Asymmetric Projection Matrix - opengl

I have a little "2 1/2-D" Engine I'm working on that targets multiple platforms, but currently I am upgrading my DirectX 11 version.
One of the things that is really important for my engine to do is to be able to adjust the horizon point so that the perspective below the horizon moves into the distance at a different angle than the perspective above the horizon.
In a normal 3D environment this would be typically accomplished by tilting the camera up above the horizon, however, in my engine, which makes heavy use of 2D sprites, tilting the camera in the traditional sense would also tilt the sprites... something I don't want to do (It ruins the 16-bit-arcade-style of the effect)
I had this working at one point by manually doing the perspective divide in the CPU using a center-point that was off-center, but I'd like to do this with a special projection matrix if possible. Right now I'm using a stock matrix that uses FOV, Near-Plane, and Far-Plane arguments.
Any ideas? Is this even possible with a matrix? Isn't the perpective divide automatic in the DX11 pipeline? How do I control when or how the perspective divide is performed? Am I correct in assuming that the perspective divide cannot be accomplished with a matrix alone? It requires each vertex to be manually divided by Z, correct?

What you are looking for is an off center perspective projection matrix, instead of a fov and aspect ratio, you provide left/right/top/bottom has tan(angle). The result is more or less the same as with a symmetric projection matrix with the addition of two extra non zero values.
You are right also, the GPU is hard wired to perform the w divide, and it is not a good idea to do it in the vertex shader, it will mess with perspective correction for the texture coordinates and clipping ( either not a big deal with the sprite special case ).
You can find an example of such a matrix here :


How to determine the XYZ coords of a point on the back buffer

If I pick a spot on my monitor in screen X/Y, how can I obtain the point in 3D space, based on my projection and view matrices?
For example, I want to put an object at depth and have it located at 10,10 in screen coords. So when I update its world matrix it will render onscreen at 10,10.
I presume it's fairly straightforward given I have my camera matrices, but I'm not sure offhand how to 'reverse' the normal process.
DirectXTk XMMath would be best, but I can no doubt sort it out from any linear algebra system (OpenGL, D3DX, etc).
What I'm actually trying to do is find a random point on the back clipping plane where I can start an object that then drifts straight towards the camera along its projection line. So I want to keep picking points in deep space that are still within my view (no point creating ones outside in my case) and starting alien ships (or whatever) at that point.
As discussed in my comments, you need four things to do this generally.
ModelView (GL) or View (D3D / general) matrix
Projection matrix
Depth Range (let us assume default, [0, 1])
What you are trying to do is locate in world-space a point that lies on the far clipping plane at a specific x,y coordinate in window-space. The point you are looking for is <x,y,1> (z=1 corresponds to the far plane in window-space).
Given this point, you need to transform back to NDC-space
The specifics are actually API-dependent since D3D's definition of NDC is different from OpenGL's -- they do not agree on the range of Z (D3D = [0, 1], GL = [-1, 1]).
Once in NDC-space, you can apply the inverse Projection matrix to transform back to view-space.
These are homogeneous coordinates and division by W is necessary.
From view-space, apply the inverse View matrix to arrive at a point in world-space that satisfies your criteria.
Most math libraries have a function called UnProject (...) that will do all of this for you. I would suggest using that because you tagged this question D3D and OpenGL and the specifics of some of these transformations is different depending on API.
You are better off knowing how they work, even if you never implement them yourself. I think the key thing you were missing was the viewport, I have an answer here that explains this step visually.

OpenGL spectrum between perspective and orthogonal projection

In OpenGL (all versions, though I happen to be working in OpenGL ES 2.0) there is the option of using a perspective projection versus an orthogonal one. Is there a way to control the degree of orthogonality?
For the sake of picturing the issue (and please don't take this as the actual question, I am well aware there is no camera in OpenGL) assume that a scene is rendered with the viewport "looking" down the -z axis. Two parallel lines extending a finite distance down the -z axis at (x,y)=1,1 and (x,y)=-1,1 will appear as points in orthogonal projection, or as two lines that eventually converge to a single pixel in perspective projection. Is there a way to have the x- and y- values represented by the outer edges of the screen remain the same as in projection space - I assume this requires not changing the frustum - but have the lines only converge part of the way to a single pixel?
Is there a way to control the degree of orthogonality?
Either something is orthogonal, or it is not. There's no such thing like "just a little orthogonal".
Anyway, from a mathematical point of view, a perspective projection with an infinitely narrow field of view is orthogonal. So you can use glFrustum with a very large near and far plane distance, together with a countering translation in modelview to bring the far away viewing volume back to the origin.

What do we use matrices for in openGL?

I'm new to OpenGL and was wondering what do we use matrices for, if someone could explain me in abstract intuitive way, because when reading references or any tutorial, all of these take matrices as known mechanism. I've learned matrices in maths, but as English is not my native language, it's hard to figure out what does some stuff mean.
I found good example at which says:
The model matrix. This matrix is used to place a model somewhere in the “world”. For example, if you have a model of a car and you want it located 1000 meters to the east, you will use the model matrix to do this.
The view matrix. This matrix represents the camera. If we want to view our car which is 1000 meters to the east, we’ll have to move ourselves 1000 meters to the east as well (another way of thinking about it is that we remain stationary, and the rest of the world moves 1000 meters to the west). We use the view matrix to do this.
The projection matrix. Since our screens are flat, we need to do a final transformation to “project” our view onto our screen and get that nice 3D perspective. This is what the projection matrix is used for.
This explains it pretty good. But, how do we build them? How large are they?
Also, I've read in this question:
What does glLoadIdentity() do in OpenGL?
glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) deals with the matrices used by
perspective transformation or orthogonal transformation.
glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) deals with matrices used by model-view
transformation. That is, to transform your object (aka model) to the
view coordinate space (or camera space).
What those transformation mean and how do they get calculated?
I know that here are many question, but I'm trying to make better conception of all of these to get better view on OpenGL. That's why I need some abstract explanation to dive into all details with understanding of conception beyond.
Translation, rotation, and scaling are all affine transforms, which can be implemented using matrix multiplication and addition. Actually, by augmenting the vector with a w element that's always one, the affine transform in 3 dimensions becomes a linear transformation in 4 dimensions and all you need is a matrix multiply.
Doing it with a matrix multiply is very nice because (1) it's fast and (2) you don't need special logic for any of the operations -- you can even compose as many of these affine operations as you want and still represent it with a single matrix.
Having multiple matrix modes is useful when composing. If you had only one matrix, you could add new operations at either end but not in the middle. By having 3 matrices multiplied together later, you can insert new operations at four different points in the order.
The matrix stack is also very useful because it allows you to do an operation for a few primitives and then remove it. If you tried to undo the operation by doing the inverse operation, eventually rounding errors would get out of control. But by remembering the previous matrix, you can just get it back as if the rotation or whatever never happened.
OpenGL is nice in that rather than working with matrices directly, you can call functions that will manipulate them.
So under the hood (what really happens), is that there are several matrices that transform your objects (a model-view matrix that transforms object to camera space, and projection matrix for perspective / orthogonal transformations).
glMatrixMode is like a switch that allows you to choose which type of matrix to use and manipulate, and you specify using the arguments. So glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) means that you will be manipulating the projection matrix.

Why would it be beneficial to have a separate projection matrix, yet combine model and view matrix?

When you are learning 3D programming, you are taught that it's easiest think in terms of 3 transformation matrices:
The Model Matrix. This matrix is individual to every single model and it rotates and scales the object as desired and finally moves it to its final position within your 3D world. "The Model Matrix transforms model coordinates to world coordinates".
The View Matrix. This matrix is usually the same for a large number of objects (if not for all of them) and it rotates and moves all objects according to the current "camera position". If you imaging that the 3D scene is filmed by a camera and what is rendered on the screen are the images that were captured by this camera, the location of the camera and its viewing direction define which parts of the scene are visible and how the objects appear on the captured image. There are little reasons for changing the view matrix while rendering a single frame, but those do in fact exists (e.g. by rendering the scene twice and changing the view matrix in between, you can create a very simple, yet impressive mirror within your scene). Usually the view matrix changes only once between two frames being drawn. "The View Matrix transforms world coordinates to eye coordinates".
The Projection Matrix. The projection matrix decides how those 3D coordinates are mapped to 2D coordinates, e.g. if there is a perspective applied to them (objects get smaller the farther they are away from the viewer) or not (orthogonal projection). The projection matrix hardly ever changes at all. It may have to change if you are rendering into a window and the window size has changed or if you are rendering full screen and the resolution has changed, however only if the new window size/screen resolution has a different display aspect ratio than before. There are some crazy effects for that you may want to change this matrix but in most cases its pretty much constant for the whole live of your program. "The Projection Matrix transforms eye coordinates to screen coordinates".
This makes all a lot of sense to me. Of course one could always combine all three matrices into a single one, since multiplying a vector first by matrix A and then by matrix B is the same as multiplying the vector by matrix C, where C = B * A.
Now if you look at the classical OpenGL (OpenGL 1.x/2.x), OpenGL knows a projection matrix. Yet OpenGL does not offer a model or a view matrix, it only offers a combined model-view matrix. Why? This design forces you to permanently save and restore the "view matrix" since it will get "destroyed" by model transformations applied to it. Why aren't there three separate matrices?
If you look at the new OpenGL versions (OpenGL 3.x/4.x) and you don't use the classical render pipeline but customize everything with shaders (GLSL), there are no matrices available any longer at all, you have to define your own matrices. Still most people keep the old concept of a projection matrix and a model-view matrix. Why would you do that? Why not using either three matrices, which means you don't have to permanently save and restore the model-view matrix or you use a single combined model-view-projection (MVP) matrix, which saves you a matrix multiplication in your vertex shader for ever single vertex rendered (after all such a multiplication doesn't come for free either).
So to summarize my question: Which advantage has a combined model-view matrix together with a separate projection matrix over having three separate matrices or a single MVP matrix?
Look at it practically. First, the fewer matrices you send, the fewer matrices you have to multiply with positions/normals/etc. And therefore, the faster your vertex shaders.
So point 1: fewer matrices is better.
However, there are certain things you probably need to do. Unless you're doing 2D rendering or some simple 3D demo-applications, you are going to need to do lighting. This typically means that you're going to need to transform positions and normals into either world or camera (view) space, then do some lighting operations on them (either in the vertex shader or the fragment shader).
You can't do that if you only go from model space to projection space. You cannot do lighting in post-projection space, because that space is non-linear. The math becomes much more complicated.
So, point 2: You need at least one stop between model and projection.
So we need at least 2 matrices. Why model-to-camera rather than model-to-world? Because working in world space in shaders is a bad idea. You can encounter numerical precision problems related to translations that are distant from the origin. Whereas, if you worked in camera space, you wouldn't encounter those problems, because nothing is too far from the camera (and if it is, it should probably be outside the far depth plane).
Therefore: we use camera space as the intermediate space for lighting.
In most cases your shader will need the geometry in world or eye coordinates for shading so you have to seperate the projection matrix from the model and view matrices.
Making your shader multiply the geometry with two matrices hurts performance. Assuming each model have thousends (or more) vertices it is more efficient to compute a model view matrix in the cpu once, and let the shader do one less mtrix-vector multiplication.
I have just solved a z-buffer fighting problem by separating the projection matrix. There is no visible increase of the GPU load. The two folowing screenshots shows the two results - pay attention to the green and white layers fighting.

Efficiency of perspective projection vs raytracing/ray casting

I have a very general question. I wish to determine the boundary points of a number of objects (comprising 30-50 closed polygons (z) each having around 300 points(x,y,z)). I am working with a fixed viewport which is rotated about x,y and z-axes (alpha, beta, gamma) wrt origin of coordinate system for polygons.
As I see it there are two possibilities: perspective projection or raytracing. Perspective projection would seem to requires a large number of matrix operations for each point to determine its position is within or without the viewport.
Or given the large number of points would I better to raytrace the viewport pixels to object?
i.e. determine whether there is an intersection and then whether intersection occurs within or without object(s).
In either case I will write this result as 0 (outside) or 1 (inside) to 200x200 an integer matrix representing the viewport
Thank you in anticipation
Perspective projection (and then scan-converting the polygons in image coordinates) is going to be a lot faster.
The matrix transform that is required in the case of perspective projection (essentially the world-to-camera matrix) is required in exactly the same way when raytracing. However, with perspective projection, you're only transforming the corner points, whereas with raytracing, you're transforming all the points in the image.
You should be able to use perspective projection and a perspective projection matrix to compute the position of the vertices in screen space? It's hard to understand what you want to do really. If you want to create an image of that 3D scene then with only few polygons it would be hard to see any difference anyway between ray tracing and rasterisation if your code is optimised (you will still need to use an acceleration structure for the ray tracing approach), however yes rasterisation is likely to be faster anyway.
Now if you need to compute the distance from between the eye (the camera's origin) and the geometry visible through the camera's view, the I don't see why you can't use the depth value of any sample for any pixel in the image and use the inverse of the perspective projection matrix to find its distance in camera space.
Why is speed an issue in your problem? Otherwise use RT indeed.
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