Flask: render js embedded webpage from a non-standard location - flask

My flask app has the following structure:
- templates/
- static/
- external/
Under external, I have a js embedded html file. It has the following structure:
external -
When I get a URL that looks like http://<server:port>/external?key1=val2&key2=val2, I want to send external.html to the client. My code looks like:
return flask.send_from_directory(external, 'external.html')
However, I am getting server exceptions and nothing is being returned back to the client.

This looks like a path issue. You may want to set the path to the folder manually
app = Flask(__name__, external_folder='external')
def send_file(filename):
return send_from_directory(app.external_folder, filename)
Also, if this is in production, you should use a standard web server like Apache to serve your files


Use sphinx with Flask and preserve formatting

I generate some Python documentation with Sphinx. If I go to the build/html directory and open index.html directly, I get Sphinx formatting.
If I try to serve the same page Flask with the following code, I get the page but all the Sphinx formatting is gone:
from flask import send_from_directory
def help():
return send_from_directory('/sphinx/build/html', 'index.html')
I am calling Flask directly with app.run in debug mode. This is how I like it. I know how to set it up in Apache but I don't want to run Apache. Is it possible to serve Sphinx inside Flask and still get the formatting, or do I absolutely have to run a web serve like Apache?
Copy your Sphinx documentation folder with generated html files /sphinx/build under the static folder ./static/sphinx/build.
Then use Jinja to link it:
The resulting url on your local server will look similar to this:
When your app is deployed, replace the new directory with a symbolic link, so needn't copy the /sphinx/build folder every time the documentation is built.

Why doesn't my React-Django app detect static files?

I have created a working React + Django REST project and it works fine on my development machine. I have used the following method to make it work on my CentOS 7 server.
I created the build directory using npm run build and copied that to the Django project root folder.
I added the build directory on TEMPLATES list in Django settings to identify the index.html file.
I added build/static folder in STATICFILES_DIRS.
I added url(r'^.*', TemplateView.as_view(template_name='index.html')), line to the root URLS file to capture all url patterns and load the index file in build folder that contains the React app.
I run manage.py collectstatic to create a staticfiles folder with all static files.
I added the staticfiles folder to the Nginx conf file like following:
location /static/ {
root /home/michel/project/staticfiles;
I have restarted the nginx server.
I am using the Django server to load the index.html file and I expect that the staticfiles folder will contain necessary static files to load my React app.
However, when I visit www.mydomain.com it loads the index.html file, but does NOT load the React app on <div id='root'></div>. I know this because the footer of the index is shown, but the css for styling that footer is also not working.
I am guessing that I have a problem of making the static files being detected. Any solution?
Here is the code that links my React app to the index.html file.
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import './index.css';
import App from './App';
import registerServiceWorker from './registerServiceWorker';
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
P.S. It is automatically generated by the create-react-app command.
Its probably because you don't understand the Nginx root directive.
location /static/ {
root /home/michel/project/staticfiles;
Means if I request www.yourwebsite.com/static/style.css then Nginx is going to expect that file location to be

Using Django static() to generate audio files' URLs in production

I'm trying to get my Django app to play audio files (supposedly) uploaded by users via a form. Said files are tied to a model :
# models.py
class Doc(models.Model):
# ...
tape = models.FileField()
The uploading and saving parts are working fine, and the files are stored where they should be :
- djangoproject
- docapp
- media <- here
So, in order to get where I want, I added these two lines to the settings.py file MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'docapp/media/') and MEDIA_URL = 'docapp/media/'.
I hoped to be able to link to the audio files thus:
# templates/docapp/index.html
<audio src='{{ doc.tape.url }}' controls></audio>
Unfortunately, this wasn't working because the link generated by doc.tap.url (http://localhost/docapp/media/filename.aac) was returning a 404 error.
After a lot of googling I found this answer, which I happily copy-pasted into my app ... and it worked. This is the code in question :
# urls.py
from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls.static import static
urlpatterns += static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
The problem is that I'm not comfortable with inserting code in my apps that I don't understand. I did some research about the static() function and all I could get is this :
Helper function to return a URL pattern for serving files in debug mode
Does this mean that the static function should not be used in production? If so, what should I be using in production? And what exactly does it do?
EDIT To be clear, the generated URL after injecting the solution is the same as the one generated without it. Yet, it only works when the static() function is present.
EDIT 2 I forgot to mention that the 404 errors persisted even after I chmoded the media folder to allow others to read-access it.
Thanks in advance!
You shouldn't do anything. No errors no problem. The docs write about development server and serving static files AND that it is for development only. In a production environment you configure your server (Apache, NGNIX or third party like S3) to serve the files. That's all.
Try to configure media files and access the file via it's url. If it works, try the {{ doc.tape.url }} template tag.
In your development environment your media may live in /media/ (route and directory). While on production it may be something like media.example.com. Running Django with the settings for that environment will change all static/media domains and paths to their correct locations.
You may split settings file into a settings file for each environment (production, acceptance, development). Like this:
You can run your project with a specific env: ./manage.py runserver --settings=project.settings.development. Do not repeat yourself and put development specific settings in development.py and from base import * so that base.py contains the default settings.
This project and settings layout is taken from the book Two Scoops of Django. It is just an example. Adjust to your own needs.
Yes, django.conf.urls.static.static is only for development and not for production. For production, you should just need to configure your MEDIA_URL and MEDIA_ROOT settings and have your webserver serve the MEDIA_ROOT directory in the MEDIA_URL path.
Basically adding that in the URL urlpatterns += static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT) will make the media files in the URL existing. Try removing that and visit your media file in the URL and you will receive a 404 not found. It's very similar to the concept that you are inserting a view for rendering the media files

Putting Flask and Phonegap together

I have this app built with flask and now i'm trying to run it on my phone with phonegap.
Although the way i have it organized originally with flask is something like this:
My problem comes from the fact that phonegap demands its main html to be the one in
Of course it's useless to just copy my index.html from one folder from another, because we will not find the python files that lie within the app folder.
You best solution would be to use flask on a backend (remote) server and have the PhoneGap application make server requests to the flask server.
PhoneGap projects require that the index.html be set within the application (www) folder.
This post on Reddit might be able to clarify some of the details.

Deploy Django project: folder/project structure

My django project in eclipse has this project structure:
Can i deploy the project with this structure? In other words, is right way to put src and other folders (media, tempaltes, etc.) in the root folder of my server (where my domain is linked)?
I imagine that in my-server-folder i should put the entry point of project, but in my project i haven't an entry point in main-project-folder, or does django automatically redirect to an entry point of src/main-app folder (i think that it doesn't because i don't find any options that say to django to do it)?
Sure. That's a fine directory structure.
Keep in mind your web server isn't going to know what to do with the Django project unless you tell it. If your web server is Apache (which it probably is if you don't know) look here for instructions to set it up to run the Django app:
And here for WSGI:
Django apps aren't like PHP where you just upload them to the web server and they work.