can't include Qt classes while creating project with VS-add in - c++

I recently begin to use Qt and decided to use it with Visual Studio (2013).
The problem is that when i create the project the Qt classes even the most common can't be included (as QApplication) even if i had to it every Modules (core GUI...). Intellisense underline it in red saying :"cannot open source file QApplication". And when i try to run the project, it tells me that i missed some .dll. The weirdest thing is that i already manage (2 times) to make it worked, simply by creating the project without doing anything special(i think).
Moreover when i use the qtcreator it works fine but i'd like to use VS.
Sorry, i had a hard time being specific since i really don't have a clue.

In addition #drescherjm comment, you should also check that you have an system environment variable set - The variable name should be QTDIR and the path should be the path of your installation - on my system this is C:\Qt\Qt5.5.1\5.5\msvc2013.

OK, it seems i found a way to resolve the problem but i still don't get why.
It appears that if i go in the Qt options even if the path is already set, i need to select it and press ok. And then build the project and reopen it for intelisense to work. And it worked. But it's weird because i already fund the place where the qtdir variable is stored and it was alright but the project still didn't worked??


How to fix "This file is not part of any project. The code model might have issues parsing this file properly." bug in Qt Creator?

I just installed Qt creator (for the 10th time probably), and even when I follow the simple steps to create a new Qt Widget or Qt Console applications, I get this error. Extremely frustrated with various Qt Creator bugs. Help will be appreciate.
If you look closely at your workspace, you can see, that there are two projects. One project is called Sample, one project is called Widget. The active project is "Sample". You can tell that from the project browser as the Sample project is in bold letters. So building and debugging applies only to the Sample project.
The open file where you set your breakpoints in is "Widget/main.cpp", it belongs to the other non-active "Widget" project. So when you start the debugger, the environment warns you that this will not work. Completely correct behaviour.
Maybe try the following:
1- Ensure case sensitive typing of the file name and type the full path not just the name.
2- Delete configuration files that are automatically created.
3- Make sure the QT environment is setup correctly pointing to the required compilers, packages and resources.
4- Check if there are any missing environment variables on your machine.
The problem could be in the .pro
Check that you have the file into the source in the .pro

Wrong path for Qt mkspecs when generating Makefile for VTK under Windows 10

My current task is to set up a working environment for an application using (static) Qt and VTK, under Windows 10.
I successfully installed the Qt 5.11.1 static and now want to build VTK. Any version of VTK does, as long as it is compatible to Qt 5.11.1, and the Qt Modules (VTK_Group_Qt) have to be build. For my version, I decided on VTK 8.1.1, but as said, any version would do.
I used the CMake GUI to configure VTK, using MinGW Makefiles (I use a MinGW64), which worked. Then I wanted to proceed generating the Makefile, having turned on VTK_Group_Qt. The paths and version of Qt were already correctly recognized:
Qt5Core_DIR       C:/build_environment/qt-everywhere-src-5.11.1/qtbase/lib/cmake/Qt5Core
Qt5Gui_DIR          C:/build_environment/qt-everywhere-src-5.11.1/qtbase/lib/cmake/Qt5Gui
Qt5Widgets_DIR C:/build_environment/qt-everywhere-src-5.11.1/qtbase/lib/cmake/Qt5Widgets
Qt5_DIR               C:/build_environment/qt-everywhere-src-5.11.1/qtbase/lib/cmake/Qt5
Made sure that all of those exist. After that, I hit Generate and got the following error:
The imported target "Qt5::Core" references the file
but this file does not exist. Possible reasons include:
* The file was deleted, renamed, or moved to another location.
* An install or uninstall procedure did not complete successfully.
* The installation package was faulty and contained
but not all the files it references
Now, we see that it goes one folder upwards from qtbase and then into the very folder it currently is in, which of course is not a legitimate path. That is, for some reason it tries to go up and then down again, but not with the right amount of folders.
I could try to move the contents of my Qt installation so that the path would be legitimate, but I'd consider that to be pretty much of a smell. Fiddling around in a folder structure that should be correct is not what I understand to be a good solution. I'd rather be willed to change one of the .cmake files of Qt, but that would also be more of a makeshift approach than a real solution as far as I am concerned.
One thing I tried so far was to look at all the CMake variables (checking Advanced in the CMake GUI) in order to see if everything appear to be in order, and especially to see if that faulty path to mkspecs is to be found somewhere there. Found nothing of particular interest.
Does anybody have an idea what went wrong? Tell me if additional information is required. In parallel, I will try to build other versions of VTK, but I'm not too confident that this will solve the issue.
I found a solution which I want to present here, but I consider it a makeshift approach rather than an actual solution, and I hope to see a better answer.
I went to qt-everywhere-src-5.11.1/qtbase/lib/cmake/Qt5Core/ and changed the file Qt5CoreConfigExtrasMkspecDir.cmake (after making a copy).
The original file contains a single line
set(_qt5_corelib_extra_includes "${_qt5Core_install_prefix}/.../qt-everywhere-src-5.11.1/qtbase//mkspecs/win32-g++")
which leads to the faulty path. I changed it to
set(_qt5_corelib_extra_includes "${_qt5Core_install_prefix}/mkspecs/win32-g++")
And it now works fine. Still, I don't feel good about having to change a file of Qt, since I consider the answer the question "Is this famous library at fault?" to be "Most likely I used it wrong."
A possible explanation would be that I used the wrong install prefix when configuring Qt, but shouldn't I be allowed to put any valid writeable path in there? Plus, the prefix is still in the cmake file and thus has some validity.
While this is an answer since it fixed the problem, I'd really like to read comments about what could have originally went wrong.

VS2013 debugger can no longer resolve system environment variable containing source code path

I am currently using Visual Studio 2013 (Update 4) for building Qt5.4.0 projects. I use the express version so I don't use the VS plugin. My .vcxproj files a generated from .pro files using build scripts and qmake.
When debugging my projects I sometimes try to step into Qt library code. To do this I added the path to the Qt source codes to the solution properties->Debug Source Files setting like described in a former post (VS2013 debugger can not find Qt sources).
Because I have many different projects and it would be a pain to update all of them in case of a Qt update I used a system environment variable "QTSRC" pointing to that path and added the following line to the solution:
This worked like charm some time ago (with an older update of VS and a former Qt version 5.x).
But unfortunately it does not work anymore. It seems that VS now totally ignores the system environment variable (it also does not show any errors when I check the "check entries" button in the dialog).
Does anybody know what changed here lately and what must be done to fix this? It would be very annoying to add the path hardcoded to every project (which still works) and have to do this over and over again after Qt updates.
I'd look at the Property Pages which will allow you to set user defined values that you can share across different projects:
I use them to set global include paths, but it looks like you can set almost anything there. Set things in the .User pages if you want them used for all your projects but not included in the solution or project file itself.
A good, short, guide is here:

Eclipse 3.7.0 Indigo with CDT shows many false compilation errors

I have updated my Ubuntu box to 11.10 and then Eclipse also have been updated to 3.7.0 Indigo with CDT 8.0.1
Then the following problem occurs:
I have included the vector header file but the compiler said that Symbol 'vector' could not be resolved. I also defined #define int Comparable, but Eclipse also said Symbol 'Comparable' could not be resolved and so on....
Although lots of errors occur, compiling was finished successfully!
I have tried to use g++ to compile the code, it had no problem.
The problem is that there are a bunch of include directories that are missing from the indexer's perspective.
Adding the following worked for me, but may depend on your particular setup where they actually exist:
They can be set in Project>Properties>C++ Include Paths
Presumably, in the future, the platform specializations for the CDT will included these automatically. I recall reading that somewhere, but cannot provide a reference.
Time after time a crash of Eclipse, the VM or the computer or even just long months of development start to wear down the stability of the workspace where Eclipse stores everything.
Check the <workspace dir>\.metadata directory to get an idea of just how much Eclipse generates and stores in your workspace. Every time you add a plugin, upgrade a plugin, remove a plugin that puts and changes information in your workspace.
A proof is that this issue usually comes just after upgrading Eclipse. (In my case to Indigo).
The easiest way to fix up a dusty workspace is using the -clean command line argument to the eclipse.exe executable.
Eclipse help docs tell us what this command does:
if set to "true", any cached data used by the OSGi framework and
eclipse runtime will be wiped clean. This will clean the caches used
to store bundle dependency resolution and eclipse extension registry
data. Using this option will force eclipse to reinitialize these
There are three ways one can use the -clean command line argument:
Edit the eclipse.ini file located in your and add it as the first argument on the first line.
Edit the shortcut you use to start Eclipse and add it as the first argument.
Create a batch or shell script that calls the Eclipse executable with the -clean argument.
The advantage of step 3 is you can keep the script around and use it each time you want to clean out the workspace.
This page solved the problem to me!Hope it can help everybody else.
In the project properties, go to C/C++ Build > Tool Chain Editor, tick Display compatible toolchains only, and select Linux GCC and click Apply button.
Now if you go to C\C++ General > Paths and Symbols, you will see new list of include paths added. If you rebuild index, the error messages should go away.
The code analysis is causing this. It's not actually compiling the code but just doing some static checks for quick feedback. Unfortunately I don't know how to fix it, I just disabled it. Sorry I'm at work so I don't have CDT in front of me but I think it's something like:
Window > Preferences > C++ General > Code Analysis
Go there and un-check all the boxes to disable it.
When you create a C++ project (in my case from existing code) you have to set the 'Toolchain for Indexer Settings' to the compiler you use ('GNU Autotools Toolchains' in my case).
After this 'Path and Symbols' will show the correct path to the include files of your compiler.
The bugs will disappear.
This setting was useful only during creating the project, setting it later did not help.
In indigo 3.7.2 version (and up may be) your changes can be effect after reindexing. Eclipse ask for "reindexing". Lower versions can require a manual reindexing header tags etc.
Updated index option to active build configuration works for me,
also I removed some files from the file list of being indexed up-front,
Ok here is what worked for me:
deleted the path to the header files I created from the include path
compiled the project (obviously the compiler complains since it is missing user-defined headers)
reinserted the path to the header files I created
compiled the project again - worked perfectly
I can't explain the case :(
I am answering here because this is the closest question to my problem.
I used QT Eclipse integration with Helios (3.6.2) with no major problems. I was using mingw 4.6.2, which I had installed to c:\mingw. I wanted to upgrade to Indigo, which fixed some minor issues I was having with CDT.
However, under Indigo (3.7 SR2) Eclipse began underlining trivial functions, as being unresolved, such as:
function 'fprintf' could not be resolved
function 'memset' could not be resolved
even though #include was not underlined, could be opened, and included fprintf in the header. And even though the code itself compiled fine.
If I went back to Helios, the problems went away.
I tried reindexing, to no avail. I checked my include paths, and they were:
At first, I had just included the first, but not the second. But then I searched for "unresolved includes", and stdio.h was including stdarg.h, which wasn't in the main include folder of mingw, so I added the second. But still, printf was not resolved, and there were no more "unresolved includes".
I created a new C++ project with one class. I added stdio.h, the paths above, and a call to fprintf. It was underlined! Even though other things from stdio were not underlined.
Now I knew that it wasn't just a Qt problem.
I worked around on this for a while before I read the bottom post here suggesting removing the include paths and compiling. I didn't believe it would work but gave it a shot. Amazingly, even though the compile failed, the error went away!
It was then that I took another look at the include paths. They had been updated by the compile step to the following:
These were marked as "built-in" values which I assume means they weren't added by me and could get updated the next time I run a build.
So, I guess the lesson is, including every single include path under mingw, even if Eclipse doesn't find it to be an unresolved include.
The next step was to put all these paths into my Qt project. Unfortunately, after doing so, the unresolved functions were still there. It appears to be some sort of bug with the Qt C/C++ include paths which are different from the CDT C/C++ include paths.

Visual C++ Build / Debugging Issue

I'm having a weird problem with Visual Studio. Whenever I change my code and build, even though I get the notification that the built was successful (and if any, it also shows errors in code and doesn't build) the executable is actually the previous build. This is getting really annoying and frustrating.
If I put a breakpoint on the new lines, the breakpoint gets disabled and it says
The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No executable code is
associated with this line. Possible causes include: preprocessor
directive or compiler/linker optimization
If I put a breakpoint on old lines of code, it stops processing but shows me this message
The source is different from when the module was built. Would you like
the debugger to use it anyway?
I never had this problem before and the source code in on my laptop's hard drive. It saves right away. The only way to get around this to Clean the entire solution manually every time, instead of basically pressing F5.
Thanks everyone for their suggestions. My mistake was that I defined the classes inside .cpp files, this somehow caused the linker to do weird (caching probably) stuff and link the old objects. I renamed the file to .h and everything's working as expected.
Perhaps your code is not built, or is built in a way you don't expect.
You might check by inserting a #error foobar preprocessor directive somewhere. If no error shows when building, you know you are in trouble!
But I never used Visual Studio (I'm only using Linux) so I cannot help more.
It might be that you have set main project some other project and building that.
make your project that you want to work on as "Main Project " by set main project available in menu bar.
I think you are using source files from another project (ex: if you are using a dll say, my.dll (which was built using some source files say, mycpp.cpp ); in your current project).
When you debugged into the file (mycpp.cpp), maybe you modified it.
Hence you need to rebuild the dll (my.dll) first in the project in which you created my.dll .
Maybe you have opened a instance of mycpp.cpp in a window & debugging in another window.
you should rebuild the dll.
If you are not using files from another project, then I cant guess the cause...but still I would recommend using rebuild rather than clean & build.
please clarify your Question a bit.
#David expecting a reply from you...
I was looking for an answer to this issue since I was also stuck with it. A colleague of mine just gave me a solution that works. Yes, it seems really stupid, but it did the trick for me.
Our solution has many projects. He told me to select the project that I wish to break into and set it as the startup project (right-click on the project name and pick "Set as startup project"). I was desperate, so I tried. To my amazement, it works.
Since I have this window opened, I thought I'd share it in case someone else is stuck with the problem.
I faced the same problem. But reason was not as yours.
Then I just restarted the visual studio and it ran as expected.