High-availability for Restcomm - amazon-web-services

I'm planning a High-availability set-up with autoscaling for RestComm and some general doubts about the best way to plan it.
This is what I have now:
Restcomm instance using Amazon ECS (docker), so we can launch more instances very easily.
All of them share the Amazon RDS database.
Workspace is shared and persisted between instances.
To move to the next step, I have some questions:
Amazon Load Balancer isn't an option because it doesn't support UDP so I'm considering Telestax LB, is it correct?. Is it possible to deploy it using docker?
Move Restcomm MS outside of the docker Restcomm image so it can scale independently. Restcomm provides env variables to specify the MS, so I would have a LB and several MS behind it. Correct?.
How much RAM needs a Restcomm instance and how many concurrent sessions supports?. How can we know how many concurrent sessions are in real time and in a programtically way?.
There is a "automatic scaling" mechanism implemented in RestComm? More info would be appreciated. Ubuntu Juju isn't an option for me.
We are considering Graylog2 or logstasch for logs management. Any insight here?. How do you install the agent in the docker images?.
The only documentation I found it was this very good document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13xlaioF065pDnQUoZgfIpi6Noh0qHfAZ7U6afcPd2Y0/edit
Is there any other doc?.
Thanks in advance!

Very good questions :
Yes. See, https://hub.docker.com/r/restcomm/load-balancer/
You would have one LB (better to have 2 with active passive to avoid single point of failure) with X Restcomm behind it speaking to Z Media Servers behind them.
It depends on the complexity of the application on top. But here is some numbers https://github.com/RestComm/Restcomm-Connect/wiki/Load-Testing-on-Docker
Not yet. you can use Mesos or Kubernetes potentially if juju is not an option. We have a set of open issues for kubernetes right now but Mesos should be working.
You can check https://hub.docker.com/r/restcomm/graylog-restcomm/ it contains a docker image pre loaded with everything needed to poll a restcomm server for gathering metrics.


Optimizing latency between application server (EC2) and RDS

here's how the story goes.
We started transforming a monolith, single-machine, e-commerce application (Apache/PHP) to cloud infrastructure. Obviously, the application and the database (MySQL) were on the same machine.
We decided to move to AWS. And as the first step of transformation, we decided to split the database and application. Hosting application on a c4.xlarge machine. And hosting database to RDS Aurora MySQL on a db.r5.large machine, with default options.
This setup performed well. Especially the database performance went up high.
Unfortunately, when the traffic spiked up, we started experiencing long response times. Looked like RDS, although being really fast for executing queries, wasn't returning results fast enough over the network to the EC2 machine.
So that was our conclusion after an in-depth analysis of the setup including Apache/MySQL/PHP tuning parameters. The delayed response time was definitely due to the network latency between EC2 and RDS/Aurora machine, both machines being in the same region.
Before adding additional resources (ex: ElastiCache etc) we'd first like to look into any default configuration we can play around with to solve this problem.
What do you think we missed there?
One of the bigest strength with the cloud is the scalability and you should always design your application to utilise it and it sounds like your RDS instance is getting chocked due to nr of request more than the process time for the queries. So rather go more small instances with load balancing than one big doing all the job. And with Load Balancers you will get away from a singel point of failure due to you can have replicas of your database and they can even be placed in different AZ.
Here is a blogpost you can read on the topic:
Good luck in your aws journey.
The Best answer to your question is using read replicas, but remember only your read requests could be sent to your read replicas so you would need to design your application that way
Also for some cost savings, you should try aurora serverless
One more option is passing traffic between ec2 and rds through a private network rather than using the public internet to connect your ec2 to rds that can be one of the mistakes that might be happening

Launch and shutting down instances suited for AWS ECS or Kubernetes?

I am trying to create a certain kind of networking infrastructure, and have been looking at Amazon ECS and Kubernetes. However I am not quite sure if these systems do what I am actually seeking, or if I am contorting them to something else. If I could describe my task at hand, could someone please verify if Amazon ECS or Kubernetes actually will aid me in this effort, and this is the right way to think about it?
What I am trying to do is on-demand single-task processing on an AWS instance. What I mean by this is, I have a resource heavy application which I want to run in the cloud and have process a chunk of data submitted by a user. I want to submit a this data to be processed on the application, have an EC2 instance spin up, process the data, upload the results to S3, and then shutdown the EC2 instance.
I have already put together a functioning solution for this using Simple Queue Service, EC2 and Lambda. But I am wondering would ECS or Kubernetes make this simpler? I have been going through the ECS documenation and it seems like it is not very concerned with starting up and shutting down instances. It seems like it wants to have an instance that is constantly running, then docker images are fed to it as task to run. Can Amazon ECS be configured so if there are no task running it automatically shuts down all instances?
Also I am not understanding how exactly I would submit a specific chunk of data to be processed. It seems like "Tasks" as defined in Amazon ECS really correspond to a single Docker container, not so much what kind of data that Docker container will process. Is that correct? So would I still need to feed the data-to-be-processed into the instances via simple queue service, or other? Then use Lambda to poll those queues to see if they should submit tasks to ECS?
This is my naive understanding of this right now, if anyone could help me understand the things I've described better, or point me to better ways of thinking about this it would be appreciated.
This is a complex subject and many details for a good answer depend on the exact requirements of your domain / system. So the following information is based on the very high level description you gave.
A lot of the features of ECS, kubernetes etc. are geared towards allowing a distributed application that acts as a single service and is horizontally scalable, upgradeable and maintanable. This means it helps with unifying service interfacing, load balancing, service reliability, zero-downtime-maintenance, scaling the number of worker nodes up/down based on demand (or other metrics), etc.
The following describes a high level idea for a solution for your use case with kubernetes (which is a bit more versatile than AWS ECS).
So for your use case you could set up a kubernetes cluster that runs a distributed event queue, for example an Apache Pulsar cluster, as well as an application cluster that is being sent queue events for processing. Your application cluster size could scale automatically with the number of unprocessed events in the queue (custom pod autoscaler). The cluster infrastructure would be configured to scale automatically based on the number of scheduled pods (pods reserve capacity on the infrastructure).
You would have to make sure your application can run in a stateless form in a container.
The main benefit I see over your current solution would be cloud provider independence as well as some general benefits from running a containerized system: 1. not having to worry about the exact setup of your EC2-Instances in terms of operating system dependencies of your workload. 2. being able to address the processing application as a single service. 3. Potentially increased reliability, for example in case of errors.
Regarding your exact questions:
Can Amazon ECS be configured so if there are no task running it
automatically shuts down all instances?
The keyword here is autoscaling. Note that there are two levels of scaling: 1. Infrastructure scaling (number of EC2 instances) and application service scaling (number of application containers/tasks deployed). ECS infrastructure scaling works based on EC2 autoscaling groups. For more info see this link . For application service scaling and serverless ECS (Fargate) see this link.
Also I am not understanding how exactly I would submit a specific
chunk of data to be processed. It seems like "Tasks" as defined in
Amazon ECS really correspond to a single Docker container, not so much
what kind of data that Docker container will process. Is that correct?
A "Task Definition" in ECS is describing how one or multiple docker containers can be deployed for a purpose and what its environment / limits should be. A task is a single instance that is run in a "Service" which itself can deploy a single or multiple tasks. Similar concepts are Pod and Service/Deployment in kubernetes.
So would I still need to feed the data-to-be-processed into the
instances via simple queue service, or other? Then use Lambda to poll
those queues to see if they should submit tasks to ECS?
A queue is always helpful in decoupling the service requests from processing and to make sure you don't lose requests. It is not required if your application service cluster can offer a service interface and process incoming requests directly in a reliable fashion. But if your application cluster has to scale up/down frequently that may impact its ability to reliably process.

Major differences of AWS and normal VPS (server)

I have a very basic idea on servers. So far I have only worked with few Ubuntu VPS server which I can easily maintain, install a database, upload my code and run my projects. And to save static data like image/video I use local SSD storage of my server.
Now I got some projects where AWS is required to use. In the beginning, I thought it would be very similar to my normal Ubuntu based VPS server. But while I start researching/reading articles also their own docs I find out it has lots more cool features for server and at the same, it's little complicated for a beginner. I would be really glad if someone give his time and reply on these questions of mine to clear concept about AWS of mine and people like me
As my plan is to use one EC2 instance to run my project. But I can see many experts suggest to use Elastic Beanstalk and create EC2 instance inside that. While I can directly run my project with EC2 without taking help from Elastic Beanstalk. So why it's better / what other help do it(Elastic Beanstalk) provide?
When I am checking the pricing of EC2(On-demand > Linux Unix) it says ECU as Variable. What does that mean? And where does ECU work
Instance Storage (GB) as EBS only. Does that mean I can't have any storage with my server I must buy separately? But in my previous VPS server, I use to get fewer storages with my server. Because storage is required if I want to install new software like MySQL/Redis/Python each of them requires local storage. Also if I want to upload my code or few static images it requires storage.
Like storage do I also need to buy other instances for a database? Like if I want to use PostgreSQL as my database do I need to buy AWS RDS or I can install that inside my Linux system?
Lastly, what are the main differences of my normal VPS Linux server and in AWS EC2 Linux server?
Thanks in advance for giving time :)
Let me try to answer your questions inline.
As my plan is to use one EC2 instance to run my project. But I can
see many experts suggest to use Elastic Beanstalk and create EC2
instance inside that. While I can directly run my project with EC2
without taking help from Elastic Beanstalk. So why it's better /
what other help do it(Elastic Beanstalk) provide?
If you are planning to use a single server and a database going with EC2 and RDS would be straightforward. However, if you are planning to set up, autoscaling (automatically increasing the number of servers only when load increases and return back to one server), load balancing and DevOps support, you need to set them up which requires more knowledge on AWS platform. AWS Elastic Beanstalk does these for you automatically, also by giving you the options to select the technology of your application and simply upload the code.
When I am checking the pricing of EC2(On-demand > Linux Unix) it says ECU as Variable. What does that mean? And where does ECU work
ECU is simply a rough figure to compare the processing across multiple EC2 classes that are having the different levels processing power.
Instance Storage (GB) as EBS only. Does that mean I can't have any storage with my server I must buy separately? But in my previous VPS server, I use to get fewer storages with my server. Because storage is required if I want to install new software like MySQL/Redis/Python each of them requires local storage. Also if I want to upload my code or few static images it requires storage.
EBS storage is reliable storage (With internal redundancy) that will last beyond your instance lifetime. Which means, you can upgrade the EC2 class and install software, or store files, which will remain in the EBS volume unless you delete it.
Since you are basically paying for the GBs, you can also create another EBS volume for static files and mount it to the EC2 instance if you want.
Like storage do I also need to buy other instances for a database? Like if I want to use PostgreSQL as my database do I need to buy AWS RDS or I can install that inside my Linux system?
It's not mandatory but recommended since you can even use a smaller instance for a web server and use another one for the DB. It's up to you. For example, the cost would be roughly similar if you use two small EC2 instances for a web server and DB server (Or use RDS) or use a single medium-size EC2 instance where both DB and web is running.
Lastly what are the main differences of my normal VPS Linux server and in AWS EC2 Linux server?
You will get more options in terms of selecting the hardware underneath since AWS provides different configuration options. In addition, EC2 instances are able to utilize the AWS ecosystem for Networking, Security, Load balancing & etc for better-optimized solution architectures in terms of reliability, security, performance & etc.
Q1) Beanstalk is a management application. AWS has several: CloudFormation, OpsWorks. Third party vendors have their own: Chef, Ansible, Terraform, etc. I really like Beanstalk and how it makes deploying code very easy for small sites (one command). I can scale up or scale down with a button push. I also use CloudFormation every day for just about everything.
Q2) ECU is a AWS Equivalent Compute Unit used to compare one instance with another. How does that translate to physical CPUs? Don't know as AWS does not publish its absolute meaning. Use is only to compare EC2 instances.
Q3) When you launch an EC2 instance, you will need storage. This is an additional cost (around $0.10 per GB per month). You will specify the size and type of storage (there are a number of types). There is also Instance Store Volumes. Stay away from these unless you really understand how to use them (they don't persist a shutdown so all data is lost). There are good use cases for Instance Store (AI, Big Data, Image processing), but a website is not one of them.
Q4) If your EC2 instance is big enough (2 GB of memory and larger), you can install PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc on your EC2 instance. Otherwise AWS has a number of database optios: DynamoDB, RDS, Aurora, etc.
Q5) Difficult to answer as each vendor offers its own set of features. EC2 instances are virtual machines. You have control over the raw power of that VM. Most VPS servers have management interfaces that EC2 does not. Usually EC2 is more expensive than VPS servers.
Watch a couple of AWS videos on YouTube. This will help you to understand AWS and why it is so successful in the cloud. Linux Academy, A Cloud Guru, etc. have very good training courses on AWS.
AWS Essentials: EC2 Basics
If you have further questions, open a new StackOverflow question per question. You will seldom get answers to long multi-question questions.

Architecture Questions to Autoscale Moodle on Google Cloud Platform

We're setting up a Moodle for our LMS and we're designing it to autoscale.
Here are the current stack specifications:
-Moodle Application (App + Data) baked into an image and launched into a Managed Instance Group
-Cloud SQL for database (MySQL 5.7 connected through Cloud SQL Proxy)
-Cloud Load Balancer - HTTPS load balancing with the managed instance group as backend + session affinity turned on
Do I still need Redis/Memcached for my session? Or is the load balancer session affinity enough?
I'm thinking of using Cloud Filestore for the Data folder. Is this recommendable vs another Compute Engine?
I'm more concerned of the session cache and content cache for future user increase. What would you recommend adding into the mix? Any advise on the CI/CD would also be helpful.
So, I can't properly answer these questions without more information about your use case. Anyway, here's my best :)
How bad do you consider to be forcing the some users to re-login when a machine is taken down from the managed instance group? Related to this, how spiky you foresee your traffic will be? How many users will can a machine serve before forcing the autoscaler to kick in and more machines will be added or removed to/from the pool (ie, how dynamic do you think your app will need to be)? By answering these questions you should get an idea. Also, why not using Datastore/Firestore for user sessions? The few 10s of millisecond of latency shouldn't compromise the snappy feeling of your app.
Cloud Filestore uses NFS and you might hit some of the NFS idiosyncrasies. Will you be ok hitting and dealing with that? Also, what is an acceptable latency? How big is the blobs of data you will be saving? If they are small enough, you are very latency sensitive, and you want atomicity in the read/write operations you can go for Cloud BigTable. If latency is not that critical Google Cloud Storage can do it for you, but you also lose atomicity.
Google Cloud CDN seems what you want, granted that you can set up headers correctly. It is a managed service so it has all the goodies without you lifting a finger and it's cheap compared to serving stuff from your application/Google Cloud Storage/...
Cloud Builder for seems the easy option, unless you want to support more advanced stuff that are not yet supported.
Please provide more details so I can edit and focus my answer.
there is study for the autoscaling, using redis memory store show large network bandwidth from cache server, compare than compute engine with redis installed.
moodle autoscaling on google cloud platform
regarding moodle data, it show compute engine with NFS should have enough performance compare than filestore, much more expensive, as the speed also depend on the disk size.
I use this topology for the implementation
Autoscale Topology Moodle on GCP

Performance issues with weave networking on Kubernetes cluster

I create a Kubernetes (v1.6.1) cluster on AWS with one master and two slave nodes, then I spin up mysql instance using helm and deploy a simple Django web-app that queries latest five rows from the database and displays it. For my web service I specify 'type: LoadBalancer' which creates an ELB on AWS.
If I use 'weave' networking and scale my web-app to at least two replicas, then I begin experiencing inconsistent response time - most of the time it is reasonable (like 0.1-0.2 s), but 20-40% requests take significantly longer (3-5 s, sometimes even more than 15 s). However, if I switch to 'flannel' networking, everything works fast, even with 20-30 replicas of the web-app. All machines have enough resources, so that's not the problem.
I tried debugging to find out what's causing the delay, and the best explanation I have is that AWS ELB doesn't work well with 'weave'. Has anyone experienced similar issues? What could be the problem? Please let me know if I should provide some relevant information.
P.S. I'm new to using Kubernetes.