Using Python Flask-restful with mod-wsgi - python-2.7

I am trying to use mod-wsgi with Apache 2.2
I have the following directory structure:
My is the following:
from flask import Flask
from flask_restful import Api
from resources.Optimization import OptimizationAlgo
def optimizeInstances():
optimization_app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(optimization_app)
api.add_resource(OptimizationAlgo, '/instances')
if __name__ == '__main__':
optimizeInstances()'', debug=True)
My code looks like the following:
class OptimizationAlgo(Resource):
def post(self):
return "success"
When I make a POST request to the url http://<host>:5000/instances, it works just as expected. I want make this work using WSGI. I have mod-wsgi installed with Apache 2.2.
My optimization.wsgi file looks like the following
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '<path to app>')
from optimization_app import optimizeInstances as application
I get the following error: TypeError: optimizeInstances() takes no arguments (2 given) . Apparently this is not the correct way to use WSGI. What is the correct way to use WSGI?
Apparently, this is not the correct way to use WSGI.

As I told you in your other question, you should perhaps go back and read the Flask documentation again. That way you will learn and understand properly. By ignoring advice and expecting others to tell you, it only annoys people and they will stop helping you. Would suggest you take heed of that rather than leave a trail of separate questions hoping someone will solve your problems for you.
That said, I can't see how the code you give can even work with the Flask development server as you claim. The problem is that optimization_app = Flask(__name__) is setting a local variable within function scope. It isn't setting a global variable. As a result the call of'', debug=True) should fail with a LookupError as it will not see a variable called optimization_app. Not even sure why you are bothering with the function.
If you go look at the Flask documentation, the pattern it would likely use is:
# optimisation.wsgi
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '<path to app>')
# We alias 'app' to 'application' here as mod_wsgi expects it to be called 'application'.
from optimization_app import app as application
from flask import Flask
from flask_restful import Api
from resources.Optimization import OptimizationAlgo
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)
api.add_resource(OptimizationAlgo, '/instances')
if __name__ == '__main__':'', debug=True)


Why is FLASK not running on given route?

I am not able to get Url from the browser.
Every time it gives 404. The only time it worked was with URL from hello world.
I am trying to run a recommender system deployment solution with flask, based on
I have tried uninstall flask and install again but nothing seems to work.
Thank you!
from flask import Flask,request,jsonify
from flask_cors import CORS
import recommendation
app = Flask(__name__)
#app.route('/movie', methods=['GET'])
def recommend_movies():
res = recommendation.results(request.args.get('title'))
return jsonify(res)
if __name__=='__main__': = 5000, debug = True)
be careful not writing '/' after movie like

Flask cache gives me 'AttributeError: 'Cache' object has no attribute 'app''

I am using application factory pattern in which I have initialized my cache
from xyz.caching import cache # this is the cache object
def create_app():
app = Flask(__name__)
# other relevant variables.
return app
from flask_caching import Cache
cache = Cache(config={....})
When I import this in any file xyz.caching import cache, this works totally fine. However, in my application I have a entry point script,
from xyz.caching import cache
def run_this():
if __name__ == "__main__":
After running python, I get the following error
'AttributeError: 'Cache' object has no attribute 'app''
Pls. guide me what is wrong in this, why I am getting this error and what is the way to solve this ?
I got this message because I forgot to initialize the app
I would try to debug if this method call is reached before cache.get('XXX') is called.

Flask-Ask not working when using runserver pattern

Trying to add flask-Ask to an existing flask website that uses the runserver pattern where app setup done in init but is called in runserver
This pattern works fine for Flask ( its recommended for larger apps) but Flask-Ask is failing silently when is called from
If I call in and run that then Flask-Ask works fine and Alexa responds.
Any ideas?
from flask import blueprints
from flask_ask import Ask, statement
askblueprint = blueprints.Blueprint('alexa', __name__, url_prefix='/alexa')
ask = Ask(blueprint=askblueprint)
def launch():
return statement (' it works')
from flask import Flask, blueprints
from myapp.alexa_views import askblueprint
app = Flask(__name__)
# lots of other unrelated configuration here - db etc
# running app here causes Flask-Ask to work!
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# late import of views to break circular import
import myapp.views
# running this starts website normally but Flask-Ask does nothing
from myapp import app
if __name__ == '__main__':
I am going to close this.
The problem does exist in my real app but this simple example now works fine so I will have to dig deeper to find something I can demonstrate.

Flask Application returning ImportError: No module named user_auth.views

I'm in the beginning stages of a Flask application. The problems I'm having is that whenever I attempt to run the application I get:
app/application/, line 11 in <module>
from user_auth.views import auth
ImportError: No module named user_auth.views
I have no idea what the problem is. The import for the home.view did this as well, then it stopped and worked fine on the local server. Been trying to figure this out for the longest, there aren't that many moving parts in the application as of yet, so not sure why this is happeninng. File structure and code below:
|--__ init
My application/__ init file:
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
from home.views import home
from user_auth.views import auth
My application/user_auth/
from flask import Blueprint
auth = Blueprint('auth', __name__,
You're missing an file under ./user_auth/ to make user_auth a module.
There's more information about modules in the docs.

Importing Flask app when using app factory and flask script

This is Flask app context
app = Flask(__name__)
with app.app_context():
# insert code here
Most of the use cases of app context involves having 'app' initialized on the same script or importing app from the base.
My application is structured as the following:
# application/
def create_app(config):
app = Flask(__name__)
return app
from application import create_app
from flask_script import Manager
manager = Manager(create_app)
manager.add_command("debug", Server(host='', port=7777))
This might be really trivial issue, but how I should call 'with app.app_context()' if my application is structured like this?
Flask-Script calls everything inside the test context, so you can use current_app and other idioms:
The Manager runs the command inside a Flask test context. This means that you can access request-local proxies where appropriate, such as current_app, which may be used by extensions.
So you don't need to use with app.app_context() with Manager scripts. If you're trying to do something else, then you'd have to create the app first:
from application import create_app
app = create_app()
with app.app_context():
# stuff here