automatically
values.val_1 = getFloat((float *)&_values.val_1);
values.val_2 = getFloat((float *)&_values.val_2);
void writeValues () {
// TODO: find a way to do this for all values in our struct automatically
*(float *)(&_values.val_1) = values.val_1;
*(float *)(&_values.val_2) = values.val_2;
bool save() {
// NVMC can only write on "deleted" bytes, so we delete the page _values sits on
deletePage((void *)&_values);
// make sure NVMC is ready
if (*(uint32_t *)NVMC_READY == false) return false;
// write values to flash
while(*(uint32_t *)NVMC_READY == false) delayMicroseconds(50);
return true;
bool deletePage(void *pageStart) {
if (*(uint32_t *)NVMC_READY == false) return false;
*(uint32_t *)NVMC_ERASEPAGE = (uint32_t)pageStart;
while (*(uint32_t *)NVMC_READY == false) delay(85);
return true;
float getFloat(float *ptr) {
float value = *ptr;
// This is the weird part: everything works properly whem the following line is here,
// but value is always 0 when it is commented out
return value;
I didn't tag this question with the "arduino" tag because I feel like it's not really an arduino problem. If you disagree, I'll be happy to update the tags.
Thanks for any help!
Usually you can use volatile to inform the compiler that the variable can change (for example, in an interrupt), so it wouldn't optimize it away. See Why is volatile needed in C?.

What do Underline and parenthesis mean in this macro code block? [duplicate]

I just learned of X-Macros. What real-world uses of X-Macros have you seen? When are they the right tool for the job?
I discovered X-macros a couple of years ago when I started making use of function pointers in my code. I am an embedded programmer and I use state machines frequently. Often I would write code like this:
/* declare an enumeration of state codes */
/* declare a table of function pointers */
p_func_t jumptable[NUM_STATES] = {func0, func1, func2, ... , funcX};
The problem was that I considered it very error prone to have to maintain the ordering of my function pointer table such that it matched the ordering of my enumeration of states.
A friend of mine introduced me to X-macros and it was like a light-bulb went off in my head. Seriously, where have you been all my life x-macros!
So now I define the following table:
#define STATE_TABLE \
ENTRY(STATE0, func0) \
ENTRY(STATE1, func1) \
ENTRY(STATE2, func2) \
And I can use it as follows:
#define ENTRY(a,b) a,
#undef ENTRY
p_func_t jumptable[NUM_STATES] =
#define ENTRY(a,b) b,
#undef ENTRY
as a bonus, I can also have the pre-processor build my function prototypes as follows:
#define ENTRY(a,b) static void b(void);
#undef ENTRY
Another usage is to declare and initialize registers
#define IO_ADDRESS_OFFSET (0x8000)
ENTRY(reg0, IO_ADDRESS_OFFSET + 0, 0x11)\
ENTRY(reg1, IO_ADDRESS_OFFSET + 1, 0x55)\
ENTRY(reg2, IO_ADDRESS_OFFSET + 2, 0x1b)\
/* declare the registers (where _at_ is a compiler specific directive) */
#define ENTRY(a, b, c) volatile uint8_t a _at_ b:
#undef ENTRY
/* initialize registers */
#define ENTRY(a, b, c) a = c;
#undef ENTRY
My favourite usage however is when it comes to communication handlers
First I create a comms table, containing each command name and code:
ENTRY(RESERVED, reserved, 0x00) \
ENTRY(COMMAND1, command1, 0x01) \
ENTRY(COMMAND2, command2, 0x02) \
ENTRY(COMMANDX, commandX, 0x0X) \
I have both the uppercase and lowercase names in the table, because the upper case will be used for enums and the lowercase for function names.
Then I also define structs for each command to define what each command looks like:
typedef struct {...}command1_cmd_t;
typedef struct {...}command2_cmd_t;
Likewise I define structs for each command response:
typedef struct {...}command1_resp_t;
typedef struct {...}command2_resp_t;
Then I can define my command code enumeration:
#define ENTRY(a,b,c) a##_CMD = c,
#undef ENTRY
I can define my command length enumeration:
#define ENTRY(a,b,c) a##_CMD_LENGTH = sizeof(b##_cmd_t);
#undef ENTRY
I can define my response length enumeration:
#define ENTRY(a,b,c) a##_RESP_LENGTH = sizeof(b##_resp_t);
#undef ENTRY
I can determine how many commands there are as follows:
typedef struct
#define ENTRY(a,b,c) uint8_t b;
#undef ENTRY
} offset_struct_t;
#define NUMBER_OF_COMMANDS sizeof(offset_struct_t)
NOTE: I never actually instantiate the offset_struct_t, I just use it as a way for the compiler to generate for me my number of commands definition.
Note then I can generate my table of function pointers as follows:
p_func_t jump_table[NUMBER_OF_COMMANDS] =
#define ENTRY(a,b,c) process_##b,
#undef ENTRY
And my function prototypes:
#define ENTRY(a,b,c) void process_##b(void);
#undef ENTRY
Now lastly for the coolest use ever, I can have the compiler calculate how big my transmit buffer should be.
/* reminder the sizeof a union is the size of its largest member */
typedef union
#define ENTRY(a,b,c) uint8_t b##_buf[sizeof(b##_cmd_t)];
#undef ENTRY
Again this union is like my offset struct, it is not instantiated, instead I can use the sizeof operator to declare my transmit buffer size.
uint8_t tx_buf[sizeof(tx_buf_t)];
Now my transmit buffer tx_buf is the optimal size and as I add commands to this comms handler, my buffer will always be the optimal size. Cool!
One other use is to create offset tables:
Since memory is often a constraint on embedded systems, I don't want to use 512 bytes for my jump table (2 bytes per pointer X 256 possible commands) when it is a sparse array. Instead I will have a table of 8bit offsets for each possible command. This offset is then used to index into my actual jump table which now only needs to be NUM_COMMANDS * sizeof(pointer). In my case with 10 commands defined. My jump table is 20bytes long and I have an offset table that is 256 bytes long, which is a total of 276bytes instead of 512bytes. I then call my functions like so:
instead of
I can create an offset table like so:
/* initialize every offset to 0 */
static uint8_t offset_table[256] = {0};
/* for each valid command, initialize the corresponding offset */
#define ENTRY(a,b,c) offset_table[c] = offsetof(offset_struct_t, b);
#undef ENTRY
where offsetof is a standard library macro defined in "stddef.h"
As a side benefit, there is a very easy way to determine if a command code is supported or not:
bool command_is_valid(uint8_t command)
/* return false if not valid, or true (non 0) if valid */
return offset_table[command];
This is also why in my COMMAND_TABLE I reserved command byte 0. I can create one function called "process_reserved()" which will be called if any invalid command byte is used to index into my offset table.
X-Macros are essentially parameterized templates. So they are the right tool for the job if you need several similar things in several guises. They allow you to create an abstract form and instantiate it according to different rules.
I use X-macros to output enum values as strings. And since encountering it, I strongly prefer this form which takes a "user" macro to apply to each element. Multiple file inclusion is just far more painful to work with.
/* x-macro constructors for error and type
enums and string tables */
#define AS_BARE(a) a ,
#define AS_STR(a) #a ,
#define ERRORS(_) \
_(noerror) \
_(dictfull) _(dictstackoverflow) _(dictstackunderflow) \
_(execstackoverflow) _(execstackunderflow) _(limitcheck) \
enum err { ERRORS(AS_BARE) };
char *errorname[] = { ERRORS(AS_STR) };
/* puts(errorname[(enum err)limitcheck]); */
I'm also using them for function dispatch based on object type. Again by hijacking the same macro I used to create the enum values.
#define TYPES(_) \
_(invalid) \
_(null) \
_(mark) \
_(integer) \
_(real) \
_(array) \
_(dict) \
_(save) \
_(name) \
_(string) \
/*enddef TYPES */
#define AS_TYPE(_) _ ## type ,
enum { TYPES(AS_TYPE) };
Using the macro guarantees that all my array indices will match the associated enum values, because they construct their various forms using the bare tokens from the macro definition (the TYPES macro).
typedef void evalfunc(context *ctx);
void evalquit(context *ctx) { ++ctx->quit; }
void evalpop(context *ctx) { (void)pop(ctx->lo, adrent(ctx->lo, OS)); }
void evalpush(context *ctx) {
push(ctx->lo, adrent(ctx->lo, OS),
pop(ctx->lo, adrent(ctx->lo, ES)));
evalfunc *evalinvalid = evalquit;
evalfunc *evalmark = evalpop;
evalfunc *evalnull = evalpop;
evalfunc *evalinteger = evalpush;
evalfunc *evalreal = evalpush;
evalfunc *evalsave = evalpush;
evalfunc *evaldict = evalpush;
evalfunc *evalstring = evalpush;
evalfunc *evalname = evalpush;
evalfunc *evaltype[stringtype/*last type in enum*/+1];
#define AS_EVALINIT(_) evaltype[_ ## type] = eval ## _ ;
void initevaltype(void) {
void eval(context *ctx) {
unsigned ades = adrent(ctx->lo, ES);
object t = top(ctx->lo, ades, 0);
if ( isx(t) ) /* if executable */
evaltype[type(t)](ctx); /* <--- the payoff is this line here! */
Using X-macros this way actually helps the compiler to give helpful error messages. I omitted the evalarray function from the above because it would distract from my point. But if you attempt to compile the above code (commenting-out the other function calls, and providing a dummy typedef for context, of course), the compiler would complain about a missing function. For each new type I add, I am reminded to add a handler when I recompile this module. So the X-macro helps to guarantee that parallel structures remain intact even as the project grows.
This answer has raised my reputation 50%. So here's a little more. The following is a negative example, answering the question: when not to use X-Macros?
This example shows the packing of arbitrary code fragments into the X-"record". I eventually abandoned this branch of the project and did not use this strategy in later designs (and not for want of trying). It became unweildy, somehow. Indeed the macro is named X6 because at one point there were 6 arguments, but I got tired of changing the macro name.
/* Object types */
/* "'X'" macros for Object type definitions, declarations and initializers */
// a b c d
// enum, string, union member, printf d
#define OBJECT_TYPES \
X6( nulltype, "null", int dummy , ("<null>")) \
X6( marktype, "mark", int dummy2 , ("<mark>")) \
X6( integertype, "integer", int i, ("%d",o.i)) \
X6( booleantype, "boolean", bool b, (o.b?"true":"false")) \
X6( realtype, "real", float f, ("%f",o.f)) \
X6( nametype, "name", int n, ("%s%s", \
(o.flags & Fxflag)?"":"/", names[o.n])) \
X6( stringtype, "string", char *s, ("%s",o.s)) \
X6( filetype, "file", FILE *file, ("<file %p>",(void *)o.file)) \
X6( arraytype, "array", Object *a, ("<array %u>",o.length)) \
X6( dicttype, "dict", struct s_pair *d, ("<dict %u>",o.length)) \
X6(operatortype, "operator", void (*o)(), ("<op>")) \
#define X6(a, b, c, d) #a,
char *typestring[] = { OBJECT_TYPES };
#undef X6
// the Object type
//forward reference so s_object can contain s_objects
typedef struct s_object Object;
// the s_object structure:
// a bit convoluted, but it boils down to four members:
// type, flags, length, and payload (union of type-specific data)
// the first named union member is integer, so a simple literal object
// can be created on the fly:
// Object o = {integertype,0,0,4028}; //create an int object, value: 4028
// Object nl = {nulltype,0,0,0};
struct s_object {
#define X6(a, b, c, d) a,
enum e_type { OBJECT_TYPES } type;
#undef X6
unsigned int flags;
#define Fread 1
#define Fwrite 2
#define Fexec 4
#define Fxflag 8
size_t length; //for lint, was: unsigned int
#define X6(a, b, c, d) c;
union { OBJECT_TYPES };
#undef X6
One big problem was the printf format strings. While it looks cool, it's just hocus pocus. Since it's only used in one function, overuse of the macro actually separated information that should be together; and it makes the function unreadable by itself. The obfuscation is doubly unfortunate in a debugging function like this one.
//print the object using the type's format specifier from the macro
//used by O_equal (ps: =) and O_equalequal (ps: ==)
void printobject(Object o) {
switch (o.type) {
#define X6(a, b, c, d) \
case a: printf d; break;
#undef X6
So don't get carried away. Like I did.
Some real-world uses of X-Macros by popular and large projects:
Java HotSpot
In the Oracle HotSpot Virtual Machine for the Java® Programming Language, there is the file globals.hpp, which uses the RUNTIME_FLAGS in that way.
See the source code:
The list of network errors in net_error_list.h is a long, long list of macro expansions of this form:
It is used by net_errors.h from the same directory:
enum Error {
OK = 0,
#define NET_ERROR(label, value) ERR_ ## label = value,
#include "net/base/net_error_list.h"
#undef NET_ERROR
The result of this preprocessor magic is:
enum Error {
OK = 0,
What I don't like about this particular use is that the name of the constant is created dynamically by adding the ERR_. In this example, NET_ERROR(IO_PENDING, -100) defines the constant ERR_IO_PENDING.
Using a simple text search for ERR_IO_PENDING, it is not possible to see where this constant it defined. Instead, to find the definition, one has to search for IO_PENDING. This makes the code hard to navigate and therefore adds to the obfuscation of the whole code base.
I like to use X macros for creating 'rich enumerations' which support iterating the enum values as well as getting the string representation for each enum value:
X(LeftButton, 1) \
X(MiddleButton, 2) \
X(RightButton, 4)
struct MouseButton {
enum Value {
None = 0
#define X(name, value) ,name = value
#undef X
static const int *values() {
static const int a[] = {
#define X(name, value) name,
#undef X
return a;
static const char *valueAsString( Value v ) {
#define X(name, value) static const char str_##name[] = #name;
#undef X
switch ( v ) {
case None: return "None";
#define X(name, value) case name: return str_##name;
#undef X
return 0;
This not only defines a MouseButton::Value enum, it also lets me do things like
// Print names of all supported mouse buttons
for ( const int *mb = MouseButton::values(); *mb != -1; ++mb ) {
std::cout << MouseButton::valueAsString( (MouseButton::Value)*mb ) << "\n";
I use a pretty massive X-macro to load contents of INI-file into a configuration struct, amongst other things revolving around that struct.
This is what my "configuration.def" -file looks like:
#define NMB_DUMMY(...) X(__VA_ARGS__)
#define NMB_INT_DEFS \
TEXT("long int") , long , , , GetLongValue , _ttol , NMB_SECT , SetLongValue ,
#define NMB_STR_DEFS NMB_STR_DEFS__(TEXT("string"))
#define NMB_PATH_DEFS NMB_STR_DEFS__(TEXT("path"))
#define NMB_STR_DEFS__(ATYPE) \
ATYPE , basic_string<TCHAR>* , new basic_string<TCHAR>\
, delete , GetValue , , NMB_SECT , SetValue , *
/* X-macro starts here */
#define NMB_SECT "server"
NMB_DUMMY(port,TEXT("Slave portti."),TEXT("502"),NMB_STR_DEFS)
NMB_DUMMY(slaveid,TEXT("Slave protocol ID."),0xff,NMB_INT_DEFS)
. /* And so on for about 40 items. */
It's a bit confusing, I admit. It quickly become clear that I don't actually want to write all those type declarations after every field-macro. (Don't worry, there's a big comment to explain everything which I omitted for brevity.)
And this is how I declare the configuration struct:
typedef struct {
#include "configuration.def"
#undef X
basic_string<TCHAR>* ini_path; //Where all the other stuff gets read.
long verbosity; //Used only by console writing functions.
} Config;
Then, in the code, firstly the default values are read into the configuration struct:
#include "configuration.def"
#undef X
Then, the INI is read into the configuration struct as follows, using library SimpleIni:
LOG3A(<< left << setw(13) << TEXT(#ID) << TEXT(": ") << left << setw(30)\
<< DEREF conf->ID << TEXT(" (") << DEFVAL << TEXT(").") );
#include "configuration.def"
#undef X
And overrides from commandline flags, that also are formatted with the same names (in GNU long form), are applies as follows in the foillowing manner using library SimpleOpt:
enum optflags {
#define X(ID,...) ID,
#include "configuration.def"
#undef X
CSimpleOpt::SOption sopt[] = {
#include "configuration.def"
#undef X
CSimpleOpt ops(argc,argv,sopt,SO_O_NOERR);
case ID:\
conf->ID = STRCONV( CONSTRUCTOR ( ops.OptionArg() ) );\
LOG3A(<< TEXT("Omitted ")<<left<<setw(13)<<TEXT(#ID)<<TEXT(" : ")<<conf->ID<<TEXT(" ."));\
#include "configuration.def"
#undef X
And so on, I also use the same macro to print the --help -flag output and sample default ini file, configuration.def is included 8 times in my program. "Square peg into a round hole", maybe; how would an actually competent programmer proceed with this? Lots and lots of loops and string processing?
I am using the following xmacros to generate a C++ class, with serialize and deserialize functionality built in.
#define __FIELDS_OF_DataWithNested(_) \
_(1, a, int ) \
_(2, x, DataX) \
_(3, b, int ) \
_(4, c, char ) \
_(5, d, __array(char, 3)) \
_(6, e, string) \
_(7, f, bool)
TEST_F(t, DataWithNested_should_able_to_encode_struct_with_nested_struct) {
DataWithNested xn;
xn.a = 0xCAFEBABE;
xn.x.a = 0x12345678;
xn.x.b = 0x11223344;
xn.b = 0xDEADBEEF;
xn.c = 0x45;
memcpy(&xn.d, "XYZ", strlen("XYZ"));
char buf_with_zero[] = {0x11, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x33};
xn.e = string(buf_with_zero, sizeof(buf_with_zero));
xn.f = true;
__encode(DataWithNested, xn, buf_);
char expected[] = { 0x01, 0x04, 0x00, 0xBE, 0xBA, 0xFE, 0xCA,
0x02, 0x0E, 0x00 /*T and L of nested X*/,
0x01, 0x04, 0x00, 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12,
0x02, 0x04, 0x00, 0x44, 0x33, 0x22, 0x11,
0x03, 0x04, 0x00, 0xEF, 0xBE, 0xAD, 0xDE,
0x04, 0x01, 0x00, 0x45,
0x05, 0x03, 0x00, 'X', 'Y', 'Z',
0x06, 0x05, 0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x33,
0x07, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01};
EXPECT_TRUE(ArraysMatch(expected, buf_));
Also, another example is in
Chromium has an interesting variation of a X-macro at Except it's not just a macro, but an entirely separate file.
This file is intended for keyboard input mapping between different platforms' scancodes, USB HID codes, and string-like names.
The file contains code like:
// USB evdev XKB Win Mac Code
DOM_CODE(0x000000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xffff, NULL, NONE), // Invalid
Each macro invocation actually passes in 7 arguments, and the macro can choose which arguments to use and which to ignore. One usage is to map between OS keycodes and platform-independent scancodes and DOM strings. Different macros are used on different OSes to pick the keycodes appropriate for that OS.
// Table of USB codes (equivalent to DomCode values), native scan codes,
// and DOM Level 3 |code| strings.
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#define DOM_CODE(usb, evdev, xkb, win, mac, code, id) \
{ usb, win, code }
#elif defined(OS_LINUX)
#define DOM_CODE(usb, evdev, xkb, win, mac, code, id) \
{ usb, xkb, code }
#elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
#define DOM_CODE(usb, evdev, xkb, win, mac, code, id) \
{ usb, mac, code }
#elif defined(OS_ANDROID)
#define DOM_CODE(usb, evdev, xkb, win, mac, code, id) \
{ usb, evdev, code }
#define DOM_CODE(usb, evdev, xkb, win, mac, code, id) \
{ usb, 0, code }
#define DOM_CODE_DECLARATION const KeycodeMapEntry usb_keycode_map[] =
#include "ui/events/keycodes/dom/"
#undef DOM_CODE
My humble example:
One of the steps to speed up the FFmpeg HEVC decoder - hardcode a matrix consisting of only three rows of small integer coefficients, which is used in several places:

Why use a pre-processor directive for a 'case' statement?

I was browsing through the SpiderMonkey engine source and saw some code in the interpreter that intrigued me.
// Portable switch-based dispatch.
# define INTERPRETER_LOOP() the_switch: switch (switchOp)
# define CASE(OP) case OP:
# define DEFAULT() default:
Is there any non-stylistic benefit for defining something like case OP: as CASE(OP)?
Look up half a screen:
#if (defined(__GNUC__) || \
(__IBMC__ >= 700 && defined __IBM_COMPUTED_GOTO) || \
__SUNPRO_C >= 0x570)
// Non-standard but faster indirect-goto-based dispatch.
# define CASE(OP) label_##OP:
// ... <snip>
// Portable switch-based dispatch.
# define INTERPRETER_LOOP() the_switch: switch (switchOp)
# define CASE(OP) case OP:
// ... <snip>
GCC and some other compilers support "computed goto", which is faster than a loop-switch for an interpreter loop, but is non-standard and hence non-portable.
If the compiler supports computed goto, the first branch of this #if defines INTERPRETER_LOOP, CASE(OP) etc. to use computed goto; otherwise, the #else branch defines them in terms of standard facilities.
If you look higher up in the same source, there are different definitions for those same macros for different compiler syntaxes:
* Define macros for an interpreter loop. Opcode dispatch may be either by a
* switch statement or by indirect goto (aka a threaded interpreter), depending
* on compiler support.
* Threaded interpretation appears to be well-supported by GCC 3 and higher.
* IBM's C compiler when run with the right options (e.g., -qlanglvl=extended)
* also supports threading. Ditto the SunPro C compiler.
#if (defined(__GNUC__) || \
(__IBMC__ >= 700 && defined __IBM_COMPUTED_GOTO) || \
__SUNPRO_C >= 0x570)
// Non-standard but faster indirect-goto-based dispatch.
# define CASE(OP) label_##OP:
# define DEFAULT() label_default:
# define DISPATCH_TO(OP) goto* addresses[(OP)]
// Portable switch-based dispatch.
# define INTERPRETER_LOOP() the_switch: switch (switchOp)
# define CASE(OP) case OP:
# define DEFAULT() default:
# define DISPATCH_TO(OP) \
switchOp = (OP); \
goto the_switch; \
// ...
If you look further down in the same source, you will see these macros actually being used:
* Various 1-byte no-ops. */
goto error;
} /* interpreter loop */
Depending on the compiler, that code would compile to either this:
static const void* const addresses[EnableInterruptsPseudoOpcode + 1] = {
goto* addresses[op];
* Various 1-byte no-ops. */
REGS.pc += 1;
goto* addresses[*REGS.pc | activation.opMask()];
goto* addresses[JSOP_LOOPHEAD_LENGTH];
goto error;
} /* interpreter loop */
Or to this:
jsbytecode switchOp;
switch (switchOp) {
case EnableInterruptsPseudoOpcode:
switchOp = op;
goto the_switch;
* Various 1-byte no-ops. */
case JSOP_NOP:
REGS.pc += 1;
switchOp = *REGS.pc | activation.opMask;
goto the_switch;
switchOp = *REGS.pc | activation.opMask();
goto the_switch;
goto error;
} /* interpreter loop */

Is there an equivalent for Glob in D Phobos?

In python I can use glob to search path patterns. This for instance:
import glob
for entry in glob.glob("/usr/*/python*"):
Would print this:
How would I glob or make a glob equivalent in in D?
------Updated on Sep 12 2017------
I wrote a small D module to do Glob in D:
If you only work on a Posix system, you can directly call glob.h. Here's a simple example that shows how easy it is to interface with the Posix API:
void main()
import std.stdio;
import glob : glob;
foreach(entry; glob("/usr/*/python*"))
You can compile this e.g. with rdmd main.d (rdmd does simple dependency management) or dmd main.d glob.d and it yields a similar output as yours on my machine.
glob.d was generated by dstep and is enhanced with a convenience D-style wrapper (first function). Please note that this isn't perfect and a better way would be to expose a range API instead of allocating the entire array.
/* Copyright (C) 1991-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
string[] glob(string pattern)
import std.string;
string[] results;
glob_t glob_result;
glob(pattern.toStringz, 0, null, &glob_result);
for (uint i = 0; i < glob_result.gl_pathc; i++)
results ~= glob_result.gl_pathv[i].fromStringz().idup;
return results;
import core.stdc.config;
extern (C):
enum _GLOB_H = 1;
/* We need `size_t' for the following definitions. */
alias c_ulong __size_t;
alias c_ulong size_t;
/* The GNU CC stddef.h version defines __size_t as empty. We need a real
definition. */
/* Bits set in the FLAGS argument to `glob'. */
enum GLOB_ERR = 1 << 0; /* Return on read errors. */
enum GLOB_MARK = 1 << 1; /* Append a slash to each name. */
enum GLOB_NOSORT = 1 << 2; /* Don't sort the names. */
enum GLOB_DOOFFS = 1 << 3; /* Insert PGLOB->gl_offs NULLs. */
enum GLOB_NOCHECK = 1 << 4; /* If nothing matches, return the pattern. */
enum GLOB_APPEND = 1 << 5; /* Append to results of a previous call. */
enum GLOB_NOESCAPE = 1 << 6; /* Backslashes don't quote metacharacters. */
enum GLOB_PERIOD = 1 << 7; /* Leading `.' can be matched by metachars. */
enum GLOB_MAGCHAR = 1 << 8; /* Set in gl_flags if any metachars seen. */
enum GLOB_ALTDIRFUNC = 1 << 9; /* Use gl_opendir et al functions. */
enum GLOB_BRACE = 1 << 10; /* Expand "{a,b}" to "a" "b". */
enum GLOB_NOMAGIC = 1 << 11; /* If no magic chars, return the pattern. */
enum GLOB_TILDE = 1 << 12; /* Expand ~user and ~ to home directories. */
enum GLOB_ONLYDIR = 1 << 13; /* Match only directories. */
enum GLOB_TILDE_CHECK = 1 << 14; /* Like GLOB_TILDE but return an error
if the user name is not available. */
/* Error returns from `glob'. */
enum GLOB_NOSPACE = 1; /* Ran out of memory. */
enum GLOB_ABORTED = 2; /* Read error. */
enum GLOB_NOMATCH = 3; /* No matches found. */
enum GLOB_NOSYS = 4; /* Not implemented. */
/* Previous versions of this file defined GLOB_ABEND instead of
GLOB_ABORTED. Provide a compatibility definition here. */
/* Structure describing a globbing run. */
struct glob_t
__size_t gl_pathc; /* Count of paths matched by the pattern. */
char** gl_pathv; /* List of matched pathnames. */
__size_t gl_offs; /* Slots to reserve in `gl_pathv'. */
int gl_flags; /* Set to FLAGS, maybe | GLOB_MAGCHAR. */
/* If the GLOB_ALTDIRFUNC flag is set, the following functions
are used instead of the normal file access functions. */
void function (void*) gl_closedir;
void* function (void*) gl_readdir;
void* function (const(char)*) gl_opendir;
int function (const(char)*, void*) gl_lstat;
int function (const(char)*, void*) gl_stat;
/* If the GLOB_ALTDIRFUNC flag is set, the following functions
are used instead of the normal file access functions. */
/* Do glob searching for PATTERN, placing results in PGLOB.
The bits defined above may be set in FLAGS.
If a directory cannot be opened or read and ERRFUNC is not nil,
it is called with the pathname that caused the error, and the
`errno' value from the failing call; if it returns non-zero
`glob' returns GLOB_ABEND; if it returns zero, the error is ignored.
If memory cannot be allocated for PGLOB, GLOB_NOSPACE is returned.
Otherwise, `glob' returns zero. */
int glob (
const(char)* __pattern,
int __flags,
int function (const(char)*, int) __errfunc,
glob_t* __pglob);
/* Free storage allocated in PGLOB by a previous `glob' call. */
void globfree (glob_t* __pglob);
None of the answers above worked 100% the same as Glob on Windows and Linux. So I made a small D module that does Glob the right way. Hopefully people find it useful:
import std.stdio : stdout;
import glob : glob;
foreach (entry ; glob("/usr/*/python*")) {
stdout.writefln("%s", entry);
Maybe you are looking for std.file.dirEntries().
Here's example from the documentation:
// Iterate over all D source files in current directory and all its
// subdirectories
auto dFiles = dirEntries("","*.{d,di}",SpanMode.depth);
foreach(d; dFiles)
Basically you don't need to do all this complicated stuff with headers, C and so on, and so forth. This should do the thing:
auto dirIter = dirEntries("/usr", "*/python*", SpanMode.shallow);
foreach(dirFile; dirIter) {
// Process the result as needed

From #define to function

I have this code inside a function but I am not able to understand what it does.
#define ascend(i) do {\
int h = nodes[i].heavyindex;\
int p = nodes[i].heavypos;\
m##i = max(m##i + paths[h].ftree.sum(p), paths[h].stree.max_(0, p));\
i = paths[h].parent;\
} while (0)
while (nodes[a].heavyindex != nodes[b].heavyindex) {
if (nodes[a].heavyindex > nodes[b].heavyindex) {
} else {
#undef ascend
The code of #define, I think, is:
#define ascend(i) do {\
int h = nodes[i].heavyindex;\
int p = nodes[i].heavypos;\
m##i = max(m##i + paths[h].ftree.sum(p), paths[h].stree.max_(0, p));\
i = paths[h].parent;\
} while (0)
so the real code inside the function is only this:
while (nodes[a].heavyindex != nodes[b].heavyindex) {
if (nodes[a].heavyindex > nodes[b].heavyindex) {
} else {
1) It is right?
2) I want to move the code of the #define inside a function to better understand what it does, but how I translate the following line?
m##i = max(m##i + paths[h].ftree.sum(p), paths[h].stree.max_(0, p));\
As mentioned by Ben Voigt in the comments, ## is the token-pasting operator. So with #define f(i) m##i defined, f(a) will expand to ma, f(b) will expand to mb, etc.
Since that's only possible with the preprocessor, you have to think of something else to implement it as a function. Passing ma and mb by reference would be a good idea. It could look something like this:
ascend(T& mi) {
mi = max(mi + paths[h].ftree.sum(p), paths[h].stree.max_(0, p));
Where T is the type of ma and mb. If they're of different types, you need to make it a function template.