Installing Opencv with C++ without Visual studio - c++

I want to use opencv with C++.
But i dont want to install Visual studio.
Is there any way i can do that ?
I could not find any proper installation guide for that .

Visual Studio is just an IDE that helps you to develop your project. To use OpenCV library on windows, you have to add the IncludePath, LibraryPath, and link the ddl libs. In fact Visual Studio make all the stuff easier.
There might be another solution by using MingGW compiler, but it is not recommended since you are using Windows and Visual Studio is the better choice.


Visual Studio 2017 wont show c++ template/extansion

I am trying to use Microsoft visual studio IDE to run my c++ code, however, when I go to create a project, I do not see the option for a c++ project. I tried reinstalling the program to see if I could somehow install the package/extension however it just won't seem to come up.
The only templates that appear are in c# or f#.
If someone could please lead me into the right direction so that I can fix this, it would be great. Thank you.
I don't see any mention of C++ in the release notes.
According to this post on MSDN, there is no C++ support in the Mac version of Visual Studio. It contains links to instructions for using Visual Studio Code, as well as the option to install a VM running Windows.
Apparently Visual Studio Code supports C++ projects, since it can execute external tools. The Microsoft Visual C++ build tools are free for Windows, but I don't think there is a version for the Mac, so some other external compiler is necessary.

How can I compile the vlfeat and mexopencv libraries in MATLAB using the Visual c++ compiler?

I am working on a computer vision project, and I need to use the vlfeat and mexopencv libraries,
I am working with MATLAB R2008a and I cannot change the MATLAB compiler to compile and setup the libraries.
I have installed Microsoft Visual C++ Express, but I don't know how to compile the libraries using the Visual C++ compiler in MATLAB.
The reason why you can't find the compiler is because you are using MATLAB R2008a. The C++ compiler you have downloaded is probably too new for MATLAB to use. My guess is that you are using Express 2013. See the following link on what compilers R2008a can support for MEX here:
Specifically, for the Express edition of the Visual C++ compiler, it can only support up to Version 8.0. You are most likely using an Express edition that is newer than 8.0. As such, the only way for you to use the Visual C++ compiler with R2008a is if you download the 8.0 Express edition and install it.
You can find that compiler here:
Once you install the Visual C++ compiler, you also need to install the SDK. You can find that here:
After you do this, you need to define the MSSdk environment variable. To do this,
go to Control Panel -> System then Advanced and Environment Variables. After, create a new variable with the name MSSdk and the value being the path of where you installed the SDK. For example: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003.
Good luck!

Any problems with having Code::Blocks and MS Visual Studio on same machine

I have installed Code::Blocks on my (Windows) machine. It is working fine.
However there are some open source libraries that i would like to use. For this i will have to build the library on my machine. However the source code is available in the form of a MS Visual Studio solution file.
I've tried to use the 'Import Project' feature of Code::Blocks but got errors with that. I am now thinking of installing MS Visual Studio express edition to see if can build the library using it. I do want to keep my install of Code::Blocks.
I wanted to ask if there are any problems having these two IDEs (Code::Blocks & MS Visual Studio Express Edition) on the same machine? I know they use different default compilers.

how to enable c++ support in visual studio 2010?

I want to create a C++ project in Visual studio 2010 but I don't
see any template for a C++ project. All I see is visual c# templates.
Please let me know how to enable c++ support in visual studio 2010.
You likely have Visual Studio installed without the C++ compiler. You have to start the installer and alter the installation so that C++ compiler is installed.
You probably need to reinstall it. During installation there is a choice of languages and features. Probably C++ was not chosen when it was installed on your system.

How do I configure Qt to work with Visual Studio 2010?

I downloaded open-source version of Qt from the site and have compiled it with nmake, but I'm having trouble using it in my projects. It seems that Visual Studio can't find the Qt headers, even though I added the paths to my PATH, INCLUDE, and LIB variables. I tried installing the Qt Visual Studio add-in but it only supports Visual Studio 2008.
Has anyone gotten Qt to work with Visual Studio 2010? Or do I have to wait until Qt 4.7 is officially released for Visual Studio 2010 support?
Either download the pre-built vs2008 package or build it using cmake's vs2008 profile and then open the resulting .sln file in vs2010 and let it do the conversion.
edit - annoying feature so far is that the vs plugin doesn't support vs2010 which makes it essentially impossible to use for desktop app development.
Traditionally VS support was part of the paid licences, with the OS package you only get mingw support. Things are changing, but might have some rough edges for a while.
OTOH, mingw has a HUGE advantage: deployment. You don't have to chase around the vcredist_x86 files and all the associated voodoo. Just be sure to include all the .DLLs you use and that's it.
Also, there's QtCreator. It's not as featureful or omniscient as VS; but it does feel a lot nicer and easier to use. It takes off all the tedious work of nmake, and embeds the UI editors. And it's cross platform!
honestly, for me VS can drop dead this minute and i won't miss it.
Qt V4.8.0 contains prebuilt binaries for Visual Studio 2010 so you don't need to build manually anymore: