Issue with Django data migration when model changes later - django

Let's say I have a Django model that looks like this:
class MyEntity(models.Model):
my_first_attribute = models.CharField(max_length=50)
I create a data migration that inserts some values in MyEntity model.
Then I create a schema migration that adds another attribute "my_second_attribute".
If I run ./ on a fresh database, running the data migration fails and Django complains that myentity.my_second_attribute doesn't exist!
Is there a solution for this?

Be sure that your data migration function does this:
Person = apps.get_model("yourappname", "Person")
Rather than using this:
from yourappname.models import Person
The former will assume database schema and models as defined by previous schema migration(s) (as specified in Migration.dependencies).
The latter will use current sources which may go way ahead of the state known to migration files.


Renaming Django model without breaking existing migrations

I want to rename a model in Django 3.2, keep my existing migrations and be able to both migrate a db with the old table name and create a db from scratch.
I've started by renaming the model class and all references to it in the code. As "./ makemigrations" did not automatically create a migration, I manually created a migration that renames the model:
from django.db import migrations
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
('market_integrations', '0003_migration'),
operations = [
migrations.RenameModel('OldModelName', 'NewModelname')
My initial idea is that I should not update existing migrations, as I never do when creating other migrations. However, the references to the old model in the old migrations cause a LookupError when I run "./ migrate". I've tried using both the model name string and apps.get_model(). Migration code samples that break:
operations = [
operations = [
name=apps.get_model("myapp", "OldModelName"),
As keeping the old model name in old migrations didn't work, I replaced the old model name in old migrations with the new name. After doing that, "./ migrate" ran successfully, including the model renaming migration. However, when I try to create a new database, the model renaming migration fails because that new database never had a table with the old name.
What should I do to be able to preserve my migrations and have them working in both existing and new databases?
I have already checked Django migration strategy for renaming a model and relationship fields , but I didn't find the answer to my question there.
Please attach the full model (you can delete irrelevant fields) and the migration you created in your initial question (I cannot comment on your initial post yet, so I have to mention it in an answer).
This is important because I think there are foreign keys pointing to the model you want to rename.
Or are you trying to rename Foo to Bar and create a new Foo?
Does the error also occur if you try to start the server after your initial idea?
Your initial idea of keeping existing migrations untouched seems good, because you will be able to run it on all your environments (local, dev, prod, etc), and approach 2 would require manual renaming of database tables and fields.
I might be able to extend my answer after you provide models and migrations.
# change the properties accordingly (best copy it over). The database may only change to="table"
If this did not work, where does the error come from? You can try to isolate your migrations and models from the rest of the code (like in a new empty project attached to the same database). Maybe this will help you find out if the error is from a leftover reference to OldModelName or some weird error. Just as an idea so you don't spend time looking at the wrong place
Try to do one change and one migration at a time. You can later squash them. If django does not auto-detect the renaming of your model, it means that all fields related to this model will fail too.
Revert everything to the working state before renaming
Make sure all migrations are applied
Rename the model and create a migration to only rename the model. Are you able to apply it?
if not, try to manually modify all related fields (one2one, foreignkey, etc)
If that still fails, create a copy of your model in, rename the copied model and try to use migrations.RunPython() in a new migration file to copy all the data from the old table to the new one.
If you only have one populated database, you might get away with replacing all ModelA occurrences with ModelB and change the structure of your database.
Best of luck!

can i set django model paranoid which acts like in Sequelize.js

// don't delete database entries but set the newly added attribute deletedAt
// to the current date (when deletion was done). paranoid will only work if
// timestamps are enabled
paranoid: true,
I used Sequelize.js ORM, and there was option paranoid like above description. (from Sequelize.js tutorial docs)
I want to make my Django Model paranoid.
I googled with keywords like "django paranoid", but i couldn't find informations. What is a general name for the option "paranoid" and how can i make my django model act like the option?
Or should I make mixins or middlewares to make paranoid?
of course, you can use django-paranoid
this library will add deleted_at, updated_at and created_at field, also a soft delete method.
You only need extend to model with ParanoidModel.
For see the deleted object you can use objects_with_deleted:
and if do you want do hard delete an object you only should use True param:
m = MyModel.objects.last()

How to unittest a django database migration?

We've changed our database, using django migrations (django v1.7+).
The data that exists in the database is no longer valid.
Basically I want to test a migration by, inside a unittest, constructing the pre-migration database, adding some data, applying the migration, then confirming everything went smoothly.
How does one:
hold back the new migration when loading the unittest
I found some stuff about overriding settings.MIGRATION_MODULES but couldn't work out how to use it. When I inspect executor.loader.applied_migrations it still lists everything. The only way I could prevent the new migration was to actually remove the file; not a solution I can use.
create a record in the unittest database (using the old model)
If we can prevent the migration then this should be pretty straightforward. myModel.object.create(...)
apply the migration
I think I can probably work this out now that I've found the test_executor: set a plan pointing to the migration file and execute it? Um, right? Got any code for that :-D
confirm the old data in the database now matches the new model
Again, I expect this should be pretty easy: just fetch the instance created before the migration and confirm it has changed in all the right ways.
So the challenge is really just working out how to prevent the unittest from applying the latest migration script and then applying it when we're ready?
Perhaps I have the wrong approach? Should I create fixtures, and just confirm that they're all good at the end? Do fixtures get loaded before the migrations are applied, or after they're all done?
By using the MigrationExecutor and picking out specific migrations with .migrate I've been able to, maybe?, roll it back to a specific state, then roll forward one-by-one. But that is popping up doubts; currently chasing down sqlite fudging around due to the lack of an actual ALTER TABLE instruction. Jury still out.
I wasn't able to prevent the unittest from starting with the current database schema, but I did find it is quite easy to revert to earlier points in the migration history:
Where "0014_nulls_permitted" is a file in the migrations directory...
from django.db.migrations.executor import MigrationExecutor
executor.migrate([("workflow_engine", "0014_nulls_permitted")])
NB: running the executor.loader.build_graph between invocations of executor.migrate seems to be a very important part of completing the migration and making things behave as one might expect
The migrations which are currently applicable to the database can be checked with something like:
print [x[1] for x in sorted(executor.loader.applied_migrations)]
[u'0001_initial', u'0002_fix_foreignkeys', ... u'0014_nulls_permitted']
I created a model instance via the ORM then ensured the database was in the old state by running some SQL directly:
job = Job.objects.create(....)
from django.db import connection
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute('UPDATE workflow_engine_job SET next_job_state=NULL')
Great. Now I know I have a database in the old state, and can test the forwards migration. So where 0016_nulls_banished is a migration file:
executor.migrate([("workflow_engine", "0016_nulls_banished")])
Migration 0015 goes through the database converting all the NULL fields to a default value. Migration 0016 alters the schema. You can scatter some print statements around to confirm things are happening as you think they should be.
And now the test can confirm that the migration has worked. In this case by ensuring there are no nulls left in the database.
jobs = Job.objects.all()
self.assertTrue(all([j.next_job_state is not None for j in jobs]))
We have used the following code in to ignore the migration for the tests:
(app.split('.')[-1], '.'.join([app, 'nonexistent_django_migrations_module']))
The idea here being that none of the apps have a nonexistent_django_migrations_module folder, and thus django will simply find no migrations.

Django migrations reference a deleted module

I have a Model named FooModel defined in a my_app/models/
After deleting, running Django (1.7) migrations raises an error since the old migration files import (import
How should I resolve this?
This happens when the model has an ImageField with an upload_to parameter.
There are two cases:
You moved FooModel elsewhere, then edit all your migration files to reflect that move.
You removed FooModel, in this case, follow these steps:
Put FooModel back to where it was.
Make sure there are no references to FooModel elsewhere in your code.
Run ./ makemigrations my_app
Run ./ squashmigrations my_app <migration created with the previous comand> — see the doc for more informations on squashing migrations.
Repeat the two previous steps for any app that references FooModel in its migrations.
Remove FooModel and the stale migration files once you ensured everything worked fine.
This should work because as FooModel is not referenced from any other model, it should be removed from the migrations files when squashing them.
However, be warned that squashing migrations is not a simple operation and may have consequences it might be a better idea to just keep the model in your codebase without using it.
Note: in this situation, the object in question is a Django model but this applies to any class, function or module referenced by migration files.
In custom database migrations you should not import your models directly because you can face this particular issue in the future. Instead you should rather use Djangos get_model function.
MyModel = apps.get_model('myapp', 'MyModel')
for row in MyModel.objects.all():
row.uuid = uuid.uuid4()['uuid'])
In this case the migrations will also run when you decide to delete the model in the future.
Further read:

Error adding a new field to 1 model in Django 1.7

I am trying to add a new field to a model - normally a simple process. On one model, I get an error (adding the same field to a different model in the same app causes no problems at all).
The field:
mediumlink = models.URLField(max_length=500, null=True)
Although, any field type or name has the same error.
The error, when using makemigrations:
django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: column images_locationimage.mediumlink does not exist
LINE 1: ...."imagelink", "images_locationimage"."thumblink", "images_lo...
I'm stumped! Any help would be awesome.
There are certain files that Django has to have in a working state before it can do other things -- particularly, I think, where models and views are defined (not sure exactly and the list is much shorter with Django 1.7). In any case, if you reference your change before the migration is made and applied, you can find yourself in a catch-22 of needing the migration before you can make the migration. Always get your database in order first before you start using your changes. (In your case, commenting out the offending code will let you proceed with the migration, then quickly get back to where you were.)