Icecast/Ezstream showing wrong song title in VLC media player - icecast

I have a live music stream here. I use Icecast and Ezstream to produce the steam.
My problem is that, when using VLC media player (or any other player), all song titles are prefixed with Led Zeppelin. Since neither of the config files (/etc/icecast2/icecast.xml and ezstream_mp3.xml) contain the words Led Zeppelin in them, I won't paste them unless asked to.
I have abt 600 titles that are randomly played, and several of those are indeed Led Zeppelin. Does anyone know what might be causing this and how to fix it?

Sometimes i got this same problem.
Probably related to some facts found from the internet that ezstream does support only id3v1. (not confirmed). This causes the case when "the next song" has the same title as the previous one.
You can't fix this from the Icecast admin panel, as based on my experience.


Is there any command in specific to record a part of a livestream that still is in transmission?

The livestream doesn't end (for now, and if ended, I think will be erased of YouTube, that's my reason to download), actually, the video is still in transmission, you know, like the streams of the NASA or streams of channels news. The detail is that the transmission lasts about 10-11 hours, and the transmission has lasted about 3 days. So it was a matter of time before the first concerts were no longer available to watch on the broadcast.
This is the video:
I want to download some concerts, but the things that I wanted, are disappearing with the passing of time. Right now, I'm only interested in the Disclosure concert. His concert starts at approximately -3:38:12. I mention it in case someone wants to help me.
I was trying this command, but only appear a text that i don't understand (I'll post it in the comments, all the images with his info). The command is this → yt-dlp.exe -f (bestvideo+bestaudio/best) "link" --postprocessor-args "ffmpeg:-ss 00:00:00 -to 00:00:00" -o "%(title)s_method1.%(ext)s"
The idea of that command emerged on this ideas
Also, I was trying to do this How do you use youtube-dl to download live streams (that are live)?, but I can't get the HLS m3u8 URL in Chrome and Chrome Dev (yes, I go to F12 (Chrome Developer Tools) - Network and I write m3u8, I didn't find anything.
I should mention that I don't have extensive knowledge on codes and yt-dlp. I only learned the necessary to download videos, you know, yt-dlp.exe -F (link) and then yt-dlp.exe -f (numbers of resolution and audio) (link).
So if you recommend any programs or commands, please let me know as precisely as possible.
Any new info I'm gonna update in the comments.
PS: sorry for my english

UE4 - I want to make an ingame camera/photography mode and save the pictures

for my game project I want to include a "camera mode".
This means, that on a press of a button the current camera view gets saved in an in-game gallery.
After some search, I only found ways to save a screenshot on the disk (BP for saving Screenshot, semi functional)
, but I want the picture to be still available in my game, maybe as a texture or in a struct. So I can later use it, well in an in-world picture frame or newspaper.
I did try SceneCaptureComponent2D, but I never got that one really working and searching online got no satisfactory results.
By the way, I'm fine with C++, I'm just building my current prototype with BP for faster testing and altering.
I hope you can help me.
I would have commented on your question, but I do not have enough reputation to do so, because this answer I am providing you is more a hint on how you could do it rather than a straight solution for your problem.
Check out this repository on how to capture images with C++ during a running application which is actually meant for recording data.

Icecast 2 ~ use pls or m3u on a listen.mp3 from

Today I decided to make a Online Radio Station using a free account on I decided that it wasn't anything to do with them and it was more to do with general Icecast 2.
I own a game server and there is a plugin to allow radio streams but in the format of M3U & PLS playlists not stream files. I know you can mount the stream onto the PLS/M3U but, it doesn't seem to work. I added this to a file I called listen.pls:
[playlist] File1= Title1= Velocity FM
The port is specified in actual file.
But it doesn't seem to work. I understand PLS is only a playlist, could this be the cause?
You need some line breaks in your file. I'd also make sure you don't have a space after your equals sign... parsers for these INI-style files vary and can be a bit finicky sometimes.
Title1=Velocity FM
You could also switch to M3U which is more broadly compatible (but it sounds like in your case you can handle either):
#EXTINF:-1,Velocity FM

Windows Media Foundation - Right speaker doesn't work

I am using Windows Media Foundation C++ for playing audio and video files.
My application is pretty much based on the Media Foundation guide -
My problem is that when I play a media file, the audio is rendered only from the left speaker.
Some more info:
The problem happens for both Audio and Video files.
My topology is a classic Input-Node -> Transfer-Node -> Output-Node.
The audio stream looks okay in the output of the Output-Node (It's a float32 stream and it has no interleaving zeros for the right speaker).
The Transfer-Node in the topology is for a future equalizer, but currently it does nothing. Even if I remove it from the topology, the problem still occurs.
I suppose the problem might happen because of some misconfiguration of the Media Foundation, but I haven't found anything out of the order with respect to the Media Foundation Guide.
Any idea what might be the problem?
I would be happy to share relevant code samples or give any other relevant info about my implementation.
It sounds like either your source node is providing a single channel data stream or the input media type for the output node is single channel. If it's the latter case then the media session is injecting a transform that downmixes the input stream to single channel to conform with the media type.
I would check the media types of both nodes and see if this is the issue.
I've found the problem.
It was a misuse of the waveOutSetVolume() function that muted my right speaker (I used it with value 0xFFFF instead of 0xFFFFFFFF).
Somehow I've missed in the multiple code reviews I was doing when debugging this issue :(
So not related to Media Foundation at all.

SDL_Mixer sound problems

Basic Info:
Programming Language - C++
Platform - Windows
Audio Formats - wav and mid
I recently finished a game and was fooling around with figuring out the best way to upload it to a file hosting site. I eventually decided on using 7zip's self-extracting feature. However, I think the mistake I made was that instead of just copying what I needed to another folder and zipping that up for the distribution (i.e., not copying source files, etc.) I rearranged the actual folder that held all of my source files etc. and split it into 2 sub folders for the C++ files, and then everything else (that folder being the one that got zipped up.)
I tested downloading it and playing it and it worked fine. However, I went back because I decided to change the background music and that's when the problem started happening.
To sum the problem up, Mix_PlayMusic() is being called and is working correctly. However, for some reason no sound is playing (and neither are any of the sound effects called from Mix_PlayChannel()). The odd thing is that you can hear the music when Mix_FadeOutMusic() is called. I also have a sound toggling feature, but after thorough testing I've come to the conclusion that it isn't the problem.
I finally decided to create a completely new project and just bring all of the files I needed into that project in the same "organization" that they were in originally. However, the problem is still there.
I have no idea what's wrong. The files are being loaded in fine, it's just that when the music is supposed to be playing (and according to testing it is), it's not playing. This also applies to sound effects.
Edit: I actually wrote a test for each game loop for whether the music is playing and apparently the music is playing. It's just that for some reason it isn't being heard.
This could be a number of things. It could be an issue with the SDL_Mixer library you have, so you could try getting it again to rule that out. Your volume may have somehow got set to zero somewhere, so I would check the volume as a test. And the final thought would be that the source sound file you are playing is incompatible in some way (not likely if you can play it in another sound player, but possible). Besides those suggestions I don't believe I can help you any further with the data you have provided.