Error while subscribing App from WSO2 App manager - wso2

I made the configurations as per the Documentation. But as I try to subscribe the app from the android mobile,I get the error as ERROR - MDMOperationsImpl Cannot connect to Token API Endpoint
ERROR - MDMOperationsImpl No OK response received form the API. Is there any other configurations to be done to make this work.

Can you explain the scenario you are trying to perform and the EMM version that you use.
EMM 2.0.0 now has in built AppM features which allow EMM to be used without integrating with AppM, in case publishing of only mobile applications is required. If you need to publish both web and mobile applications you will have to integrate AppM with EMM.
In the document you have refered above , section [1] applies to EMM 2.0.0 and above and section [2] applies to versions below 2.0.0
From the error you have mentioned, the issue seems to be related to the following property.
<Property name="TokenApiURL">https://localhost:9448/oauth2/token</Property>
Can you check whether this URL contains the correct host and port ( 9443 + port offset) of EMM .


WSS Support in WSO2 API Manager

I am verifying the Websocket support in WSO2 API manager for one of my requirement. By default, WSO2 API Manager provides the options for configuring "WS" protocol and able to access it. But I couldn't find any configuration for "WSS" protocol support.
Is there any limitation in WSO2 API manager or is there any documentation available?
WebSocket support is available by default in WSO2 API Manager. Related transport configurations should be available inside the axis2.xml configuration file. You can find related documentation in the WSO2 API Manager documentation.
When using wss endpoint, we were able to observe some errors and we were able to get rid of the errors with the following approach.
Please include the following parameter in the SecureWebSocketInboundEndpoint.xml file which resides in the <APIM_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/inbound-endpoints directory.
Also, please remove the following parameters from the same SecureWebSocketInboundEndpoint.xml file if the following parameters( and exist in the file.
Please use the following sample web socket client to try out and run the WSS client. Please change the variable carbonKeyStoreLocation to point to <API-M_HOME>/repository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks. Note that port for the WSS API is 8099.
You can download the WSS client in the following WSO2 official documentation under the WSS Support section. (In the second step.)[1] Further please change the access token, web socket endpoint and the carbonKeyStoreLocation with your one to try out the scenario.

Wso2 quick guide for setting up apim with analytics leads to errors

So this is about the same error mentioned here but the difference is that i simply am trying to follow this guide, the Quick setup of it
My problem is that this setup has a lot of room for misunderstanding. How about these:
last step, nr 4, it says "Start the WSO2 APIM Analytics server, and then start the API Manager server". Am i supposed to start it twice? with offset=1 second time or what?
if i extract both in the same directory, what about files like License.txt
Anyway, the error says:
"Cannot borrow client for ssl://localhost:7712
org.wso2.carbon.databridge.agent.exception.DataEndpointAuthenticationException: Cannot borrow client for ssl://localhost:7712"
API Manager Server and APIM Analytics server are 2 different servers. You can download both from WSO2 API Manager Product page. Download Runtime link is for API Manager Server, and Download Analytics link is for APIM Analytics server.
APIM Analytics server comes by default with a port offset of 1. Once you start both servers you shouldn't see above connectivity errors.
Files of 1 server shouldn't replace the files of the other. They should be extracted like this.
├── wso2am-2.0.0/
├── wso2am-analytics-2.0.0/

How can I disable features WSO2 ESB 4.0.3?

We are in final few steps of WSO2 ESB / Data services implementation.
We are trying to pass the Information Security review of our WSO2 ESB implementation. We are using 4.0.3 EAB with 3.2.2 DSS feature.
Information security group has objected for following things in default WSO2 ESB
QPID / AMQP server listening to 5672 / 8672 ports. Can we disable the default message broker so that QPID will not start. If we disable, will it affect any other functionality? We are NOT using message brokers / any JMS related applications, mainly Data Services.
How to block JMX console being started? The JMX console starts at 11111 / 9999 be default.
We have already disabled Admin UI, however is there any way where I can turn the logging levels for individual loggers with out Admin UI and WITHOUT re- starting the ESB?
Can stop starting jmx server through CARBON_HOME/repository/conf/etc/jmx.xml by setting,
If the admin console was enabled, then you can configure the logging from the UI. Since you have disabled the admin console, then you can configure the loggers using the file in CARBON_HOME/repository/conf. But then you have to restart the server.
There is no other way to configure logging without restarting.
You can disable QPID server listening on 8672 TLS port with the following configuration change.
Go to /repository/conf/advanced/qpid-config.xml file and change the entry as below.
<!-- To enable SSL edit the keystorePath and keystorePassword
and set enabled to true.To disasble Non-SSL port set sslOnly to true -->
After that QPID Broker will not be starting on TLS port. However regarding disabling the Qpid Server in 5672 TCP port, ESB 4.0.3 version comes with an embedded QPID broker which is tightly coupled with other ESB components. Therefore unfortunately it is not possible to detach the broker from the ESB with a configuration setting.This is changed after ESB 4.5.x versions where the embedded Qpid broker is no longer shipped with ESB, therefore if it is possible, you can upgrade the ESB version in order to meet this requirement.

Configuring WSO2 API Manager to use the WSO2 BAM Server

Using WSO2 API Manager 1.3 and WSO2 BAM 2.0.
I followed the instructions found in the README.txt in /statistics.
I am getting the following error when starting API Manager:
TID: [0] [AM] [2013-05-02 11:42:44,239] ERROR
- Error initializing APIMgtUsageDataBridgeDataPublisher {org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.publisher.APIMgtUsageDataBridgeDataPublisher}
Error when finding event stream definition for :
org.wso2.apimgt.statistics.request 1.0.0
Any suggestions on where to start looking for the issue?
It looks like you have not properly configured WSO2 API Manager 1.3 to work with WSO2 BAM.
For proper configuration follow the official docs[1]
This issue might also occur When you set an offset to BAM by 1 as described in the README.txt, as it needs its Cassandra DB configurations to be changed for the offset by 1 at BAM_HOME/repository/conf/etc/cassandra-component.xml. Therefore follow the like provided[1] where we change the API Manager's offset.

Getting error when running WSO2 API Manager with WSO2 BAM Server

I got the following error when runnning WSO2 API Manager 1.3.1 to use the WSO2 BAM Server 2.0.1.
TID: [0] [AM] [2013-05-02 18:58:40,609] ERROR
- Error initializing APIMgtUsageDataBridgeDataPublisher {org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.usage.publisher.APIMgtUsageDataBridgeDataPublisher}
Error when finding event stream definition for :
org.wso2.apimgt.statistics.request 1.0.0
Both API Manager and BAM are running on the same machine and I changed offset to 1 in /home/jtao/api/wso2bam-2.0.1/repository/conf/carbon.xml based on Monetization of API Usage.
I also checked that BAM_HOME/repository/conf/etc/cassandra-component.xml doesn't exist in BAM 2.0.1. as someone suggested in the answer of another question "Configuring WSO2 API Manager to use the WSO2 BAM Server"
Any ideas?
I ran the same scenario described in guide and it works without any error. May be your have missed a part in the configuration guide? Make sure BAM_HOME is set correctly and BAM server is started before the AM server.
The following guide too can be used to integrate AM 1.3.1 with BAM 2.0.1