Regex a string with unknown number of parameters - regex

Let say I have millions of string in a text file in this format:
st=expand&c=22&t=button&k=fun HTTP
This is a string we can look at as a hash with keys st, c, t and k. Some of the strings in the text file might not have a given &KEY=VALUE present and might thus look like this:
st=expand&k=fun HTTP
How would one use sed to change the string to following
that is, even thought the key=value isn't present, we still add a comma. We can assume that we have a fixed key set [st,c,t,k].
What I've tried is something like (just an idea!!)
sed 's/\(st=\|c=\|t=\|k=\)\([\(^\&\|HTTP\)])\(\&\|HTTP\)/\3,/g' big_file
but obviously, if c isn't there, it isn't adding a comma since it doesn't find any. Any ideas how to approach this? Using awk might also be acceptable (or any other fast text-processing utility)
Input data example
st=expand&c=22&t=button&k=fun HTTP
c=22&t=button&k=fun HTTP
st=expand&c=22&t=party&k=fun HTTP
st=expand&c=22&k=fun HTTP
st=expand HTTP
Output data

You can use this sed:
sed -E 's/(st=([^& ]*)|)(.*c=([^& ]*)|)(.*t=([^& ]*)|)(.*k=([^& ]*)|) HTTP/\2,\4,\6,\8/' file
Sed Demo
RegEx Demo

Whenever you have name=value pairs in your input data, it's simplest and clearest and usually most efficient to create a name->value array and then print the values by name in whatever order you want, e.g.:
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { FS="[&= ]"; OFS="," }
delete n
for (i=1;i<NF;i+=2) {
n[$i] = $(i+1)
print n["st"], n["c"], n["t"], n["k"]
$ awk -f tst.awk file

Another pattern for sed to try:
sed -r "s/(st=(\w+))?(&?c=(\w+))?(&t=(\w+))?(&k=(\w+))?( HTTP)/\2,\4,\6,\8/g" big_file

How about something like this? It's not perfectly strict, but as long as your data follows the format you described on every line, it will work.
^(?:st=([^&\n]*))?&?(?:c=([^&\n]*))?&?(?:t=([^&\n]*))?&?(?:k=([^&\n]*))? HTTP$ (must be run once per line or with multi-line and global options enabled)
Try it here:
EDIT: If you are using sed, you will need to change the non-capturing groups to regular ones ((?:) to ()) and update the backreferences accordingly (\2,\4,\6,\8). Demo:


Extract a string from vcf file

I need to extract RS=368138379 string from following lines in a vcf file of few thousand millions lines. I am wondering how can we use grep -o "" and regular expression to quickly extract that?
Thanks very much indeed.
Something along the lines of RS=\d+ should do the trick for the expression you're looking for.
Let's say text.log contains your log you can use:
grep -oE "RS=[0-9]+" test.log
If you want to print also the line numbers:
grep -noE "RS=[0-9]+" test.log
Best to avoid using grep to parse VCF/BCF files. Use bcftools query instead:
bcftools query -f '%INFO/RS\n' -e 'INFO/RS="."' clinvar.vcf.gz
A simple zgrep -oE "RS=[0-9]+" clinvar.vcf.gz will miss RS values for records that contain more than one ID, which can be pipe-delimited:
##INFO=<ID=RS,Number=.,Type=String,Description="dbSNP ID (i.e. rs number)">
Number is . when the number of possible values varies, is unknown, or is unbounded. Please see:

Regex command line change format of each line

I have a file that contains lines in a format similar to this...
I've tried a combination of grep, sed, gawk, and |(pipes) to try and pattern match and then change the format to be more like this...
Hopefully you get the idea from the first line so I don't have to type out all the examples manually!
I've got the hang of regex to match the co-ordinates. In fact the input file is the result of extracting from apache access logs. It might be easier to read/understand answers if they just match positive integer numbers, I will then be able to slot in a more complicated pattern to match the right range.
To be able to arrange the results like you which it is important to be able to access the last for values per line.
No pattern matching is required if you use awk. You can split the input strings by a set of delimiters and reassemble the resulting fields. 40 can be accessed as $(NF), 30 as $(NF-1) and so on.
awk -F'[?,=]' '
{printf "[%s,%s],[%s,%s],[%s,%s],[%s,%s]\n",
}' file
I'm using ?, , or = as the field delimiters. This makes it simple to access the columns of interest.
Btw, also sed can be used here:
sed -r 's/.*[?=]([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),(.*)/[\1,\4],[\3,\4],[\3,\2],[\1,\2]/' file
The command is capturing the numbers at the end each in a separate capturing group and re-assembles them in the replacement part.
Not all versions of sed support the + quantifier. The most compatible version would look like this :)
sed 's/.*[?=]\([^,]\{1,\}\),\([^,]\{1,\}+\),\([^,]\{1,\}\),\(.*\)/[\1,\4],[\3,\4],[\3,\2],[\1,\2]/' file
sed strips off items prior to numbers, then awk splits on comma and outputs in different order. Assuming data is in a file called "td.txt"
sed 's/^[^0-9-]*//' td.txt|awk -F, '{print "["$1","$4"],["$3","$4"],["$3","$2"],["$1","$2"],"}'
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r 's/^.*\?[^-0-9]*([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*)/[\1,\4],[\3,\4],[\3,\2],[\1,\2]/' file
Or with more toothpicks:
sed 's/^.*\?[^-0-9]*\([^,]*\),\([^,]*\),\([^,]*\),\([^,]*\)/[\1,\4],[\3,\4],[\3,\2],[\1,\2]/' file
You can use the following to match:
And replace with the following:

Grep invert on string matched, not line matched

I'll keep this explanation of why I need help to a mimimum. One of my file directories got hacked through XSS and placed a long string at the beginning of all php files. I've tried to use sed to replace the string with nothing but it won't work because the pattern to match includes many many characters that would need to be escaped.
I found out that I can use fgrep to match a fixed string saved in a pattern file, but I'd like to replace the matched string (NOT THE LINE) in each file, but grep's -v inverts the result on the line, rather than the end of the matched string.
This is the command I'm using on an example file that contains the hacked
fgrep -v -f ~/hacked-string.txt example.php
I need the output to contain the <?php that's at the end of the line (sometimes it's a <style> tag), but the -v option inverts at the end of that line, so the output doesn't contain the <?php at the beginning.
I've tried to use the -o or --only-matching which outputs nothing instead:
fgrep -f ~/hacked-string.txt example.php --only-matching -v
Is there another option in grep that I can use to invert on the end of the matched pattern, rather than the line where the pattern was matched? Or alternatively, is there an easier option to replace the hacked string in all .php files?
Here is a small snippet of what's in hacked-string.txt (line breaks added for readability):
Thanks in advance!
I think what you are asking is this:
"Is it possible to use the grep utility to remove all instances of a fixed string (which might contain lots of regex metacharacters) from a file?"
In that case, the answer is "No".
What I think you wanted to ask was:
"What is the easiest way to remove all instances of a fixed string (which might contain lots of regex metacharacters) from a file?"
Here's one reasonably simple solution:
delete_string() {
awk -v s="$the_string" '{while(i=index($0,s))$0=substr($0,1,i-1)substr($0,i+length(s))}1'
delete_string 'some_hideous_string_with*!"_inside' < original_file > new_file
The shell syntax is slightly fragile; it will break if the string contains an apostrophe ('). However, you can read a raw string from stdin into a variable with:
$ IFS= read -r the_string
absolutely anything here
which will work with any string which doesn't contain a newline or a NUL character. Once you have the string in a variable, you can use the above function:
delete_string "$the_string" < original_file > new_file
Here's another possible one liner, using python:
delete_string() {
python -c 'import sys;[sys.stdout.write(l.replace(r"""'"$1"'""","")) for l in sys.stdin]'
This won't handle strings which have three consecutive quotes (""").
Is the hacked string the same in every file?
If the length of hacked string in chars was 1234 then you can use
tail -c +1235 file.php > fixed-file.php
for each infected file.
Note that tail c +1235 tells to start output at 1235th character of the input file.
With perl:
perl -i.hacked -pe "s/\Q$(<hacked-string.txt)\E//g" example.php
The $(<file) bit is a bash shortcut to read the contents of a file.
The \Q and \E bits are from perl, they treat the stuff in between as plain characters, ignoring regex metachars.
The -i.hacked option will edit the file in-place, creating a backup "example.php.hacked"

Script to generate code based on pattern

I am trying to generate code to re-initialize an object declared in a file xyz. For each variable declared as follows(x's denote any character, could be repeated any number of times):-
Private lst_xxxxxxxxx As xxxxxxxxxxx
Private _lst_xxxxxx As xxxxxxxxxxx
I want to generate something like:-
for each such occurrence, followed by a newline.
I tried using something like [^*[_ ]lst*] to match the lines in awk but it ended up capturing unwanted expressions
I can use any of the scripting tools from among the tags for this task, just need to get the job done.
You can use the following sed:
sed -nr 's/Private _?(lst)_(\w*) As \w*/\1\2.Clear()/p' file
-n blocks the printing and -r allows to catch groups with just () and then print back with \1, \2...
$ cat a
how are
Private lst_hey As you
Private _lst_helloooo As blabla
Private _lst_hello
i am ok
$ sed -nr 's/Private _?(lst)_(\w*) As \w*/\1\2.Clear()/p' a
The question's tag is awk, looks you prefer awk.
awk '/Private.*As/{gsub(/_/,X,$2);print $2 ".Clear()"}' file
If you need the output show as #fedorqui
awk '/Private.*As/{gsub(/_?lst_/,X,$2);print $2 ".Clear()"}' file

Regular Expression to parse Common Name from Distinguished Name

I am attempting to parse (with sed) just First Last from the following DN(s) returned by the DSCL command in OSX terminal bash environment...
CN=First Last,OU=PCS,OU=guests,DC=domain,DC=edu
I have tried multiple regexs from this site and others with questions very close to what I wanted... mainly this question... I have tried following the advice to the best of my ability (I don't necessarily consider myself a newbie...but definitely a newbie to regex..)
DSCL returns a list of DNs, and I would like to only have First Last printed to a text file. I have attempted using sed, but I can't seem to get the correct function. I am open to other commands to parse the output. Every line begins with CN= and then there is a comma between Last and OU=.
Thank you very much for your help!
I think all of the regular expression answers provided so far are buggy, insofar as they do not properly handle quoted ',' characters in the common name. For example, consider a distinguishedName like:
CN=Doe\, John,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=local
Better to use a real library able to parse the components of a distinguishedName. If you're looking for something quick on the command line, try piping your DN to a command like this:
echo "CN=Doe\, John,CN=Users,DC=activedir,DC=local" | python -c 'import ldap; import sys; print ldap.dn.explode_dn(, notypes=1)[0]'
(depends on having the python-ldap library installed). You could cook up something similar with PHP's built-in ldap_explode_dn() function.
Two cut commands is probably the simplest (although not necessarily the best):
DSCL | cut -d, -f1 | cut -d= -f2
First, split the output from DSCL on commas and print the first field ("CN=First Last"); then split that on equal signs and print the second field.
Using sed:
sed 's/^CN=\([^,]*\).*/\1/' input_file
^ matches start of line
CN= literal string match
\([^,]*\) everything until a comma
.* rest
awk -v RS=',' -v FS='=' '$1=="CN"{print $2}' foo.txt
I like awk too, so I print the substring from the fourth char:
DSCL | awk '{FS=","}; {print substr($1,4)}' > filterednames.txt
This regex will parse a distinguished name, giving name and val a capture groups for each match.
When DN strings contain commas, they are meant to be quoted - this regex correctly handles both quoted and unquotes strings, and also handles escaped quotes in quoted strings:
Here is is nicely formatted:
Here's a link so you can see it in action:
If you want a regex to get only the CN, then this adapted version will do it: