Why does c++ send WM_DRAWITEM to the parent process? - c++

I started recently learning C++ and WinAPI, I want to be able to create my own programs
I am subclassing a button (into separate file, because I like things clean and organized - is that a bad idea?), because I want to have few of the kind with same parameters. I also want to draw it, and the question that pops to my mind is: wouldn't it be better to have it all in the class file? Meaning all parameters including custom draw. It is annoying to go to main file to change the looks and set all other parameters in the class file. I use codeblocks.
EDIT (explanation):
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Winuser.h>
#include "CustomButton.h"
/*global vars*/
WNDPROC CustomButton::CustomButtonLongPtr;
LRESULT CALLBACK CustomButtonProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
CustomButton * CustomButton::CreateCustomButton(HINSTANCE hInstance, HWND hwnd, int pos_x, int pos_y, int width, int height)
CustomButton * p_CustomButton = new CustomButton;
HWND customButton = CreateWindowEx(0, "BUTTON", "OK", WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | BS_OWNERDRAW, pos_x, pos_y, width, height, hwnd, (HMENU)200, (HINSTANCE)GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWLP_HINSTANCE), p_CustomButton);
if(customButton == NULL)
delete p_CustomButton;
MessageBox(NULL, "Problem creating the Search box.", "Error", 0);
return 0;
CustomButton::CustomButtonLongPtr = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(customButton, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)&CustomButton::CustomButtonProc);
return p_CustomButton;
I want to use WM_DRAWITEM for this button in CustomButtonProc and I am wondering why did the developers think that it would be smarted to allow to use it only in parent WinProc.

This is a little complicated to explain.
You're probably coming from a background where you plug a function into an outlet to handle events, something like
extern void onClicked(void);
button->OnClicked = onClicked;
And while it's fully possible for Windows to have done this from the start, you have to remember that Windows was originally designed to run on systems with severely limited memory, so it was important that controls not waste memory. And there are a lot of events you can get from a button:
void (*OnClicked)(void);
void (*OnDoubleClicked)(void);
void (*OnDisabled)(void);
void (*OnHighlight)(void);
void (*OnKillFocus)(void);
void (*OnPaint)(void);
void (*OnSetFocus)(void);
void (*OnUnhighlight)(void);
void (*OnUnpushed)(void);
HBRUSH (*OnCtlColorButton)(void);
Having these for every button in your program — that is, push buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, and groupboxes — with most of them likely to be unused would just be a massive waste of memory.
Because Windows needs a way to communicate between the system and a window and between windows, Microsoft decided to create a message-passing interface where each message had a 16-bit code and two pointer-sized (originally one 32-bit and one 16-bit) parameters and a pointer-sized return value. And there aren't a lot of messages that Windows needs for itself, giving both window classes and the application a lot of real estate for using messages to communicate. So why not use a message to signal the event?
Using a message avoids the waste of memory while still allowing the button to pass data to and return data from its target window. So the logic follows that all a button would need to do is
/* this is not the correct syntax but let's use it for expository purposes */
#define BN_CLICKED someNumberHere
SendMessage(GetParent(hwnd), BN_CLICKED, hwnd);
and the parent would handle that:
if (whichButton == button1)
No wasted memory, but still flexible and extensible. And even more importantly, also binary-compatible: if more events were added later, the size of the function pointer table would need to change, and newer programs that tried to use newer events on older systems would clobber random memory. With messages, these programs would just have dead code.
Now why send the message to the parent? If we view windows as communication endpoints, then this is obvious: you want the button to tell its parent that it was clicked because you're communicating that the button was clicked!
But more important, you didn't write the button's window procedure. Microsoft did, and they provide the same one to every program. If you could handle the message in the button procedure, where would you put it? You can't change the button procedure, after all.
(Nowadays we have something called "subclassing" which allows you to override a single window's window procedure to do custom processing. It's not used for event handling because it's more work than just sending up to the parent.)
All of this extends to custom draw; just substitute "custom draw" for "clicked" and it should still make sense. Hopefully this explanation was clear, even with that mental substitution.
If you want, you can write your own facility to handle events in the function pointer way. Keep a map of window handles to event functions and call a global dispatch function in all your window procedures to handle the event messages WM_COMMAND, WM_NOTIFY, and (for trackbars) WM_HSCROLL and WM_VSCROLL. How you do this is up to you, but think about whether you really want to do it this way; sometimes it's necessary, but sometimes it isn't. If you do, remember to provide a way to pass arbitrary data to the event function that's decided at event connection time, so the event handler can do something reasonable without relying on global state.

Thanks to comments by RemyLebeau and IInspectable I was able to also find solution to my frustration, which I am going to explain here for anybody else who's scratching their heads over this very issue.
This solution does not require VCL nor any component from Visual Studio and such.
First define your own custom message, in the way that you can reach it inside WndProc:
#define MY_DRAWITEM (WM_APP+1)
UINT uDrawButtonMsg = RegisterWindowMessage(_T("MY_DRAWITEM"));
Then find out what number it is assigned:
std::cout << uDrawButtonMsg; //for example 49648
And send this message from WndProc to your subclassed control from any message you wish, for example WM_DRAWITEM:
::SendMessage(p_CustomButton->customButton, uDrawButtonMsg, wParam, lParam);
And then in your subclass just catch the message by the 5 digit number you looked for while ago:
if(49648 == uMsg)
//do your DRAWITEM stuff here
Thanks to everybody who contributed to this article helping with exaplanation, tips and also historical background!


How to create additional controls in WinAPI? Only the first control works?

I've recently started to study WinAPI. After going through about ten top search results for tutorials on it, I'm still confused where you add code for more than one control per window? For example, if I want to add a second button, what kind of code and where do you place the code for it?
When I #define IDC_BUTTON WM_USER + 1, add HINSTANCE hIns; and HWND hButton; to the Callback, and then call this:
hButton=CreateWindow("Button","Click Me",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE,70,60,150,30,hwnd,(HMENU)IDC_BUTTON,hIns,0);
It works and the button appears in the window. But when I try to add a second one, nothing appears, even with changed names:
#define IDC_BUTTON2 WM_USER + 2
HWND hButton2;
hButton=CreateWindow("Button","Click Me",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE,70,60,150,30,hwnd,(HMENU)IDC_BUTTON,hIns,0);
hButton2=CreateWindow("Second","Press here",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE,170,160,250,130,hwnd,(HMENU)IDC_BUTTON2,hIns,0);
The first button appears OK, but the second does not (different coordinates also). What am I doing wrong here? Thanks!
I replaced the hIns2 with hIns in the code.
hButton2=CreateWindow("Second","Press here",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE,...);
Let's tackle this at the core. The fundamental thing you are doing wrong is completely ignoring the need to check for errors. CreateWindow() returns NULL when it failed. GetLastError() then returns an error code that indicates the problem. That same error code is also visible in a debugger with the "#err" pseudo variable.
You would then quickly have discovered that you got error 1407, described like this in the WinError.h SDK header:
// MessageText:
// Cannot find window class.
Which makes it crystal clear that you flubbed the class name in the CreateWindow() call.
Never skip error checks, especially when you are just starting out with winapi programming. It isn't just useful to let programs graciously fail when things go wrong on the user's machine, it is clearly also extremely useful to diagnose bugs in your code.
First of all there is no class name called "SECOND unless you defined one already so if you want to make say 10 buttons the first parameter in the CreateWindow function is going to be "BUTTON" in all of them, you can also change it to "EDIT" if you want an editable text box or "STATIC" if you ant to put a static box.
Secondly you can make a process of adding buttons alot more easier if you followed this note:
Instead of defining your button by making
#define IDB_BUTTON WM_USER + 2
and then inserting the IDB_BUTTON into the CreateWindow function as (HMENU)IDB_BUTTON
you can simply just write (HMENU)<any number of your choice> in to the CreateWindow function just like (HMENU) 2 without needing to predefine that number using #define and then when you want to make an action when the button is pressed you can just pass that number in a case of a switch statement that has (LOWORD(wParam)) as its switch .
It seems confusing but see the code to understand what i mean
full code in your procedure:
hButton=CreateWindow("Button","Click Me",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE,70,60,150,30,hWnd,(HMENU) 1,NULL,NULL);
hButton2=CreateWindow("BUTTON","Press here",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE,170,160,250,130,hwnd,(HMENU) 2,NULL,NULL);
case 1:
//What will the first button do?write it here
case 2:
//What will the second button do?write it here
return 0;
Good luck on your path studying win32 c++ i remember when i started also it was confusing and it is still for me but by hard work you will master it

How to distinguish a button and a checkbox message on Windows?

I have the Windows event values that for example the DefWindowsProc() gets -- i.e. hWnd, MsgId, wParam, lParam. Is it possible to distinguish whether the WM_COMMAND event with notification code BN_CLICKED comes or from a push button, or from a check box (or possibly from some other)?
Motivation: I am rewriting the GUI implementation and message handling in a bigger application. The final goal is wxWidgets, but I have to do it gradually. I do mimick the BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE/END_EVENT_TABLE macros and the related EVT_BUTTON, EVT_CHECKBOX (..., EVT_SIZE, EVT_PAINT and the like). I am also mimicking classes like wxCommandEvent, and I would like to set its type to the equivalent of wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED or wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED when the event is captured by the original code.
For example: I have a macro like this
#define EVT_CHECKBOX(id, func) \
if (uMsg == WM_COMMAND && id == LOWORD(wParam)) \
{ \
CAppCommandEvent evt(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); \
func(evt); \
lResult = evt.GetLResult(); \
if (!evt.GetSkipped()) \
return TRUE; \
The wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED is intentionally renamed to appEVT_.... I want to be able to check whether the EVT_CHECKBOX macro was not used (by mistake) for a button. If yes, the assert command must make it visible for the debug version of the program.
Nothing in the message itself can serve you to identify the type of button. However, in theory you should still be able to find it out indirectly. The lParam gives you the window handle of the control, which you can use with GetWindowLong to obtain the button style.
LONG style = ::GetWindowLong(lParam, GWL_STYLE);
if (style & BS_CHECKBOX) {
// It's a checkbox
" rewriting the GUI implementation and message handling in a bigger application. The final goal is wxWidgets, but I have to do it gradually."
Really? IMHO you are mad. It would be far easier and quicker and infinitely less buggy to rewrite your application to use wxWidgets, rather than use some strange half wxWidgets, half native windows API that you created yourself on the fly. The only advantage I can see would be job security since no-one else will be able to maintain this monster you are creating.
However, to answer your question: wxWidgets distinguishes between these two events. wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED is generated by a checkbox, wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED is generated by a button. The wxWidgets code is open and very well documented, so take a look and see how they do it.

"SendMessage" to 3 different processes in C++

I want to send keystrokes to multiple processes. For example, if I press “1”, then I want to send the “1” to 3 "Notepad windows". Frist I want to try to send a keystroke to notepad, but it fails on the HWND:
//HANDLE hWin;
HWND windowHandle = FindWindowA(NULL, "Notepad"); //Can’t find a proccess
//Send a key
if( windowHandle ) //This one fails
if( GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F12) != 0 )
SendMessageA(windowHandle, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_NUMPAD1, 0);
SendMessageA(windowHandle, WM_KEYUP, VK_NUMPAD1, 0);
But the "FindWindow" method is not good enough for my program. There is also no way to get 3 different processes with the same name. So how can I make 3 handles to 3 different processes with the same name? And how can I send key’s to the processes?
You can use EnumWindows for enumerating all the top level windows on the system. You then need to filter through these windows to get the ones you are interested in. Class name is probably a better choice for filtering rather than the window name though. Here is some example code (not tested) of what I have in mind:
BOOL CALLBACK BroadcastToNotepad(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
wchar_t lpClassName[16];
* More reliable to filter by class name. We could additionally filter
* by caption name too if necessary.
if(GetClassName(hwnd, lpClassName, _countof(lpClassName))) {
if(wcscmp(lpClassName, L"Notepad") == 0) {
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_KEYDOWN, (WPARAM)lParam, 0);
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_KEYUP, (WPARAM)lParam, 0);
return TRUE;
// Some handler which gets invoked when your hotkey is hit.
void handlerKey1(...)
EnumWindows(BroadcastToNotepad, (lParam)VK_NUMPAD1)
Note the usage of BroadcastToNotepad and how you can have different handlers pass in a different lParam.
One final thing to note is that PostMessage/SendMessage is not a reliable way to simulate keyboard input. This is noted by Raymond Chen here. SendInput is the preferred way for injecting input. However, to use that you will need to ensure the window you want to send to has the keyboard focus.
I recall vaguely having played with something similar to what you are doing in the past. If I remember correctly, you need to send to Notepad's child window (class name = Edit). So the code above needs to be modified as so:
if(wcscmp(lpClassName, L"Notepad") == 0) {
HWND hwndChild = FindWindowEx(hwnd, NULL, L"Edit", NULL);
SendMessage(hwndChild, WM_KEYDOWN, (WPARAM)lParam, 0);
SendMessage(hwndChild, WM_KEYUP, (WPARAM)lParam, 0);
Firstly install Spy++ from Visual Studio which lets you see all the HWND windows in hierarchy ( and which process owns them).
Then you'll see why your FindWindow is failing. You'll also know the exact hierarchy calls to make on FindWindow and GetWindow().
Be aware that since Vista some HWNDs are protected and you cant send to them - but notepad is probably fine.
For sending the key, you can probably just use PostMessage to fire and forget.
First of all, why is while(true) there? Wouldn't you rather want to activate your software on F12 key press than having an infinite loop? That handle is not valid forever, you know.
Second, you'd probably want to use EnumWindows to go through all the windows and find the one you're interested in. Then you'd implement a callback function that'll need to decide on some basis if it wants to act on some window or not (be it name or something else).
SendMessage/SendMessageA/SendMessageW should work just fine when you've found a proper handle for the window you want to target for (save for some special windows that are protected from this).

Window Maximum Maximise

I am looking to create a program where I can set the maximum maximize size (as in the size the window maximises to when you hit the maximise button) and maximize position (X/Y coordinated for the maximised window) for all of the windows that are running. This is so that I can have my Rainmeter visible at all times on my secondary monitor without having to manually resize every window fit inside of it.
I have managed to do this for a simple program I wrote using MINMAXSIZE from the WinAPI. This method seems to work perfectly for my little program, but there is very little documentation on it beside 1 or 2 articles on the internet. I was wondering if this would be the best way to set the maximum maximise size, or if there is another way to do this.
They way I planned to implement this into all of the applications was going to be either DLL Injection or Hooks (neither of which I have any experience with), so I was also wondering your guys' thoughts on these methods.
I know there are a few applications out there that already do this, but I thought this could be a learning experience, and as well, all of the applications I tried do not work very well (although this could be the case with all of them due to the way Windows functions).
If any of you are still unsure about what I am talking about, MaxMax does exactly what I want (although it doesn't work so well, as I stated in my previous paragraph).
Thank you all in advance.
What you're probably looking for is the work area setting, that you can set/retrieve with the SystemParametersInfo function, called with the flags SPI_SETWORKAREA/SPI_GETWORKAREA.
What you want to do is use a global windows hook to handle WM_GETMINMAXINFO. As you may be aware, this is the message that is:
Sent to a window when the size or position of the window is about to
change. An application can use this message to override the window's
default maximized size and position, or its default minimum or maximum
tracking size.
The best way to use this to override the default maximum is to fill in the MINMAXINFO structure like so:
DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
mmi->ptMaxTrackSize.x = 100;
mmi->ptMaxTrackSize.y = 100;
return 0;
This will allow the default values to be assigned to the sizes you don't care about (min x/y) in this case, leaving you to fiddle with the max values as you please. Your windows hook should be done with SetWindowsHookEx() and should look something like this:
SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CALLWNDPROC, hook_procedure, instance_handle, 0);
hMod (instance_handle) should only be set depending on the circumstances (check the docs for this). The dwThreadId mandates a global hook. Your CallWndProc might looks something like this:
__declspec(dllexport) LRESULT WINAPI CallWndProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
if(WM_GETMINMAXINFO == cwp->message) {
DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
mmi->ptMaxTrackSize.x = 100;
mmi->ptMaxTrackSize.y = 100;
return 0;
return CallNextHookEx(next_hook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
Unfortunately something you are going to have to deal with is that the only windows that will be hooked are the ones that had were existing when you made your call to SetWindowsHookEx(). I'm not aware of a clean way of getting past this, short of looping a call to SetWindowsHookEx() (ergh!).
You could potentially do this with DLL injection and effectively subclass every window with EnumWindows, EnumChildWindow and SetWindowLongPtr/SetWindowSubclass. But why go to all that trouble when you could just use SetWindowsHookEx? :)
To alter the x/y, you might have to add an override for WM_SYSCOMMAND and check for SC_MAXIMIZE then use SetWindowPos/MoveWindow to position it properly (if you don't want it on the default 0, 0).

C++: How to center MessageBox?

Using Visual Studio C++ with MFC. How do I center a MessageBox to it's parent window? Currently it centers to the desktop.
You need to install a hook and change the dialog box position on creation.
int MessageBoxCentered(HWND hWnd, LPCTSTR lpText, LPCTSTR lpCaption, UINT uType)
// Center message box at its parent window
static HHOOK hHookCBT{};
hHookCBT = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CBT,
[](int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) -> LRESULT
if (nCode == HCBT_CREATEWND)
if (((LPCBT_CREATEWND)lParam)->lpcs->lpszClass == (LPWSTR)(ATOM)32770) // #32770 = dialog box class
RECT rcParent{};
GetWindowRect(((LPCBT_CREATEWND)lParam)->lpcs->hwndParent, &rcParent);
((LPCBT_CREATEWND)lParam)->lpcs->x = rcParent.left + ((rcParent.right - rcParent.left) - ((LPCBT_CREATEWND)lParam)->lpcs->cx) / 2;
((LPCBT_CREATEWND)lParam)->lpcs->y = rcParent.top + ((rcParent.bottom - rcParent.top) - ((LPCBT_CREATEWND)lParam)->lpcs->cy) / 2;
return CallNextHookEx(hHookCBT, nCode, wParam, lParam);
0, GetCurrentThreadId());
int iRet{ MessageBox(hWnd, lpText, lpCaption, uType) };
return iRet;
::AfxMessageBox() appears on the center of the MainFrame for me. Which is basically a call to ::MessageBox() with a handle to the MainFrame as the first parameter. Isn't that working for you?
You can't. That's why a lot of people write their own MessageBox classes.
Who said "can't"?
Try this:
This is for Win32 API, written in C. Translate it as you need...
case WM_NOTIFY:{
HWND X=FindWindow("#32770",NULL);
if(GetParent(X)==H_frame){int Px,Py,Sx,Sy; RECT R1,R2;
GetWindowRect(hwnd,&R1); GetWindowRect(X,&R2);
} break;
Add that to the WndProc code... You can set position as you like, in this case it just centres over the main program window. It will do this for any messagebox, or file open/save dialog, and likely some other native controls. I'm not sure, but I think you may need to include COMMCTRL or COMMDLG to use this, at least, you will if you want open/save dialogs.
I experimented with looking at the notify codes and hwndFrom of NMHDR, then decided it was just as effective, and far easier, not to. If you really want to be very specific, tell FindWindow to look for a unique caption (title) you give to the window you want it to find.
This fires before the messagebox is drawn onscreen, so if you set a global flag to indicate when action is done by your code, and look for a unique caption, you be sure that actions you take will only occur once (there will likely be multiple notifiers). I haven't explored this in detail, but I managed get CreateWindow to put an edit box on a messagebox dialog. It looked as out of place as a rat's ear grafted onto the spine of a cloned pig, but it works. Doing things this way may be far easier than having to roll your own.
EDIT: Small correction to handle the problem raised by Raymond Chen. Make sure that parent handles agree throughout, and this should work ok. It does for me, even with two instances of the same program...