bootstrap/autoload.php - Failed to open stream: permission denied - amazon-web-services

I'm working with a website running on laravel. The site works fine on my local through Homestead, no problems.
Recently, I pushed the git repo up to a server that never had this site running on it before. I set everything up right (had some nginx config issues for a while, but got those all sorted out). Nginx has the public folder set as the site root, so it hits the proper index page when you load the page.
What I'm getting is a 500 error. My error logs reveal the following is the reason:
site_root/public/../bootstrap/autoload.php - Failed to open stream: permission denied
site_root/public/index.php on line 22
I can confirm that the bootstrap folder and the autoload.php file are both accessible by the web user, and have permissions that should allow access.
I've read a few cases online of people solving this issue with a 'composer install'. I tried updating composer, doing an install, and dumping its cache. I also tried removing the vendor folder (which had been a part of the git repo), and running composer install to regenerate it. None of these have worked. Happy to supply any info that will help. This is Laravel 5.2 running on Ubuntu Server 14.04 with nginx, all on an AWS box.

Solved it. This was actually an issue with site-wide permissions. They were set to 770 instead of 775. I suspect that I can and should restrict them more. For now, I'm just happy to have it loading again.
Moral of the story is to check your permissions site-wide, not necessarily just on the file which gives you the fatal error. You may continue to get the same fatal error, despite permissions being wide-open on the mentioned file. If so, look for permissions issues elsewhere.


apache2 permissions denied, django project

I have a linux server (ubuntu) and I uploaded a project, in my project, I try to generate a pdf with reportlab, using some fonts for the created pdf.
I am having problems with permissions for reportlab. When I check out the error log in apache (/var/log/apache2/error.log), the error that appears is:
reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts.TTFError: Can't open file "recursos/fonts/Lato-Regular.ttf"
I already gave full permissions (chmod 777) and also changed the owner to apache (chown :www-data) to the whole project, but the same error appears.
In my local machine, works perfectly.

Django Deployment on CPanel Error "Apache doesn't have read permissions to that file. Please fix the relevant file permissions."

I am trying to deploy a django application on cpanel. I cloned my github repository and all dependencies have been installed and everything is complete but when I try to open the website it gives me this page... What do I need to do in order to fix this? I don't have any knowledge about these file permissions and am just looking to host a small project.
I came across the same issue and managed to fix it by changing the parent directories permission. In my case, it was Repositories > MyProjectName. Also, make sure you adjust the permission settings to the file.
Best of luck, and hope this helps.

Git clone causing issues with Windows permissions over SSH with django project

I've got a Django project which works great. Previously we just cloned down and used password authentication. I changed the remote to
Recently we started requiring 2FA, so now we can only clone down over SSH.
For this project, I created an access key (read-only, which is all I need for cloning down on a staging server) and I was able to clone down the repo (git clone without issue and get it all set up. This appeared to have worked.
The other server admin remoted in and tried to run git pull origin master, he got a permission issue. His windows user is part of the Administrators group - but for some reason that didn't matter. His local user had to be added to the directory with full access before he could run git pull origin master
It appears that this permission issue is causing other issues, too. File uploads (from the Django admin) are no longer actually uploading the files into the directory on the server - my guess is that this is related to the permissions issue, too. Nothing was changed to impact this - the project was just cloned down over SSH.
Does cloning something down over SSH change the permissions on the directories or somehow lock it down more? This wasn't an issue before - only since we've switched over to SSH.
Any feedback is helpful!
Does cloning something down over SSH change the permissions on the directories or somehow lock it down more?
No, it does not change anything locally.
And 2FA is only impacting HTTPS URL (where your password must be a PAT, Persoanl Access Token)
It has no bearing on SSH URLS.
Check first ssh -Tv output.

Running Shoutcast from Openshift Permission Denied Error

I've been following along this blog to setup a shoutcast server on openshift using the diy cartridge. After replacing the destip with my server's OPENSHIFT_DIY_IP and editing the action and stop hooks I find that the server isn't starting when I visit the application's url, instead I'm getting:
503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
When I checked the log file used in the action hook I'm finding:
nohup: failed to run command `/var/lib/openshift/xxxx app-id xxxx/app-root/runtime/repo//diy/sc_serv.exe': Permission denied
(while using window's shoutcast distribution) and
nohup: failed to run command `/var/lib/openshift/xxxx app-id xxxx/app-root/runtime/repo//diy/sc_serv': Permission denied
(while using linux's shoutcast distribution)
I've read on several forums that often openshift resets the chmod file permissions and prevents applications from being executed, and that's exactly what I found my openshift application doing (after using filezilla to edit the file permissions). Since sc_serv or sc_serv.exe is the main application (a command line application) to keep the server going I'm wondering how I could get around this odd permissions error.
start action hook (when I used window's shoutcast distribution)
nohup $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/diy/sc_serv.exe $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/diy/sc_serv.conf > $OPENSHIFT_DIY_LOG_DIR/server3.log 2>&1 &
start action hook (when I used linux's shoutcast distribution)
nohup $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/diy/sc_serv $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/diy/sc_serv.conf > $OPENSHIFT_DIY_LOG_DIR/server3.log 2>&1 &
I'd like to note that the blogger used linux and I'm using windows to edit the openshift repository and I assume that the files extracted from the linux distribution of shoutcast are the same whether from windows or linux, but I clearly can't test that. All I can tell so far is that openshift is blocking the main executable (whether it's linux or windows) which essentially runs the whole service. I've tested the server myself on my own localhost and found it working perfectly so I have no doubt if it were to run (with the right settings listed in this blog that it would work.
Edit: Solved
In order to have the permissions changed and kept that way they need to be edited from git using
git update-index --chmod=+x filename
git commit -m 'update file permissions ect...'
git push origin master
After stumbling across more stackoverflow answers (and feel free to link one that explains this I don't remember which one I used) I read that openshift will reset everything (permission wise) on every git push (to retain the safety of the code I assume). So the only way to solve the permissions issue is in fact with git, not through ftp software like filezilla or through ssh. This way changing the chmod will remain permanently.
git update-index --chmod=+x filename
git commit -m 'update file permissions ect...'
git push origin master
In the end what I have in openshift's diy folder is the linux distribution of shoutcast (which can be extracted with 7-Zip. Modified so that it can be reached through port-forwarding like in this blog. To reach the server (having set up openshift's tools) all you'll have to do before broadcasting is this in command line:
rhc port-forward [app-name]
If you're using Sam broadcasting software the good news is that you can easily add a mysql database, and also port-forward into that as well using that same command. Port-forwarding would mean that instead of finding the ip:port for your stream and mysql on openshift you would use localhost or and whatever ports indicated by rhc port-forward. You could also be using your other favorite software to broadcast in which case I'd recommend setting up a batch file like so:
cd C:\YourSoftwarePath
start YourSoftware.exe
start rhc port-forward [app-name]
If you have hardware doing the streaming like through a barix box there will probably be some way of doing this in some other tricky manner.

Deploying django project on AWS elastic beanstalk

I am following the tutorial for deploying a django project on AWS elastic beanstalk here:
My app works when I test locally but when I deploy, I'm getting a 404 error. Looking at the event logs, I see this message:
Error running user's commands : An error occurred running '. /opt/python/ondeck/env && PYTHONPATH=/opt/python/ondeck/app: syncdb --noinput' (rc: 127) /bin/sh: command not found
That leads me to believe that the tutorial is missing a part about installing django files on the server or at least configuring my project to recognize I have django installed on my local machine so it works there.
I know python support is brand new for elastic beanstalk but has anyone deployed django to it?
I believe you don't need to put container_commands in .config because there is no database or table at this moment.
Did you made the step?: Freeze the requirements.txt file.
(djangodev)# pip freeze > requirements.txt
Make sure your requirements.txt file contains the following:
I had the same problem because I skipped it. Once I did it, add, commit and push. It works!
I followed the same tutorial recently and had a similar result.
At step 6, upon seeing the default django 'congrats' page render locally, I deployed to EB as instructed and got a 404 instead of the default 'congrats' page.
I decided to use the code up to that point as a foundation for following the 'getting started with django tutorial' which led me to a successful rendering of a 'home' view. This is a much more useful place to be anyway. I do agree that there is something wrong with the AWS tutorial and posted to the AWS forums here.
If you can, you should try to access the log file; it might give you a better idea of what's going on. Here's a link that might help: