ASW IAM Policy and Amazon API Gateway says two different thing - amazon-web-services

I have policy: AmazonAPIGatewayInvokeFullAccess
and user is associate with this policy but when I simulate action to invoke API it says access denied, can anyone help me understand what is the problem here??
Find simulator image here

The IAM policy simulator covers resource based permissions. Please make sure that you specify a resource ARN to test against since this is '*' by default (which doesn't work with API Gateway). You can enter the resource ARN by clicking on that service row.
Please use the following format for your resource ARN:
Hope this helps,
Jurgen, API Gateway


IAM Policy not working for AWS MediaPackage

I am trying to work with AWS Elemental MediaPackage and AWS Elemental MediaLive. I'm have a good amount of experience with AWS and IAM Roles. I've attached a Full Access policy for both services but somehow I still do not have access. I'm trying to figure out what I am missing.
The error is not about your IAM user permissions which you've posted in the question. The error is about some IAM role which does not have necessary permissions.
Since you removed the name of the role from the first screenshot, I can't comment which role is it exactly. So you have to go to the role in IAM console, and add the permissions missing which are also listed in the error message.

AWS DMS - Error - "AWS Account owning the Role must match the caller of the API"

I am trying to create a destination in AWS DMS for an S3 and I am getting this message "AWS Account owning the Role must match the caller of the API", I searched for this error and could not find what it refers to. Any idea what I have to do?
double check if you have the correct service_access_role_arn set.
,I got this error too, and the mistake I made was to add the s3 bucket arn into the Service Role ARN rather than the IAM role ARN. See the AWS docs below to create a policy, attach it to a role, and use the role ARN. This worked for me.,copied%20into%20the%20Service%20Access%20Role%20ARN%20field

API Gateway IAM role to access DynamoDB

So I am following this Tutorial
I have created a role and attached the AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess policy to it ...
When I assign this role to Gateway API .... like this
I keep getting this error ...
Execution failed due to configuration error: API Gateway does not have
permission to assume the provided role
Isn't the "AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess" policy that I have applied to my role "MyDynamoRole" enough to give Gateway API necessary permissions ?
Found a solution ....
Under "Role --> Trust Relationship", I have added another service i.e. API Gateway ...
and all good now ...
For people that might be struggling to create a role via the console, the hack is to use EC2 or Lambda based IAM roles to create a generic role and then edit the Trust Relationships to have the service.

Amazon IAM Policy for BrowseNodeLookup

I was wondering if someone could tell me what Policy I need to attach to authorize myself for the BrowseNodeLookUp on the Amazon Product Advertisement API. Somehow I can't seem to find any Information on this and for all my request I receive
[Code] => UnauthorizedOperation
[Message] => Your AccessKeyId is not authorized to perform this operation. Please check IAM policies for the Access Key.
So I would very much appreciate a little pointer here
thanks in advance
The Product Advertising API does not support IAM roles. You must use
the root account credentials. (Source)
If you are using an IAM user you must use the root account credentials instead. (So there is no IAM policy for BrowseNodeLookUp - relevant thread on AWS support forums.)

AWS API Gateway + DynamoDB Role ARN Error

I've tried to connect a simple db in DynamoDB with a basic API in API Gateway that I've built. I followed this guide: and after creating the DB, generating the role with the appropriate permissions and generating a simple get request in the API gateway I keep running into this error:
"message": "AWS ARN for integration contains invalid action"
I get this with both post/get request in my API. Pretty new to AWS so anything would help. Thanks!
You can get that error if the action on the integration is blank or missing. On the integration page, ensure that "Action type" is set to "Use action name" and ensure that "Action" is set to "PutItem".
This error related with ARN Role. Check the IAM role, and check its have dynamoDb full access permission.
NB :
Use IAM Role insteadof IAM User