Google Maps Geolocation API returns the latitude and longitude of my server - amazon-web-services

During my testing the Geolocation API use to return proper result.
But in deployment on AWS it is returning me the IP address of Virginia where my EC2 instances are located.
"cellId": 27193,
"locationAreaCode": 17007,
"mobileCountryCode": 404,
"mobileNetworkCode": 20
"lat": 19.2019619,
"lng": 73.1063466
But on AWs it returns:
"lat": 39.043756699999996
"lng": -77.4874416
params = {
data = json.dumps({
"cellTowers": [
"cellId": cid,
"locationAreaCode": lac,
"mobileCountryCode": mcc,
"mobileNetworkCode": mnc
request =, params=params, data=data)
# print(request.text)
# print(request.status_code)
if request.status_code == 200:
response = json.loads(request.text)
latitude = response["location"]["lat"]
longitude = response["location"]["lng"]
return {
"latitude": latitude,
"longitude": longitude
error_data = request.text
log.error("Error Occurred in Finding Cell Tower Location")
return None

Answer is so simple and how silly of me assuming that not adding header would not affect me.
By just adding the header with application/json everything is working like a charm.
params = {
data = json.dumps({
"considerIp": False,
"cellTowers": [
"cellId": cid,
"locationAreaCode": lac,
"mobileCountryCode": mcc,
"mobileNetworkCode": mnc
headers = {
'content-type': "application/json",
'cache-control': "no-cache"
request =, params=params, data=data, headers=headers)


Bittrex REST API for Python, I want to create an order using API v3

I need help to create orders using the bittrex version 3 REST API. I have the code below and I can't understand what is missing to work.
I can make other GET calls, but I cannot make this POST request.
I don't know how to deal with the passing of parameters.
Official documentation at
def NewOrder(market, amount, price):
#print 'open sell v3', market
market = 'HEDG-BTC'#'BTC-'+market
uri = ''
params = {
'marketSymbol': 'BTC-HEDG',#'HEDG-BTC', #market
'direction': 'BUY',
'type': 'LIMIT',
'quantity': amount,
'limit': price,
'useAwards': True
timestamp = str(int(time.time()*1000))
Content = ""
contentHash = hashlib.sha512(Content.encode()).hexdigest()
Method = 'POST'
uri2 = buildURI(uri, params)
#uri2 = ''
#print uri2
PreSign = timestamp + uri2 + Method + contentHash# + subaccountId
#print PreSign
Signature =, PreSign.encode(), hashlib.sha512).hexdigest()
headers = {
'Api-Key' : apikey,
'Api-Timestamp' : timestamp,
'Api-Content-Hash': contentHash,
'Api-Signature' : Signature
r =, data={}, headers=headers, timeout=11)
return json.loads(r.content)
NewOrder('HEDG', 1.1, 0.00021)
And my error message:
{u'code': u'BAD_REQUEST', u'data': {u'invalidRequestParameter': u'direction'}, u'detail': u'Refer to the data field for specific field validation failures.'}
It seems from the documentation that this body is expected by the api as json data:
"marketSymbol": "string",
"direction": "string",
"type": "string",
"quantity": "number (double)",
"ceiling": "number (double)",
"limit": "number (double)",
"timeInForce": "string",
"clientOrderId": "string (uuid)",
"useAwards": "boolean"
and you are setting these values as url params that's the issue.
you need to do this:
uri = ''
# NOTE >>>> please check that you provide all the required fields.
payload = {
'marketSymbol': 'BTC-HEDG',#'HEDG-BTC', #market
'direction': 'BUY',
'type': 'LIMIT',
'quantity': amount,
'limit': price,
'useAwards': True
# do rest of the stuffs as you are doing
# post payload as json data with the url given in doc
r =, json=payload, headers=headers, timeout=11)
If you still have issues let us know. If it works then please mark answer as accepted.
Hope this helps.
I made the following modifications to the code but started to give error in 'Content-Hash'
I'm assuming that some parameters are optional so they are commented.
def NewOrder(market, amount, price):
market = 'BTC-'+market
uri = ''
payload = {
'marketSymbol': market,
'direction': 'BUY',
'type': 'LIMIT',
'quantity': amount,
#"ceiling": "number (double)",
'limit': price,
#"clientOrderId": "string (uuid)",
'useAwards': True
#ceiling (optional, must be included for ceiling orders and excluded for non-ceiling orders)
#clientOrderId (optional) client-provided identifier for advanced order tracking
timestamp = str(int(time.time()*1000))
Content = ''+json.dumps(payload, separators=(',',':'))
print Content
contentHash = hashlib.sha512(Content.encode()).hexdigest()
Method = 'POST'
#uri2 = buildURI(uri, payload)#line not used
print uri
#PreSign = timestamp + uri2 + Method + contentHash# + subaccountId
PreSign = timestamp + uri + Method + contentHash# + subaccountId
print PreSign
Signature =, PreSign.encode(), hashlib.sha512).hexdigest()
headers = {
'Api-Key' : apikey,
'Api-Timestamp' : timestamp,
'Api-Content-Hash': contentHash,
'Api-Signature' : Signature
r =, json=payload, headers=headers, timeout=11)
return json.loads(r.content)
NewOrder('HEDG', 1.5, 0.00021)
Bittrex API via requests package PYTHON
import hmac
import hashlib
import time, requests
nonce = str(int(time.time() * 1000))
content_hash = hashlib.sha512(''.encode()).hexdigest()
signature =
''.join([nonce, url, 'GET', content_hash]).encode(),
headers = {
'Api-Timestamp': nonce,
'Api-Key': '<API_KEY>',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Api-Content-Hash': content_hash,
'Api-Signature': signature
result = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers)

How to manipulate strings and array in Apache Velocity request mapping template in AWS appSync

This is my first time working with VTL, so please correct my code if there is something very silly in it.
What I want to achieve
"cities": ["jaipur", "mumbai", "delhi", "sheros", "jalandhar", "bengaluru"]
Graphql schema:
type Query{
getCitiesForGroups: String
Default response template:
$utils.error($ctx.error.message, $ctx.error.type)
Using the default response template, the result I was getting
{ "data": { "getCitiesForGroups": [ "{groupcity=jaipur}", "{groupcity=mumbai}", "{groupcity=delhi}", "{groupcity=sheros}", "{groupcity=jalandhar}", "{groupcity=bengaluru}" ] } }
My request template
"version": "2018-05-29",
"statements": [
"select DISTINCT LOWER(city) as city from public.Groups"
To get the desired output, I changed the response template as I wanted to loop over the response I got from the DB, and remove the {city=} from the string by using the substring method given in AWS resolver mapping docs and this is where I am facing the problem.
My response template
$utils.error($ctx.error.message, $ctx.error.type)
#set ($rawListOfCities = $utils.rds.toJsonObject($ctx.result)[0])
#set ($sanitisedListOfCities = [])
#foreach( $city in $rawListOfCities )
#set ($equalToIndex = $city.indexOf("="))
#set ($equalToIndex = $equalToIndex + 1)
#set ($curlyLastIndex = $city.lastIndexOf("}"))
#set ($tempCity = $city.substring($equalToIndex, $curlyLastIndex))
## #set ($tempCity = $city)
The response that I am getting:
"data": {
"getCitiesForGroups": "[null, null, null, null, null, null]"
However, when I use the line #set ($tempCity = $city) and comment out the line above it, I get the following response:
"data": {
"getCitiesForGroups": "[{city=jaipur}, {city=mumbai}, {city=delhi}, {city=sheros}, {city=jalandhar}, {city=bengaluru}]"
Which means $city has the value {city=jaipur}, so which I want to sanitize and add it to ($sanitisedListOfCities) and return it as the response.
But I am getting null as the result substring method.
So how can I sanitize the response from DB and return it?
I had a similar issue and this is how I solved it.
First, your Graphql schema should look like,
type Query {
getCitiesForGroups: cityList
type cityList {
cities: [String]
Your request mapping template,
"version": "2018-05-29",
"statements": [
"select DISTINCT LOWER(city) as city from public.Groups"
And finally your response mapping template
#set($cityList = [])
#set($resMap = {})
$utils.error($ctx.error.message, $ctx.error.type)
#foreach($item in $utils.rds.toJsonObject($ctx.result)[0])
$util.qr($resMap.put("cities", $cityList))
Expected response(complete)
"data": {
"getCitiesForGroups": {
"cities": [
I hope this helps you.

Python script for creating Space on Cloud Confluence

I have over 700 Projects for which I have to create Spaces on Confluence Cloud. Doing this manually is not feasible. Have to come up with some script or tool that reads the information from Text File and creates the spaces. I have programming background - Python and Java. Can someone suggest a solution for achieving this please?
Here is the code snippet for reading the space and page names from excel and creating them in Confluence cloud -
import requests
import json
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from collections import defaultdict
filename = "path/PjtExport.xlsx"
wb = load_workbook(filename)
sheet = wb["Sheet1"]
confdict = defaultdict(list)
for i1 in range(2,10) :
if(str(sheet.cell(row=i1, column=1).value) != "None") :
spaceName = str(sheet.cell(row=i1, column=1).value)
keyName = spaceName.replace(" ","")
if not(confdict.keys().__contains__(spaceName)):
url = ''
auth = HTTPBasicAuth('', 'abcabcabc')
headers = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
payload = json.dumps({
"key": keyName,
"name": spaceName,
"description": {
"plain": {
"value": "Test space created in Python - XL Int",
"representation": "storage"
response = requests.request(
res_data = response.json()
spaceID = str((res_data["homepage"]["id"]))
pageName = str(sheet.cell(row=i1, column=2).value)
url = ""
auth = HTTPBasicAuth('', 'abcabcabc')
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
payload = json.dumps({
"copyAttachments": True,
"copyPermissions": True,
"copyProperties": True,
"copyLabels": True,
"copyCustomContents": True,
"destinationPageId": spaceID,
"titleOptions": {
"prefix": pageName + " ",
"replace": "",
"search": ""
response = requests.request(
page_data = response.json()
#spaceID = str((res_data["homepage"]["id"]))

aws lambda returning response card throwing a null fulfillmentState error in Amazon Lex?

I have written this function which returns fine when it is just returning as a String. I have followed the syntax for the response card very closely and it passes my test case in lambda. However when it's called through Lex it throws an error which i'll post below. It says fulfillmentState cannot be null but in the error it throws it shows that it is not null.
I have tried switching the order of the dialogue state and response card, i have tried switching the order of "type" and "fulfillmentState". Function:
def backup_phone(intent_request):
back_up_location = get_slots(intent_request)["BackupLocation"]
phone_os = get_slots(intent_request)["PhoneType"]
from googlesearch import search
except ImportError:
print("No module named 'google' found")
# to search
query = "How to back up {} to {}".format(phone_os, back_up_location)
result_list = []
for j in search(query, tld="com", num=5, stop=5, pause=2):
return {
"dialogAction": {
"fulfilmentState": "Fulfilled",
"type": "Close",
"contentType": "Plain Text",
'content': "Here you go",
'responseCard': {
'contentType': 'application/vnd.amazonaws.card.generic',
'version': 1,
'genericAttachments': [{
'title': "Please select one of the options",
'subTitle': "{}".format(query),
'buttons': [
"text": "{}".format(result_list[0]),
"value": "test"
screenshot of test case passing in lambda:
screenshot of error throw in Lex:
Text for the error in Lex:
"An error has occurred: Invalid Lambda Response: Received invalid response from Lambda: Can not construct instance of CloseDialogAction, problem: fulfillmentState must not be null for Close dialog action at [Source: {"dialogAction": {"fulfilmentState": "Fulfilled", "type": "Close", "contentType": "Plain Text", "content": "Here you go"}, "responseCard": {"contentType": "application/vnd.amazonaws.card.generic", "version": 1, "genericAttachments": [{"title": "Please select one of the options", "subTitle": "How to back up Iphone to windows", "buttons": [{"text": "", "value": "test"}]}]}}; line: 1, column: 121]"
I fixed the issue by sending everything i was trying to return through a function, and then storing all the info in the correct syntax into an object, which i then returned from the function. Relevant code below:
def close(session_attributes, fulfillment_state, message, response_card):
response = {
'sessionAttributes': session_attributes,
'dialogAction': {
'type': 'Close',
'fulfillmentState': fulfillment_state,
'message': message,
"responseCard": response_card,
return response
def backup_phone(intent_request):
back_up_location = get_slots(intent_request)["BackupLocation"]
phone_os = get_slots(intent_request)["PhoneType"]
from googlesearch import search
except ImportError:
print("No module named 'google' found")
# to search
query = "How to back up {} to {}".format(phone_os, back_up_location)
result_list = []
for j in search(query, tld="com", num=1, stop=1, pause=1):
return close(intent_request['sessionAttributes'],
{'contentType': 'PlainText',
'content': 'test'},
{'version': 1,
'contentType': 'application/vnd.amazonaws.card.generic',
'genericAttachments': [
'title': "{}".format(query.lower()),
'subTitle': "Please select one of the options",
"imageUrl": "",
"attachmentLinkUrl": "{}".format(result_list[0]),
'buttons': [
"text": "{}".format(result_list[0]),
"value": "Thanks"

YouTube API returns zero results

I'm using YouTube API to retrieve videos data. I have a list of videos IDs.
For some of the videos the results that returns are normal and for some of them the API returns zero results. Via my browser all the results are valid.
Here is my code:
def getVideoDuration(self,videoId):
content = urllib2.urlopen("" + videoId +"&key=" + self.DEVELOPER_KEY).read()
jsonContent= json.loads(content)
duration = jsonContent['items'][0].values()[0]['duration']
if len(duration) == 7:
minutes = jsonContent['items'][0].values()[0]['duration'][2]
seconds = jsonContent['items'][0].values()[0]['duration'][4:6]
if len(duration) == 5:
minutes = 0
seconds = jsonContent['items'][0].values()[0]['duration'][2:4]
print minutes,seconds
totalTime = str(minutes) + "." + str(seconds)
return float(totalTime)
return 0.0
For the ID: 'fu5K2cOeD4M' my code return zero results, but via my browser the results are normal (JSON response attached):
"kind": "youtube#videoListResponse",
"etag": "\"0KG1mRN7bm3nResDPKHQZpg5-do/wTtZkXqw81l7Hq6-GrLwJ3wRQ5w\"",
"pageInfo": {
"totalResults": 1,
"resultsPerPage": 1
"items": [
"kind": "youtube#video",
"etag": "\"0KG1mRN7bm3nResDPKHQZpg5-do/jrxp-dHXG3s3ujaIjyq15GWV7V8\"",
"id": "fu5K2cOeD4M",
"contentDetails": {
"duration": "PT8M15S",
"dimension": "2d",
"definition": "sd",
"caption": "false",
"licensedContent": false
"statistics": {
"viewCount": "18358",
"likeCount": "166",
"dislikeCount": "1",
"favoriteCount": "0",
"commentCount": "33"
I tried to delay between my requests using time.sleep(), but it didn't help me.
The problem was that i sent the request i added an extra character