c++ program not launching any browser on 64bit machine - c++

I am writing a code which launches browser on click of a button but during launch of Internet Explorer or be it any browser the application hangs producing the window attached with this message.IE ERROR. In the given pic appfthook.dll is used in my application

You can launch it as
system("START iexplore.exe");
assuming that it's in your path. You can avoid using appfthook.dll that way.


ShellExecute Fails if Run from Application Launched as Administrator

My C++ application uses ShellExecute to open a PDF file. I'm using Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (version 1809, OS build 17763.615) to run my application. If my application is launched as Admin (right-click Run as administrator) then it fails to open the PDF file. However, if my application is launched without Admin rights (just double-clicking it) then Adobe (the default PDF reader) is launched successfully and the PDF is displayed correctly.
My application runs normally (with and without Run as admin) on Windows 7 and Windows 10 Pro. This issue just started happening now that we are trying to use Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC.
The actual code from my application is:
ShellExecute(NULL, NULL, full_path.toWideCharPointer(), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
where full_path is for example equal to "C:\\Faxitron\\Docs\\Guide.pdf".
In both cases (admin or not), ShellExecute always returns 42 and GetLastError returns 0. Here is something interesting: when running my application as Admin, the Task Manager shows 2 processes of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (32 bit) under my application, but the program Adobe is never launched/opened.
Not sure if this is relevant or not, but I'm using the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (version 19.012.20034).
Finally, my application requires to be run as Admin (for other functionality to work properly). Is there a way to get ShellExecute to work when running application as administrator?
The reason why ShellExecute cannot launch the PDF viewer from an elevated process, in this case, is because Adobe Reader is preventing it via its Protected Mode. To solve this issue disable protected mode by doing the following:
Open Adobe Reader.
Choose Edit > Preferences...
In the Categories list on the left, select Security (Enhanced).
In the Sandbox Protections section, deselect Enable Protected Mode at startup
Click OK to save the changes.
Close Adobe Reader.
For more information about Protected Mode (and possible vulnerabilities) refer to this link from Adobe.com:

Add macOS Console Application to Accessibility

I've developed an Accessibility API console application in C++ for High Sierra (and lower) - uses AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue etc.
I've disabled SIP to give me a chance here to write to the Accessibility database using tccutil.
So, the application runs as expected in Xcode, given that I've enabled 'Xcode' in System Preferences->Security & Privacy->Privacy->Accessibility.
I've wrapped my console application into a .app so I can drag and drop into this Accessibility panel.
If I run the application outside of Xcode in a Terminal window, I have to also give Terminal.app Accessibility rights for the application to use the API otherwise nothing is extracted. This then seems that you must give the calling application the rights.
I'm trying to launch the application on startup via a LaunchAgent with root privileges, /usr/bin/sudo being the calling application. Launching a script instead to run the application seemed the better method. The application launches fine, infact the console application inside the .app is also added now to the Accessibility panel.
Unfortunately, the Accessibility side of things is still not working and I've run out of ideas?
Any help will be appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.

Find application handlers?

I am attempting to find a window object handle inside a remote terminal that is run though Citrix Remote with ZenApp. My problem is I can see the parent window of Citrix Remote but no children. I have tried WinSpy, WFP Inspector, and a few other API spy utilities; none of which could view the Citrix Remote properties.
What can I do to view these objects though this remote terminal?
No utility will be able to see the window handles for an application run over Citrix. The application is running on the Citrix server. The Citrix remote client presents only an image of the screen on the the client application.
The window handles that you are looking for are on the Citrix server, not the client machine you are running from.
You'll never be able to get the window handles, as they don't exist; however, you may be able to use UI Automation to get the accessibility properties (name, position, etc.) Certainly this works for Windows Remote Desktop on Windows 8 & above; it may or may not work for Citrix. It's worth a try.

Instance in VC++ application

Am working on VC++ application
Its a background application that runs on background even on PC restart
Am trying to open the application as say - some antivirus like mcafee, which runs on background but if we click on the exe icon it comes up front of the screen
WinExec("application.exe", SW_SHOW);
Does anyone can help me ?
Sounds like your application is a good candidate for a Windows Service. A Service runs in the background with no GUI, starts when Windows starts, can re-start automatically if it fails, etc. For a GUI, you would write a separate application which would attach to the Service via some type of inter-process-communication for the purposes of configuration/control.

Internet Explorer cannot 'fully' load ActiveX Control

I am migrating an installer for an ActiveX control from Per-Machine to Per-User. I did this by programming the installer write to HKCU\Software\Classes instead of HKLM\Software\Classes.
On my machine (Windows 7 with UAC Enabled), the ActiveX control successfully loads. On the other windows 7 test machines (one with UAC enabled, one with UAC disabled), the control 'partially' loads.
What is Partially?
When a user visits a page with the ActiveX control, Internet Explorer displays a warning message in a yellow bar on the top of the window. If you click the 'Run add-on' button in the bar, the control becomes visible and begins to run, but Javascript code that tries to access properties of the control return the error:
Library not registered.
Differences between machines
On the dev machine reads from HKCR\CLSID\<GUID> succeed while on the test machines these reads fail. Reads from HKCU succeed on both dev and test machines. Reads from HKLM fail on both test and dev machines. (I collected reads using Sysinternals Process Monitor) Strangely, the keys that Internet Explorer fails to read are clearly visible if I use regedit to view HKCR\CLSID\<GUID> on the test machines.
What can I do to get the per-user control to load on the test machines? What could cause this difference between the dev machine and the test machines? Why can I see the key in HKCR with RegEdit but Internet Explorer cannot see the key?
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.