Wrong types involving converting a vector to feed to execvp - c++

I have a vector of strings vector<string> args that I need to convert to a c string to in turn run as arguments through an execvp call. I keep getting the error "invalid conversion from const char* to char* for the line in my loop. I don't understand how to fix this while still resulting in something I can feed to execvp. While I have seen similar posts, none of the solutions I have come across seem to fix my issue.
int argsLen = c->args.size();
char **argv = new char* [c->args.size() + 1];
for (int index = 0; index < c->args.size(); ++index)
argv[index] = c->args[index].c_str();//note that c is the structure in which args is contained
argv[c->args.size() + 1] = NULL;
//execvp(argv[0], argv);

If you want to do this with no chance of leaking memory or memory overwrite, you can do the following:
typedef std::vector<char> CharArray;
typedef std::vector<CharArray> ArgumentVector;
ArgumentVector argVec;
std::vector<char *>argv;
for (int index = 0; index < c->args.size(); ++index)
// get the command and create copy
argVec.push_back(CharArray(c->args[index].begin(), c->args[index].end()));
// get pointer to newly created entity and place in argv vector
// the last argument is NULL
execvp(argV[0], // the first item in the array
argV.data(), // the char** we are sending
All we did was create a std::vector<char*>, and the way we set the pointers in this vector is to point to data from another vector. Once the std::vector<char*> is populated, then char** is just a pointer to the first item.
BTW, this is one of the legitimate reasons to use a vector<char *> as opposed to a vector<string>. In most other cases, if you want a vector of strings, you use vector<string>.

c_str() returns a const char pointer to its internal buffer, whose contents you are not allowed to change (thats why its const) and obviously cannot assign to your char buffer. You need to allocate memory for each string, and copy it:
argv[index] = new char[c->args[index].length()];
strcpy(argv[index], c->args[index].c_str());
include cstring header for strcpy.

Maybe this can help:
char const **argv = new const char* [c->args.size() + 1];


execvp() using vector<string *>

_arguments = std::vector<std::string *>();
I have above vector declared and I want to use it for execvp()
int execvp(const char *file, char *const argv[]);
How do I convert the type to fit into this function?
It should be something like this
execvp(_arguments[0], _arguments)
You will need to create a new array of pointers to the strings' data, instead of to the std::strings themselves. There are many ways to do this, but one simple way is to use another std::vector and a structured for loop:
assert(_arguments.size() > 0); // else the executable will be invalid
std::vector<const char *> args;
args.reserve(_arguments.size() + 1);
for(string *sp: _arguments) {
args.push_back(nullptr); // needed to terminate the args list
execvp(args[0], args.data());
You can't use it directly. You'll need to copy pointers to each string's internal buffer into another vector.
Assuming arguments_ is initialized like this:
std::vector<std::string*> arguments_ = {
new std::string("mycmd"),
new std::string("arg1"),
new std::string("arg2")
You can call execvp something like this:
// execvp needs a NULL terminator, so make argv one element longer
// than arguments_
std::vector<char*> argv(arguments_.size() + 1);
// copy pointers to each string's buffer into the new vector
std::transform(arguments_.begin(), arguments_.end(), argv.begin(),
[](std::string* arg) {
return arg->data();
// The last element of argv was implicitly initialized to a null pointer
// so this isn't actually necessary.
// I just included it to be explicit
argv.back() = nullptr;
// pass a pointer to the array of char*s to execvp
execvp(argv[0], argv.data());
Note that this example relies on the non-const qualified overload of std::string::data added in C++17. Use &(*arg)[0] instead if you're using an older revision of the C++ standard.
_arguments = std::vector<std::string *>();
The standard string class manages its internal data as char array.
To access the internal data, call the method data(). The return type is const char*.
By the way, the pointer type for std::string is not necessary.
Also have a look on the reference: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/string/string/data/

execvp not working when converting from vector<string> to vector<char*> to char**

Going from a vector of strings to a vector of char* to a char**, was working when the argument came in as char**, but the conversion seems to have a problem and I'm not able to find the difference.
Is there a better way to do this?
vector<string> args;
/* code that correctly parses args from user input */
pid_t kidpid = fork();
if (kidpid < 0)
perror("Internal error: cannot fork.");
return -1;
else if (kidpid == 0)
// I am the child.
for(int i=1;i<args.size();i++)
char * temp = new char[args.at(i).length()];
for(int k=0;k<args.at(i).length();k++)
temp[k] = args.at(i).at(k);
char** argv = new char*[argcs.size() + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < argcs.size(); i++)
argv[i] = argcs[i];
argv[args.size()] = NULL;
execvp(program, args);
return -1;
First, there's no point in copying the std::strings if the next thing you are going to do is call execvp.
If the execvp succeeds, then it will never return and the entire memory image will vanish into smoke (or, more accurately, be replaced by a completely new image). In the course of constructing the new image, exec* will copy the argv array (and the environment array) into it. In any event, the std::vector and std::string destructors will never be invoked.
If, on the other hand, the execvp fails, then the argument passed into it will not have been modified. (Posix: "The argv[] and envp[] arrays of pointers and the strings to which those arrays point shall not be modified by a call to one of the exec functions, except as a consequence of replacing the process image.")
In either case, there was no need to copy the character strings. You can use std::string::c_str() to extract a pointer to the underlying C string (as a const char*, but see below).
Second, if you're using C++11 or more recent, std::vector conveniently comes with a data() member function which returns a pointer to the underlying storage. So if you have std::vector<char*> svec, then svec.data() will be the underlying char*[], which is what you want to pass into execvp.
So the problem reduces to creating a std::vector<char*> from a std::vector<std::string>, which is straightforward:
else if (kidpid == 0) {
// I am the child.
std::vector<char*> argc;
// const_cast is needed because execvp prototype wants an
// array of char*, not const char*.
for (auto const& a : args)
// NULL terminate
// The first argument to execvp should be the same as the
// first element in argc, but we'll assume the caller knew
// what they were doing, and that program is a std::string.
execvp(program.c_str(), argc.data());
// It's not clear to me what is returning here, but
// if it is main(), you should return a small positive value
// to indicate an error
return 1;

Needing to use char** in C++ instead of std::string*

I am working on an assignment for my operating systems class. We have the option of using C or C++, so I decided to use C++ since I practised it on the job a bit more recently than C.
I will need to call (from "
$ man execvp " on Linux)
int execvp(const char *file, char *const argv[]);
which (unless I am mistaken) means I need a C-style char* array (a string array in C), and will not be able to use std::string from C++.
My question is: what is the proper way to make/use char* arrays instead of string arrays in C++? Most people tend to say malloc is not used any more in C++ (which I tried now with some complications)
char** cmdList = (char**)malloc(128 * sizeof(char*));
but I don't know how to make a char* array without. Is it still appropriate to solve this how I would in C even though I'm using C++? I haven't ever run into a circumstance where I couldn't use string in C++.
Thanks for everyone's time.
If you put your arguments into a std::vector<std::string>, as you should in C++, then you need a small conversion to get to the char** that execvp wants. Luckily, both std::vector and std::string are continuous in memory. However, a std::vector<std::string> isn't an array of pointers, so you need to create one. But you can just use a vector for that too.
// given:
std::vector<std::string> args = the_args();
// Create the array with enough space.
// One additional entry will be NULL to signal the end of the arguments.
std::vector<char*> argv(args.size() + 1);
// Fill the array. The const_cast is necessary because execvp's
// signature doesn't actually promise that it won't modify the args,
// but the sister function execlp does, so this should be safe.
// There's a data() function that returns a non-const char*, but that
// one isn't guaranteed to be 0-terminated.
std::transform(args.begin(), args.end(), argv.begin(),
[](std::string& s) { return const_cast<char*>(s.c_str()); });
// You can now call the function. The last entry of argv is automatically
// NULL, as the function requires.
int error = execvp(path, argv.data());
// All memory is freed automatically in case of error. In case of
// success, your process has disappeared.
Instead of malloc use new[]:
char ** cmdlist = new char*[128];
There is no need for sizeof, since new knows the size of the type it creates. For classes this also calls the default constructor if it exists. But be careful: If there is no (public) default constructor for a type you can not use new[].
Instead of free use delete[] to release your memory when you are done:
delete[] cmdlist;
Of course, you could also use a vector. This has the advantage that the memory used to store the vector's content is automatically released when the vector is destroyed.
#include <vector>
std::vector<char*> cmdlist(128, nullptr); // initialize with nullpointers
// access to entries works like with arrays
char * firstCmd = cmdList[0];
cmdlist[42] = "some command";
// you can query the size of the vector
size_t numCmd = cmdlist.size();
// and you can add new elements to it
cmdlist.push_back("a new command");
// the vector's internal array is automatically released
// but you might have to destroy the memory of the char*s it contains, depending on how they were created
for (size_t i = 0; i < cmdlist.size(); ++i)
// Free cmdlist[i] depending on how it was created.
// For example if it was created using new char[], use delete[].
Assuming you have an std::vector<std::string> args variable that represents the argument list, you could do the following to get a C-style array of strings:
auto argvToPass = std::make_unique<const char*[]>(args.size() + 1);
int i = 0;
for (const auto& arg : args)
argvToPass[i++] = arg.c_str();
// make we have a "guard" element at the end
argvToPass[args.size()] = nullptr;
execvp(yourFile, argvToPass.get());
You can create an array of const char* and still use strings by using string.c_str() the code will look like this
const char ** argv = new const char*[128];
string arg1 = "arg";
argv[0] = arg1.c_str();
If you want to get fancy (and safe) about it you can use std::unique_ptr to good effect to ensure everything gets properly deleted/freed in the event of an error or an exception:
// Deleter to delete a std::vector and all its
// malloc allocated contents
struct malloc_vector_deleter
void operator()(std::vector<char*>* vp) const
for(auto p: *vp)
delete vp;
// self deleting pointer (using the above deleter) to store the vector of char*
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<char*>, malloc_vector_deleter> cmds(new std::vector<char*>());
// fill the vector full of malloc'd data
// did any of the allocations fail?
if(std::find(cmds->begin(), cmds->end(), nullptr) != cmds->end())
// report error and return
cmds->push_back(nullptr); // needs to be null terminated
execvp("progname", cmds->data());
// all memory deallocated when cmds goes out of scope
which (unless I am mistaken) means I need a C-style char* array (a string array in C), and will not be able to use std::string from C++.
No you can still use string from C++. The string class has a constructor that takes C-string:
char str[] = "a string";
string cppStr(str);
Now you can manipulate your string using the string class in C++.

(C++) Very Basic Questions Regarding Syntax

C++ novice here. I have some basic questions. In int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
How is char *argv[] supposed to be read (or spoken out to humans)?
Is it possible to clear/erase specific content(s), character(s) in this case, of such array? If yes, how?
Can arrays be resized? If yes, how?
How can I copy the entire content of argv[] to a single std::string variable?
Are there other ways of determining the number of words / parameters in argv[] without argc? If yes, how? (*)
I'd appreciate explanations (not code) for numbers 2-5. I'll figure out the code myself (I learn faster this way).
Thanks in advance.
(*) I know that main(char *argv[]) is illegal. What I mean is whether there's at least a way that does not involve argcat all, like in the following expressions:
for( int i = 0; i < argc; ++i ) {
std::cout << argv[i] << std::endl;
int i = 0;
while( i < argc ) {
std::cout << argv[i] << std::endl;
int i = 0;
do {
std::cout << argv[i] << std::endl;
++i; } while( i < argc );
It's an array of pointers to char.
Sort of - you can overwrite them.
Only by copying to a new array.
Write a loop and append each argv[i] to a C++ string.
Most implementations terminate the array with a NULL pointer. I can't remember if this is standard or not.
char **argv[]
Is wrong. It should be either char **argv or char *argv[], not a mixture of both. And then it becomes a pointer-to-pointer to characters, or rather a pointer to c-strings, i.e., an array of c-strings. :) cdecl.org is also quite helpful at thing like this.
Then, for the access, sure. Just, well, access it. :) argv[0] would be the first string, argv[3] would be the 4th string. But I totally wouldn't recommend replacing stuff in an array that isn't yours or that you know the internals of.
On array resize, since you're writing C++, use std::vector, which does all the complicated allocation stuff for you and is really safe. Generally, it depends on the array type. Dynamically allocated arrays (int* int_arr = new int[20]) can, static arrays (int int_arr[20]) can't.
To copy everything in argv into a single std::string, loop through the array and append every c-string to your std::string. I wouldn't recommend that though, rather have a std::vector<std::string>, i.e., an array of std::strings, each holding one of the arguments.
std::vector<std::string> args;
for(int i=0; i < argc; ++i){
On your last point, since the standard demands argv to be terminated by a NULL pointer, it's quite easy.
int myargc = 0;
char** argv_copy = argv;
The while(++argv_copy) will first increment the pointer of the array, letting it point to the next element (e.g., after the first iteration it will point at c-string #2 (argv[1])). After that, if the pointer evaluates to false (if it is NULL), then the loop brakes and you have your myargc. :)
Several options: array of pointer to char OR array of C-string.
You can assign to particular characters to clear them, or you can shift the rest of the array forwards to "erase" characters/elements.
Normal C-style arrays cannot be resized. If you need a resizable array in C++ you should use std::vector.
You'll have to iterate over each of the items and append them to a string. This can be accomplished with C++ algorithms such as copy in conjunction with an ostream_iterator used on an ostringstream.
No. If there was such a way, there wouldn't be any need for argc. EDIT: Apparently for argv only the final element of the array is a null pointer.
1) It is supposed to be char **argv or char *argv[] which is a pointer to an array of characters more commonly known as an array of strings
2) CString is the std library to manipulate C strings (arrays of characters). You cannot resize an array without reallocating, but you can change the contents of elements by referencing it by index:
for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
//set all the strings to have a null character in the
//first slot so all Cstring operations on this array,
//will consider it a null (empty) string
argv[i] = 0;
3) Technically no, however they can be deleted then reallocated:
int *array = new int[15]; //array of size 15
delete[] array;
array = new int[50]; //array of size 50
4) This is one way:
string *myString;
if(argc > 0)
myString = new string(argv[0]);
for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
5) Yes, according to Cubbi:
POSIX specifies the final null pointer
for argv, see for example "The
application shall ensure that the last
member of this array is a null
pointer." at
Which means you can do:
char *val = NULL;
int i = 0;
val = argv[i++]; //access argv[i], store it in val, then increment i
//do something with val
} while(val != NULL); //loop until end of argv array
It is spoken as "array of pointers to pointers to character" (note that this is not the signature of the main function, which is either int argc, char **argv or int argc, char *argv[] -- which is equivalent).
The argv array is modifiable (lack of const). It is illegal to write beyond the end of one of the strings though or extend the array; if you need to extend a string, create a copy of it and store a pointer in the array; if you need to extend the array, create a copy of the array.
They cannot be resized per se, but reinterpreted as a smaller array (which sort of explains the answer to the last question).
You will be losing information this way -- argv is an array of arrays, because the individual arguments have already been separated for you. You could create a list of strings using std::list<std::string> args(&argv[1], &argv[argc]);.
Not really. Most systems have argv NULL terminated, but that is not a guarantee.
char *argv[] can be read as: "an array of pointers to char"
char **argv can be read as: "a pointer to a pointer to char"
Yes, you may modify the argv array. For example, argv[0][0] = 'H' will modify the first character of the first parameter. If by "erase/clear" you mean remove a character from the array and everything automatically shift over: there is no automatic way to do that - you will need to copy all the characters one-by-one over to the left (including the NULL termination)
No, arrays cannot be resized. You will need to create a new one and copy the contents
How do you want to represent ALL the parameter strings as 1 std::string? It would make more sense to copy it to an array of std::strings
No, there is no special indication of the last entry in the array. you need to use argc
Array in C/C++ is not an object, but just a pointer to first element of array, so you cannot simply delete or insert values.
Answering your questions:
char *argv[] can be read as 'array of pointers to char'
It's possible, but involves direct manipulations with data in memory, such as copying and/or moving bytes around.
No. But you may allocate new array and copy necesary data
By manually copying each element into std::string object
As a summary: C++ is much more low-level language that you think.

Dealing with char arrays in C++

I have this C-styled piece of initialization code:
const char * const vlc_args[] =
"-I", "dummy",
//tricky calculation of the char space used
libvlc_new(sizeof(vlc_args)/sizeof(vlc_args[0]), vlc_args, &exc);
Since I need to make the --plugin-path parameter dynamic, I can't use a static array anymore. So I came up with a C++ alternative:
std::string pluginpath = "test";
libvlc_exception_t exc;
std::vector<std::string> args;
args.push_back("--plugin-path=" + pluginpath);
std::string combinedString;
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < args.size(); ++idx)
combinedString.resize(combinedString.size() + 1);
combinedString[combinedString.size() - 1] = 0;
combinedString.resize(combinedString.size() + 1);
combinedString[combinedString.size() - 1] = 0;
size_t size = combinedString.size();
const char * data = combinedString.c_str();
libvlc_new(size, &data, &exc); // => error occurs here (not at end of scope or anything)
But this results in a segmentation fault. So there must be an error in my code, which I can't seem to find.. Can anyone spot it?
Thanks to Joseph Grahn and Jason Orendorff. My idea on the memory layout of the C-style array was wrong. I thought all data was organized as a big sequential block. In reality it's a list of pointers to the first character of each individual string.
This code works:
std::vector<const char*> charArgs;
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < args.size(); ++idx)
mVLCInstance = libvlc_new(charArgs.size(),
I think Josef Grahn is right: the API wants an actual array of pointers.
If you don't need to add arguments programmatically, you can just go back to using an array:
std::string pluginpath = "test";
std::string pluginpath_arg = "--plugin-path=" + pluginpath;
const char *args[] = {
"-I", dummy, "--ignore-config", ..., pluginpath_arg.c_str()
libvlc_exception_t exc;
libvlc_new(sizeof(args) / sizeof(args[0]), args, &exc);
EDIT: There might also be a problem with using c_str() here. This is true if VLC keeps the pointer and uses it again later; I can't tell if that's the case from the docs.
You are appending all arguments into a single string, then you pass a pointer to the const char * string to libvlc_new as if it were an array of char *.
(I'm not sure this is the problem, but it seems a bit strange.)
Have you tried:
libvlc_new(size, data, &exc);
instead of
libvlc_new(size, &data, &exc);
It seems you use the null bytes to make the string act like an array of characters, but then you pass a pointer to the char* "array" instead of just the array.
The library call expects a pointer to an array of const char* (that is several pointers), but you pass it a single pointer. That more characters got appended to the end of that string doesn't matter.
To dynamically build an array of the required pointers you could use another vector:
// store c_str() pointers in vector
std::vector<const char*> combined;
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < args.size(); ++idx) {
// pass pointer to begin of array (it is guaranteed that the contents of a vector
// are stored in a continuous memory area)
libvlc_new(combined.size(), &(combined[0]), &exc);
Jason Orendorff's remark is also valid here: This will not work if libvlc_new stores the passed pointer internally for later use.
Regarding the segmentation violation
No solution, as there will probably be more problems
You are sending only 1 string in. (not sure if it is allowed by libvlc_new) So the first parameter should be set to 1, ie size = 1. I believe this will solve the segmentation problem. But I doubt libvlc_new can be called with just one line of multiple parameters.
In the original code sizeof(vlc_args)/sizeof(vlc_args[0]) will have the number of parameters as entries in the vector. In your example equal 6.
Your code
size_t size = combinedString.size(); // a long string, size >> 1
const char * data = combinedString.c_str(); // data is a pointer to the string
libvlc_new(size, &data, &exc);
// size should be 1 because data is like an array with only one string.
// &data is the adress to the "array" so to speak. If size > 1 the function
// will try to read pass the only string available in this "array"
I think Jason Orendorff has a good solution to fix it all...
I had this same issue; I wanted to dynamicly generate the arguments, but in a safe c++ way.
The solution I hit on was to use the unique_ptr<[]> new to C++ 11. For example:
unique_ptr<char *[]> vlc_argv;
int vlc_argc;
auto vlc(libvlc_new(vlc_argc, vlc_argv.get()));
This gives me a nice RAII object to hold my arguments in that I can still pass into libvlc_new(). Since the arguments are raw pointers in argv, managed by the OS, we can just use those in our vlc_argv directly.
As a further example assume I process the first few args out of argv (somewhere in the "..." area above), and want to pass everything from next_arg on to libvlc_new():
vlc_argv = std::unique_ptr<char *[]>(new char *[2 + argc - next_arg]);
vlc_argv[0] = argv[0];
for (vlc_argc=1; vlc_argc <= argc - next_arg; vlc_argc++) {
vlc_argv[vlc_argc] = argv[next_arg + vlc_argc - 1];
vlc_argv[vlc_argc] = 0;
The problem is due to the use of c_str() and storing the pointer.
See stringstream, string, and char* conversion confusion
EDIT Forget what I said... it was late... see the comments :)