How can I get upper and lower limits in 1 line? - python-2.7

How can I get the min and max in one line?
d = {'k1': ['2000-01-01', '2003-01-01'],
'k2': ['2001-01-01', '2003-01-21'],
'k3': ['2001-11-01', '2002-01-01'],
d0 = min((a[0] for a in d.itervalues())) # '2000-01-01'
d1 = max((a[1] for a in d.itervalues())) # '2003-01-21'
Of course, the real dict is much longer than in this example. And of course too d0, d1 = min(...), max(...) is not the tricky I'm asking for :)

reduce(lambda lst, val: [min(lst[0],val[0]), max(lst[1],val[1])],iter(d.itervalues()))


nested list of lists of inegers - doing arithmetic operation

I have a list like below and need to firs add items in each list and then multiply all results 2+4 = 6 , 3+ (-2)=1, 2+3+2=7, -7+1=-6 then 6*1*7*(-6) = -252 I know how to do it by accessing indexes and it works (as below) but I also need to do it in a way that it will work no matter how many sublist there is
nested_lst = [[2,4], [3,-2],[2,3,2], [-7,1]]
a= nested_lst[0][0] + nested_lst[0][1]
b= nested_lst[1][0] + nested_lst[1][1]
c= nested_lst[2][0] + nested_lst[2][1] + nested_lst[2][2]
d= nested_lst[3][0] + nested_lst[3][1]
def sum_then_product(list):
multip= a*b*c*d
return multip
print sum_then_product(nested_lst)
I have tried with for loop which gives me addition but I don't know how to perform here multiplication. I am new to it. Please, help
nested_lst = [[2,4], [3,-2],[2,3,2], [-7,1]]
for i in nested_lst:
print sum(i)
Is this what you are looking for?
nested_lst = [[2,4], [3,-2],[2,3,2], [-7,1]] # your list
output = 1 # this will generate your eventual output
for sublist in nested_lst:
sublst_out = 0
for x in sublist:
sublst_out += x # your addition of the sublist elements
output *= sublst_out # multiply the sublist-addition with the other sublists

ROT 13 Cipher: Creating a Function Python

I need to create a function that replaces a letter with the letter 13 letters after it in the alphabet (without using encode). I'm relatively new to Python so it has taken me a while to figure out a way to do this without using Encode.
Here's what I have so far. When I use this to type in a normal word like "hello" it works but if I pass through a sentence with special characters I can't figure out how to JUST include letters of the alphabet and skip numbers, spaces or special characters completely.
def rot13(b):
b = b.lower()
a = [chr(i) for i in range(ord('a'),ord('z')+1)]
c = []
d = []
x = a[0:13]
for i in b:
for i in c:
if i <= 13:
elif i > 13:
y = len(a[i:])
z = len(x)- y
e = ''.join(d)
return e
I tried using .isalpha() but this doesn't seem to be working for me - characters are duplicating for some reason when I use it. Is the following format correct:
def rot13(b):
b1 = b.lower()
a = [chr(i) for i in range(ord('a'),ord('z')+1)]
c = []
d = []
x = a[0:13]
for i in b1:
if i.isalpha():
for i in c:
if i <= 12:
elif i > 12:
y = len(a[i:])
z = len(x)- y
if message[0].istitle() == True:
d[0] = d[0].upper()
e = ''.join(d)
return e
Following on from comments. OP was advised to use isalpha, and wondering why that's causing duplication (see OP's edit)
This isn't tied to the use of isalpha, it's to do with the second for loop
for i in c:
isn't necessary, and is causing the duplication. You should remove that. Instead you can do the same by just using index = a.index(i). You were already doing this, but for some reason appending to a list instead and causing confusion
Use the index variable any time you would have used i inside the for i in c loop. On a side note, in nested for loops try not to reuse the same variables. It just causes confusion...but that's a matter for code review
Assuming you do all that right it should work.

How to manually initialize the values for the weights?

I would like to experiment the weights initialization recommended by Karpathy in his lecture notes,
the recommended heuristic is to initialize each neuron's weight vector
as: w = np.random.randn(n) / sqrt(n), where n is the number of its
I'm beginner in python, and I don"t know how to implement this :/
weights = tf.Variable(??)
Please help? ...
For a single value, use:
weights = tf.Variable(10)
For a vector with random values:
shape = [784, 625]
weights = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(shape, stddev=0.01)/tf.sqrt(n))
Please note that you need to to evaluate the variables.
Also, please check out other Random Tensors:
n = 10
init_x = np.random.randn(n)
x = tf.Variable(init_x)
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
I do it in the following way:
self.w_full, self.b_full = [], []
n_fc_layers = len(structure)
structure.insert(0, self.n_inputs)
with vs.variable_scope(self.scope):
for lr_idx in range(n_fc_layers):
n_in, n_out = structure[lr_idx], structure[lr_idx+1]
[n_in, n_out],
minval=-tf.sqrt(tf.constant(6.0)/(n_in + n_out)),
maxval=tf.sqrt(tf.constant(6.0)/(n_in + n_out))
structure.insert(0, self.n_inputs)
you'll have [n_inputs, 1st FC layer size, 2nd FC layer size ... output layer size]

"Deinterlacing" a list in Scala

I have a list of bytes that represent raw samples read in from an audio interface. Depending on the use case and H/W, each sample can be anywhere from 1 to 4 bytes long, and the total number of channels in the "stream" can be more or less arbitrary. The amount of channels and bits per sample are both known at runtime.
I'll give an example of what I mean. There are four channels in the stream and each sample is two bytes.
List(A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, D1, D2, A3, A4, B3, B4, C3, C4, D3, D4)
so A1 is the first byte of channel A's first sample, A2 is the second byte of the same sample and so on.
What I need to do is extract each channel's samples into their own lists, like this:
List(List(A1, A2, A3, A4), List(B1, B2, B3, B4), List(C1, C2, C3, C4), List(D1, D2, D3, D4))
How would I go about doing this in idiomatic Scala? I just started learning Scala a few hours ago, and the only non-imperative solution I've come up with is clearly nonoptimal:
def uninterleave(samples: Array[Byte], numChannels: Int, bytesPerSample: Int) = {
val dropAmount = numChannels * bytesPerSample
def extractChannel(n: Int) = {
def extrInner(in: Seq[Byte], acc: Seq[Byte]): Seq[Byte] = {
if(in == List()) acc
else extrInner(in.drop(dropAmount), in.take(bytesPerSample) ++ acc)
extrInner(samples.drop(n * bytesPerSample), Nil)
for(i <- 0 until numChannels) yield extractChannel(i)
I would do
I would not vouch for its performance though. I would rather avoid lists, unfortunately grouped produces them.
Still, lots of lists.
didierd's answer is just about perfect, but, alas, I think one can improve it a bit. He is concerned with all the list creation, and transpose is a rather heavy operation as well. If you can process all the data at the same time, it might well be good enough.
However, I'm going with Stream, and use a little trick to avoid transposing.
First of all, the grouping is the same, only I'm turning stuff into streams:
def getChannels[T](input: Iterator[T], elementsPerSample: Int, numOfChannels: Int) =
Next, I'll give you a function to extract one channel from that:
def streamN[T](s: Stream[Stream[Stream[T]]])(channel: Int) = s flatMap (_(channel))
With those, we can decode the streams like this:
// Sample input
val input = List('A1, 'A2, 'B1, 'B2, 'C1, 'C2, 'D1, 'D2, 'A3, 'A4, 'B3, 'B4, 'C3, 'C4, 'D3, 'D4)
// Save streams to val, to avoid recomputing the groups
val streams = getChannels(input.iterator, elementsPerSample = 2, numOfChannels = 4)
// Decode each one
def demuxer = streamN(streams) _
val aa = demuxer(0)
val bb = demuxer(1)
val cc = demuxer(2)
val dd = demuxer(3)
This will return separate streams for each channel without having the whole stream at hand. This might be useful if you need to process the input in real time. Here's some input source to test how far into the input it reads to get at a particular element:
def source(elementsPerSample: Int, numOfChannels: Int) = Iterator.from(0).map { x =>
"" + ('A' + x / elementsPerSample % numOfChannels).toChar +
(x % elementsPerSample
+ (x / (numOfChannels * elementsPerSample)) * elementsPerSample
+ 1)
}.map { x => println("Saw "+x); x }
You can then try stuff like this:
val streams = getChannels(source(2, 4), elementsPerSample = 2, numOfChannels = 4)
def demuxer = streamN(streams) _
val cc = demuxer(2)
println(cc take 20 toList)
val bb = demuxer(1)
println(bb take 30 toList)

Regular expression puzzle

This is not homework, but an old exam question. I am curious to see the answer.
We are given an alphabet S={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,+}. Define the language L as the set of strings w from this alphabet such that w is in L if:
a) w is a number such as 42 or w is the (finite) sum of numbers such as 34 + 16 or 34 + 2 + 10
b) The number represented by w is divisible by 3.
Write a regular expression (and a DFA) for L.
This should work:
It works by having three states representing the sum of the digits so far modulo 3. It disallows leading zeros on numbers, and plus signs at the start and end of the string, as well as two consecutive plus signs.
Generation of regular expression and test bed:
a = r'0*(?:\+?(?:0\+)*[369]0*)*\+?(?:0\+)*'
b = r'a[147]'
c = r'a[258]'
r1 = '[369]|[147](?:bc)*(?:c|bb)|[258](?:cb)*(?:b|cc)'
r2 = '(?:0|(?:(?:' + r1 + ')0*)+)'
r3 = '^' + r2 + r'(?:\+' + r2 + ')*$'
r = r3.replace('b', b).replace('c', c).replace('a', a)
print r
# Test on 10000 examples.
import random, re
r = re.compile(r)
for _ in range(10000):
x = ''.join(random.choice('0123456789+') for j in range(random.randint(1,50)))
if'(?:\+|^)(?:\+|0[0-9])|\+$', x):
valid = False
valid = eval(x) % 3 == 0
result = re.match(r, x) is not None
if result != valid:
print 'Failed for ' + x
Note that my memory of DFA syntax is woefully out of date, so my answer is undoubtedly a little broken. Hopefully this gives you a general idea. I've chosen to ignore + completely. As AmirW states, abc+def and abcdef are the same for divisibility purposes.
Accept state is C.
Notice that the above language uses all 9 possible ABC pairings. It will always end at either A,B,or C, and the fact that every variable use is paired means that each iteration of processing will shorten the string of variables.
1490 = AACC = BCC = BC = B (Fail)
1491 = AACA = BCA = BA = C (Success)
Not a full solution, just an idea:
(B) alone: The "plus" signs don't matter here. abc + def is the same as abcdef for the sake of divisibility by 3. For the latter case, there is a regexp here:
to combine this with requirement (A), we can take the solution of (B) and modify it:
First read character must be in 0..9 (not a plus)
Input must not end with a plus, so: Duplicate each state (will use S for the original state and S' for the duplicate to distinguish between them). If we're in state S and we read a plus we'll move to S'.
When reading a number we'll go to the new state as if we were in S. S' states cannot accept (another) plus.
Also, S' is not "accept state" even if S is. (because input must not end with a plus).