Can WSO2 MB handle HTTP requests? - wso2

I've been working with WSO2 Message Broker in order to publish and consume messages through jms and other clients. I've gone through the official documentation including the samples.
What I want to know is that, is it possible for WSO2 MB to handle http requests directly instead of jms. Yes you can do something like this, by converting http to jms through WSO2 ESB which seems like a long process.
ie: I mean having http as the end point or the transport to publish and consume messages directly in WSO2 Message Broker.

In order to achieve this, you will have to use ESB + MB set up as explained at [1]. What you can do is to use ESB to wrap JMS functionality using a HTTP client. It is recommended to use ESB externally in a separate JVM when using this setup.


Using wso2dss as AMQP consumer

I am using RabbitMq as my message queue and I have to use AMQP protocol in my application. I am publishing messages to my queues in RabbitMq and consume the messages using nodejs client. As an enhancement I want to omit the nodejs consumer client and replace it with WSO2 Data Service Server, since currently the nodejs client calls the services hosted on wso2-dss, after fetching them from queue.
I searched a lot and I didn't find proper way to do this without using wso2-esb. I may be able to solve my problem with qpid client, but I really need help.
Please go through and to get an idea about RabbitMq transport.ESB provides inbuilt RabbitMq transport But for DSS you may have to install required features.
You can directly use the DSS JMS transport[1] to achieve this, because RabbitMQ support JMS.

How can I realize "protocol mediation" in a WSO2 ESB project?

I am studying how to realize a real "protocol mediation" using a WSO2 ESB used for collecting several messages in different protocols (http, amqp, mqtt...) and data format.
How can I use ESB features (mediators, for example) in order to realize a real synergy among several different protocols? Do I need some other modules of WSO2 or the ESB can make it on his own?
I hope my first question is clear.
Edit: i would need to treat XML files, exactly SDMX files. Can I transport them mediating an SDMX message in a simple XML message? Thx.
For the protocol mediation,(ie: protocol switching) you can try out Proxy services, which receive message from one protocol and sending to another service endpoint which runs on another protocol. When the message pass through the system, you can use mediators to modify the messages.
You can follow the documentation for further information

Sending large payloads via WSO2 ESB

I'm trying to do some load testing on the WSO2 ESB, and I have a SOAP message with a large payload that I'd like to send (10+MB, sometimes reaching 50 inbound, and sometimes even 300 outbound).
I'm using curl to send the messages, first to the backend SOPAUI service. This goes through fine. However when I send the message via a proxy service on the ESB, curl fails to finish uploading the file, and gets slower and slower as the upload progresses. The logs from the ESB do not seem to be reporting anything useful.
I have set the timeout on this to 20 minutes, and it still does not complete. Turning on MTOM has no effect, and I am using a simple passthrough proxy. The proxy service functions fine with small message sizes.
What else can I look into to get this working? If it is indeed possible.
You could try to configure Message Relay
in repository/conf/axis2.xml, you configure :
org.wso2.carbon.relay.BinaryRelayBuilder as the messageBuilder's class associated with your contentType (text/xml for exemple if soap11 of application/soap+xml with soap12)
org.wso2.carbon.relay.ExpandingMessageFormatter as the messageFormatter's class
Have a look there :
Turned out I had to switch to using the NHTTP transport rather than the Passthrough transport, thanks to this question here for prompting looking into this: WSO2 ESB unknown error code 102511
Requires an edit in carbon.xml, detailed in the accepted answer from the link above.

Proxy for an HTTP request WSO2 ESB

I wonder if it is possible to send an HTTP request throuht WSO2 ESB. I have an integration with a system that consist only in invoking an URL... it would be like a kind of redirection.
Can I do that in WSO2 ESB?
I have found this link about restfull services in WSO2 ESB:
I think this is a better way to handle http requests & responses in wso2 esb, rather than the way they are treated in the links you provide. What do you think about that?
Below links will be help you to find a solution to your question.

More than 1500 proxyes with JMS transport, WSO2 ESB 4.0.3 and Activemq

Is there developers who have been succeeded deployed to wso2 esb more than 1500 proxy services
with jms transport without any problems?
deploying process must be very fast
wso2esb use activemq client libraries and activemq brocker
someone please help me!
This should be possible. There is no limitation on the number of proxies that an ESB can have.
You may try this with using the hot deployment capabilities of WSO2 ESB.
You may create a bunch of proxy services and place them inside:
Then the proxies with get automatically deployed..
proxy_1.xml, proxy_2.xml, proxy_3.xml,..., proxy_1500.xml etc.
However, having this number of proxy services, gives some indication of some anti-pattern in your SOA. Please review whether you need this much of proxy services in your solution architecture.