GeoLiteCityv6.dat seems to return different data from a day ago - geoip

I regularly check the values being returned from the GeoLityCityv6.dat data file in unit tests.
Today it is returning completely different values from yesterday
For example
Used to return
CountryCode [US], CountryName [United States], ContinentCode [NA], ContinentName [North America],
today it returns
CountryCode [CN], CountryName [China], ContinentCode [AS], ContinentName [Asia], City [V±!S%Õ¨áNY], regionCode [3]
user to return,
CountryCode [CO], CountryName [Columbia], ContinentCode [SA], ContinentName [South America], City [Medell], regionCode [02]
today returnes
CountryCode [DE], CountryName [Germany], ContinentCode [EU], ContinentName [Europe], City []?ïù102], regionCode [3420]
used to return
CountryCode [CN], CountryName [China], ContinentCode [AS], ContinentName [Asia], City [Guangzhou], regionCode [30]
today returns
CountryCode [JO], CountryName [Jordan], ContinentCode [AS], ContinentName [Asia], City [null], regionCode [gbao]
used to return
CountryCode [AT], CountryName [Austria], ContinentCode [EU], ContinentName [Europe]
today returns
CountryCode [CO], CountryName [Colombia], ContinentCode [SA], ContinentName [South America], City [Ì}$é307], regionCode [751]
When I look up these IP Addresses on home page I get the old data not the new data

This was a corrupt database file. The issue has been corrected. Please download a new version.


Calculated column where I have one table of data

I've got one table of data. The columns are:
ID (unique)
Field (filtered to be just "status")
I need an calculated value for each record: Difference in Record_Date where Issue_IDs match and Old_Status matches New_Status in the older record.
Is this possible?
Sample data:
ID Issue_ID FIELD Old_Status New_Status Record_Date
24960 DCA‌​-1 status Backlog Pl‌​anned 10/19/2017
24961 DCA-1 status Planned Analysis 10/19/2017
24962 DCA-1 status Analysis Execution 10/22/2017
You should be able to find the previous data using LOOKUPVALUE:
PreviousRecord = LOOKUPVALUE(Data[Record_Date],Data[Issue_ID],Data[Issue_ID],Data[New_Status],Data[Old_Status])
You can then use this value to compute a DATEDIFF:
or expanded out:
Difference in Date = DATEDIFF(LOOKUPVALUE(Data[Record_Date],Data[Issue_ID],Data[Issue_ID],Data[New_Status],Data[Old_Status]),Data[Record_Date],DAY)

I can not get the one value in Card Visualization

I recently started studying PowerBi and DAX, respectively.
Through what function can I create a measure that returns the film title, instead of id. The title of the movie is in a separate table. I receive the id with this command:
VALUES('All sessions'[Movie]);
CALCULATE(COUNT('All sessions'[Movie])));
'All sessions'[Movie])
The column 'All sessions'[Movie] shows a list of sessions where the movie id is substituted. The name of the films is stored in the 'Movie List'[Movies].
You can wrap your measure as a variable and use LOOKUPVALUE to return the movie title:
Title =
VAR movie_id =
VALUES('All sessions'[Movie]);
CALCULATE(COUNT('All sessions'[Movie])));
'All sessions'[Movie])
LOOKUPVALUE('Movie List'[Movies], 'Movie List'[id], movie_id)
Assuming that the id column is called 'Movie List'[id].

how to get the date from a datetime register in doctrine?

im using codeigniter with doctrine, this is my bd:
id fecha_publicacion
1 2013-03-23 14:52:06
2 2013-03-23 18:02:06
3 2013-03-23 00:00:00
.. ...
what i want to do, is to search those publications from a certain date or between a certain range of dates
The thing is that, if i want to select all those fields with the date 2013-03-23 my query only returns the 3erd field (which time is 00:00:00)
how can i do to get what i want? i've tried many things but had no success
public function postsByDates($tipo,$fecha1,$fecha2=''){
if($fecha2 == ''){
$fecha2 = $fecha1;
$this->qb = $this->em->createQueryBuilder();
->from('models\Post', 'p')
$this->qb->expr()->eq('p.tipo', '?1'),
$this->qb->expr()->between('p.fecha_publicacion', '?2', '?3')
->setParameter(1, $tipo)
->setParameter(2, "$fecha1%")
->setParameter(3, "$fecha2%");
$query = $this->qb->getQuery();
$obj = $query->getResult();
return $obj;
The problem is you are supplying a date for a datetime/timestamp comparison. So I am guessing it converts your supplied date (2013-03-23) to a timestamp (2013-3-23 00:00:00).
Quick fix: You can have the two dates like "2013-03-23 00:00:00" and "2013-03-23 23:59:59".
Good solution: You DQL native query to call MySQL's date() function to convert your timestamp field (fecha_publicacion) to date. After that you will be able to use the between function.

how to get city and state name from location

We get user\friends location as follows -->
location = {id = 104048449631599; name = "Menlo Park, California";};
On our side, location is split into city and state. In our database we store the city and state is 2 different columns or tables. We are building app for US market only. Would it be safe to assume the location name has only 2 components - city, state name. Use "," as delimiter. As per my understanding the Id is unique, is their FB service which if provide id will give city and state information separately.

emberjs: animation when removing element

My app is displaying a table of "grouped fields" with a delete button for each group of fields.
By example:
firstname lastname age deleteButton
firstname lastname age deleteButton
firstname lastname age deleteButton
firstname lastname age deleteButton
Currently when clicking on a deleteButton, the linked row is automatically removed by the backend binding.
I would like to make an animation on the row to be removed...
How to do that ?
I'm not sure, but maybe you can try this?