Can i migrate existing vpc to new account using cloudformation? - amazon-web-services

I want to migrate my existing VPC, subnets etc from one amazon account to another amazon account using cloud formation.
How can i do this?

If you have a CloudFormation template for your VPC environment already, then you can simply create a new stack using that same template in another AWS account.
However, this will create a copy of your VPC environment as it was when it was initially created. Any changes done to the VPC since it was created using CloudFormation will not be included. This will include the acquisition of data in a database, for example.
If you do not already have a CloudFormation template, you can try to create one using AWS Cloud Former. Cloud Former can be used to examine your AWS environment and create a CloudFormation template from what it sees.
Instructions for running AWS Cloud Former can be found in the AWS Documentation:


How to migrate AWS ECS from one account to another (in a different Region/AZ)?

Docker containers are hosted with aws ecs inside a VPC in a particular region. How do I migrate them to a different VPC in a different region?
Unfortunately, there isn't a straightforward method to migrate a service from one region to another. To accomplish this, you'll need to ensure that you have a VPC and ECS cluster set up in the target region. Then, you can create the service within that cluster and VPC.
If you're using Cloudformation or Terraform for configuration as code, simply update the region and relevant definitions, then redeploy. Otherwise, you can use the AWS CLI to extract the full definition of your cluster and service, and then recreate it in the target region. For more information, see the AWS CLI ECS reference:
Also, make sure that any Docker images stored in a private registry are accessible in the target region. Best of luck with your migration!

Update some settings of an existing resource using Cloud Formation

I'm new to Cloud Formation. I want to update the settings of already created a lot of RDS instances using Cloud Formation. I don't have the info about either those resources were created through CF or manually. Is it possible to update such resources with CF?
I can think of another way like I can use AWS SDK (boto3) but doing it with CF is perefrable.
The only way to do this from CloudFormation (CF) is to develop your own CF custom resource. This will be a lambda function which will use AWS SDK to query the state of your RDS databases, and perform any actions you want.
Since its fully custom, you can program any logic which satisfies your requirements.
If the resources were created manually, you can also import them to CF, and then update using CF.

AWS Cloudformation - reverse engineer an existing resource

Initially a while back created a cloudformation template to create multiple services on a given cluster, setup a aurora rds, redis and a load balancer.
The template was broken so i had to do various manual changes to get it working:
redis was created on the default vpc so had to manually do vpc - vpc peering
added https port forwarding on my alb
cors and various arn inline roles for the s3 bucket
and potentially dozen or so other changes
In the process of rewriting the cloudformation stack so my question is:
Is there a way using the aws cli to reverse engineer my current alb, rds, s3 to get a cloud formation formation template for each them?.
so then i would be able to compare the cloud formation template with the new own and adjust it.
Or is there a way to compare the current cloudformation stack with the current state of the resources and reverse engineer it that way.
Seems as former2 would be the best solution to your use-case:
Generate CloudFormation / Terraform / Troposphere templates from your existing AWS resources

Connect RDS from a local aws sam instance

I would like to use aws sam to setup my serverless application. I have used it with dynamoDB before. This was very easy to since all I had to do was setup a dynamoDB table as a resource and then link it to the lambda functions. AWS SAM seams to know where the table is located. I was even able ot run the functions on my local machine using the sam-cli.
With RDS its a lot harder. The RDS Aurora Instance I am using sits behind a specific endpoint, in a specific subnet with security groups in my vpc protected by specific roles.
Now from what I understand, its aws sams job to use my template.yml to generate the roles and organize access rules for me.
But I don't think RDS is supported by aws sam by default, which means I would either be unable to test locally or need a vpn access to the aws vpc, which I am not a massive fan of, since it might be a real security risk.
I know RDS proxies exist, which can be created in aws sam, but they would also need vpc access, and so they just kick the problem down the road.
So how can I connect my aws sam project to RDS and if possible, execute the lambda functions on my machine?

Export Existing EC2 instance to CloudFormation json/yaml

I have an EC2 instance running and I have made some modifications to the instance: installed docker, setup directories for certs, etc. Now, I am wanting to create the same instance but use infrastructure as code principals. Instead of remembering all the additions that I have done and creating a template by hand, I am trying to find a way to export my current EC2 instance into a json or yaml format so that I can terminate this instance and create another one that is equivalent to the one running.
I have tried:
aws ec2 describe-instances
Reading through the AWS CLI EC2 docs
Reading through the CloudFormation docs
Searched Google
Searched SO
Since you have no knowledge of how the instance was setup, the only choice is to create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). This will create an exact copy of the disk, so everything you have installed will be available to any new instances launched from the AMI. The CloudFormation template can then be configured to launch instances using this AMI.
If, on the other hand, you knew all the commands that needed to be run to configure the instance, then you could provide a User Data script that would run when new instances first boot. This would configure the instances automatically and is the recommended way to configure instances because it is easy to modify and allows instances to launch with the latest version of the Operating System.
Such a script can be provided as part of a CloudFormation template.
See: Running commands on your Linux instance at launch - Amazon EC2
One option would be to create AMI from live instance and spin up new CF stack using the AMI.
Other would be importing resource:
There is a tool (still in beta) developed by AWS called CloudFormer:
CloudFormer is a template creation beta tool that creates an AWS CloudFormation template from existing AWS resources in your account. You select any supported AWS resources that are running in your account, and CloudFormer creates a template in an Amazon S3 bucket.
The CloudFormer is an AWS managed template. Once you launch it, the template will create an AWS::EC2::Instance for you along with a number of other related resources. You will access the instance using URL through browser, and an AWS wizard will guide you from there.
Its tutorial even shows how to create a CloudFormation template from an existing EC2 instance.
Import the EC2 instance into CloudFormation then copy it’s template.
Read more: