Edit and delete objects via template - django

I'm trying to make an edit/delete records page for my project whereby the user can select check boxes allowing them to edit or delete multiple records in the database. I'm not really sure where to begin so any help would be greatly appreciated


How to provide permission to the user to access only one column in the created Microsoft Lists?

Am new to Microsoft Lists and trying to implement the library management system. Have prepared a list to show the book details using the 'From Excel' list. Need to restrict the permission based on the user role(admin, client).
For example, If a user needs to request a book, there might be a column to access for the user to send a request for the desired book. So that, an admin will get notified for the request and take action.
Similarly, from the list i created, i need to provide permission to the user to access only one column. The rest of the column can only be for view purposes.
Note: As i searched i found we can set permission like view, view, and edit, and stop sharing the list based on the roles of Members, Owners, and Visitors.
Could anyone please guide me on this?
It's not possible to configure column permission, the least permission is item-level. There is no column-level or view level permission.
Here are 2 possible solutions:
Make the target column read-only. Then develop another interface for the administrator to manage the data. For example, through SharePoint rest API, we can turn the column back to editable and post updates then immediately turn it to read-only.
Check Set List Column Read Only in SharePoint using PowerShell
How to update read only field
Hide the target column and make a calculated column then set its value equal to the target column. The user will only see those calculated columns, any updates on the target column will be reflected in calculated columns.
Check Make SharePoint Columns read-only without coding

Insert multiple child records in Access Web App

Would anyone be able to help me with inserting multiple records in a junction table when a new record is added? It needs to be done with Macros since this is an Access Web App on SharePoint. I tried to AddNewRecord within a ForEach Loop but it won't work. Any help is appreciated.

Magento products not visible via REST api addition

I'm currently running into the problem that I am using a webservice system to load products into magento.
I'm using the REST api in conjunction with Oauth to create products and assign a category. It works and when I go to the admin I can see the products as well as see they are properly assigned to the correct category. When I open the category management in the management console i can see i have (example: 106) items assigned in the category.
However, the problem is: It does not show in the site.. even with refreshing anything that is cache or index.
When I open up the management console and open 1 article and save it without changing any other property and then Save it. I can suddenly see the item in the front end webshop...
I'm lost to why this occurs.. also for 19k product updates it is becoming a bit of an annoying bit of work to update this amount of products since any bulk update method does not do the same as editing just 1 product at a time.
Any help is much appreciated.
In the end I have discovered the answer myself. Thought it might be nice to list it here as well.
In the 'rights' tab i added all the accessrights for the user using the api. This allowed me to read products etc. Very stupid mistake but somehow I overlooked this at first.
IF you'd expect security errors.. you wont get any. just empty lists and null responses.

Redmine - how to add an activity in the DDL

Wow.I cant believe how raw redmine setup is.
Anyway..I wanted to update a ticket in a project and there is a activity drop down list. I cant save unless I specify an activity. There is none. How do I populate a list of activities from the UI?
Time tracking activities: The content of the drop-down are in the global setting, relevant redmine guide link.
By the way, if you don't enter anything for spent time and the related comment in the Log time section, you don't have to select an activity.

Is it possible to include a database view in a JPA/EclipseLink CriteriaQuery?

I am working on a project that needs to be able to create dynamic queries into an H2 database. This also includes a full text search with built-in H2 logic, tables, and triggers.
I have been trying to figure out how to add that full-text search into my CriteriaQuery but keep running into the road block that the tables used aren't entities in my model. I could add them as entities, but I don't want them created automatically by EclipseLink when a new database file is created since there is a function in H2 that creates the tables and does other necessary housekeeping.
I had tried the path of creating a view to query the full text tables to give me the information I need in the format I need. But I still keep running into the same problem that that view is not an Entity.
Has anyone encountered this situation before and/or figured out a way around it?