Any risks format Django project using format plugin in IDE? - django

What's the potential risks if I want to do the code format (PEP8) for an already existing, working Django project using format plugin in IDE, will it break the system? If it could, plz provide some examples, so I could try to avoid 'em. Many thanks.

All depend to plugin you want to add in your IDE! Pep8 is a python conventions help you to make a pretty python code source ( you can read this).
If plugin have bugs or not compatible with version of you ide it can crash IDE load not a system. Before add plugin you must read all comments on it !


MySQL with C++ program

I need to write a C++ Windows App to fetch data from a text file stored in a web site (http:.../my.txt) and contains data as follows :
m[mi++]="16.11.12 11:35:00|3366;3448;5352;431|3426;3508;5421;438|3396;3480;5364;443|3515;3598;5560;437|3622;3704;5741;472|3483;3561;5193;442|3454;3536;5464;440|3748;3835;5527;474|3385;3469;5367;436|3326;3413;4800;701;24|8092;8274;12800;688;30"
m[mi++]="19.12.12 11:35:00|3366;3448;5352;431|3426;3508;5421;438|3396;3480;5364;443|3515;3598;5560;437|3622;3704;5741;472|3483;3561;5193;442|3454;3536;5464;440|3748;3835;5527;474|3385;3469;5367;436|3326;3413;4800;701;24|8092;8274;12800;688;30"
I need to read the first 2 inputs of data (start with m[mi++]) each 2 minutes and take the first two parameters from each ones and store it in mySQL table as a script file as follows
Date Data
16.11.12 11:35:00 3366;3448;5352;431
19.12.12 11:35:00 3366;3448;5352;431
Which C++ IDE (not MS visual studio) that is good to use with MySQL without any complication. I tried Netbeans and Eclipse but I've got errors with both MinG and Cygwin
Actually, its not about IDE. Everyting should work almost everywhere (if you have up to date compiller and set things up correctly). I personally use MSVS and mysql++ library. Everything work just fine.
There is no such a thing as IDE for C++ and MySQL development. Just use IDE you want and add libraries correctly. You didnt wrote, what library are you using, so I cant help you more.
I would say that CodeLite ( or Code::Blocks ( are decent alternatives. You might need to Checkout wxDevCpp (DevCpp is dead), Anjuta, KDevelop, QT Creator and more.
I personally find MSVS a complicated IDE also I personally believe Eclipse and Netbeans should be used in Java (they Work with C++ both with right plugins)
My personal vote to CodeLite

Developing for BlackBerry with IntelliJ

I wonder if someone has idea about next.
I'm developing for BlackBerry. IDEA doesn't recognize RIM installation as JSDK or Mobile SDK. So I have create project without SDK and attach RIM jar file as dependency.
I'm trying to write as much as possible unit test with JUnit and Mockito but to run them IDEA requires JSDK. So I created additional module where I set JSDK, correct language level and it works. It's already hassle to create additional module (better if we could set JSDK and other compiler, runtime options for code and tests) but I was quite happy.
I have also dependencies for some common libraries which we use in android and J2ME also. I added them as modules with JSDK 1.6 and language level 1.3. And I able to develop and run test on it also.
But I got issue with LEDA EAP. IDEA now complaints about incompatibility with java.lang because it found them both in RIM jar and JSDK for libraries. And now I'm thinking about next hassle to fix my favorite ide. Sure it's EAP and things could be changed.
But anyone has any recommendation or similar situation setup?

how to create installer file

I am currectly finishing my project in C++ and i'm looking for a way to create my own C++ installer file
which will create the project dll's and exe files into a specific path
what is the easier way to learn how to do it?
There are several ways to build an installer. While you can of course always make one yourself, you should google for something like "create an installer". Some prebuilt solutions include "InstallShield", or the ".msi" file format, which you can create on your own using something like "Advanced Installer".
Of course, if you want your users to build your project from source, then you need a makefile and to make sure you bundle all the libraries. There are also kits like autotools to do that for you.
If you use VS 2010, Installshield LE would suffice as it is integrated into VS 2010.
If you have access to Installshield IDE, there is nothing better available for your packaging needs.
There are two ways of packaging:
a) The LEGACY way
b) The Windows Installer way, Basic MSI is the keyword here.
The LEGACY way involves creating your own scripts for:
a) Installing the files to their locations
b) Writing registry entries, if needed
c) Registering COM components, if needed
d) Creating shortcuts etc...
Tools that can be used for LEGACY approach are:
a) NSIS - very good and has a scripting language of its own.
b) Installshield - has a project type called Installscript Project. Installscript is the scripting language to be used.
The Windows Installer way is a bit hard comapred to the LEGACY way.
One has to learn the basics of MSI technology which can be daunting.
The package created has .msi as extension. This file is a database that the developer configures and the Windows Installer takes care of all other things. This is called TRANSACTIONAL installation procedure.
Even the UI presented during install is configured in the Database using tables like Dialog, Controls etc...
Tools that can be used for Windows Installer approach are:
a) Installshield - has a project type called Basic MSI
b) Wix - Opensource and xml based. You configure appropriately named xml files and various utilities in the Wix package will help you to create an MSI package.
First after completing your project click save. Second click on file tab,Add,New Project.
In new Project Click other Project types , Setup and Deployment and in that You can click InstallShield LE or Visual Studio Installer.
Hope this Helped you
I always recommend NSIS. You might also investigate HM Nis Edit - it's an IDE for NSIS that has a useful wizard feature. It will generate an installer script for you which you can further customize. The documentation is extensive.
can't believe no one mentioned install creator pro(there is also a free version with a branded message that displays after installing). Its feature set is pretty limited, though it has options for writing registry values and specifying custom paths to %AppData% or any other place you may want to install some files. it also has an optional wizard interface, and with each step you have the oppurtunity to preview each individual page.
the paid version offers the option for adding serial number/registration to your program. i've never tried it so i'm not sure how effective it may be. its also quite and expensive little program, but i would recommend it atleast to the beginner or someone who is more concerned with maintaining the codebase of their program and less concerned with how fancy and decorated their installer program is.
i know its been a long time since this was posted but for future reference this program is far easier for any beginner to creating installation packages for the first time

Apply VST audio effect/plugin to audio-file

This is my first question after leeching over here for some time.. So spare me.
I need to apply the iZotope Vinyl VST effect to some audio files via CLI or C++ (so language doesn't really matter), it has to work on a Mac or on a Unix based system. I've researched all over the webs and can't find any working solution.
I've tried using MissWatson, a command line utility, this works but my result audio files are silent...
./MissWatson -plugin=Vinyl -input-file="/Users/Sjaq/Desktop/test.wav" -output-file="/Users/Sjaq/Downloads/MissWatson-v1.0-mac/res.wav" -parameter=1:0.6,2:0.6,11:0.4
Then I tried using the Steinberg VST SDK by creating a host application, starting from the vstvalidator provided by the SDK. But when I try to load the VST I get this error:
2010-12-01 16:57:40.774 vstvalidator[4654:903] Error loading /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Vinyl.vst/Contents/MacOS/Vinyl: dlopen(/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Vinyl.vst/Contents/MacOS/Vinyl, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:
/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Vinyl.vst/Contents/MacOS/Vinyl: no matching architecture in universal wrapper
And I don't know what to do. I'm pretty new to C++ and and made a few apps without any issues, but this time I've hit a dead end.
I've read about pyvst but it seems to need a DLL for the VST so that didn't work either.
I'm the author of MissWatson, and as you probably noticed on the webpage, I unfortunately was required to close-source the code, so I can't really ask you for more diagnostic information, since I wouldn't be able to patch MissWatson if it's a bug there. However, I would recommend running MissWatson with the -verbose switch and perhaps logging that output to file if that floods your terminal. You might find something in that output which helps you to diagnose the problem.
Anyways, as for the error in your VST host, I have a feeling that you are compiling your app as a 64-bit executable and trying to load a 32-bit plugin. Since hardly any VST/AU plugins (and also sequencers, for that matter) have made the leap to 64-bit, you'd be better off just compiling your app as a 32-bit x86 binary.
By default, the "debug" configuration in Xcode only builds your app for the native architecture of your machine to save time during compilation. I would advise that you disable this feature in your project's build settings and always build with the architectures you plan to ship with. This will prevent weird cross-architecture types of errors like the one you saw above.
Edit: I have since started a new command-line VST host to replace MissWatson which is called MrsWatson. You should try using this tool instead.
Perhaps you can port the source code of this open source vst host to match your platforms?
Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
Hope it helps.

Eclipse CDT Custom Compiler Error Parsing Plugin

I'm using an uncommon C compiler with Eclipse CDT. I have a make file setup which is nice, but I'd like IDE integration with the error / warning output of my compiler.
Does anybody know what steps I can take to write a plugin for parsing / supporting my compilers output? I think it should be easy but there is a barrier of entry of figuring out where to start. Would be nice if Eclipse would let me do New -> Compiler Error Parser Plugin, or something like that.
It's not quite that simple...
First of all make sure you have the Eclipse PDE (Plug-in Development Environment) and CDT SDK installed. If not then you'll need to tell Eclipse to download them (Help -> Install New Software).
Then, create a new Plug-In project. In its Extensions tab, add a new extension against point org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParser. You will then have to write some java code to actually implement it. Fortunately the PDE makes the meta-work relatively straightforward; you put the name of your class in the appropriate box and click on the "class*" hyperlink and it will offer to create a skeleton class for you.
I suggest you grab the source code to the CDT and have a look at as an illustration of the sorts of things yours will have to do.
Finally, when you're ready to test it, set up a debug configuration of type Eclipse Application. (This will spawn a second instance of Eclipse; it has to use a different workbench.) Go into the properties of your C project, Settings panel, Error Parsers tab and switch on your shiny new error parser.
In Eclipse CDT 7.0.1 it's pretty simple. Just add a new error parser
under Window -> Preferences -> C/C++ Build -> Settings
and add regular expression with 3 groups: filename, linenumber and error description.
For example, for Visual Studio compiler regexp will be:
$1 - filename
$2 - line number
$3 - error description
IBM has published a step-by-step guide to how you can write your own CDT parser, its available here
Relevant google search for future proofing should be:
In CDT 7 there is going to be a regular expression error parser included which should make this sort of thing much simpler. There are some details on the faq.
CDT 7.0 won't be released until the end of June, but you could try milestone builds to see if it does what you want. These can be downloaded here. You'll need to have a matching milestone version of the eclipse platform too.
I am using this plugin:
is this working ?
file: $1
line: $2
desc: $3
In CDT 8 this functionality does not require a plugin. I have support for several compilers and build systems using simple regular expressions. See screenshot here. You can test the regexes directly in the console output before copying them to this dialog. If you need to move them between machines, the resulting parsers are stored in your workspace under .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.cdt.core