I want to essentially transpose a matrix in OCaml (without using recursion or any sort of looping)
For example, if I have the following matrix: [[1;2];[3;4]],
I want to have the output of [[1;3];[2;4]].
What I have done so far is break the original matrix into individual columns:
//function that separates into cols
let separate li =
List.map (fun x -> [x]) li;;
I call this helper function from another function:
let trans x =
List.concat (List.map separate li) x;;
I was thinking this would combine all the columns the way I want to but rather, ended with the following output: [[1];[2];[3];[4]].
I question whether your separate function separates the matrix into columns. Here's what I see:
# let separate li = List.map (fun x -> [x]) li;;
val separate : 'a list -> 'a list list = <fun>
# List.map separate [[1;2];[3;4]];;
- : int list list list = [[[1]; [2]]; [[3]; [4]]]
I don't see columns, I just see that you've put each matrix element into its own list.
To get the first column you could try this:
# List.map List.hd [[1;2]; [3;4]];;
- : int list = [1; 3]
If you use List.tl rather than List.hd you get the remainders of the rows. Maybe you can use a fold to apply this repeatedly and collect up the results.
Assuming your list of lists is rectangular, this Standard ML code translates to OCaml as such:
let rec transpose xss =
match xss with
| [] -> []
| []::_ -> []
| _ -> List.map List.hd xss :: transpose (List.map List.tl xss)
It extracts the first column (List.map List.hd xss) and recursively combines it with the extraction of the remaining columns, after having removed the already extracted column (List.map List.tl xss).
The explicit recursion that still remains in this function cannot easily be replaced by mapping / folding, since those would address one row at a time, where the recursion scheme above addresses (a part of) all rows at once. You might have more luck with unfolding / anamorphism:
let rec unfold f a =
match f a with
| Some (b, a') -> b :: unfold f a'
| None -> []
val unfold : ('a -> ('b * 'a) option) -> 'a -> 'b list = <fun>
where 'a could be the gradual reduction of your input row matrix, and 'b the matrix columns:
let transpose =
unfold (function
| [] -> None
| []::_ -> None
| m -> Some (List.map List.hd m, List.map List.tl m))
I want to convert a matrix (type matrix = float list list) into a list (so basically I'm writing a function to concatenate a list of lists, but I'm not allowed to use List.append, List.flatten, etc.).
So for example, into_list [[1.; 2.]; [3.; 4.] = [1.; 2.; 3.; 4.]. I wrote my helper function to append two lists together:
let rec append_list (a: float list) (b: float list): float list =
match a with
| [] -> b
| h :: t -> h :: append_list t b
right now, my into_list function looks like this:
let rec into_list (m : matrix): float list =
match m with
| [] -> []
| h1 :: h2 :: t -> append_list h1 h2 :: into_list t
I pretty sure | h1 :: h2 :: t -> append_list h1 h2 :: into_list t is wrong but I have no idea how to fix it, right now utop gives me the error message says "Unbound type constructor matrix".
It would appear matrix is simply:
type matrix = float list list
As such:
append_list h1 h2 :: into_list t
Would yield float list list because the type of :: is 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list`.
You're looking for something like a fold, that continually appends the lists into a final float list.
let rec into_list m = List.fold_left append_list [] m
Of course, it doesn't seem like you're allowed to use List.fold_left. Replicate that functionality (shown many times here) and you're good to go.
Tail Recursion
Consider, though, that append_list has O(n) runtime and stack space complexity. Applying it recursively like this works but gives O(n^2) performance. append_list is also not tail-recursive, so even if into_list is O(1), so this approach risks a stack overflow on large datasets.
You can see this with:
let l = List.init 100_000 float_of_int in
append_list l l
Fortunately append_list can be made tail-recursive.
let append_list lst1 lst2 =
let rec append_list' acc lst1 lst2 =
match lst1, lst2 with
| [], [] -> List.rev acc
| [], y::ys -> append_list' (y::acc) [] ys
| x::xs, _ -> append_list' (x::acc) xs lst2
append_list' [] lst1 lst2
I have created a working solution for concat, but I feel that I can reduce this using List.fold_lift.
Here is my current code:
let rec concat (lists : 'a list list) : 'a list =
match lists with
| [] -> []
| hd :: tl -> hd # concat tl ;;
Here is what I have tried:
let concat (lists : 'a list list) : 'a list =
List.fold_left # lists ;;
This gives me the error: This expression has type 'a list list but an expression was expected of type
'a list
I think this is because the return value of list.fold_left gives us a list, but we are feeding it a list of lists so it then returns a list of lists again. How can I get around this without matching?
I was also playing around with List.map but with no luck so far:
let concat (lists : 'a list list) : 'a list =
List.map (fun x -> List.fold_left # x) lists ;;
Consider the type signature of List.fold_left:
('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'a
List.fold_left takes three arguments.
A function.
An initial value.
A list to iterate over.
List.fold_left # lists
You're making two mistakes.
First off, this parses as (List.fold_left) # (lists).
You're looking for List.fold_left (#) lists. But that's still not quite right, because...
You're only passing two arguments, with lists being the initial value, while List.fold_left expects three.
I think that you're looking for something like:
let concat lists = List.fold_left (#) [] lists
utop # let concat lists = List.fold_left (#) [] lists in
concat [[1;2;3]; [4;5;6]; [7;8;9]];;
- : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9]
It is possible to write concat as fold_left while avoiding quadractic complexity by switching temporarily to different representation of list
If I have a list l, I can easily lift into an append function:
let to_append l = fun new_list -> l # new_list
I can also get back a list from an append function with
let to_list append = append []
And since for any list l, I have to_list ## to_append l = l, this means that the to_append is one-to-one: it does not lose any information.
Moreover concatenating two appends functions is exactly function composition
let append_concat f g l = f (g l)
Since we are not building yet any concrete list, append_concat has a constant cost (we are delaying the time complexity to the moment where we will call the append function).
We can use this better behavior of append_concat to write a linear concat' function that maps a list of lists to an append function:
let concat' l =
(fun append l -> append_concat append (to_append l))
(to_append [] (* aka Fun.id *))
Note that this concat' is not yet building a list, it is building a closure which records the list of append functions to call later.
Building concat from concat' is then a matter of transforming back my append function to a list:
let concat l = to_list (concat' l)
And it is the call of to_list which will have a time complexity equal to the size of the final list.
To check that we got the right complexity, we can test that flattening the following list
let test =
List.init 1_000_000
(fun i ->
List.init 4 (fun k -> k + 4 * i)
(* this is [[0;1;2;3]; [4;5;6;7]; ... [...; 3_999_999]] *)
let flattened = concat test
is nearly instant.
If I have an input of a tuple containing two lists of integers of the same length, and I want my output to be a list of these two lists zipped, after extracting these two lists from the tuple how do I zip each individual element into one list? For example, if my input is twolists= ([1;2;3], [4;5;6]), then I want my output to be [(1,4); (2,5); (3,6)]. How do I zip each element and add it to my output?
The function name and type is as follows:
let rec pairlists twolists = ...
val pairlists : 'a list * 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list = fun
So far I have:
let rec pairlists twolists =
let (l1, l2) = twolists in
let rec zip (l1,l2) =
match l1 with
|[] -> l2
|x :: xs -> x :: zip(l2, xs) in
twolists ;;
but this is clearly not doing what I want.
Are you looking for List.combine ?
val combine : 'a list -> 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list
Transform a pair of lists into a list of pairs: combine [a1; ...; an] [b1; ...; bn] is [(a1,b1); ...; (an,bn)].
Raises Invalid_argument if the two lists have different lengths. Not tail-recursive.
If your result list should contain elements that consist of the elements of both sublists, then you obviously have to destructure each sublist on each iteration.
If the lists are guaranteed to have the same lengths, the solution can be as simple as:
let rec zip paired_lists =
match paired_lists with
| [], [] -> []
| h1::t1, h2::t2 -> (h1, h2)::(zip (t1, t2))
| _, _ -> failwith "oops, the lists seems to have different lengths"
zip ([1;2;3], [4;5;6]);;
- : (int * int) list = [(1, 4); (2, 5); (3, 6)]
But this one is not tail-recursive, which is obviously not good. The second sub-optimal thing is this reconstruction of tuple of lists on each iteration (I'm a newbie in OCaml, so chances are compiler is smart enough to avoid the unnecessary allocations, but still...). Fixing both flaws is trivial too:
let zip_tr paired_lists =
let list1, list2 = paired_lists in
let rec aux l1 l2 acc =
match l1, l2 with
| [], [] -> List.rev acc
| h1::t1, h2::t2 -> aux t1 t2 (h1, h2)::acc
| _, _ -> failwith "oops, the lists seems to have different lengths"
in aux list1 list2 []
zip_tr ([1;2;3], [4;5;6]);;
- : (int * int) list = [(1, 4); (2, 5); (3, 6)]
The signature of your code does not match the expected signature :
line 2, characters 11-13:
Warning 26: unused variable l2.
Line 2, characters 7-9:
Warning 26: unused variable l1.
val pairlists : 'a list * 'a list -> 'a list = <fun>
Indeed, both possible matches return either a 'a list (this is l2) or x::zip... which is also a list of 'a type.
There should be sth like (x,y)::list in your code.
In addition, pairlists is not recursive and does not need to be declared as such, only zip is recursive.
The end of your function shall be like this (otherwise zip has no effect) :
let rec zip (l1,l2) =
match l1 with
|[] -> l2
|x :: xs -> x :: zip(l2, xs) in
zip twolists ;;
In addition to the other solutions mentioned, ocaml-4.08 onwards enables you to provide let+ and and+ operators which will zip a list sum-wise, where you might otherwise think of using applicatives. Whether it is an improvement on them is in the eye of the beholder:
let (let+) list f = List.map f list
let (and+) a b =
let rec loop first second =
match first,second with
first_hd::first_tl,second_hd::second_tl ->
(first_hd,second_hd)::(loop first_tl second_tl)
| _ -> []
loop a b
let pairlists = function
first,second ->
let+ elt1 = first
and+ elt2 = second in
[elt1 ; elt2]
(* example *)
let () =
let res = pairlists ([1;2;3], [4;5;6]) in
(fun list -> List.iter (fun i -> Printf.printf "%d " i) list ;
print_endline "")
Here by way of comparison is the more traditional approach if you are using applicatives
let pure x = [x]
let (<*>) aps args =
List.concat (List.map (fun f -> List.map (fun x -> f x) args) aps)
let (<|>) aps args =
let rec loop args_rest aps_rest =
match args_rest,aps_rest with
args_hd::args_tl,aps_hd::aps_tl ->
(aps_hd args_hd)::(loop args_tl aps_tl)
| _ -> []
loop args aps
let pairlists = function
first,second ->
let two_list a b = a :: [b] in
pure two_list <*> first <|> second
(* example *)
let () =
let res = pairlists ([1;2;3], [4;5;6]) in
(fun list -> List.iter (fun i -> Printf.printf "%d " i) list ;
print_endline "")
I'm supposed to remove consecutive duplicates from an int list without using recursion and using only List.fold, map, filter, fold_left, fold_right.
I almost got it, but the problem with my code is that it checks if each element equals the 2nd element, and not the next element.
For example if let z = int list [3;1;4;5;5;1;1] my code will return [3;4;5] and not [3;1;4;5;1]. I'm not sure how to change it so filter uses a dynamically changing list parameter and not simply the original one (so it doesn't compare each element to the second element (1 in this case) each time):
let dupe (ls: int list) : int list =
List.filter (fun x -> if List.length ls = 0 then true else if x = List.hd (List.tl xs) then false else true) ls
The type of List.filter is this:
# List.filter;;
- : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list = <fun>
Notably, the filter function can see only one element of the list at a time. You need to see two consecutive elements to decide what to do, so I'd say List.filter won't do the job.
You're going to have to use map or one of the folds, I'd say. You can figure out which one(s) will work, with similar reasoning.
(I assume this is the sort of reasoning the assignment is supposed to illustrate. So I'm going to leave it there.)
Without rec
let remove = function
[] -> []
| x::tl ->
let (_,lxRes)=
List.fold_left (
fun (xPrec,lxRes) xCour ->
if xPrec=xCour then
) (x+1,[]) (x::tl)
# remove [3;1;4;5;5;1;1];;
- : int list = [3; 1; 4; 5; 1]
# remove [1;1];;
- : int list = [1]
# remove [1;1;1;1;2;2;3;4;5;5];;
- : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
With rec (just for information)
let rec remove =
| [] -> []
| x::[] -> x::[]
| x::y::tl ->
if x=y then remove (y::tl)
else x::remove (y::tl)
Using just List.fold_left can be a little bit more concise than the previous answer. Of course, this will build up the list in reverse order, so we need to reverse the result.
let remove lst =
|> fold_left
(fun acc x ->
match acc with
| [] -> [x]
| hd::_ when x = hd -> acc
| _ -> x::acc)
|> rev
Of course, if you're not allowed to use List.rev we can reimplement it easily using List.fold_left, List.cons and Fun.flip.
let rev lst =
List.fold_left (Fun.flip List.cons) [] lst
With a list of integers such as:
How can I create a list of list of ints from the above, with all new lists the same specified length?
For example, I need to go from:
[1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9] to [[1;2;3];[4;5;6];[7;8;9]]
with the number to split being 3?
Thanks for your time.
So what you actually want is a function of type
val split : int list -> int -> int list list
that takes a list of integers and a sub-list-size. How about one that is even more general?
val split : 'a list -> int -> 'a list list
Here comes the implementation:
let split xs size =
let (_, r, rs) =
(* fold over the list, keeping track of how many elements are still
missing in the current list (csize), the current list (ys) and
the result list (zss) *)
List.fold_left (fun (csize, ys, zss) elt ->
(* if target size is 0, add the current list to the target list and
start a new empty current list of target-size size *)
if csize = 0 then (size - 1, [elt], zss # [ys])
(* otherwise decrement the target size and append the current element
elt to the current list ys *)
else (csize - 1, ys # [elt], zss))
(* start the accumulator with target-size=size, an empty current list and
an empty target-list *)
(size, [], []) xs
(* add the "left-overs" to the back of the target-list *)
rs # [r]
Please let me know if you get extra points for this! ;)
The code you give is a way to remove a given number of elements from the front of a list. One way to proceed might be to leave this function as it is (maybe clean it up a little) and use an outer function to process the whole list. For this to work easily, your function might also want to return the remainder of the list (so the outer function can easily tell what still needs to be segmented).
It seems, though, that you want to solve the problem with a single function. If so, the main thing I see that's missing is an accumulator for the pieces you've already snipped off. And you also can't quit when you reach your count, you have to remember the piece you just snipped off, and then process the rest of the list the same way.
If I were solving this myself, I'd try to generalize the problem so that the recursive call could help out in all cases. Something that might work is to allow the first piece to be shorter than the rest. That way you can write it as a single function, with no accumulators
(just recursive calls).
I would probably do it this way:
let split lst n =
let rec parti n acc xs =
match xs with
| [] -> (List.rev acc, [])
| _::_ when n = 0 -> (List.rev acc, xs)
| x::xs -> parti (pred n) (x::acc) xs
in let rec concat acc = function
| [] -> List.rev acc
| xs -> let (part, rest) = parti n [] xs in concat (part::acc) rest
in concat [] lst
Note that we are being lenient if n doesn't divide List.length lst evenly.
split [1;2;3;4;5] 2 gives [[1;2];[3;4];[5]]
Final note: the code is very verbose because the OCaml standard lib is very bare bones :/ With a different lib I'm sure this could be made much more concise.
let rec split n xs =
let rec take k xs ys = match k, xs with
| 0, _ -> List.rev ys :: split n xs
| _, [] -> if ys = [] then [] else [ys]
| _, x::xs' -> take (k - 1) xs' (x::ys)
in take n xs []