Finding where a handle is open to - c++

I'm messing around with handles / hooks, and have a question. Right now, I have a DLL that I inject into the process that I'm playing with. The DLL hooks the CloseHandle() function. When CloseHandle is called, I do the following:
int WINAPI DetourCloseHandle(HANDLE hObject)
OutputDebugStringA("CLOSE HADNLE");
char name[MAX_PATH];
GetFinalPathNameByHandle(hObject, name, MAX_PATH, FILE_NAME_NORMALIZED);
return oCloseHandle(hObject);
My goal in this is to figure out where the handle is open to, and if the handle is open to a certain process, then use the handle to read that processes memory. What gets printed out when CloseHandle is called is usually paths to random files that the application reads, but I also noticed random ASCII characters being printed at times, as the "Name" of where the handle is opened to. This can be seen here.
Sometimes I also notice paths to certain .exe files. This is not unusual, as the application that I'm injecting into does read / look at binary files. My question is, when I see the "name" returned from GetFinalPathNameByHandle as the path to an exe file, how do I know if the handle is opened to the binary file itself, or if the handle file is opened to the actual running process with that name.
I would also like some insight as to what the ASCII characters that are being printed are. Thanks!

For the random data print you pasted, it likely was because it is just uninitialized garbage in name array, you should always check GetFinalPathNameByHandle's return value before do something with name:
DWORD ret = GetFinalPathNameByHandle(hObject, name, MAX_PATH, FILE_NAME_NORMALIZED);
if (ret) {
} else {
// check GetLastError()
Also, note that GetFinalPathNameByHandle thake the string as TCHAR strings, and you are print it via OutputDebugStringA. So I would suggest either use the ANSI version GetFinalPathNameByHandleA, or use TCHAR name[MAX_PATH]; and print with OutputDebugString instead.


winapi - find DLL path from file name [duplicate]

If I do
Windows will locate and load it from "C:\TestFolder\Test\MyTest.dll", because "C:\TestFolder\Test\" is in %PATH% folder.
How can I emulate same function? I need to locate C:\TestFolder\Test\MyTest.dll (C:\TestFolder\Test\ is in %PATH%) by passing MyTest.dll as an argument to a function. Is there such an API? or a function?
P.S. I can't do LoadLibrary and then GetModuleHandle and finding Path, sometimes this DLL could be malicious DLL and I can't load it. So I need to find PATH without having to load it.
To load the DLL without running any malicious code inside, use LoadLibraryEx with the DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES and LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE flags.
Then you can use GetModuleFileName.
You should also read about all the other flags, which allow you to perform all the various searches Windows is capable of.
The accepted answer to this question will not work in all scenarios. More specifically, using GetModuleFileName together with LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE will only work if the library was already loaded prior without this flag. For example, it will work for a library like KERNEL32.DLL which is already loaded by the process, but it will not work with your own library being loaded into the process for the first time.
This is because, to quote The Old New Thing, a library loaded via LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE (or similar flags) doesn't get to play in any reindeer module games.
If you load a library with the LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATA­FILE flag, then it
isn’t really loaded in any normal sense. In fact, it’s kept completely
off the books. If you load a library with the
LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_IMAGE_RESOURCE flag (or any similar flag added in the
future), then the library gets mapped into the process address space,
but it is not a true module. Functions like Get­Module­Handle,
Get­Module­File­Name, Enum­Process­Modules and
Create­Toolhelp32­Snapshot will not see the library, because it was
never entered into the database of loaded modules.
At that point, you might as well just use GetModuleHandle, since it'll only work with previously loaded libraries. Obviously not ideal, and doesn't actually answer the question of getting the path without executing DllMain.
What about the other flag, DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES? Well, technically yes it will work. However, you'll notice in the Microsoft documentation the following note.
Do not use this value; it is provided only for backward compatibility.
If you are planning to access only data or resources in the DLL, use
or both.
The flag is only provided for backwards compatibility, and that is for good reason. To quote The Old New Thing a second time, DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES is a time bomb.
It is common for somebody to call GetModuleHandle to see if a DLL is
loaded, and if so, use GetProcAddress to get a procedure address and
call it. If the DLL had been loaded with DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES,
both the GetModuleHandle will succeed, but the resulting function will
crash when called. The code doing this has no idea that the DLL was
loaded with DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES; it has no way of protecting
Other threads will see the library is loaded. If they attempt to use the loaded library, as would be entirely normal to do, they will crash the program because it has not actually been initialized. So this flag, while it does work with GetModuleFileName, will cause instability in the program. Still not ideal.
So then, if we can't use DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES or LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE with GetModuleFileName, then what is the solution? Well, the solution is to not use GetModuleFileName - and instead use GetMappedFileName.
At this point, if you know what GetMappedFileName does, you may be confused. Normally, GetMappedFileName is used to get a filename from a File Mapping, created with the File Mapping API. Well, the secret is that under the hood, image loading is accomplished with MapViewOfFile. This is subtly hinted at by the Dbghelp documentation - for example, the ImageNtHeader documentation which states an image base must be...
The base address of an image that is mapped into memory by a call to
the MapViewOfFile function.
This means that not only is a module handle a pointer to a module, but also a mapped file pointer. Unlike GetModuleFileName however, GetMappedFileName has no concept of "the reindeer module games," so it works even with the LOAD_LIBARY_AS_DATAFILE flag of LoadLibraryEx. Not only that, but GetMappedFileName has an additional benefit over GetModuleFileName.
Something you might not know is that simply loading a library with LoadLibrary does not exclusively lock the DLL file. Try it yourself: write a simple program which loads your own library with LoadLibrary, and then while the program is running, cut and paste the DLL file to a different location. This will work (and yes, has always worked regardless of Windows version) so long as no other application has a lock on the DLL file. The File Mapping API just keeps on chugging, regardless of the DLL file's new location.
However, when you call GetModuleFileName, it will always return the path of the DLL file as of whenever the library was loaded with LoadLibrary. This has security ramifications. It would be possible to cut and paste the DLL file to a new location, and put a different one at the old location. If the path returned by GetModuleFileName is used to load the library again, it could actually result in loading a different DLL file altogether. As such, GetModuleFileName is only useful for the purpose of displaying the name or getting the DLL file name passed to LoadLibrary, and can't be depended upon for the current file path.
GetMappedFileName has no such issue, because it has no concept of when LoadLibrary was called. It returns an up to date path to the file, even if it has been moved while it's loaded.
There is one minor downside though: GetMappedFileName returns a device path, in the format of \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Example.DLL. This appears to be due to the File Mapping API originally being from DOS - why a "GetMappedFileNameEx" that returns a drive path doesn't exist is beyond me.
Thankfully, it's a resolvable issue. We can use QueryDosDevice to turn the device path into a drive path.
bool getFilePathNameFromMappedView(HANDLE process, LPVOID mappedView, std::string &filePathName) {
if (!process) {
return false;
if (!mappedView) {
return false;
CHAR mappedFileName[MAX_PATH] = "";
if (!GetMappedFileName(process, mappedView, mappedFileName, MAX_PATH - 1)) {
return false;
// the mapped file name is a device path, we need a drive path
CHAR deviceName[DEVICE_NAME_SIZE] = "A:";
// the additional character is for the trailing slash we add
size_t targetPathLength = 0;
CHAR targetPath[MAX_PATH + 1] = "";
// find the MS-DOS Device Name
DWORD logicalDrives = GetLogicalDrives();
do {
if (logicalDrives & 1) {
if (!QueryDosDevice(deviceName, targetPath, MAX_PATH - 1)) {
return false;
// add a trailing slash
targetPathLength = strnlen_s(targetPath, MAX_PATH);
targetPath[targetPathLength++] = '\\';
// compare the Target Path to the Device Object Name in the Mapped File Name
// case insensitive
if (!_strnicmp(targetPath, mappedFileName, targetPathLength)) {
} while (logicalDrives >>= 1);
if (!logicalDrives) {
return false;
// get the drive path
filePathName = std::string(deviceName) + "\\" + (mappedFileName + targetPathLength);
return true;
GetLogicalDrives just gets a list of which drives are available (like C:, D:, etc.) in the form of a bitmask (where the first bit corresponds to A:, the second bit corresponds to B:, etc.) We then loop through the available drives, getting their paths, and comparing them against the one in the Mapped File Name. The result of this function is a path that could be passed to the CreateFile function.
The only source I could find for whether these device paths are case-insensitive or not was this book claiming that they used to be case-sensitive, but are case-insensitive as of Windows XP. I'm going to assume you are not targeting Windows 9x anymore, so I just compare them case-insensitively.
Hold on a second though: this still may not be enough. If your intention is, as mine was, to try and get a file handle to the DLL file, but using the DLL search path, then just getting the path and passing it to CreateFile opens us up to a filesystem race condition, like the kind explained in this LiveOverflow video. A technique like this could be abused by a hacker so the handle doesn't actually point to the file we want. There isn't any GetMappedFileHandle function, so what can we do?
I thought about this for a while, and here is the workaround I came up with. The idea is that we call our own getFilePathNameFromMappedView function once just to get the path to pass to CreateFile, and exclusively lock the file in place with the FILE_SHARE_READ flag. However, we then confirm, with a second call to getFilePathNameFromMappedView, that the file is still actually there. If the paths match, knowing that the file at that path is now locked, we can know for sure the handle we got is to the library that was actually loaded. If the file was moved before the call to CreateFile finished, however, the paths will not match, because GetMappedFileName returns the up to date path to the file. At that point, we can try again. I decided to do this as a recursive function, but you could decide to throw an error and have the caller handle it.
inline bool stringsCaseInsensitiveEqual(const char* leftHandSide, const char* rightHandSide) {
return !_stricmp(leftHandSide, rightHandSide);
bool getHandleFromModuleHandle(HMODULE moduleHandle, HANDLE &file) {
if (!moduleHandle) {
return false;
HANDLE currentProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
// pass the Module Handle as a Mapped View
// to get its current path
std::string filePathName = "";
if (!getFilePathNameFromMappedView(currentProcess, moduleHandle, filePathName)) {
return false;
// prevent the Example File from being written to, moved, renamed, or deleted
// by acquiring it and effectively locking it from other processes
if (!file || file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
return false;
bool recursive = false;
// we now know this path is now protected against race conditions
// but the path may have changed before we acquired it
// so ensure the File Path Name is the same as before
// so that we know the path we protected is for the Mapped View
std::string _filePathName = "";
if (!getFilePathNameFromMappedView(currentProcess, moduleHandle, _filePathName)) {
goto error;
if (!stringsCaseInsensitiveEqual(filePathName.c_str(), _filePathName.c_str())) {
// race condition occured
recursive = true;
goto error;
return true;
if (file && file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
if (!CloseHandle(file)) {
return false;
file = NULL;
if (recursive) {
return getHandleFromModuleHandle(moduleHandle, file);
return false;
Then we can call it like this...
HMODULE exampleModuleHandle = LoadLibraryEx("Example.DLL", NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE);
if (!exampleModuleHandle) {
return false;
// we want this to be a handle to the Example File
HANDLE exampleFile = NULL;
if (!getHandleFromModuleHandle(exampleModuleHandle, exampleFile)) {
return false;
This is just something I thought of, so let me know in the responses if there are issues with it.
Once you have a handle to the file, it can then be passed to GetFileInformationByHandle to confirm it is the same library as is loaded in another process, and subsequently closed with CloseHandle.

c++ win32 DLL - need to dynamically load a base64 string (very strange!)

First of all, sorry if the title isn't really accurate, I have no idea how I can put my problem into a single sentence.
The problem I'm facing is that I have a win32 DLL which needs to dynamically load a binary file and do something with it (the binary file is found in a base64 string, which the DLL then decodes and writes to disk).
Pretty simple, in theory. However, here come the problems:
I tried putting the string into the resources by an external program. That worked and it does appear in the resources (according to reshack), BUT when I try to access it from inside the DLL it doesn't work. And yes, I do know that you need the hInstance of the DLL itself, not from the executable file that contains it, it didn't work either though.
I also tried to load the string from another source (I tried file, URL and even the registry), but whenever I save it in a variable, the program crashes ("X stopped working" message), I'm assuming that the program which loaded the DLL didn't clear enough RAM to store that extra variable.
And last but not least an extra note: I do not have access to the source code of the program containing the DLL (I'm writing a plugin more or less), so I couldn't pass a parameter either.
I really hope someone can help me out of this dilemma.
Edit: Code upon request
Method 1: Loading the base64 string from a resource
HMODULE handle = itsamee; // "itsamee" was set in DllMain
if(hResa == 0)
printf("FAIL"); // it ALWAYS prints "FAIL" ...
.rc file:
#include "resource.h" // there it just defines IDR_PEFILE and includes <windows.h>
Method 2: Loading the base64 string from the registry
HKEY hkey;
RegOpenKeyEx(root, key, 0, REG_READ, &hkey); // "root" is "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" and "key" is "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\run"
DWORD cbData;
RegQueryValueEx(hkey, name, NULL, &type, NULL, &cbData);
char* value = new char[cbData];
RegQueryValueEx(hkey, name, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)&value, &cbData); // "name" is "pefile"
// now here I had two lines of code. the first one is:
printf("Okay"); // it would always print "Okay"
// this is the second version:
printf("Okay, value is %s", value); // it wouldn't print this, instead I'd get the "X stopped working" error
std::vector<char> dec = base64_decode(value); // this would never happen, "stopped working", regardless of which printf was called before
The mistake was that (LPBYTE)&value made the function write to the pointer and not the buffer itself. It had to be changed to (LPBYTE)value. Thanks to Mark Ransom for this answer!

Locate DLL path by giving a DLLName

If I do
Windows will locate and load it from "C:\TestFolder\Test\MyTest.dll", because "C:\TestFolder\Test\" is in %PATH% folder.
How can I emulate same function? I need to locate C:\TestFolder\Test\MyTest.dll (C:\TestFolder\Test\ is in %PATH%) by passing MyTest.dll as an argument to a function. Is there such an API? or a function?
P.S. I can't do LoadLibrary and then GetModuleHandle and finding Path, sometimes this DLL could be malicious DLL and I can't load it. So I need to find PATH without having to load it.
To load the DLL without running any malicious code inside, use LoadLibraryEx with the DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES and LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE flags.
Then you can use GetModuleFileName.
You should also read about all the other flags, which allow you to perform all the various searches Windows is capable of.
The accepted answer to this question will not work in all scenarios. More specifically, using GetModuleFileName together with LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE will only work if the library was already loaded prior without this flag. For example, it will work for a library like KERNEL32.DLL which is already loaded by the process, but it will not work with your own library being loaded into the process for the first time.
This is because, to quote The Old New Thing, a library loaded via LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE (or similar flags) doesn't get to play in any reindeer module games.
If you load a library with the LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATA­FILE flag, then it
isn’t really loaded in any normal sense. In fact, it’s kept completely
off the books. If you load a library with the
LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_IMAGE_RESOURCE flag (or any similar flag added in the
future), then the library gets mapped into the process address space,
but it is not a true module. Functions like Get­Module­Handle,
Get­Module­File­Name, Enum­Process­Modules and
Create­Toolhelp32­Snapshot will not see the library, because it was
never entered into the database of loaded modules.
At that point, you might as well just use GetModuleHandle, since it'll only work with previously loaded libraries. Obviously not ideal, and doesn't actually answer the question of getting the path without executing DllMain.
What about the other flag, DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES? Well, technically yes it will work. However, you'll notice in the Microsoft documentation the following note.
Do not use this value; it is provided only for backward compatibility.
If you are planning to access only data or resources in the DLL, use
or both.
The flag is only provided for backwards compatibility, and that is for good reason. To quote The Old New Thing a second time, DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES is a time bomb.
It is common for somebody to call GetModuleHandle to see if a DLL is
loaded, and if so, use GetProcAddress to get a procedure address and
call it. If the DLL had been loaded with DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES,
both the GetModuleHandle will succeed, but the resulting function will
crash when called. The code doing this has no idea that the DLL was
loaded with DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES; it has no way of protecting
Other threads will see the library is loaded. If they attempt to use the loaded library, as would be entirely normal to do, they will crash the program because it has not actually been initialized. So this flag, while it does work with GetModuleFileName, will cause instability in the program. Still not ideal.
So then, if we can't use DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES or LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE with GetModuleFileName, then what is the solution? Well, the solution is to not use GetModuleFileName - and instead use GetMappedFileName.
At this point, if you know what GetMappedFileName does, you may be confused. Normally, GetMappedFileName is used to get a filename from a File Mapping, created with the File Mapping API. Well, the secret is that under the hood, image loading is accomplished with MapViewOfFile. This is subtly hinted at by the Dbghelp documentation - for example, the ImageNtHeader documentation which states an image base must be...
The base address of an image that is mapped into memory by a call to
the MapViewOfFile function.
This means that not only is a module handle a pointer to a module, but also a mapped file pointer. Unlike GetModuleFileName however, GetMappedFileName has no concept of "the reindeer module games," so it works even with the LOAD_LIBARY_AS_DATAFILE flag of LoadLibraryEx. Not only that, but GetMappedFileName has an additional benefit over GetModuleFileName.
Something you might not know is that simply loading a library with LoadLibrary does not exclusively lock the DLL file. Try it yourself: write a simple program which loads your own library with LoadLibrary, and then while the program is running, cut and paste the DLL file to a different location. This will work (and yes, has always worked regardless of Windows version) so long as no other application has a lock on the DLL file. The File Mapping API just keeps on chugging, regardless of the DLL file's new location.
However, when you call GetModuleFileName, it will always return the path of the DLL file as of whenever the library was loaded with LoadLibrary. This has security ramifications. It would be possible to cut and paste the DLL file to a new location, and put a different one at the old location. If the path returned by GetModuleFileName is used to load the library again, it could actually result in loading a different DLL file altogether. As such, GetModuleFileName is only useful for the purpose of displaying the name or getting the DLL file name passed to LoadLibrary, and can't be depended upon for the current file path.
GetMappedFileName has no such issue, because it has no concept of when LoadLibrary was called. It returns an up to date path to the file, even if it has been moved while it's loaded.
There is one minor downside though: GetMappedFileName returns a device path, in the format of \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Example.DLL. This appears to be due to the File Mapping API originally being from DOS - why a "GetMappedFileNameEx" that returns a drive path doesn't exist is beyond me.
Thankfully, it's a resolvable issue. We can use QueryDosDevice to turn the device path into a drive path.
bool getFilePathNameFromMappedView(HANDLE process, LPVOID mappedView, std::string &filePathName) {
if (!process) {
return false;
if (!mappedView) {
return false;
CHAR mappedFileName[MAX_PATH] = "";
if (!GetMappedFileName(process, mappedView, mappedFileName, MAX_PATH - 1)) {
return false;
// the mapped file name is a device path, we need a drive path
CHAR deviceName[DEVICE_NAME_SIZE] = "A:";
// the additional character is for the trailing slash we add
size_t targetPathLength = 0;
CHAR targetPath[MAX_PATH + 1] = "";
// find the MS-DOS Device Name
DWORD logicalDrives = GetLogicalDrives();
do {
if (logicalDrives & 1) {
if (!QueryDosDevice(deviceName, targetPath, MAX_PATH - 1)) {
return false;
// add a trailing slash
targetPathLength = strnlen_s(targetPath, MAX_PATH);
targetPath[targetPathLength++] = '\\';
// compare the Target Path to the Device Object Name in the Mapped File Name
// case insensitive
if (!_strnicmp(targetPath, mappedFileName, targetPathLength)) {
} while (logicalDrives >>= 1);
if (!logicalDrives) {
return false;
// get the drive path
filePathName = std::string(deviceName) + "\\" + (mappedFileName + targetPathLength);
return true;
GetLogicalDrives just gets a list of which drives are available (like C:, D:, etc.) in the form of a bitmask (where the first bit corresponds to A:, the second bit corresponds to B:, etc.) We then loop through the available drives, getting their paths, and comparing them against the one in the Mapped File Name. The result of this function is a path that could be passed to the CreateFile function.
The only source I could find for whether these device paths are case-insensitive or not was this book claiming that they used to be case-sensitive, but are case-insensitive as of Windows XP. I'm going to assume you are not targeting Windows 9x anymore, so I just compare them case-insensitively.
Hold on a second though: this still may not be enough. If your intention is, as mine was, to try and get a file handle to the DLL file, but using the DLL search path, then just getting the path and passing it to CreateFile opens us up to a filesystem race condition, like the kind explained in this LiveOverflow video. A technique like this could be abused by a hacker so the handle doesn't actually point to the file we want. There isn't any GetMappedFileHandle function, so what can we do?
I thought about this for a while, and here is the workaround I came up with. The idea is that we call our own getFilePathNameFromMappedView function once just to get the path to pass to CreateFile, and exclusively lock the file in place with the FILE_SHARE_READ flag. However, we then confirm, with a second call to getFilePathNameFromMappedView, that the file is still actually there. If the paths match, knowing that the file at that path is now locked, we can know for sure the handle we got is to the library that was actually loaded. If the file was moved before the call to CreateFile finished, however, the paths will not match, because GetMappedFileName returns the up to date path to the file. At that point, we can try again. I decided to do this as a recursive function, but you could decide to throw an error and have the caller handle it.
inline bool stringsCaseInsensitiveEqual(const char* leftHandSide, const char* rightHandSide) {
return !_stricmp(leftHandSide, rightHandSide);
bool getHandleFromModuleHandle(HMODULE moduleHandle, HANDLE &file) {
if (!moduleHandle) {
return false;
HANDLE currentProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
// pass the Module Handle as a Mapped View
// to get its current path
std::string filePathName = "";
if (!getFilePathNameFromMappedView(currentProcess, moduleHandle, filePathName)) {
return false;
// prevent the Example File from being written to, moved, renamed, or deleted
// by acquiring it and effectively locking it from other processes
if (!file || file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
return false;
bool recursive = false;
// we now know this path is now protected against race conditions
// but the path may have changed before we acquired it
// so ensure the File Path Name is the same as before
// so that we know the path we protected is for the Mapped View
std::string _filePathName = "";
if (!getFilePathNameFromMappedView(currentProcess, moduleHandle, _filePathName)) {
goto error;
if (!stringsCaseInsensitiveEqual(filePathName.c_str(), _filePathName.c_str())) {
// race condition occured
recursive = true;
goto error;
return true;
if (file && file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
if (!CloseHandle(file)) {
return false;
file = NULL;
if (recursive) {
return getHandleFromModuleHandle(moduleHandle, file);
return false;
Then we can call it like this...
HMODULE exampleModuleHandle = LoadLibraryEx("Example.DLL", NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE);
if (!exampleModuleHandle) {
return false;
// we want this to be a handle to the Example File
HANDLE exampleFile = NULL;
if (!getHandleFromModuleHandle(exampleModuleHandle, exampleFile)) {
return false;
This is just something I thought of, so let me know in the responses if there are issues with it.
Once you have a handle to the file, it can then be passed to GetFileInformationByHandle to confirm it is the same library as is loaded in another process, and subsequently closed with CloseHandle.

Spaces in system() C++

I've tried with some solutions found in Stackoverflow, but i can't get it to work, i want to start a .LOG (.txt file) from C++, but the path folder containing it might have spaces, so when i try to start it, i get an error saying it cant find the file because the pah (containing spaces) is wrong, here is what my code looks like:
void Log (unsigned int Code,...)
char currdate[11] = {0};
sprintf(currdate, "%02d:%02d:%02d", t.wHour, t.wMinute, t.wSecond);
FILE* FileHwnd1;
FileHwnd1 = fopen("TEST.log","a+");
fprintf(FileHwnd1,"[%s] Code: %X\n",currdate,Code);
char buffer[MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileName( NULL, buffer, MAX_PATH);
char Path[50];
wsprintf(Path,"start %s\\AntiHack.log",buffer);
system(Path);//Here is where i get the containing spaces path error
I would advise you avoid the system call entirely and do the process launch yourself.
Use AssocQueryString() to find the associated process for your
extension (in this case, .log)
Setup and launch a CreateProcess() call to invoke, passing the
appropriate command line.
there are other ways to do this, but as you're noticing now, going a round-about way will always have pitfalls. The above is spot-on with how Explorer.exe launches the associated process for an extension.
You can try:
wsprintf(Path,"start \"\" \"%s\"\\\AntiHack.log",buffer);

How to find the parent exe of a dll from inside the dll?

I need to do some stuff in a dll based on which process has loaded it. So being relatively new to windows programming I need help figuring out how to find the exe which loaded the current dll. So far I have been hard coding the exe file name, which is the dumbest thing to do :D
1) Some one suggested using GetModuleFileName() function. But this seems to crash my app.(I used 0 as the module handle). I am doing nothing fancy. I used the following syntax
EDIT: I understood from here that I cannot get the .exe name with this call as it returns only the dll name :(
2)Is it a good idea to do this in the DllMain ?? I know that DllMain is not the place to do complicated stuff. I also understand loader lock related issues.All I need is to find the name of the parent process.
I appreciate your time !
ADD: I tried to use GetProcessImageFileName after getting the parent process ID. I get an access violation error. When I tried to debug I noticed that the openProcess call leaves my result argument(image file path-LPTSTR) as a bad pointer.
Error code 87-INVALID PARAMETER is returned by the GetProcessImageFileName call.
But the current process id is a valid id.
Here is the code
LPTSTR fileName={0};
What Am I doing wrong??
I found out that I am trying to use openprocess on an idle process. (i.e) I forgot that my parent process could possibly be waiting idle for me since I sync it . So now I got the bad news that I cannot open an idle process using OpenProcess. How else can i get to look into the object of an Idle process?? (I know for sure its idle because I could not find it in the snapshot. I had to use enumerateprocess to locate its id; But i do use normal process enumeration from the snapshot to find the parent process id in the first place)
If you have declared your fileName variable as something like char fileName or char fileName[MAX_PATH], you may receive an error because your parameter is incorrect: you use the address of the variable (though, you don't specify whether it is a compile time error or runtime error, you say it crashes your app, so I go with Richard here, you've not allocated your variable).
I tried the following code, which works both from within a DLL (it gets the name of the executable, not the DLL module) or from within the executable itself.
(Note: code updated based on Remy's comments below, thanks)
WCHAR exePath[MAX_PATH + 1];
DWORD len = GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, exePath, MAX_PATH);
if (len > 0) {
<< L"Exe path"
<< (len == MAX_PATH) ? L" (truncated):" : L":"
<< exePath
<< endl;
} else {
<< L"Error getting exe path: "
<< GetLastError()
<< endl;
Note: if the buffer is not large enough, GetModuleFileName will truncate the result and return nSize.
More on handling filenames in Win32.
Refer the following link to know about the syntax and the detailed description about the GetModuleFileName()
Steps to do:
First get the full path of the executable file using the code:
TCHAR szEXEPath[2048];
char actualpath[2048];
GetModuleFileName ( NULL, szEXEPath, 2048 );
for(int j=0; szEXEPath[j]!=0; j++)
From the full path of the executable file, split the string to get only the executable name using the built in function str.find_last_of()
std::string str (actualpath);
std::size_t found = str.find_last_of("/\\");
std::cout<< str.substr(found+1) << '\n';
Now you can get only the executable file name.
I assume you are coding in C. You most likely have not allocated MAX_PATH + 1 characters for filename.