Amazon S3 Usage reports by customer [closed] - amazon-web-services

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Closed 6 years ago.
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For our videoplatform we store all of our videofiles in AWS S3 (sometimes deliver them on CloudFront). Customers are divided into groups; for every group we created a bucket with a Cost A. Tag.
So at this point we can monitor storage and streaming costs for a group. But for a new project we are required to get those reports based on the customers.
What should be the best approach? We could create a bucket for every customer, but i'm not a fan of that.
We could inspect the access logs; but according to the manual they can be "wrong".
Any suggestions?

The documentation is only hedging against the occasional lost or delayed log file. They are not guaranteed to be perfect, but in practice, they are reliable. I get the sense that the purpose of the disclaimer is to avoid petty disputes, rather than significant discrepancies.
Consider using the logs to do your own reporting on your existing projects, where you already know the costs... and compare those results to the results you get with the tag-based billing setup. If the answers are consistent, the problem seems effectively solved.


Are there any reasons why one should not enable AWS Compute Optimizer? [closed]

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Closed last year.
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Based on their documentation, it's free.
There is no additional charge for Compute Optimizer. EC2 instance type and EC2 Auto Scaling group configuration recommendations are available for free. You pay only for the AWS Compute resources needed to run your applications and Amazon CloudWatch monitoring fees.
Being free and potentially can lower cost, I fail to see the downside of it.
And since the feature is not enabled by default, there must be reasons why one should not enable it.
While I cannot think of a reason to not opt-in for the service, it is NOT totally free, and costs $0.0003360215 resource/hour based on the number of hours a resource is running per month. This should, however, be much lesser a price to be paid for the savings it can potentially offer in most cases.
Do make sure to check the official page for the latest pricing -

What services would best be used to collect, transform, and store media player logs? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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A video player sends the server log data about what the user has been doing (start, pause, play, playing, etc.)
Sending the logs to the server and storing them in the DB, then running queued jobs to calculate stats on these has worked... okay, so far.
It's clear there should be some sort of optimization here. What services provide the best custom log storage?
What would be the best manual option? Considering running some Lambda functions and storing in AWS (RDS?) manually, but wondering if the maintenance of such a service is warranted.
I would store the logs in AWS S3 (Storage) and then use AWS Glue (Transform) and AWS Athena for ad-hoc querying of different stats, this will still work out cheaper than using a traditional database approach plus it has a lot of other advantages.

Where to save images within AWS? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I was discussing with friends about the best way to store files in amazon.
I believed that an s3 bucket was the best way to save static files as images from a website.
But friends said that it is not the best way to work with s3 because of the high cost of having this image requested many times.
I need to know the best place to save images that will be rendered inside my site (which is inside an EC2 instance).
Could someone clarify this doubt? Saving images inside the S3 in sites that have many requests is expensive?
For storing static files like images AWS S3 is one of the best option.
S3 is one of the cheapest cloud storage, you won't be charged for the number of times it's read, only amount of outbound traffic will bbe charged. For get requuest/put request there is also a charge, but you shouldn't need it as per my understanding, you can clarify your use case more precisely. You can also calculate the price here.
Find all the storage services AWS offers here:

Passing messages from AWS to company site [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am looking for a way to pass log events from AWS application to my company site.
The thing is that the AWS application is 100% firewalled from everything except only one IP address because it's encryption related service.
I just don't know what service I should use to do this. There's so many services so I do really have no idea what is it.
I think I'd just use simple message service, does this makes sense? The thing is there's plenty of events (let's say 1M per day), so I don't want big extra costs for this.
Sorry for the generic question, but I think it's quite concrete - "What is the most optimal way to pass event message from AWS when volume is approx 1M per day each 256 bytes on average?".
I'd like to connect to AWS service instead to any of the EC2 hosts...
On both sides I have tomcats with AWS-SDK.
I just want to avoid rewriting. Maybe I should do it with S3? The files are immutable, but I could upload files every 1h. I don't need real-time events. I just need to have logfiles on site for analysis of user experience and that customers can access it, but having log in 1M chunks would either require further assembling etc, I am really confused, sorry.
Kinesis is good for streaming event data. S3 is good if you already have files that you want stored.

Collecting data from website without API [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am looking to build a webapp to improve user experience in booking railway tickets in India. The API is impossible to get due to hefty charge to procure it. I have seen many apps that provide details of the trains etc through their apps.
My Question is how are they scraping data from the website.In general how can I legally get data shown to user (I don't want payment and stuff that are impossible without API) on any website. How do people scrape such data? Any tools/methods?
Bear with me if question is naive. I'm pretty new to this stuff.
They can get the train schedule information using any one of several programming languages though it is most likely done with ordinary PHP and any good webserver host. For example all indian train schedules can be found on the website.
Sending a specially built URL to ..
using the POST method of sending form data should give you all the details for train number 1123 After that it becomes just a simple task of tidying up the results for storage in a database.
Update: well armoured site its checking both the user agent and referer of inbound requests.
Ammendum: the site is changing to -> will have to take another look