Boost Serialization: Transition from versioned class to object_serializable - c++

TLDR: I would like to transition a class serialisation from implementation level object_class_info to object_serializable, keeping compatibility with old data files while always writing files in the new format.
Rationale: When I started using the Boost Serialization library, I didn’t realise that it already came with a header (complex.hpp) to serialise std::complex<double>. Instead, I wrote my own, free-standing serialisation function:
namespace boost { namespace serialization {
template<class Archive, typename T>
void serialize(Archive& ar, std::complex<T>& comp, const unsigned int version) {
ar & reinterpret_cast<T(&)[2]>(comp)[0];
ar & reinterpret_cast<T(&)[2]>(comp)[1];
This by default enables version and class info tracking, which slows code down quite a bit. The serialization function which comes with Boost is a fair bit faster.
I would now like to transition to using the Boost version always when writing out new data files, but still be able to read in old data files. Reading in new files with an old binary is not an issue.
The problem is that the new serialisation is not versioned (obviously). Further, I don’t even see how I could attempt to read in an archive using the old version of the code and immediately write it out again using the new version, as the deserialisation/serialisation traits are global properties.
What would be the best way to either a) transparently read in old and new files while always writing new files or b) reading in an old file and immediately writing it out in the new format?

You can keep the old implementation and use it if the file version is "old".
Use the boost version of complex serialization only when saving or when the file version is "new".
This should be trivial if you have an object containing the complex data to serialize, because can bump the version on the containing object to achieve this
Sample, using a simple wrapper to invoke the old style of serialization:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/complex.hpp>
template <typename T> struct old_format_wrapper {
T& wrapped;
old_format_wrapper(T& w) : wrapped(w) {}
template <typename T>
old_format_wrapper<T> old_format(T& w) { return {w}; }
namespace boost { namespace serialization {
template<class Archive, typename T>
void serialize(Archive& ar, old_format_wrapper<std::complex<T> >& comp, unsigned) {
ar & reinterpret_cast<T(&)[2]>(comp.wrapped)[0];
ar & reinterpret_cast<T(&)[2]>(comp.wrapped)[1];
} }
struct IHaveComplexData {
std::complex<double> data;
template <typename Ar> void serialize(Ar& ar, unsigned version) {
switch(version) {
case 0: { // old
auto wrap = old_format(data);
ar & wrap;
case 1: // new
ar & data; // uses boost serialization
int main() {
boost::archive::text_oarchive oa(std::cout);
IHaveComplexData o { { 2, 33 } };
oa << o;
std::istringstream iss("22 serialization::archive 13 0 0 0 0 2.00000000000000000e+00 3.30000000000000000e+01");
boost::archive::text_iarchive ia(iss);
IHaveComplexData o;
ia >> o;
std::cout <<;
Prints (depending on your boost version):
22 serialization::archive 13 0 0 0 0 2.00000000000000000e+00 3.30000000000000000e+01
Of course, you can now set BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(IHaveComplexData, 1)


Creating custom boost serialization output archive

I'm trying to use Boost serialization to serialize objects into a buffer. The objects are large (hundreds of MB) so I don't want to use binary_oarchive to serialize them into an std::stringstream to then copy-them into their final destination. I have a Buffer class which I would like to use instead.
The problem is, binary_oarchive takes an std::ostream as parameter, and this class's stream operator is not virtual, so I can't make my Buffer class inherit from it to be used by binary_oarchive. Similarly, I haven't found a way to inherit from binary_oarchive_impl that would let me use something else than std::ostream to serialize into.
So I looked into how to create an archive from scratch, here:, which I'm putting back here for reference:
#include <cstddef> // std::size_t
#include <boost/archive/detail/common_oarchive.hpp>
// class complete_oarchive
class complete_oarchive :
public boost::archive::detail::common_oarchive<complete_oarchive>
// permit serialization system privileged access to permit
// implementation of inline templates for maximum speed.
friend class boost::archive::save_access;
// member template for saving primitive types.
// Specialize for any types/templates that require special treatment
template<class T>
void save(T & t);
// public interface used by programs that use the
// serialization library
// archives are expected to support this function
void save_binary(void *address, std::size_t count);
But unless I misunderstood something, it looks like by defining my archive this way, I need to overload the save method for every single type I want to store, in particular STL types, which kind of defies the point of using Boost serialization altogether. If I don't define save at all, I'm getting compilation errors indicating that a save function could not be found, in particular for things like std::string and for boost-specific types like boost::archive::version_type.
So my question is: how would you make it possible, with Boost serialization, to serialize in binary format into a custom Buffer object, while retaining all the power of Boost (i.e. not having to redefine how every single STL container and boost type is serialized)?
This is something I've done pretty easily in the past with the Cereal library, unfortunately I'm stuck with Boost for this particular code base.
Don't create your own archive class. Like the commenter said, use the streambuf interface to your advantage. The upside is that things will work for any of the archive implementations, including binary archives, and perhaps more interestingly things like the EOS Portable Archive implementation.
The streambuf interface can be quite flexible. E.g. i've used it to implement hashing/equality operations:
Generate operator== using Boost Serialization?
In that answer I used Boost Iostreams with its Device concept to make implementing things simpler.
Now if your Buffer type (which you might have shown) has an interface that resembles most buffers (i.e. one or more (void*,size) pairs), you could use existing adapters present in Boost IOstreams. E.g.
Boost: Re-using/clearing text_iarchive for de-serializing data from Asio:receive()
where I show how to use Serialization with a re-usable fixed buffer. Here's the Proof Of Concept:
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/serialization.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/device/array.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/stream.hpp>
#include <sstream>
namespace bar = boost::archive;
namespace bio = boost::iostreams;
struct Packet {
int i;
template <typename Ar> void serialize(Ar& ar, unsigned) { ar & i; }
namespace Reader {
template <typename T>
Packet deserialize(T const* data, size_t size) {
static_assert(boost::is_pod<T>::value , "T must be POD");
static_assert(boost::is_integral<T>::value, "T must be integral");
static_assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(char) , "T must be byte-sized");
bio::stream<bio::array_source> stream(bio::array_source(data, size));
bar::text_iarchive ia(stream);
Packet result;
ia >> result;
return result;
template <typename T, size_t N>
Packet deserialize(T (&arr)[N]) {
return deserialize(arr, N);
template <typename T>
Packet deserialize(std::vector<T> const& v) {
return deserialize(, v.size());
template <typename T, size_t N>
Packet deserialize(boost::array<T, N> const& a) {
return deserialize(, a.size());
template <typename MutableBuffer>
void serialize(Packet const& data, MutableBuffer& buf)
bio::stream<bio::array_sink> s(, buf.size());
bar::text_oarchive ar(s);
ar << data;
int main() {
boost::array<char, 1024> arr;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
serialize(Packet { i }, arr);
Packet roundtrip = Reader::deserialize(arr);
assert(roundtrip.i == i);
std::cout << "Done\n";

Cereal std::vector serialization

I want to give a shot to cereal serialization library . I am at beginner level c++ and retired level at java :)
I try to serialize vector with it but cant.
Any suggestion ?
I have below codes and gives an error. What am I missing here ?
struct personv1 {
matrix<float, 0, 1 > _descriptor;
string person_name;
string notes;
matrix<rgb_pixel> s_chips;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & archive)
// serialize things by passing them to the archive
archive( _descriptor, person_name,notes , s_chips );
std::vector<personv1> person;
std::stringstream ss;
cereal::BinaryOutputArchive oarchive(ss); // Create an output archive
oarchive(person); // Write the data to the archive
} // archive goes out of scope, ensuring all contents are flushed
cereal::BinaryInputArchive iarchive(ss); // Create an input archive
iarchive(person); // Read the data from the archive
But it gives error:
---GUI-master-MAC/cereal/cereal.hpp:462: error: static_assert failed "cereal could not find any output serialization functions for the provided type and archive combination.
Types must either have a serialize function, load/save pair, or load_minimal/save_minimal pair (you may not mix these).
Serialize functions generally have the following signature:
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar)
ar( member1, member2, member3 );
static_assert(traits::detail::count_output_serializers<T, ArchiveType>::value != 0,
^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

How to write a wrapper for doubles to use with boost serialization?

The boost serialization library fails to handle special values for doubles correctly when using text archives. That is, trying to deserialize NaN, +inf or -inf will lead to an error (see e.g. this topic).
Therefore I want to write a wrapper class/method, similar to make_array or make_binary_object (see boost doc) to handle those values. I want to use it like this:
class MyClass {
double value;
template <class Archive>
void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int){
ar & Double_wrapper(value);
However, I fail to understand how wrapper classes work internally. Especially I do not understand, how they manage to preserve the connection to the original variable (in this case value) when deserializing.
I tried to write the wrapper like this:
#include <boost/serialization/split_member.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/wrapper.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/tracking.hpp>
#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
class Double_wrapper {
enum double_type {DT_NONE, DT_NAN, DT_INF, DT_NINF};
double& value;
Double_wrapper(double& val):value(val){}
Double_wrapper(Double_wrapper const& rhs):value(rhs.value) {}
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, const unsigned int) const {
double_type flag = DT_NONE;
double val = value;
if (!std::isfinite(val)) {
if (std::isnan(val)) {
flag = DT_NAN;
} else if (val > 0) {
flag = DT_INF;
} else {
flag = DT_NINF;
val = 0;
ar & val;
ar & flag;
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive & ar, const unsigned int) const {
double_type flag;
ar & value;
ar & flag;
switch (flag) {
case DT_NONE: break;
case DT_NAN: value = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); break;
case DT_INF: value = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); break;
case DT_NINF: value = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
BOOST_CLASS_TRACKING(Double_wrapper, boost::serialization::track_never)
However, this is more the result of a trial and error process, than of understanding how wrappers work. From this part of the doc I concluded, that I would need to declare the class as a wrapper. But it doesn't seem to work.
When I try to use above code with this MWE
#include <boost/serialization/split_member.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/wrapper.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/tracking.hpp>
#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
#include <boost/archive/tmpdir.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
class Double_wrapper {
enum double_type {DT_NONE, DT_NAN, DT_INF, DT_NINF};
double& value;
Double_wrapper(double& val):value(val){}
Double_wrapper(Double_wrapper const& rhs):value(rhs.value) {}
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, const unsigned int) const {
double_type flag = DT_NONE;
double val = value;
if (!std::isfinite(val)) {
if (std::isnan(val)) {
flag = DT_NAN;
} else if (val > 0) {
flag = DT_INF;
} else {
flag = DT_NINF;
val = 0;
ar & val;
ar & flag;
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive & ar, const unsigned int) const {
double_type flag;
ar & value;
ar & flag;
switch (flag) {
case DT_NONE: break;
case DT_NAN: value = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); break;
case DT_INF: value = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); break;
case DT_NINF: value = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
BOOST_CLASS_TRACKING(Double_wrapper, boost::serialization::track_never)
class MyClass {
double value;
template <class Archive>
void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int){
ar & Double_wrapper(value);
int main() {
MyClass tmp;
tmp.value = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
std::cout << "value=" << tmp.value << std::endl;
std::string filename(boost::archive::tmpdir());
filename += "/tmp.txt";
std::ofstream ofs(filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::out);
boost::archive::text_oarchive oar(ofs);
oar << tmp;
MyClass newtmp;
std::ifstream ifs(filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::in);
boost::archive::text_iarchive iar(ifs);
iar >> newtmp;
std::cout << "value=" << newtmp.value << std::endl;
it fails. It gives me the error
error: invalid initialization of non-const reference of type
‘Double_wrapper&’ from an rvalue of type ‘Double_wrapper’
for the line
ar & Double_wrapper(value);
So I am not sure what to do. It seems that using references doesn't work. Will pointers do the trick? Does this work at all?
Any help and/or explanation would be greatly appreciated!
I am using boost version 1.58 on Ubuntu.
The code seems to work with vc++ as mentioned in the comments. However, interpreting the statements made in this thread seems to suggest, that it in fact does not, since
The reason MSVC might have accepted it, nonetheless, could be because MSVC has an (evil) non-standard extension that extends lifetimes of temporaries, when bound to a non-const reference.
If I understand this correctly, it should not work anymore when shutting down the program after saving and trying to deserialize in a new instance.
As suggested by John Zwinck, there may be a workaround by replacing the call
ar & Double_wrapper(value);
Double_wrapper wrapper(value);
ar & wrapper;
However, this does not seem to be the intended behavior of a wrapper object for boost serialization. Moreover, it is unclear (to me) whether this solution is stable (I need it to run with every c++ compiler).
It seems to work on my computer with g++ 5.4.0 and clang++ 3.8.0. Furthermore it works with vc++ on Rextester (boost 1.6).
It produces an archive exception when run with g++ 4.9.3 on rextester (boost 1.54). I wasn't able to test it with clang 3.7 on rextester or g++ 6.1.0 on coliru yet due to (presumably unrelated) linker errors.
I think instead of this:
ar & Double_wrapper(value);
You should do this:
Double_wrapper wrapper(value);
ar & wrapper;
Reason being that your error message complains about the fact that you're using an rvalue where it wants an lvalue.

C++ - boost::any serialization

As far as I understand, there is no serialization (boost::serialization, actually) support for boost::any placeholder.
Does someone know if there is a way to serialize a custom boost::any entity?
The problem here is obvious: boost::any uses template-based placeholders to store objects and typeid to check if boost::any_cast is appropriate.
So, there is a custom abstract superclass placeholder and custom template-based derived classes, which are created the following way:
template <T> custom_placeholder : public placeholder {
virtual std::type_info type() const { return typeid(T); }
virtual ...
Obviously, this brings some troubles when even thinking about serializing this stuff. Maybe someone knows some trick to make such kind of serialization (and of course, proper deserialization)?
Thank you
If you want to stick with boost::any i am not sure but you can write your own "boost::any". I'm using this code for proxy methods to pass the parameters.
#include <iostream>
#include <boost\smart_ptr\scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/access.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/export.hpp>
#include <sstream>
class my_placeholder
virtual ~my_placeholder(){}
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
// serialize base class information
//ar & boost::serialization::base_object<bus_stop>(*this);
//ar & m_placeholder;
template<typename T>
class my_derivedplaceholder:
public my_placeholder
my_derivedplaceholder(T &value)
T m_value;
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
// serialize base class information
ar & boost::serialization::base_object<my_placeholder>(*this);
ar & m_value;
BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_GUID(my_derivedplaceholder<int>, "p<int>");
class my_any
template<typename T>
my_any(const T &value)
m_placeholder.reset(new my_derivedplaceholder<T>(const_cast<T&>(value)));
template<typename T>
void operator=(const T &value)
m_placeholder.reset(new my_derivedplaceholder<T>(const_cast<T&>(value)));
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
// serialize base class information
//ar & boost::serialization::base_object<bus_stop>(*this);
ar & m_placeholder;
template<typename T>
friend T my_anycast(my_any &val);
boost::shared_ptr<my_placeholder> m_placeholder;
template<typename T>
T my_anycast(my_any &val)
boost::shared_ptr<my_derivedplaceholder<T>> concrete=boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<my_derivedplaceholder<T>>(val.m_placeholder);
if (concrete.get()==NULL)
throw std::invalid_argument("Not convertible");
return concrete->m_value;
void main()
my_any m=10;
int a=my_anycast<int>(m);
std::cout << a << std::endl;
std::stringstream ss,ss2;
boost::archive::text_oarchive oa(ss);
oa << m;
boost::archive::text_iarchive ia(ss);
my_any m2;
ia >> m2;
std::cout << my_anycast<int>(m2) << std::endl;
It is not possible at all, at least for arbitrary types. Note that maybe you could serialize using some tricky code (like finding the size of the elements contained in the any), but the any code relies on the compiler statically putting the any type_code and the proper types inside the placeholder. You surely cannot do that in deserialization in C++, as the type that you'd get from the deserialization is not known at compile time (as required by the newly formed boost::any).
The best solution is to build some kind of specialized any type for the exact types of elements you're going to serialize. Then, you can have special cases for the actual type of element being deserialized, but note that each element type serialization/deserialization has to be phisically written as static C++ code.
PD. Some others suggested using boost::variant as a representation of this specialized type holding the exact types you're going to serialize. You need a way of discerning the exact type on deserialization, though (maybe assigning identifiers to types in the variant).
Assuming you have to use boost::any and you cannot switch to variant, a map<type_info const*, string(*)(any)> based solution could get you done.
You have to initialize at runtime such a map with all the types you plan to use. Of course, you can use something along the lines of
template <typename T>
struct any_serializer
static string perform(any a)
T const& x = any_cast<T const&>(a);
stringstream out;
out << x;
return out.str();
and populate the map with addresses of any_serializer<T>::perform under the key &typeid(T). You can specialize the class any_serializer and use some (ugly) macros to populate the map.
More difficult is of course the deserialization. I haven't had a look at boost::lexical_cast for a while, perhaps it can provide some help. I am afraid that this is totally problem-dependant. However, you only need one function, which takes a string and returns one any. You may also want to prepend your output string with a custom type identifier.
There is no need to create new class. Try to use xany
xany class allows to add new methods to any's existing functionality. By the way there is a example in documentation which does exactly what you want.

Mixing Qt with STL and Boost - are there any bridges to make it easy?

Are there any bridges to make mixing Qt with STL and Boost as seamless and easy as possible?
This is a followup to Mixing Qt and Boost, where no specific answers how to accomplish this were given.
What bridges do you need?
You can use all the Qt container classes with std algorithms.
Most of the time I prefer the Qt container classes because I'm sure they use the copy-on-write idiom (constant time operation). Qt's foreach function creates a copy of the container so its nice that you know for sure it is a constant time operation.
If the Qt signal slot mechanism is to slow you can switch to the boost alternative.
The great thing about Qt signal/slot is the signal/slot connection between two threads.
QtConcurrent works great with BOOST.Lambda
For "shared" child-parent relationship I use this helper function.
template <class Object>
static boost::shared_ptr<Object> makeSharedObject()
using namespace boost;
using namespace boost::lambda;
return boost::shared_ptr<Object>(
new Object(),
bind( &Object::deleteLater, _1 ) );
Qt containers are not supported by Boost.serialize, you'll have to write the serialize functions yourself.
I would love a bridge between the Qt streaming classes and Boost.archive.
Here is my QList serialization template you can figure out the rest of them ...
///\file document is based on "boost/serialization/list.hpp"
namespace boost {
namespace serialization {
/// Saves a QList object to a collection
template<class Archive, class U >
inline void save(Archive &ar, const QList< U > &t, const uint /* file_version */ )
boost::serialization::stl::save_collection< Archive, QList<U> >(ar, t);
/// Loads a QList object from a collection
template<class Archive, class U>
inline void load(Archive &ar, QList<U > &t, const uint /* file_version */ )
boost::serialization::stl::archive_input_seq<Archive, QList<U> >,
boost::serialization::stl::no_reserve_imp< QList<U> > >(ar, t);
/// split non-intrusive serialization function member into separate
/// non intrusive save/load member functions
template<class Archive, class U >
inline void serialize(Archive &ar, QList<U> &t, const uint file_version )
boost::serialization::split_free( ar, t, file_version);
} // namespace serialization
} // namespace boost
If you want Boost.Bind to handle QPointer as a normal pointer (like shared_ptr):
namespace boost {
template<typename T> T * get_pointer(QPointer<T> const& qPointer)
return qPointer;
Using QIODevice where a std::stream is needed
namespace boost {
namespace iostreams {
class IoDeviceSource
typedef char char_type;
typedef source_tag category;
explicit IoDeviceSource(QIODevice& source)
: m_source(source)
std::streamsize read(char* buffer, std::streamsize n)
return return, n);
QIODevice& m_source;
class IoDeviceSink {
typedef char char_type;
typedef sink_tag category;
explicit IoDeviceSink(QIODevice& sink)
: m_sink(sink)
std::streamsize write(const char_type* buffer, std::streamsize n)
return m_sink.write(buffer, n);
QIODevice &m_sink;
class IoDeviceDevice {
typedef char char_type;
typedef seekable_device_tag category;
explicit IoDeviceDevice(QIODevice& device)
:m_device(device) {
std::streamsize write(const char_type *buffer, std::streamsize n)
return m_device.write(buffer, n);
std::streamsize read(char* buffer, std::streamsize n)
return, n);
stream_offset seek(stream_offset off, std::ios_base::seekdir way)
using namespace std;
stream_offset next(0);
next = m_device.pos();
else if(way==ios_base::cur)
next = m_device.pos() + offset;
else if(way==ios_base::end)
next = m_device.size() -1 + offset;
throw ios_base::failure("bad seek direction");
if( ! )
throw ios_base::failure("bad seek offset");
return m_device.pos();
QIODevice &m_device;
#include <iostream>
#include <QFile>
#include <boost/iostreams/stream.hpp>
#include "iodevicestream.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
namespace io = boost::iostreams;
QVector<int> data;
QFile fl("temp.bin");;
io::stream<io::IoDeviceDevice> inoutput( fl );
std::copy(data.begin(), data.end(), std::ostream_iterator<int>(inoutput, "\n"));
inoutput.seekg(0, std::ios_base::beg);
std::cout << inoutput;
return 0;
What exactly is the problem?
You can ignore all the Qt collection classes if you want and use STL equivalents.
Similarly you can use Boost's cross platform file/network libs.
The main reason to use Qt's own is probably that boost isn't necessarily that widely available, especially on mobile devices. Some of Boost's libs are a little more complicated to use than the Qt ones for simple tasks.
In general you are going to fare better when using QT if you stick to the QT Collection classes rather than us STL. There is nothing per se in Qt, STL or Boost that would preclude using then within each other.
You would have to be careful when using smart pointers QT has parent/child relationship that can take care of destruction of objects, deallocating objects when they under control of Qt will make you crash.