WebStorm "Run 'index.html'" not working on remote project - webstorm

I use Run 'index.html' a lot in WebStorm. It allows me to run my application on a mini webserver locally on my computer.
However, I have a project that has a connection to a FTP host (my eventual destination for my web files).
When I have this connection in my project settings and I Run 'index.html' the browser opens at : wwww.example.com/index.html, instead of http://localhost:1234/index.html.
How do I tell WebStorm to run locally? Do I have to delete all my FTP connection settings every time I want to test something locally?

Just as #LazyOne mentioned, when your have a default webserver configured in Deployment preferences, it is used for previewing instead of the built-in server; the best solution is using Run configuration with the built-in server URL for running your application. But, as run configurations created from right-click menu always have the default server URL pre-configured, you need to edit created configurations in Run/Edit configurations dialog.
BTW, there is a feature request to optionally use built-in webserver for previewing files in browser regardless of deployment settings, WEB-18958. Please vote for it to be notified on any progress


wso2is start in developer mode

I'm working with WSO2 Identity Server and I'm curious if there is a way to run the product in developer mode without building each component of identity server. I found a way to start the "My Account" component in dev mode by following this tutorial ( https://is.docs.wso2.com/en/5.11.0/develop/setting-up-my-account-in-a-dev-environment/ )
but I want to be able to modify different components such as recovery-portal and authentication-portal by forking and cloning the required github repositories and starting the entire app in developer mode in order to see the code changes in real-time.
AFAIK the developer mode will work only for the MyAccount and Console. You can refer to the doc for more details on that.
The recovery portal, the authentication portal etc. cannot be tried with the developer mode. However, there are two ways that you can try this.
Build the war files manually and add them to the WebApps directory. If the server is running, war file changes will automatically get deployed. If the server is not running, you have to delete the existing directory and restart the server.
You can do the changes to the JSPs that are deployed inside the pack. Once the changes are done, you can save the changes and the changes will automatically get deployed.

How to publish web service of ASP.NET Core to IIS

According to this article:
I created a ASP.NET Core project and now i want a web service that run this project so i can accees to this site by this url:
What i have now?
I can access to this url and see the site only if i clicked with right button on this file: Views/Home/Index.cshtml and click on 'View in browser'
But if i close my visual studio and try to enter this address directly in the browser - NOT WORKING!
I need this run on webservice because it is a chat api (sockets).
Go through this link for hosting asp.net core application in IIS click here
You can always host your application in IIS express in localhost for development purpose.
Open cmd and navigate to
cd C:\programfiles\iisexpress
then run
iisexperss.exe /path:"path to your published folder" /port:51276
Check the accepted parameters of iisexpress.exe in the help to pass, port no and additional information for hosting the site

WebStorm debug using localhost after adding deployment config?

By default in WebStorm if you hit "Run" or use the browser hover selection, it will launch the html file using http://localhost:????. I have added a test webserver http://test.mydomain.com to the deployment configs.
How can I now debug locally again?
Would you like to have your pages hosted on http://localhost:63342 by default despite having http://test.mydomain.com set up as a deployment server?
When you are using Open in browser action, or preview a file in browser using browsers bar in editor, or create a new Run/Debug configuration from .html file right-click menu, WebStorm uses URL from current Deployment entry (which is marked as Default) to build full URL. If you have no deployment entries defined, then built-in web server (http://localhost:63342) is used.
There is a feature request to optionally use built-in webserver for previewing files in browser regardless of deployment settings, WEB-18958.
For now, I can suggest the following workarounds:
Make your deployment entry non-default (right-click, Stop using as default)
Note that it will break auto-deployment (if you have it set up)
or, use Run configuration with the built-in server URL for running your application. But, as run configurations created from right-click menu always have the default server URL pre-configured, you need to edit created configurations in Run | Edit configurations... dialog, making sure that the built-in sderver URL is specified there instead of your deployment server URL.

Trouble keeping image path's consistent with WebStorm dev Vx production

I love using WebStorm for building html/css/JavaScript apps but one problem I have not been able to figure out is how to deal with paths to images on my src attribute of image tags.
I have (for example) a project path in WebStorm of /documents/myproj/index.html where I've opened the project at /documents/myproj. WebStorm sees the root of the project as /myproj but the URL created when I browse is localhost/myproj/index.html. When I publish the site it becomes localhost/index.html (on my public server).
Image src tags are a problem for me because in development, the WebStorm server wants src=/myproj/1.jpg and in production it wants src=/1.jpg.
Any suggestions for how to keep this straight between running in local mode with WebStorm's built-in simple web server and the published version?
You can edit the host accordingly to make WebStorm serve your files using a different URL. See https://devnet.jetbrains.com/message/5532366#5532366 for some hints

RDS falls over after server creation in CFBuilder

I am using CFBuilder 2.0.0 and I can connect to RDS fine so my CF instance is definitely set up correctly. However, as soon as I create a server using the following technique:-
Right click on project name > ColdFusionServer Settings
In servers drop down select 'Add Server...'
In new dialogue choose 'Import configurations from RDS server' selecting me RDS configuration
I leave all the settings the same on the first page apart from selecting Is Local and changing the Host Name as my CFadmin and my website are on different hosts
In local server settings I choose the JRun4 install folder for Server Home and the the root of the project in Eclipse as the Document Root
I do not install the extensions
Click finish
Now when I try and expand the RDS connection I get an alert box saying:-
Could not initialize class com.adobe.rds.core.services.messages
I am totally stuck here and would appreciate any help.
It turns out that you cannot configure CFBuilder to work if your CF Admin and your application do not reside on the same host name. Quite why this is is anyone's guess.
To resolve this I needed to make the server I configured on my project use the same host as my CF Administrator. This is obviously very counter intuitive, and means that if CFbuilder launches the browser for you for debugging it will get the wrong domain name. However, if you start the debugging session and then manually browse to the page in the browser then the debugging does work.