What is going on in computer memory here? - c++

So my professor told my class to run this program, it supposedly shows what's going on in computer memory. When I ran it, my output file had the same numbers as my professor's output file for the first like 4 lines and then totally different numbers from then on. But this certainly doesn't seem like it's pulling random numbers, because a lot of the output is 0s and a lot of it are large numbers of similar lengths. Can anyone explain this?
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream> // for files
#include <cstdlib> // for exit
#include <climits> // for INT_MAX etc.
int main( )
using namespace std;
ofstream outfile;
cout << "In this program, we declare a small array and then use array syntax " << endl
<< "to see what is in the computer's memory. " << endl
<< " " << endl
<< " " << endl
<< " " << endl
<< " " << endl
<< " " << endl;
int a[1];
int histogram[214749];
for (int i = 0; i < 214749; i++ )
histogram[i] = 0;
cout << "&a[0] = " << &a[0] << endl
<< "&histogram[0] = " << &histogram[0]<< endl
<< " " << endl;
cout << INT_MAX << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
outfile << a[i] << endl;
//cout << INT_MAX/1000000 +a[i]/1000000 << endl;
//histogram[ a[i]/1000000 ]++;
for (int i = 0; i < 2 ; i++ )
cout << histogram[ i ] << endl;
char dummy;
cin >> dummy;
return 0;

a has one element. That means
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
outfile << a[i] << endl;
//cout << INT_MAX/1000000 +a[i]/1000000 << endl;
//histogram[ a[i]/1000000 ]++;
is undefined behavior as soon as i >= 1. Once you have undefined behavior anything can happen so we can no longer reason out what is going on.

Your professor is trying to demonstrate that the area of memory around your program contains "stuff" - specifically that the memory around your program isn't zero'd or set to any other default value.
Presumably, this is part of a further point that accessing memory out-of-bounds doesn't guarantee that you'll have any particular value, and as such need to initialise your variables accordingly.
However; the problem is that we consider "accessing out-of-bounds of an array" to be undefined behaviour. Undefined behaviour in the C++ standard means "the compiler can handle this situation in whatever way it considers appropriate". Most compilers will serve you values from nearby memory locations (this being simple to do), but they're not required to do so.
Likewise, some compilers can aggressively optimise-out undefined behaviour (like concluding that i can never be greater than 1 when used to index into a, and adjusting the loop appropriately): compilers are free to assume (for optimisation purposes) that undefined behaviour is never invoked by the programmer. See this page from the LLVM project for more details on undefined behaviour (noting that under "Dereferences of Wild Pointers and Out of Bounds Array Accesses", both the Clang team and g++ have made the same decision with regards to handling out-of-bounds errors: they access nearby memory locations; because it's the simplest thing to do in that case).


How to actually "clear" a vector in C++?

How to clear content in a simple way?
If I use vec_vec.clear(); only, there is still something in the vector that has not been cleaned up.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
int main()
std::vector<std::vector<int>> vec_vec(10);
for (auto i : vec_vec[0])
std::cout << i << " ";
std::cout << "." << std::endl;
for (auto i : vec_vec[0])
std::cout << i << " ";
std::cout << "." << std::endl;
for (auto i : vec_vec[0])
std::cout << i << " ";
std::cout << "." << std::endl;
for (int i=0; i<vec_vec.size(); i++)
vec_vec.erase(vec_vec.begin() + i);
for (auto i : vec_vec[0])
std::cout << i << " ";
std::cout << "." << std::endl;
return 0;
1 2 3 4 *
0 0 3 4 *
for (auto i : vec_vec[0])
After this clear, vec_vec is empty, so the expression vec_vec[0] has undefined behavior.
Undefined behavior means anything at all might happen, and it's the fault of the program, not the fault of the C++ compiler, library, etc. So it might act like an empty vector, it might crash your program, it might print some values, or it might do what you expect today, then break at the worst possible time later on.
See also this Q&A on Undefined, unspecified, and implementation-defined behavior.

sending struct to function C++

i have a program that asks for a number of gifts, and then has you input the description, price, and units for it.
i have a function used to display the details here inside it's own cpp file:
void display(const Gift&) {
cout << "Gift Details:" << endl;
cout << "Description: " << gifts.g_description << endl;
cout << "Price: " << gifts.g_price << endl;
cout << "Units: " << gifts.g_units << endl;
and here's where i try to call it through another cpp file:
for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfGifts; i++) {
cout << "Gift #" << i << endl;
cout << endl;
i can't seem to figure out how to have it display the first, second, third, and fourth values? it only displays the fourth values 4 times. would greatly appreciate some help
void display(const Gift&) accepts a reference to a Gift as a parameter, but without an identifier (a name) for the parameter the function cannot interact with the parameter.
Instead use void display(const Gift& gift) and then use gift in place of gifts in the function.
Future bug:
Arrays normally are valid between 0 and the array's dimension -1. In
for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfGifts; i++)
i ranges from 1 to numberOfGifts. At the very least this ignores the first, 0th, element of gifts and quite possibly will allow the program to access one past the end of the array. Skipping the first value is a waste of memory, but might be OK. Trying to access a value outside of the array is bad and the results very unpredictable.

The number of elements in an array using pointers in C++

So while studying for my exams I was trying to do a practice problem for pointers.
In the following code I'm trying to display the number of elements before the first occurrence of 0.
There is only one part that i didn't understand please see the 6th last line.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int A[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
cout << "Please enter number " << i + 1 << " in the array: ";
cin >> A[i];
int *Aptr = A;
while(*Aptr !=0){
cout << *Aptr << "";
cout << "\nThere are " << (Aptr - A) //Here is what i don't understand.
<< " numbers before the first occurrence of 0." << endl;
return 0;
So why exactly is (Aptr - A) giving me the number of elements instead of a memory location, and why is this even doable since Aptr is a pointer and A is an array?
Can someone explain to me in detail?
When used in an expression, like Aptr - A, the name of an array A will be implicitly converted to a pointer (equal to &A[0]).
Then the compiler is faced with subtracting two pointers of the same type (both of type int * in your case). That is specified as giving a value of type std::ptrdiff_t, which is, in turn "a signed integral type able to represent the result of subtracting two pointers".
Pointer arithmetic, when subtracting two pointers of type int (i.e. two int *s) gives the number of ints between the two pointers (assuming they are in the same object, which is true in this case, since Aptr points at an element of the array A).
Practically, if Aptr is equal to &A[i], the subtraction Aptr - &A[0] gives a std::ptrdiff_t equal to i.
Note: there is another problem in your code, as since the first (for) loop reads 10 values, while the second while loop keeps incrementing Aptr until it points at an int with value 0. If the user enters any zero values, the second loop will stop when it finds the first (even if the user enters non-zero elements after that). If the user enters no values equal to 0, then the while loop has undefined behaviour, since Aptr will keep walking through memory past the end of A until it happens to find memory that compares (as an int) equal to 0.
First of all, name of array A is associated to address of (pointer at) the first item in the array.
So why exactly is (Aptr - A) giving me the number of elements?
Because according to rules address arithmetic subtraction operation (also +, and similar) is performed based on the data type.
I mean, that compiler operating with int* makes ++, --, addition, subtraction an integer, etc. adds addresses needed for shifting to next/previous item.
If you really want to see how many bytes are located between addresses, just convert addresses to int before making subtraction:
cout << endl << "Address difference is " << int(Aptr) - int(A) << endl;
You can try that with different data types as follows:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
int A[5];
short B[5];
unsigned char C[5];
cout << "Array (data type) | Syze of array | Size of item | Item distanse | Bytes distance" << endl;
cout << "A (int) :" << setw(10)
<< sizeof(A) << setw(15)
<< sizeof(A[0]) << setw(15)
<< &A[4] - A << setw(15)
<< int(&A[4]) - int(A) << endl;
cout << "B (short) :" << setw(10)
<< sizeof(B) << setw(15)
<< sizeof(B[0]) << setw(15)
<< &B[4] - B << setw(15)
<< int(&B[4]) - int(B) << endl;
cout << "C (un.char) :" << setw(10)
<< sizeof(C) << setw(15)
<< sizeof(C[0]) << setw(15)
<< &C[4] - C << setw(15)
<< int(&C[4]) - int(C) << endl;
return 0;
To be better prepared for your exam, consider the following example with pointers:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int A[5] = {0}; // all items now are 0
int * P = A + 2; // the same as P = &A[2];
*P = 33; // writing to item A[2];
cout << A[2] << endl; // just to check in usual way
cout << *(A + 2) << endl; // using A as a pointer
cout << *(2 + A) << endl; // almost the same to previous
cout << 2[A] << endl; // quite strange, but it works
cout << 0[P] << endl; // and this is the same
return 0;
You must understand that 0[P] means for compiler *(0 + P), as well as 2[A] means - *(2 + A), but you should not write in your program in such style (exceptions are only cases when you want to confuse a reader).
And one more important thing - difference between array and pointer - are shown in the following example:
int A[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int *P = A;
cout << "A = " << A << endl;
cout << "P = " << P << endl;
cout << "size of A = " << sizeof(A) << endl;
cout << "size of P = " << sizeof(P) << endl;
even if the addresses (vaules A and P) are equal, compiler works with array (A) in a different way than with pointer: sizeof(A) means memory allocated for whole array (5 items of sizeof(int) each), but sizeof(P) means memory allocated for data type int * (pointer to int). So, sizeof(P) depends only on compiler and OS platform (e.g. pointer can be 32-bit or 64-bit), but sizeof(A) depends on size of item (int may be not 32 bits) and NUMBER OF ITEMS in the array.
And you can "go to the next item" with pointer:
cout << *P << endl;
but you are not able to do:
because A is not variable of pointer type (it is just similar in sense of "address of the first item"), and compiler will say you something like:
error : '++' needs l-value

C++ inheritance of private functions while using PCL

I've been trying to use the PCA module from PCL in C++, but it's been a pain. At one point I want to switch the current indices of points that need to be operated on using the setIndices() function, but to actually make the update there is a private inherited function that one HAS to use called initCompute() or else it doesn't change them (or at least that is how I understood it). Never the less, the code as is, doesn't update the indices for some reason. This is the documentation for the class and everything works, but I have no idea how to make a workaround for this function which they intended to be used for these purposes:
How to deal with this? This is the error while compiling.
In function ‘void clustering(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::ConstPtr, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZL>::Ptr, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr, float)’:
/usr/include/pcl-1.7/pcl/common/impl/pca.hpp:64:1: error: ‘bool pcl::PCA<PointT>::initCompute() [with PointT = pcl::PointXYZ]’ is private
pcl::PCA<PointT>::initCompute ()
This is the code:
pcl::PCA<pcl::PointXYZ> cpca = new pcl::PCA<pcl::PointXYZ>;
std::cout << "We're now performing the cluster elimination!" << endl;
Eigen::Matrix3f pca_matrix; //serves to hold the eigenvectors, and never got updated...hence the couts for checking.
for (int i = 0; i < nclusters; ++i, n++)
// the next two lines had to be done so, I found that in a forum, the library just behaves a bit strange.
pcl::PointIndices::Ptr pi_ptr(new pcl::PointIndices);
pi_ptr->indices = cluster_indices[i].indices;
cout << "Current size is: " << pi_ptr->indices.size() << endl;//this shows different sizes on every turn
//now can use pi_ptr
pca_matrix = cpca.getEigenVectors();
// but here I get the same vectors every time
std::cout << "vector " << n << " " << pca_matrix(0,0) << " " << pca_matrix(0,1) << " " << pca_matrix(0,2) << endl;
std::cout << "vector " << n << " " << pca_matrix(1,0) << " " << pca_matrix(1,1) << " " << pca_matrix(1,2) << endl;
std::cout << "vector " << n << " " << pca_matrix(2,0) << " " << pca_matrix(2,1) << " " << pca_matrix(2,2) << endl;
Anyway, I got annoyed after a while and did the following.
I created a pca object at the beginning of a for loop using a pointer, and then deleted it at the end of the loop with delete. It is some allocing and deallocing going on there which is most likely not optimal, but it did the trick. The PCA object itself was only 144 bytes large, cause it mostly uses pointers to address necessary elements.

C++ cout printing slowly

I noticed if I print out a long string(char*) using cout it seems to print 1 character at a time to the screen in Windows 7, Vista, and Linux(using putty) using Visual C++ 2008 on Windows and G++ on Linux. Printf is so much faster I actually switched from cout to printf for most printing in a project of mine. This is confusing me because this question makes it seem like I'm the only one having this issue.
I even wrote a cout replacement that looks like it beats the pants off of cout on my comp -
class rcout
char buff[4096];
unsigned int size;
unsigned int length;
size = 4096;
length = 0;
buff[0] = '\0';
printf("%s", buff);
rcout &operator<<(char *b)
strncpy(buff+length, b, size-length);
unsigned int i = strlen(b);
if(i+length >= size)
buff[size-1] = '\0';
printf("%s", buff);
b += (size-length) -1;
length = 0;
return (*this) << b;
length += i;
return (*this);
rcout &operator<<(int i)
char b[32];
_itoa_s(i, b, 10);
return (*this)<<b;
rcout &operator<<(float f)
char b[32];
sprintf_s(b, 32, "%f", f);
return (*this)<<b;
int main()
char buff[65536];
memset(buff, 0, 65536);
for(int i=0;i<3000;i++)
buff[i] = rand()%26 + 'A';
rcout() << buff << buff <<"\n---"<< 121 <<"---" << 1.21f <<"---\n";
cout << "\n\nOk, now cout....\n\n";
cout << buff << buff <<"\n---"<< 121 <<"---" << 1.21f <<"---\n";
cout << "\n\nOk, now me again....\n\n";
rcout() << buff << buff <<"\n---"<< 121 <<"---" << 1.21f <<"---\n";
return 0;
Any ideas why cout is printing so slowly for me?
NOTE: This experimental result is valid for MSVC. In some other implementation of library, the result will vary.
printf could be (much) faster than cout. Although printf parses the format string in runtime, it requires much less function calls and actually needs small number of instruction to do a same job, comparing to cout. Here is a summary of my experimentation:
The number of static instruction
In general, cout generates a lot of code than printf. Say that we have the following cout code to print out with some formats.
os << setw(width) << dec << "0x" << hex << addr << ": " << rtnname <<
": " << srccode << "(" << dec << lineno << ")" << endl;
On a VC++ compiler with optimizations, it generates around 188 bytes code. But, when you replace it printf-based code, only 42 bytes are required.
The number of dynamically executed instruction
The number of static instruction just tells the difference of static binary code. What is more important is the actual number of instruction that are dynamically executed in runtime. I also did a simple experimentation:
Test code:
int a = 1999;
char b = 'a';
unsigned int c = 4200000000;
long long int d = 987654321098765;
long long unsigned int e = 1234567890123456789;
float f = 3123.4578f;
double g = 3.141592654;
void Test1()
<< "a:" << a << “\n”
<< "a:" << setfill('0') << setw(8) << a << “\n”
<< "b:" << b << “\n”
<< "c:" << c << “\n”
<< "d:" << d << “\n”
<< "e:" << e << “\n”
<< "f:" << setprecision(6) << f << “\n”
<< "g:" << setprecision(10) << g << endl;
void Test2()
a, a, b, c, d, e, f, g);
int main()
DWORD start = GetTickCount();
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
A = GetTickCount() - start;
start = GetTickCount();
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
B = GetTickCount() - start;
cerr << A << endl;
cerr << B << endl;
return 0;
Here is the result of Test1 (cout):
# of executed instruction: 423,234,439
# of memory loads/stores: approx. 320,000 and 980,000
Elapsed time: 52 seconds
Then, what about printf? This is the result of Test2:
# of executed instruction: 164,800,800
# of memory loads/stores: approx. 70,000 and 180,000
Elapsed time: 13 seconds
In this machine and compiler, printf was much faster cout. In both number of executed instructions, and # of load/store (indicates # of cache misses) have 3~4 times differences.
I know this is an extreme case. Also, I should note that cout is much easier when you're handling 32/64-bit data and require 32/64-platform independence. There is always trade-off. I'm using cout when checking type is very tricky.
Okay, cout in MSVS just sucks :)
I would suggest you try this same test on a different computer. I don't have a good answer for why this might be happening; all I can say is I have never noticed a speed difference between cout and printf. I also tested your code using gcc 4.3.2 on Linux and there was no difference whatsoever.
That being said, you can't easily replace cout with your own implementation. The fact is, cout is an instance of std::ostream which has a lot of functionality built into it which is necessary for interoperability with other classes that overload the iostream operators.
Anyone that says printf is always faster than std::cout is simply wrong. I just ran the test code posted by minjang, with gcc 4.3.2 and the -O2 flag on a 64-bit AMD Athlon X2, and cout was actually faster.
I got the following results:
printf: 00:00:12.024
cout: 00:00:04.144
Is cout always faster than printf? Probably not. Especially not with older implementations. But on newer implementations iostreams are likely to be faster than stdio because instead of parsing a format string at runtime, the compiler knows at compile time what functions it needs to call in order to convert integers/floats/objects to strings.
But more importantly, the speed of printf versus cout depends on the implementation, and so the problem described by the OP is not easily explicable.
Try call ios::sync_with_stdio(false); before using std::cout/cin, unless of course, you mix stdio and iostream in your program, which is a bad thing to do.
Based on my experience in programming competitions, printf IS faster than cout.
I remember many times when my solution didn't make it before the Time limit just because of cin/cout, while printf/scanf did work.
Besides that, it seems normal (at least for me) that cout is slower than printf, because it does more operations.
Try using some endls or flushes as they will flush cout's buffer, in case the OS is caching your program's output for whatever reason. But, as Charles says, there's no good explanation for this behavior, so if that doesn't help then it's likely a problem specific to your machine.
You should try to write all your data to an ostringstream first, and then use cout on the ostringstream's str(). I am on 64-bit Windows 7 and Test1 was already significantly faster than Test2 (your mileage may vary). Using an ostringstream to build a single string first and then using cout on that further decreased Test1's execution time by a factor of about 3 to 4. Be sure to #include <sstream>.
I.e., replace
void Test1()
<< "a:" << a << "\n"
<< "a:" << setfill('0') << setw(8) << a << "\n"
<< "b:" << b << "\n"
<< "c:" << c << "\n"
<< "d:" << d << "\n"
<< "e:" << e << "\n"
<< "f:" << setprecision(6) << f << "\n"
<< "g:" << setprecision(10) << g << endl;
void Test1()
ostringstream oss;
<< "a:" << a << "\n"
<< "a:" << setfill('0') << setw(8) << a << "\n"
<< "b:" << b << "\n"
<< "c:" << c << "\n"
<< "d:" << d << "\n"
<< "e:" << e << "\n"
<< "f:" << setprecision(6) << f << "\n"
<< "g:" << setprecision(10) << g << endl;
cout << oss.str();
I suspect ostringstream makes this so much faster as a result of not trying to write to the screen each time you call operator<< on cout. I've also noticed through experience that reducing the number of times you write to the screen (by writing more at once) increases performance (again, your mileage may vary).
void Foo1()
for(int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
cout << "Foo1\n";
void Foo2()
std::string s;
for(int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
s += "Foo2\n";
cout << s;
void Foo3()
std::ostringstream oss;
for(int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
oss << "Foo3\n";
cout << oss.str();
In my case, Foo1 took 1,092ms, Foo2 took 234ms, and Foo3 took 218ms. ostingstreams are your friend. Obviously Foo2 and Foo3 require (trivially) more memory. To compare this against a C-style function, try sprintf into a buffer and then write that buffer using fprintf and you should see still more efficiency over Test2 (though for me this only improved performance of Test2 by about 10% or so; cout and printf are indeed different beasts under the hood).
Compiler: MinGW64 (TDM and its bundled libraries).
Try using ios::sync_with_stdio(false);. Mention it before using std::cin/cout. It doesn't mix stdio or iostream but it synchronizes iostream standard streams with their corresponding standard c streams.
for example - std::cin/wcin of iostream is synchronized with stdin of c stream
Here is hax that should make c++ streams as fast as c printf. I never tested it but I believe it works.