Visual Studio C++ performance vs Intel C++ compiler 15 - c++

Visual Studio 2015 has got a lot of changes on the C++ compiler side and I'm looking for a benchmark/performance comparison between the Intel C++ compiler and Visual Studio 2015 !
About performance, I mean the performance of the generated code, something like this :
Is there an interest to use the Intel C++ compiler ? Will it produce faster code ?

Few year ago, i did some tests on a mac-pro with intel proc.
icc+linux was the very best.
vc+win, icc+win were pretty close.
Explanation: the more the software editor can exploit assertion on the system+hardware, the more it can design a compiler generating fast running code.
Intel is the best because it can exploit its processor and the system (open source).
VC under windows works great too, they know their OS.
Now, this depends of the kind of software. If your program will load a lot of data from disk the best will certainly be vc+win (they have great implementation of internal buffers...). If your program is very multithreaded, icc+linux is gonna win for sure. These are only 2 examples I can talk about because I tested these use cases.

I compared ICC and VC on Windows, and they were very close in terms of performance. I was able to make ICC beat VC only by using the "profile guided optimization" feature.


how to find out what part of my code is slowing my c++ program

I wrote 2 versions of my program, wich is an evolutionary algorithm in c++. The first version is procedural and works fine and very fast. The second version is completely OOP, and the program finds results, but is very very slow (like 10 times slower than the 1st version). Is there a way to maybe measure time of segments of code inside loops or something like that? Any advice or idea would help.
Thanks in advance.
Use a profiler. Which one is best depends on the platform/operating environment; e.g. with g++ you can use gprof, or if you don't want to recompile you can use oprofile, assuming Linux. On Solaris you could use dtrace. On other platforms, such as Windows or Mac, add the tag for your platform to the question...
You need a profiler to find performance related issues in your program.
Depending on the Visual Studio edition, you have various levels of profiling support in your Visual Studio. If you're lucky enough to be at the Visual Studio Ultimate or Premium edition, you have very good profiling support built right in.
If you're on Visual Studio Express or Visual Studio Professional, there is sadly no profiling support built into Visual Studio, but you can use for example info at this link how to do it manually for free with those editions anyway.
Use a profiler. If you're compiling with gcc, look up gprof, for example.
For your particular case, I suggest downloading and using this tool:
It is a very simple (but efficient) sampling profiler.
Just launch your app with Ctrl+F5 (release) in Visual Studio, run this program (Very Sleepy), double click your exe name, wait, and you will see a detailed report with function names.
For the next level, if needed, use VTune.
You can use the \callcap compiler flag in VS. You can read about it here.
Basically you can add this flag only for the .cpp file that you want to analyze, define the enter/exit functions, rebuild your app, and run it. I suggest you split the code you are trying to analyze (and suspecting of being slow) into functions, and then you can see which piece of code takes more time to execute.
It's a little more work, compared to an already available profiler, but it's worth giving it a try.

GCC worth using on Windows to replace MSVC?

I currently develop in C++ on Windows, using Visual Studio 2010. After the official announcement of C++11, I have begun to use some of its features that are already available in MSVC. But, as expected, the great majority of the new changes are not supported.
I thought maybe the upcoming version of Visual Studio would add these new features. However, after reading this it looks like very little is going to change.
And so, I'm curious about the feasibility of using GCC on Windows rather than MSVC, as it appears to support the great majority of C++11 already. As far as I can tell, this would mean using MinGW (I haven't seen any other native Windows versions of GCC). But I have questions about whether this would be worth trying:
Can it be used as a drop-in replacement for cl.exe, or would it involve a lot of hacks and compatibility issues to get Visual Studio to use a different compiler?
The main selling point for Visual Studio, in my opinion, is it's debugger. Is that still usable if you use a different compiler?
Since GCC comes from the *nix world, and isn't native to Windows, are there code quality issues with creating native Windows applications, versus using the native MSVC compiler? (If it matters: most of my projects are games.)
In other words, will the quality of my compiled exe's suffer from using a non-Windows-native compiler?
MSVC has the huge advantage of coming with an IDE that has no equals under Windows, including debugger support.
The probably best alternative for MinGW would be Code::Blocks, but there are worlds in between, especially regarding code completion and the debugger.
Also, MSVC lets you use some proprietary Microsoft stuff (MFC, ATL, and possibly others) that MinGW has no support for, and makes using GDI+ and DirectX easier and more straightforward (though it is possible to do both with MinGW).
Cygwin, as mentioned in another post, will have extra dependencies and possible license issues (the dependency is GPL, so your programs must be, too). MinGW does not have any such dependency or issue.
MinGW also compiles significantly slower than MSVC (though precompiled headers help a little).
Despite all that, GCC/MinGW is an entirely reliable quality compiler, which in my opinion outperforms any to date available version of MSVC in terms of quality of generated code.
This is somewhat less pronounced with the most recent versions of MSVC, but still visible. Especially for anything related to SSE, intrinsics, and inline assembly, GCC has been totally anihilating MSVC ever since (though they're slowly catching up).
Standards compliance is a lot better in GCC too, which can be a double-edged sword (because it can mean that some of your code won't compile on the more conforming compiler!), as is C++11 support.
MinGW optionally also supports DW2 exceptions, which are totally incompatible with the "normal" flavour and take more space in the executable, but on the positive side are "practically zero cost" in runtime.
I want to add some information because the field may have changed since the question was asked.
The main problem for switching away from MSVC was the lack of a good IDE that flawlessly integrates with MinGW . Visual Studio is a very powerful tool and was the only player on Windows for quite some time. However, Jetbrains released a preview version of their new C++ IDE CLion some days ago.
The main benefit comes when working on cross platform applications. In this case, a GCC based tool chain can make life much easier. Moreover, CLion narrowly integrates with CMake, which is also a big plus compared to Visual Studio. Therefore, in my opinion, it is worth to consider switching to MinGW now.
GCC's C++11 support is quite phenomenal (and quite up to par with standards conformance, now that <regex> has been implemented).
If you replace your compiler, you'll need to make sure every dependency can be built with that new compiler. They're not made to be substitutable plugins (although Clang is working on becoming that way).
GCC is a fine compiler, and can produce code that has pretty much the same performance, if not better, than MSVC. It is missing some low-level Windows-specific features though.
Apart from this, to answer your questions:
To get VS to use GCC as a compiler, you'd pretty much need to turn to makefiles or custom build steps all the way. You'd be much better off compiling from the commandline and using CMake or something similar.
You cannot use the VS debugger for GCC code. GCC outputs GDB compatible debug information, and the VS debug format is proprietary, so nothing will change in that area anytime soon.
Code quality is just as good as you'd want it. See above.
No, the quality of your code will actually increase, as GCC will point out several assumed standard extensions MSVC would hide from you. All self-respecting open source projects can be compiled with GCC.
I my humble opinion, it's depends how someone started to code in the first place. I've been using g++ and gcc for more than 20 years now but the reason why i keep using gcc is mainly for licensing reasons. Although i like it too when i don't have a bunch of runtime dependencies or dll's to bundle with my stuff since i came from the DOS era, i still like my stuff small and fast. gcc for windows comes with standard win32 libraries and common control but i had to develop my own win32 controls for stuff that might require mcf shit to work properly or just to look nicer.
Although gcc might have strong support over internet, when it comes to win32 stuff, many rely on mcf and vc proprietary stuff so again, one may have to work his own issues around and be creative when difficulty arises.
I think it's all about needs and circumstances. If you are just a hobbyist coders and have the time for researches, creating you own libs and stuff but you want a solid compiler that's around since the late 80's and free, gcc sound perfect for the job.
But in the industry visual studio is a must if you want to be competitive and stay in the race. Many hardware manufacturers would prefer bundling visual studio compatible libraries for they hardware over some opensource gnu stuff.
That's my two cents.
To be honest, C++ should be handled with MS Visual Studio. If you want to make cross-platform or Unix apps, use GCC. GCC works and can be used with any IDE other than Visual Studio. Even Visual Studio Code can use GCC. Code::Blocks, Eclipse IDE for C/C++ developers, CLion, Notepad++ and even the good ol' tool we've always known, Notepad works with GCC. And finally, on a PC with low disk space, installing Visual Studio's "Desktop Development with C++" is something like 5 GB, if it was to be useful. And this is where GCC hits MSVC hard. It has native C support. MSVC can compile C, but only with a lot of fine-tuning. It takes a lot of time and effort to finally be able to compile. The final verdict:
If MSVC works, it hella works! If MSVC doesn't work, it HELLA DON'T WORK.
If GCC installs, it works, and if it doesn't work, it's the IDE's problem.
GCC is for people who don't mind spending 4 hours at the computer making it work properly. MSVC is for those who don't care about C and want it to install without any pokin' around.
It can't be used as a direct swap-out replacement for the microsoft compilers, for a start it has a vastly different set of command line arguments and compiler specific options.
You can make use of MinGW or Cygwin to write software but introduce extra dependencies ( especially in the case of cygwin ).
One not often touted advantage of gcc over cl is that gcc can be used with ccache to drastically speed up rebuilds or distcc to build using several other machines as compiler slaves.
Consider the Intel compiler (or "Composer" as they seem to have taken to calling it) as another option. I'm not too sure where its C++11 support is at compared with MS (certainly it has lambdas), but it does integrate very nicely with VisualStudio (e.g different projects within a solution can use the Intel or MS compilers) and there's also been some efforts made to match the MS compiler commandline options.
GCC and MSVC use different name mangling conventions for C++. C++ dlls compiled by one compiler can not be used in applications compiled with the other. I believe this is the main reason we don't see more widespread use of gcc in windows.

Resulting EXE speed for C++ under VS2005, VS2008; VS2010 compilers

When I upgraded from VS6 to VS2005, I saw a 10% boost in the speed of my chess engine program with the default compile settings.
Wondering if the same is true in general, and what improvements, if any, have been made to the final output of the MS C++ compiler since then.
Regarding moving to VC++ 2010+ from versions of VC++ prior to 2010:
If you make heavy use of the STL containers and algorithms, upgrading to VC++ 2010+ may provide substantially more than just a 10% improvement, as VC++ 2010+ implement C++11's move semantics.
I recall a specific post on the Boost mailing list that claimed their application's performance increased by 900% when moving from VC++ 2008 to VC++ 2010 as a result of this:
[boost] [GGL] [geometry] Inexplicable speed benefit when using Visual C++ 2010
I'm pretty sure every version has added at least a little bit in the way of new/better optimization. For most code I've tested, the improvement is around 3-4% between consecutive versions, so you might see another 10% improvement, but I'd sort of expect a little less.
The limited auto-vectorization introduced in VS2012 (simd intrinsics required in VS2010) might help account for the Boost quotation. VS2013 showed more losses than gains vs. VS2012 in my tests. VS2013 and 2015 seem more oriented to introduction of new syntax rather than performance.

Any way to profile code for cache behavior?

As the title says I'd like to somehow get the cache behavior of my code. I'm running Windows 7 64-bit edition, compiling on Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition, compiling C++ code.
I understand that there's Valgrind under Linux, but are there any free alternatives I could use, or methods otherwise?
VTune will give you pretty detailed cache and pipeline analysis. It's not cheap though. I believe some level/edition of VS (I remember it was "team edition" on XP) had a decent profiler.
Try AQTime. I'm pretty sure that some of it options include cache profiling.

What are the differences between Visual C++ 6.0 and Visual C++ 2008?

What are the advantages/disadvantages between MS VS C++ 6.0 and MSVS C++ 2008?
The main reason for asking such a question is that there are still many decent programmers that prefer using the older version instead of the newest version.
Is there any reason the might prefer the older over the new?
Advantages of Visual Studio 2008 over Visual C++ 6.0:
Much more standards compliant C++ compiler, with better template handling
Support for x64 / mobile / XBOX targets
Improved STL implementation
Support for C++0x TR1 (smart pointers, regular expressions, etc)
Secure C runtime library
Improved code navigation
Improved debugger; possibility to run remote debug sessions
Better compiler optimizations
Many bug fixes
Faster builds on multi-core/multi-CPU systems
Improved IDE user interface, with many nice features
Improved macro support in the IDE; DTE allows access to more IDE methods and variables
Updated MFC library (in VS2008 Service Pack 1)
support for OPENMP (easy multithreading)(only in VS2008 pro.)
Disadvantages of moving to Visual Studio 2008:
The IDE is a lot slower than VS6
Intellisense still has performance issues (replacing it with VisualAssistX can help)
Side-by-side assemblies make app deployment much more problematic
The local (offline) MSDN library is extremely slow
As mentioned here, there's no profiler in the Professional version
In the spirit of Joel's recent blog post, I've combined some of the other answers posted into a single answer (and made this a community-owned post, so I won't gain rep from it). I hope you don't mind. Many thanks to Laur, NeARAZ, 17 of 26,, and everyone else who answered. -- ChrisN
Well, for one thing it may be because the executables built with MSVS 6 require only msvcrt.dll (C runtime) which is shipped with Windows now.
The MSVS 2008 executables need msvcrt9 shipped with them (or already installed).
Plus, you have a lot of OSS libraries already compiled for Windows 32 bit with the 6.0 C runtime, while for the 2008 C runtime you have to take the source and compile them yourself.
(most of those libraries are actually compiled with MinGW, which too uses the 6.0 C runtime - maybe that's another reason).
I would like to add that it's not the case that applications developed using Visual C++ 2008 must require more DLLs than those developed using Visual C++ 6.0. That's just the default project configuration.
If you go into your project properties, C/C++, Code Generation, then change your Runtime Library from Multi-threaded DLL and Multi-threaded Debug DLL (Release and Debug configurations) to Multi-threaded and Multi-threaded Debug, your application should then have fewer dependencies.
Off the top of my head, the advantages of the new Visual Studio are:
stricter adherence to standards
support for x64 / mobile / XBOX
better compiler optimizations
(way) better template handling
improved debugger; possibility to
run remote debug sessions
improved IDE
improved macro support; DTE allows access to more IDE methods and variables
IDE seems slower
Intellisense still has performance
issues (replacing it with
VisualAssistX can help)
runtime not universally available
source control integration not up to
par (although in all fairness VC6
lacks this feature completely)
Did you know that MS VC6's implementation of the STL isn't thread-safe? In particular, the reference counting optimization in basic_string blows up even when compiled with the multi-threaded libraries.
Besides the deployment mentioned above, the main advantage of MSVC 6.0 is speed. Because it is a 10 year old IDE it feels quite fast on a modern computer. The newer versions of Visual Studio offer more advanced features, but they come at a cost (complexity and slower speed).
But the biggest draw-back of MSVC 6.0 is its non-compliant C++-Compiler and Library. If you intend to do serious C++-Programming this is a show-stopper. If you only build MFC-Applications it is probably not much of a problem.
Visual C++ 6.0 integrates with memory tracking tools, such as Purify, HeapAgent, BoundsChecker and MemCheck, thoroughly and well since those memory tracking tools were actively maintained and aggressively sold after Visual C++ 6.0 came out.
However, since C++ has been out of vogue for a while, the companies that sell memory tracking tools still sell them but never update or integrate them with new Visual C++ versions, including Visual Studio 2008. So, using memory tracking tools with Visual Studio 2008 is frustrating, errorprone and, in some cases, impossible.
Since VC6 most of the focus of Visual Studio has been on C# and .NET, as well as other features, so some C++ old-timers see VC6 as the good old days. Things have improved in Visual Studio for C++ developers since those days, but not nearly as dramatically as for .NET users.
One way that VS2008 is significantly better than VC6 is that it can build C++ projects in parallel. This can result in significantly faster builds even on a single CPU system, but especially if you have multiple cores.
If you install all service packs for VS6 you still have a solid IDE/compiler combo. As a software developer who have to release products in the wild (over Internet) I don't want to o ship the VC++ runtimes and .NET framework everytime (I can't bundle them directly in my installer/executable, its forbidden by Microsoft). You know, several megabytes of runtimes to run kilobytes of code is kinda stupid. VC++ 6.0 only need your executable and 2 .DLL at best.
Also, debug runtimes cannot be distributed with VC++ .NET, not really good when I have a client which need to do some debugging of my products :)
There is in my opinion the major reasons why I still use VC++ 6.0, but the IDE itself is ugly (ie: no tabbing support). I usually bypass the IDE limitations by using codeblocks instead (CodeBlocks support CL.EXE/LINK.EXE for all VC++ versions)
Visual C++ 2008 is much more standards compliant (Visual Studio 6 doesn't support the C++ standard set in 1998).
VS2008 has better compiler (much more standards compliant, better optimizations, ...).
VS6 has much faster IDE. VS2008 IDE has many nice features, but it is a low slower than VS6.
Quick list of improvements you'll see going from 6.0 to 2008:
Many bug fixes
Better conformance to the C++ standard
Better compiler optimization
Improved UI (better intellisense, etc)
One thing that people sometimes forget is that VS 6.0 is over 10 years old now! At this point, I don't see how anyone would want to stick with it.
one tough thing we encountered was that "value" became a keyword.
Visual C++ 6 can be very buggy at times compared to 2008. Some things in particular:
Poor template support/oddities (for instance sometemplate<othertemplate<t>> not working, but sometemplate< othertemplate<t> > working)
Not standards compliant
Resource editor is rubbish ("blue lines" seem to move around randomly, among other things)
Only supports editing certain kinds of 8-bit bitmaps (I have to use imagemagick to convert bitmaps saved in to be able to be seen in picture resources)
Terrible support for working with read-only files / quirky sourcesafe integration.
Sometimes developing in VS6 feels like trying to get websites looking good in internet explorer 5.5